Why KESC management STILL silent over ill-legal consumers


VIP Member
Mar 4, 2011
Why KESC management STILL silent over ill-legal consumers

I want to ask a simple question from KESC higher management why they people remain always silent when knew one consumers using ill-legal connection, which is lost of KESC revenue and in this reasons honest consumers always faced additional hours of load shedding for which they are not responsible.

I must say further KESC silent may be 2 reasons

1. The ill-legal consumers have more power or influence due to backing of any political party that reasons KESC management do not dare to punished and fine such type of consumers

2. The KESC management silent means there black sheep staff are totally involved in the ill-legal connection crimes and getting some additional amounts that reasons no questioned or action yet taken place

Any one who uses ill-legal connection which is not hidden from any common but surprise KESC management silence is very painful and hurting. Why our Power Minister and Sind Chief Minister silence in this issue and do not question or ask explanation why KESC promoting such evil things in our society ill-legal (khunda connection) due to frequent increase in traffic rates.

I must asked from KESC management to open a new department under the name of (ill-legal KHUNDA connections) should be legalized STRUCTURE which will be helpful and solve problems of middle class consumers those always complain KESC abnormal high electricity cost can approach them KESC and apply for khuda connection which is benefit for the consumers and own KESC staff to earn extra without any efforts.

Thanking You

Yours faithfully

( Ashfaq Sharif )

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