Why Left Wingers cut Ties to Trump Voters

Here I'll repost what I said earlier and you ignored......

There has never been a Presidential candidate Democrat or Republican who has publicly mocked the disabled..until now.

There has never been a Presidential candidate Democrat or Republican who has slandered veterans because they were POWs..until now.

There has never been a Presidential candidate Democrat or Republican who has publicly judged women based upon their physical appearance..until now.

I could go on and on and on....

This goes WAY beyond Republican and Democrats.

This is about common decency and respect for fellow man and for the office of president.

So basically anyone who voted for him should be cut off by their progressive family members?

and i noticed you used the term "publicly" a lot. Bill Clinton did a lot of the stuff Trump only talked about, but he gets a pass, and people voting for him or his wife shouldn't be shunned, right?

I didn't support Trump in the Primaries because I thought he was a joke, and I only decided to vote for him the Voting Booth when i decided to just go straight republican. However the one thing I do like about him is the exaggerations it makes you clowns spout about him. And it finally brings to the surface your dogmatic inability to even sense people have opposite views than yours.

1) I am no fan of the Clintons. They are part of the power elite and the status quo that we need to change from

2) What exaggerations? I am talking about things Trump has said and done publicly. This way there is no arguing over interpretation. These are things he said for everyone to hear.

I'm trying to explain a mindset to you, based upon the OP. You are trying to argue with me about it for some reason. I'm not here to persuade you on anything. I'm here to explain why this time it's different than other elections.
For LIBs it's always "this time it's different" bullshit.
No one gives a shit what you think.

The OP does.

Give a shit? No.

Just wondering how you would explain it, and it pretty much boils down to "we haz butthurt, we no want turkey with stooopid relatives"

That's what you wanted to hear but not at all what I said.
The reason is that this is not a matter of the standard Republican versus democrat that we always see. This was the election of a vile human who has so little respect for so many different groups of people. He's a terrible person, nevermind president.

You can say what you want about Hillary and she has flaws but she never mocked the disabled, veterans, women or specific ethnic groups. This went way beyond Republican v. Democrat and anyone who is ok with someone like Trump being our leader is not someone I want to call a friend because we obviously have very different value systems and moral code.
She called a quarter of the country deplorable. She made a video asking why she wasn't 50 points ahead and condescended the entire country. Get the fuck outta here, hack boi

People that support racism, sexism and xenophobia are deplorable. That's the point.

Generalize much? That's like making the blanket statement that Democrats are KKK members. While it's true, it does not apply to ALL Democrats.

To you, it seems, the Kool-Aid is really sweet and you partake every chance you get.
So basically anyone who voted for him should be cut off by their progressive family members?

and i noticed you used the term "publicly" a lot. Bill Clinton did a lot of the stuff Trump only talked about, but he gets a pass, and people voting for him or his wife shouldn't be shunned, right?

I didn't support Trump in the Primaries because I thought he was a joke, and I only decided to vote for him the Voting Booth when i decided to just go straight republican. However the one thing I do like about him is the exaggerations it makes you clowns spout about him. And it finally brings to the surface your dogmatic inability to even sense people have opposite views than yours.

1) I am no fan of the Clintons. They are part of the power elite and the status quo that we need to change from

2) What exaggerations? I am talking about things Trump has said and done publicly. This way there is no arguing over interpretation. These are things he said for everyone to hear.

I'm trying to explain a mindset to you, based upon the OP. You are trying to argue with me about it for some reason. I'm not here to persuade you on anything. I'm here to explain why this time it's different than other elections.
For LIBs it's always "this time it's different" bullshit.
No one gives a shit what you think.

The OP does.

Give a shit? No.

Just wondering how you would explain it, and it pretty much boils down to "we haz butthurt, we no want turkey with stooopid relatives"

That's what you wanted to hear but not at all what I said.

No you rattled off three things he said/did in the campaign as some example of how he is SOOOO much more evil than ANY other candidate, EVER....

It's rationalization, nothing more or less.
1) I am no fan of the Clintons. They are part of the power elite and the status quo that we need to change from

2) What exaggerations? I am talking about things Trump has said and done publicly. This way there is no arguing over interpretation. These are things he said for everyone to hear.

I'm trying to explain a mindset to you, based upon the OP. You are trying to argue with me about it for some reason. I'm not here to persuade you on anything. I'm here to explain why this time it's different than other elections.

So far its been all talk on Trumps parts. Yes, he's vulgar, but evidently the electorate didn't care as much about that as they cared about some form of change in the White House.

And again, Bill Clinton, he objectified women, but are you saying its OK if he did it on the sly?
thats different somehow for RDD_1210 :rolleyes-41:

Going back to the topic at hand, to me the points RDD goes to are just easy excuses people can use to cut ties with their non-like minded friends, it still boils down to the politics.

Hey I tried to explain it. Not have an argument. If you didn't what to understand why, then why bother asking?

I understood it, but it's as usual, very weak reasoning beyond "I can't deal with opinions other than mine".

I'm happy to hear alternate opinions. My best friend is a strong conservative. We can have a discussion like adults and still not agree at the end but I don't stop being his friend because he's a conservative.

If you just wanted to argue, say so. If you want to have a discussion and understand why then I am willing to do that.
Why is it always about the feelings of left wingers? Nobody ever suggested that conservatives "cut ties" with people who voted for Barry Hussein Sotoro.
1) I am no fan of the Clintons. They are part of the power elite and the status quo that we need to change from

2) What exaggerations? I am talking about things Trump has said and done publicly. This way there is no arguing over interpretation. These are things he said for everyone to hear.

I'm trying to explain a mindset to you, based upon the OP. You are trying to argue with me about it for some reason. I'm not here to persuade you on anything. I'm here to explain why this time it's different than other elections.
For LIBs it's always "this time it's different" bullshit.
No one gives a shit what you think.

The OP does.

Give a shit? No.

Just wondering how you would explain it, and it pretty much boils down to "we haz butthurt, we no want turkey with stooopid relatives"

That's what you wanted to hear but not at all what I said.

No you rattled off three things he said/did in the campaign as some example of how he is SOOOO much more evil than ANY other candidate, EVER....

It's rationalization, nothing more or less.

I tried to explain to you why Trump is different in the eyes of liberals compared with other past republican candidates.
So far its been all talk on Trumps parts. Yes, he's vulgar, but evidently the electorate didn't care as much about that as they cared about some form of change in the White House.

And again, Bill Clinton, he objectified women, but are you saying its OK if he did it on the sly?
thats different somehow for RDD_1210 :rolleyes-41:

Going back to the topic at hand, to me the points RDD goes to are just easy excuses people can use to cut ties with their non-like minded friends, it still boils down to the politics.

Hey I tried to explain it. Not have an argument. If you didn't what to understand why, then why bother asking?

I understood it, but it's as usual, very weak reasoning beyond "I can't deal with opinions other than mine".

I'm happy to hear alternate opinions. My best friend is a strong conservative. We can have a discussion like adults and still not agree at the end but I don't stop being his friend because he's a conservative.

If you just wanted to argue, say so. If you want to have a discussion and understand why then I am willing to do that.

Then why are you defending people who do decide to cut ties with others over their political beliefs?
For LIBs it's always "this time it's different" bullshit.
No one gives a shit what you think.

The OP does.

Give a shit? No.

Just wondering how you would explain it, and it pretty much boils down to "we haz butthurt, we no want turkey with stooopid relatives"

That's what you wanted to hear but not at all what I said.

No you rattled off three things he said/did in the campaign as some example of how he is SOOOO much more evil than ANY other candidate, EVER....

It's rationalization, nothing more or less.

I tried to explain to you why Trump is different in the eyes of liberals compared with other past republican candidates.

and your explanation is lacking. Yes, he's vulgar at times, but all of the positions he is accused of having have been exaggerated by the MSM exponentially. It's still about the politics. and some people's inability to deal with other views, and its still the left that is at the forefront of the butthurt parade.
thats different somehow for RDD_1210 :rolleyes-41:

Going back to the topic at hand, to me the points RDD goes to are just easy excuses people can use to cut ties with their non-like minded friends, it still boils down to the politics.

Hey I tried to explain it. Not have an argument. If you didn't what to understand why, then why bother asking?

I understood it, but it's as usual, very weak reasoning beyond "I can't deal with opinions other than mine".

I'm happy to hear alternate opinions. My best friend is a strong conservative. We can have a discussion like adults and still not agree at the end but I don't stop being his friend because he's a conservative.

If you just wanted to argue, say so. If you want to have a discussion and understand why then I am willing to do that.

Then why are you defending people who do decide to cut ties with others over their political beliefs?

Its not about political beliefs. It's about supporting a vile piece of trash. Again, this has nothing to do with Republican and Democrat.
Going back to the topic at hand, to me the points RDD goes to are just easy excuses people can use to cut ties with their non-like minded friends, it still boils down to the politics.

Hey I tried to explain it. Not have an argument. If you didn't what to understand why, then why bother asking?

I understood it, but it's as usual, very weak reasoning beyond "I can't deal with opinions other than mine".

I'm happy to hear alternate opinions. My best friend is a strong conservative. We can have a discussion like adults and still not agree at the end but I don't stop being his friend because he's a conservative.

If you just wanted to argue, say so. If you want to have a discussion and understand why then I am willing to do that.

Then why are you defending people who do decide to cut ties with others over their political beliefs?

Its not about political beliefs. It's about supporting a vile piece of trash. Again, this has nothing to do with Republican and Democrat.

Oh yes, it does. you are using words as the excuse, but it is always about the politics.
Interesting Read.

Ten Reasons Left-Wingers Cut Trump Voters from Their Lives

The article starts off with a few examples of Overreaction to the Trump win. The wedding one is particularly childish.

Matthew Horn, a software engineer from Boulder, Colo., canceled Christmas plans with his family in Texas. Nancy Sundin, a social worker in Spokane, Wash., has called off Thanksgiving with her mother and brother. Ruth Dorancy, a software designer in Chicago, decided to move her wedding so that her fiancé’s grandmother and aunt, strong Trump supporters from Florida, could not attend.

Then the question is asked, why is this phenomenon so one-sided?

All of this raises an obvious question: Why is this phenomenon of cutting off contact with friends and relatives so one-sided? Why don’t we hear about conservatives shunning friends and relatives who supported Hillary Clinton? After all, almost every conservative considered Clinton to be ethically and morally challenged. And most believed that another four years of left-wing rule would complete what Barack Obama promised he would do in 2008 if he were elected president — fundamentally transform the United States of America. In other words, conservatives were not one whit less fearful of Clinton and the Democrats than Democrats were of Trump and Republicans. Yet virtually no conservatives cut off contact with friends, let alone parents, who supported Clinton.

Then he gives his 10 reasons. My favorite:

The Left associates human decency not so much with personal integrity as with having correct — i.e. progressive — political positions. Therefore, if you don’t hold progressive positions, you lack decency. Ask your left-wing friends if they’d rather their high-school son or daughter cheat on tests or support Trump.

Read more at: Ten Reasons Left-Wingers Cut Trump Voters from Their Lives
Yep Scientologists do the same thing to friends & family that don't see things the way they do ... they call it "disconnection".

The next article for Mr. Prager should be :

Ten Ways Left-Wingers resemble Cultists, would be an interesting read I'm sure. ;)
Going back to the topic at hand, to me the points RDD goes to are just easy excuses people can use to cut ties with their non-like minded friends, it still boils down to the politics.

Hey I tried to explain it. Not have an argument. If you didn't what to understand why, then why bother asking?

I understood it, but it's as usual, very weak reasoning beyond "I can't deal with opinions other than mine".

I'm happy to hear alternate opinions. My best friend is a strong conservative. We can have a discussion like adults and still not agree at the end but I don't stop being his friend because he's a conservative.

If you just wanted to argue, say so. If you want to have a discussion and understand why then I am willing to do that.

Then why are you defending people who do decide to cut ties with others over their political beliefs?

Its not about political beliefs. It's about supporting a vile piece of trash. Again, this has nothing to do with Republican and Democrat.
He is ran to drain the swamp & get the exonomy going/bring back jobs, not be a member of the Glee Club. Buy a clue
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Here I'll repost what I said earlier and you ignored......

There has never been a Presidential candidate Democrat or Republican who has publicly mocked the disabled..until now.

There has never been a Presidential candidate Democrat or Republican who has slandered veterans because they were POWs..until now.

There has never been a Presidential candidate Democrat or Republican who has publicly judged women based upon their physical appearance..until now.

I could go on and on and on....

This goes WAY beyond Republican and Democrats.

This is about common decency and respect for fellow man and for the office of president.

So basically anyone who voted for him should be cut off by their progressive family members?

and i noticed you used the term "publicly" a lot. Bill Clinton did a lot of the stuff Trump only talked about, but he gets a pass, and people voting for him or his wife shouldn't be shunned, right?

I didn't support Trump in the Primaries because I thought he was a joke, and I only decided to vote for him the Voting Booth when i decided to just go straight republican. However the one thing I do like about him is the exaggerations it makes you clowns spout about him. And it finally brings to the surface your dogmatic inability to even sense people have opposite views than yours.

1) I am no fan of the Clintons. They are part of the power elite and the status quo that we need to change from

2) What exaggerations? I am talking about things Trump has said and done publicly. This way there is no arguing over interpretation. These are things he said for everyone to hear.

I'm trying to explain a mindset to you, based upon the OP. You are trying to argue with me about it for some reason. I'm not here to persuade you on anything. I'm here to explain why this time it's different than other elections.

"I'm not here to persuade you on anything"


By your posting of statements, such as you have, you are trying to convince us that Trump is the most vile man on planet Earth. This attempted persuasion is transparent to all but you.
Hey I tried to explain it. Not have an argument. If you didn't what to understand why, then why bother asking?

I understood it, but it's as usual, very weak reasoning beyond "I can't deal with opinions other than mine".

I'm happy to hear alternate opinions. My best friend is a strong conservative. We can have a discussion like adults and still not agree at the end but I don't stop being his friend because he's a conservative.

If you just wanted to argue, say so. If you want to have a discussion and understand why then I am willing to do that.

Then why are you defending people who do decide to cut ties with others over their political beliefs?

Its not about political beliefs. It's about supporting a vile piece of trash. Again, this has nothing to do with Republican and Democrat.
He is ran to drain the swamp & get the exonomy going/bring back jobs, not be a member of the Glee Club. Buy a clue

How about trying that again but in English this time.
Here I'll repost what I said earlier and you ignored......

There has never been a Presidential candidate Democrat or Republican who has publicly mocked the disabled..until now.

There has never been a Presidential candidate Democrat or Republican who has slandered veterans because they were POWs..until now.

There has never been a Presidential candidate Democrat or Republican who has publicly judged women based upon their physical appearance..until now.

I could go on and on and on....

This goes WAY beyond Republican and Democrats.

This is about common decency and respect for fellow man and for the office of president.

So basically anyone who voted for him should be cut off by their progressive family members?

and i noticed you used the term "publicly" a lot. Bill Clinton did a lot of the stuff Trump only talked about, but he gets a pass, and people voting for him or his wife shouldn't be shunned, right?

I didn't support Trump in the Primaries because I thought he was a joke, and I only decided to vote for him the Voting Booth when i decided to just go straight republican. However the one thing I do like about him is the exaggerations it makes you clowns spout about him. And it finally brings to the surface your dogmatic inability to even sense people have opposite views than yours.

1) I am no fan of the Clintons. They are part of the power elite and the status quo that we need to change from

2) What exaggerations? I am talking about things Trump has said and done publicly. This way there is no arguing over interpretation. These are things he said for everyone to hear.

I'm trying to explain a mindset to you, based upon the OP. You are trying to argue with me about it for some reason. I'm not here to persuade you on anything. I'm here to explain why this time it's different than other elections.

"I'm not here to persuade you on anything"


By your posting of statements, such as you have, you are trying to convince us that Trump is the most vile man on planet Earth. This attempted persuasion is transparent to all but you.

I am not. I am pointing out to you how he is viewed by liberals who feel strongly enough to cut people out of their lives who voted for him.
In my family all my in-laws and their sons are Conservatives. This year one nephew did not invite his brother for Thanksgiving because he & his wife are Trump supporters. His parents didn't object.

This anti-Trump anger isn't about politics, it's about basic human decency. Many things Trump said during the campaign were absolutely revolting to any descent human being - he was grotesque. Many people feel that anyone who voted for Trump voted for a disgusting human being.

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