Why Liberalism Increases Poverty


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Not only do Liberal policies not alleviate poverty.....they increase it!

And Thomas Sowell explains it as no one else can!

1. "If increasing your income by $10,000 a year would cause you to lose $15,000 worth of government benefits, would you do it? That is more than the equivalent of a 100 percent tax rate on income. Even millionaires and billionaires don't pay that high a tax rate.

a. ...the eligibility rules create a very high cost to individuals who try to rise by getting a job and earning their own money.

b. ....someone who is receiving multiple government-provided benefits -- housing subsidies, food subsidies, etc. -- to lose more in benefits than they gain in income, if they decide to take a legitimate and visible job.

2. Income inequality has long been one of the liberals' favorite issues.... it is a much-needed distraction from the disasters of ObamaCare and the various IRS, Benghazi and other Obama administration scandals.

3. ....income inequality has actually increased during five years of Barack Obama's leftist policies.

4. When you make it unnecessary for many people to work, fewer people work. Unprecedented numbers of Americans are on the food stamp program. Unprecedented numbers are also living off government "disability" payments.

5. ...government subsidies,...allow many people to receive greater benefits than they could earn by working at low-skilled jobs. Is it surprising that the labor force participation rate is lower than it has been in decades?

6. ....when people don't have to earn incomes, they are less likely to earn incomes --

7. Most of the households in the bottom 20 percent of income earners have nobody working. There are more heads of household working full-time and year-round in the top 5 percent than in the bottom 20 percent.

8. ....liberals can throw around numbers on how many people are living in "poverty" -- defined in terms of income received, not in terms of goods and services provided by the government.

a. Most Americans living in "poverty" have air conditioning, a motor vehicle and other amenities, including more living space than the average person in Europe -- not the average poor person in Europe, the average person.
"Poverty" is in the eye of the statisticians...

9. ...liberals often act as if this is an injustice to those who don't work, rather than an injustice to those who do work, and whose taxes support those who don't.

10. Liberals don't talk -- or perhaps even think -- in terms of the actual consequences of their policies, when it is so much more pleasant to think in terms of wonderful goals and lofty rhetoric.."
The High Cost of Liberalism: Part III - Thomas Sowell - Page full

Yet, there are good-hearted simpletons who still buy the scam, an vote for the scammers.
And before the subversives start calling black Conservatives "Uncle Tom's"

Not only do Liberal policies not alleviate poverty.....they increase it!

And Thomas Sowell explains it as no one else can!

1. "If increasing your income by $10,000 a year would cause you to lose $15,000 worth of government benefits, would you do it? That is more than the equivalent of a 100 percent tax rate on income. Even millionaires and billionaires don't pay that high a tax rate.


Then tell us how the conservatives/Republicans would fix that.
Not only do Liberal policies not alleviate poverty.....they increase it!

And Thomas Sowell explains it as no one else can!

1. "If increasing your income by $10,000 a year would cause you to lose $15,000 worth of government benefits, would you do it? That is more than the equivalent of a 100 percent tax rate on income. Even millionaires and billionaires don't pay that high a tax rate.


Then tell us how the conservatives/Republicans would fix that.

To Paraphrase Nancy Piglousi..."Vote us in to find out how we will fix it!"
Not only do Liberal policies not alleviate poverty.....they increase it!

And Thomas Sowell explains it as no one else can!

1. "If increasing your income by $10,000 a year would cause you to lose $15,000 worth of government benefits, would you do it? That is more than the equivalent of a 100 percent tax rate on income. Even millionaires and billionaires don't pay that high a tax rate.


Then tell us how the conservatives/Republicans would fix that.

By taking power away from you.

Here it is, people...

Some of the things that liberal scum want are good things. VERY good ideas.

Most of them, they steal from us, some they borrow from Europe, some they actually come up with on their own.

But here's the problem..... They're stupid. I mean, mouth-breathing, 12 year-old girl stupid.

Not only are they stupid but they RADICALIZE EVERYTHING.

EVERYTHING dimocrap scum want, everything they do -- They radicalize. Everything.

Who doesn't want clean air? Richard Milhouse Nixon started the EPA, now it's another radical organization that needs to be taken apart.

The NAACP was started by Republicans. Now it's a radical dimocrap scum operation. Same with the Civil Rights agenda -- All Republican ideas.

Even Health Care.... Teddy Roosevelt first proposed it. Richard Nixon made a House Floor speech in 1947 trying to get support for his Universal Health Care Bill. He even made it the keynote of his SOTU Address in 1973.

Susan B Anthony, the first women's rights advocate to claim fame in the US? A lifelong Republican.

But what happens as soon as dimocrap scum get hold of an idea?

They radicalize it.

Just like the Occupy (bowel) Movement.

Good idea, bad execution. Know why? Because within days of its inception, radicals, socialists, communists and terrorist moved in and took over.

Know why I hate, despise and detest dimocrap scum?

Because you motherfuckers can't keep the scum out of your party. Yeah, we get them too but we put them on the curb with the trash. Sometimes it costs us to do it, but we do it for the good of the Country.

You scumbags? You dimocrap scum?

You celebrate them. You not only let them in, you INVITE them in. You let them take over everything you do.

Your party is shit. YOU are shit. And everything you try to do is shit because of it.
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This is why conservatives can't win. All they do is bitch about the imperfections of liberalism.

They have nothing to offer in its place that will make things any better.
This is why conservatives can't win. All they do is bitch about the imperfections of liberalism.

They have nothing to offer in its place that will make things any better.

there was LESS POVERTY when Republicans ran things

true story

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Not only do Liberal policies not alleviate poverty.....they increase it!

And Thomas Sowell explains it as no one else can!

1. "If increasing your income by $10,000 a year would cause you to lose $15,000 worth of government benefits, would you do it? That is more than the equivalent of a 100 percent tax rate on income. Even millionaires and billionaires don't pay that high a tax rate.


Then tell us how the conservatives/Republicans would fix that.

By taking power away from you.

Here it is, people...

Some of the things that liberal scum want are good things. VERY good ideas.

Most of them, they steal from us, some they borrow from Europe, some they actually come up with on their own.

But here's the problem..... They're stupid. I mean, mouth-breathing, 12 year-old girl stupid.

Not only are they stupid but they RADICALIZE EVERYTHING.

EVERYTHING dimocrap scum want, everything they do -- They radicalize. Everything.

Who doesn't want clean air? Richard Milhouse Nixon started the EPA, now it's another radical organization that needs to be taken apart.

The NAACP was started by Republicans. Now it's a radical dimocrap scum operation. Same with the Civil Rights agenda -- All Republican ideas.

Even Health Care.... Teddy Roosevelt first proposed it. Richard Nixon made a House Floor speech in 1947 trying to get support for his Universal Health Care Bill. He even made it the keynote of his SOTU Address in 1973.

Susan B Anthony, the first women's rights advocate to claim fame in the US? A lifelong Republican.

But what happens as soon as dimocrap scum get hold of an idea?

They radicalize it.

Just like the Occupy (bowel) Movement.

Good idea, bad execution. Know why? Because within days of its inception, radicals, socialists, communists and terrorist moved in and took over.

Know why I hate, despise and detest dimocrap scum?

Because you motherfuckers can't keep the scum out of your party. Yeah, we get them too but we put them on the curb with the trash. Sometimes it costs us to do it, but we do it for the good of the Country.

You scumbags? You dimocrap scum?

You celebrate them. You not only let them in, you INVITE them in. You let them take over everything you do.

Your party is shit. YOU are shit. And everything you try to do is shit because of it.

Radical you say?

This is why conservatives can't win. All they do is bitch about the imperfections of liberalism.

They have nothing to offer in its place that will make things any better.

'Imperfections' huh?

That's like saying that slavery had some 'imperfections'

You people are not 'imperfect' you are scum

You can not be bargained with, you can not be worked with, you break your word at every opportunity, you lie incessantly and you need to be destroyed as a political party.

This is why conservatives can't win. All they do is bitch about the imperfections of liberalism.

They have nothing to offer in its place that will make things any better.

When you live in the past, the future looks scary, and therefore the only plans they can make requiring turning back the clock to a time when all the advantages were going their way. The only question is how far back does each of them wish to go?

The funny thing is, they never, ever, ask why we put in place what we did? What we have now was created because things sucked back then for countless millions of American citizens. If they cared about them, they don't, they wouldn't want those times back again. They really did suck in a big way but to them, that was a Golden Age when White men were Sir and Black men were Boy.
This is why conservatives can't win. All they do is bitch about the imperfections of liberalism.

They have nothing to offer in its place that will make things any better.

When you live in the past, the future looks scary, and therefore the only plans they can make requiring turning back the clock to a time when all the advantages were going their way. The only question is how far back does each of them wish to go?

The funny thing is, they never, ever, ask why we put in place what we did? What we have now was created because things sucked back then for countless millions of American citizens. If they cared about them, they don't, they wouldn't want those times back again. They really did suck in a big way but to them, that was a Golden Age when White men were Sir and Black men were Boy.

So that I may address you correctly, please clarify:

Are you a moron or a liar.

Oh...wait....I remember you: you were proven to be a liar.

Never mind.
Oh...wait....I remember you: you were proven to be a liar.
That's what you said but you could never manage to prove such a thing.

My pleasure:

Let's demonstrate that for all:

1. You made the claim "For a Christian nation, it's odd how how they never mentioned God?" In your post #303

2. My response: "Jesus Christ is referred to in the Constitution.." Post #313

3. You took the bait, in your post #316: "No little one, He isn't."

4. I set the hook: "Shall we wager?" Post #319

5. You: "Anything you got..." Post #320

6. And I reeled you in, post #324: "Second paragraph of Article VII.
Post it, please.
And never make that mistake again."

7. You were forced to post this: "...done in Convention by the Unanimous Consent of the States present the Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven and of the Independance of the United States of America the Twelfth In witness whereof We have hereunto subscribed our Names,..." Post #327.

That was your post.
Nor did you try to deny the reference 'in the Year of our Lord.'

It is in every copy of the Constitution.

But you did try to spin it as having no meaning.

8. You wrote "You are right about the date that they signed it, and what was then common usage for designating the year." In post #335.

9. Establishing your distinctions as a liar and a cur, you attempted to backtrack, here: "...right, and I am in this case just like I was when you tried to say Jesus was in the Constitution because you can't tell the difference between the Articles and where people sign the damn document." Post #348.

One can sense your frustration at being pilloried. Good.

But you have no way to deny that the reference is included in the Constitution, and that it refers to Jesus Christ.

10. And you wrote this: "When I post I post to everyone." In # 269
And so you are hoist by your own petard.

All will see and note that you are a lying cur.

All of your posts should, and will, be judged in that light.
All of your posts should, and will, be judged in that light.
Still trying to prove that Jesus is in the Constitution because the phrase "year of our lord" was used when it was signed by the Founders eh? Carry on.

No, you moron....
...simply proving that you are a lying cur.

Wear it proudly!

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