Why let illegals stay while keeping out those who obeyed law,applied,and are waiting?


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
Every bill discussed by Democrats and Republicans in Congress, offers to let the illegal aliens who violated the law and crashed the border or overstayed their visas, stay in the country with permanent legal status.

At the same time, foreigner who respected our laws, applied for visas, and have been waiting patiently in their home countries, will still be kept out.

What's wrong with this picture?

This is a show-stopper as far as I'm concerned. Letting people become permanent residents, whose only qualification is that they broke American law, while refusing those who obeyed it, is unacceptable. Doesn't matter what other trappings you put on the bill, whether they get "citizenship" or not, etc.

And whining that it would be too difficult to enforce our laws, is a pitiful surrender that would make the French proud.

We don't need to "reform" our immigration laws. We merely need to start obeying them for a change.
I had a thought yesterday....I keep hearing how the GOP has lost the Hispanic vote over Immigration.First of all let's clear up one thing first.Coming to this country illegally should in no way,
shape or form be considered Immigration.

Anyway those Hispanics who did the right thing and came here legally they should be on the side of the Republicans.Why would they be on the Democrats side who want to reward the illegals.

And as far as worrying about how the illegals feel on the issue.
Fuck them.They have no say in this at all.They came here without doing it the right way why should either party be worried about their feeling.They broke the law.
We have become a very sick and fucked up nation. This bill will turn us into a far sicker and more screwed up nation in many more ways.

I'll move into the fucking country and laugh at you dumb fuckers.
My wife is Filipino, we got her mother her but can not get any of her brothers or her sister here. One brother could have jumped ship a number of times and we advised him not to because if he were caught he would never get back in. With amnesty I should have allowed him to jump ship.
when you treat a Hispanic in the manor you seem to feel thats OK .... cause they are Illegal ... why would the legal Hispanic ever want to vote for republicans

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many republicans say this those lazy Mexican are taking our jobs .... does that seem funny to you TOO???

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