Why left wingers SHOULD love Wall Street/Corporations


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Since left wingers tend to drift towards socialism or outright communish, it baffles me as to why they in turn don't admire Wall Street and corporations. Sounds like an obvious contradiction, right? But it's not.

See, a massive, publicly traded company practices wealth redistribution within itself. It is owned by a large number of people, each holding a small share. Shareholders. They exchange their shares on the open stock market. Once on board with one of those corporations, the shareholder can literally sit his ass at home in front of a TV and get drunk........while being distributed a small share of that corporation's profit.

Sounds like a liberal's dream right? Sit at home, wrap up in their favorite Obama pajamas, read Newsweek and the NYT, watch MSNBC, go outside and hug a tree and a polar bear, then go downtown and practice some arts and poetry and eat granola. ALL THE WHILE having your bank account get a steady drip of corporate money redistributed for your use. Like liberal utopia, right?

Only one problem. To become a shareholder, one must have intelligence, work hard and make smart decisions. And no self-respecting liberal will tell a freshly victimized group of people they must work hard, be smart and be responsible. Thus, they must hate Wall Street.

So while the liberal utopian life is available to be had, they'd rather have a tyrannical government confiscate all that money on their behalf, and give it to them the same way.........minus the effort and intelligence.
The problem is that the portion of shares owned by middle and lower classes is low and is going down. More rich people invest in stocks because they can afford to take the risk.
The problem is that the portion of shares owned by middle and lower classes is low and is going down. More rich people invest in stocks because they can afford to take the risk.

I must disagree a bit, maybe not on the fact, but the underlying premise.

My mother works for a large company, and all employees have stock options. The way she explains it, employees are allowed to have a % of their check taken out, 1% or 20% or more, depending on how much they want, or 0% if they wish. That trickle is invested into company stock. The longer you work there, the more stock you get. After a few years of it, you may have $100 per check taken out, but getting returns that exceed that, and it grows from there. Plus, it motivates employees to want the company to succeed.

However, she says most of her coworkers don't take advantage of it. She says many say "I can't afford that" and then go home and leave......in their new SUV, while carrying a $500 damn purse.

Its all about priorities. When you see someone driving a Lexus, using the newest Droid cell phone, wearing expensive clothes..........but living in section 8 gov't housing, you see why our culture is full of people bitching about whats owed them.
The premise of this thread is dumb as hell. How is a company shared by the very labor force which conducts its business again? Instead of, say, faceless shareholders whose input amounts to the bucket that a milked cow leaks into?

Oh.. silly me. I responded to a thread that is dumb as hell.
The premise of this thread is dumb as hell. How is a company shared by the very labor force which conducts its business again? Instead of, say, faceless shareholders whose input amounts to the bucket that a milked cow leaks into?

Oh.. silly me. I responded to a thread that is dumb as hell.

It's quite simple really.

A company's ownership is literally split into many parts and sold on the open market.

Anyone is allowed to purchase a piece and reap the benefits, or suffer the loss, depending on how it goes.

And as a reward for working there, and incentive to work hard, that company's employees are offered a chance to buy some of that share, sometimes at a discounted rate.

How is that complicated?
Thus, liberals should love corporations, as they practice wealth redistribution daily.

I know, I know. It doesn't fit into the idea liberals have that every company is owned ONLY by a fat, white Southern man who is laughing while smoking a cigar, and kicking an immigrant child as the child's mother mops his mansion's floors with cash.
The problem is that the portion of shares owned by middle and lower classes is low and is going down. More rich people invest in stocks because they can afford to take the risk.

I know a lot of people that were dead broke, went to work for a company that offered stock options, and skipped the whole middle class thing. Maybe you should reexamine your premise and consider the fact that not everyone who you currently consider to be rich was born that way. The richest man in the world started his company in a garage. Zuckerberg started his company in a dorm room.

The world really does reward people who think for themselves, and who are willing to work hard enough to get rich. It does not reward whining.
Thus, liberals should love corporations, as they practice wealth redistribution daily.

I know, I know. It doesn't fit into the idea liberals have that every company is owned ONLY by a fat, white Southern man who is laughing while smoking a cigar, and kicking an immigrant child as the child's mother mops his mansion's floors with cash.

They do love corporations. They absolutely adore Media Matters, MSNBC, and unions, all of which are corporations. What they hate is corporations that do not think liberal thought.
Well run corporations -- corporations that take care of their workers, management and stock holders are models for benevelent fascism.

I can certainly see why many of you think that's the model we should use for government, too.

Some people are more attracted to TOP-DOWN AUTHORITARIANISM than others.

What amuses me is that so many of you corporo-fascists also think you love freedom.

Clearly your definitions of freedom and mine are somewhat different.
Since left wingers tend to drift towards socialism or outright communish, it baffles me as to why they in turn don't admire Wall Street and corporations. Sounds like an obvious contradiction, right? But it's not.

See, a massive, publicly traded company practices wealth redistribution within itself. It is owned by a large number of people, each holding a small share. Shareholders. They exchange their shares on the open stock market. Once on board with one of those corporations, the shareholder can literally sit his ass at home in front of a TV and get drunk........while being distributed a small share of that corporation's profit.

Sounds like a liberal's dream right? Sit at home, wrap up in their favorite Obama pajamas, read Newsweek and the NYT, watch MSNBC, go outside and hug a tree and a polar bear, then go downtown and practice some arts and poetry and eat granola. ALL THE WHILE having your bank account get a steady drip of corporate money redistributed for your use. Like liberal utopia, right?

Only one problem. To become a shareholder, one must have intelligence, work hard and make smart decisions. And no self-respecting liberal will tell a freshly victimized group of people they must work hard, be smart and be responsible. Thus, they must hate Wall Street.

So while the liberal utopian life is available to be had, they'd rather have a tyrannical government confiscate all that money on their behalf, and give it to them the same way.........minus the effort and intelligence.

Judging by TV ratings, it is right wingers who sit on their ass watching Faux News. You folks are even proud of the ratings.

And as far as 'government confiscating all that money on their behalf'

Red states receive more in Fed $ than Blue states
February 8, 2010, 10:16PM

In general Red States receive more from the Federal government and Blue States less.

The winners
1. New Mexico(D)---$2.03
2. Mississippi(R)---2.02
3. Alaska(R)--------1.84
4. Louisiana(R)-----1.78
5. West Virgina(R)--1.76
6. North Dakota(R)--1.68
7. Alabama(R)-------1.66
8. South Dakota(R)--1.53
9. Kentucky(R)------1.51

The losers
40. Massachusets(D)-0.82
41. Colorado(D)-----0.81
42. New York(D)-----0.79
43. California(D)---0.78
44. Delaware(D)-----0.77
45. Illinois(D)-----0.75
46. Minnesota(D)----0.72
47. New Hampshire(D)-.71
48. Connecticut(D)--0.69
49. Nevada(D)-------0.65
50. New Jersey(D)---0.61

Source:tax foundation, census bureau
The Tax Foundation - Federal Spending Received Per Dollar of Taxes Paid by State, 2005

I think it is interesting these states who love to hate socialism sure don't mind the wealth being redistributed to their state. Maybe states should just get dollar for dollar. If I was California, I sure would be crowing. It sure looks like Blue states support the Red states, I think some serious re-considerations may need to be made. Take from the Blue, to give to the Red doesn't make much sense.

Red states receive more in Fed $ than Blue states

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