Why Liberalism Must Be Expunged.

One Russian businessman paid $145 million to The Clinton Foundation to support the Foundation’s work in Third World Countries - like providing drugs to treat AIDS.
Yeah - because a Russian millionaire needs the Clinton Foundation to achieve that!

There you go, lying without evidence, saying the money was a bribe. If it was a bribe, what did it paid for. Don’t even try with that Uranium One bullshit.

If the money was a bribe, why did it go to the Foundation? The Clintons take no money from the Foundation and, in fact, contribute a large chunk of their income to the Foundation. In order for these funds to be a bribe, it would have have to go to the Clintons.

This stands in stark contrast to the atrumo Foundation. Dumb Donald hasn’t donated to his own foundation since 2008, and the Trump Corporation skimmed $3 million off the top from the money Eric raised for St. Jude’s hospital. How does it cost Trump $3 million to host a golf tournament at a Trump property?

Trump is far more open with his bribes. For example, you have the $500 million the Chinese government just shelled out to Trump Resort Indonesia to get the sanctions against a the electronics company lifted. The trade marks for Ivanka.

Everyone knows what that bribe was.....and what a moron you are.
November 8, 2016 was the answer to the question, while you morons are still posting 'is not, issssss noooootttttttt!!!'

Charles Ortel


Summary Review of Selected Intentionally FalseRepresentations in Clinton Foundation Public Filings

To informed analysts, the Clinton Foundation appears to be a rogue charity that hasneither been organized nor operated lawfully from inception in October 1997 todate--as you will grow to realize, it is a case study in international charity fraud, ofmammoth proportions.In particular, the Clinton Foundation has never been validly authorized to pursuetax-exempt purposes other than as a presidential archive and research facility basedin Little Rock, Arkansas. Moreover, its operations have never been controlled byindependent trustees and its financial results have never been properly audited byindependent accountants.In contrast to this stark reality, Bill Clinton recently continued a long pattern ofdissembling, likening himself to Robin Hood and dismissing critics of his“philanthropic” post-presidency, despite mounting concerns over perceived conflictsof interest and irregularities.
Bill Clinton compares himself, foundation to Robin Hood

Normally, evaluating the efficacy of a charity objectively is performed lookingclosely into hard facts only-specifically, determining whether monies spent upon“program service expenditures” actually have furthered the limited, authorized“tax-exempt purposes” of entities such as the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea ClintonFoundation, its subsidiaries, its joint ventures, and its affiliates (together, the“Clinton Charity Network”).
Clinton Foundation got high marks from charity watchdogs. If you have a problem with the foundation, i defer to Citizens United.
You get a gold star for irrelevancy, consider the train wreck of the current administration.

"Schneiderman let Clinton Foundation skip identifying foreign donors

State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman gave the Clinton Foundation a pass on identifying foreign donors in its charitable filings — making it impossible to know if it got any special favors while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, according to a report Tuesday.

New York’s charity law clearly states: “Organizations that received a contribution or grant from a government agency during the reporting period shall include the name of each agency from which contributions were received and the amount of each contribution.”

But both the foundation and the CHAI failed to do that, and Schneiderman, a member of Clinton’s “leadership council” in New York and a fierce critic of Donald Trump, did nothing about it.” https://nypost.com/2016/09/06/schneiderman-let-clinton-foundation-skip-identifying-foreign-donors/
Its a federal responsibility to check foreign donations, but citizens united lets in flow in.

You still have some of Bill 'the rapist' Clinton's shoe polish on your tongue....you should look into that.

When you resort to insults, you are admitting you have NOTHING. No response, no clue, no sources. NOTHING.

You’ve just admitted you can’t win this discussion this discussion with facts.
Cult of Ignorance shows its colors.
You prove that every day... :lmao:

Pee Wee Herman checks in with his customary level of erudition. Oh happy day.

Oh and btw Hillary Clinton is not a political scientist and has no clue about that history.
So after worshipping her for over 4 years

(Watch this)

------------------------ :Link??

That oughta keep him tied up the rest of the week. How to keep a moron busy....
1) Prior to the era of dixiecrat->Strom Thurmond party switch, the democrats were the party of slavery. But the southern strategy resulted in a role reversal of the parties.
2) you cant put Planned Parenthood in with the KKK, its like putting nazis in with communists. Planned Parenthood is 2nd most popular in USA, according to fox news.
3) Hodgkinson? He's one of the 2nd amendment people
4) see #1
5) Read the actual story on Iran payments
6) Farrakhan is a nutter and isnt supported.
7) False rating on obama ecouraging illegals to vote
8) Obama Castro? unbearably stupid
9) see #1
10) chicago problems stem from Indiana

"But the southern strategy resulted in a role reversal of the parties."

That's the lie the Left tells to lamebrains who are willing to accept the fantasy.

I can easily prove my premise.....

Some of the Left's lies are so transparent that it is hard to imagine any but the most committed simpletons believing them.

Yet they do....or claim they do.

Like this: "Well...yeah, everyone knows that early Democrats were the party of slavers...but then...around the 1960s the two parties flip-flopped their positions on slavery, segregation and black people....and it is the Republicans who decided to become the racists!!!

Yup.....that's it!"

(I left out all the 'duh's' that would be appropriate for said dialogue.)

Since their acolytes cannot deny that that the inception of the Republican Party was motivated by a hatred of slavery and segregation, while the Democrats were the party of Jim Crow laws and the KKK, they claim that circa 1960, while the Democrats suddenly had an epiphany, and saw the error of their ways.....the Republicans suddenly developed a hatred of blacks and a desire for segregation.

Yes....many of the dimwits....you.... actually claim that.

Hard to imagine that they believe it...but they claim it.

The pretense is eminently simple to disprove.

Ask a Leftist, Democrat supporter what the chances are that, after a lifetime of believing as he does, arguing DNC talking points, reading the NYTimes, and watching MSNBC, being indoctrinated...er, 'taught' in government schools, and watching Comedy Central for his news.....

.....what he thinks the chances would be that he woke up tomorrow praising Donald Trump's election and presidency, and voting Republican.

And that calculation represents the same chance that Republicans and conservatives, who formed a party to fight Democrats and slavery, suddenly decided to become racists.

Ready to admit that you're an imbecile????


If you'd watch the video, it attempts to debunk that southern strategy made republicans racist.
Carol Swain doesnt mention Strom Thurmond or Lee Atwater.

The Republicans were never racist.
Here's your party:
1. The Democrats are, and have always been, the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship, the party that stood in schoolhouse doors to block black school children….until Republicans sent in the 101st airborne

2. It is the party of Jefferson Davis, the KKK, Planned Parenthood, concentration camps for American citizens, and restrictions on free speech.

3. It is the party of Mao ornaments on the White House Christmas tree, and of James Hodgkinson, and of Communist Bernie Sanders, of pretend genders.

4. The Democrat Party is the oldest racist organization in America, the trail of tears, the author of Jim Crow and the bigotry of low expectations, filibustered against women getting the vote and killed every anti-lynching bill to get to Congress

5. The Democrat Party is the number one funder of the Islamic Revolution in Tehran….to the tune of $100 billion to the Ayatollahs….and gave Hezbollah the go-ahead to sell cocaine in America.

6. It is the party of anti-Semitism and Louis Farrakhan, and of the first Cabinet member ever to be held in contempt of Congress.

7. It is the party that admits its future depends on flooding the country with illegal aliens, and telling them to vote.

8. It is the party that couldn't suck up to the Castro Brothers enough, and treats the Bill of Rights like a Chinese menu..

9. The Democrats got us into the Civil War…Jefferson Davis .... Woodrow Wilson, WWI….FDR, WWII……Truman, Korean War….VietNam, JFK and LBJ…..yet they want to weaken our military.

10. The Democrats are the party that looks at the mayhem their gun laws have produced in Chicago, ……and this is their model for the nation.

Well look who oozed back into her discredited thread. The Wall.

Hello Wall. Get ready to go :lalala: because here comes a quick dose of Mister Clean. Earplugs in place?

Slavery developed on every continent except Antarctica (and there are still penguins to be questioned) among cultures all over the world throughout millennia. It has never been a political institution but rather a social one. For the vast majority of its practice it involved spoils of war, along with land and cattle; my tribe conquers your tribe, your land, cattle and people become my property -- your tribe conquers mine, the reverse happens. What differentiated the American (north and south) model was the invention of transporting captives from one continent to another where they had no familiarity with the land, or their captors, whatsoever. That began with Europeans five hundred years ago.

THAT was the institution begun and thoroughly in place as an economic model -- in North, South, Central and Caribbean America ---- centuries before any one of them threw off colonization to become independent of their European conquerors. Africans were regularly shipped and sold to the West Indies, and many more to Brazil, than were shipped and sold here.

Meanwhile no "Democratic Party" existed until 1834. Oopsie.

The Klan was formed by six bored ex-Confederate soldiers (to wit, Maj. James Crowe, Calvin Jones, Capt. John B. Kennedy, Capt. John Lester, Frank O. McCord and Richard Reed) as a social club modeled after a college fraternity (Kuklos Adelphon). The name and silly fraternity rituals and titles were taken over by nearby vigilantes who had been running "slave patrols" since at least the 1700s but Crowe, Jones, Kennedy, Lester, McCord and Reed had no known involvement with them, nor did they have any known political affiliations, nor did the Democratic Party exist in that time and place (Tennessee 1865).

That Klan fizzled out in less than a decade only to be revived in 1915 (Thanksgiving Day night) by William J. Simmons, as a get-rich-quick scheme to make money from memberships by making the Klan pictured in the Lost Cause film "Birth of a Nation" into a real thing people could join, which they did in the millions coast to coast. Simmons too had no known political affiliation and both Klans pointedly described themselves as non-oolitical.

Like slavery it was a social institution born of the whole self-adopted "chivalry" image the Old South concocted for its own lazy aristocracy --- which is also why the Klan and at least two dozen similar groups contemporary with the original referred to themselves as "Knights" ---- the Knights of the White Camellia, the Seymour Knights, the Knights of the White Carnation, the Knights of the Rising Sun to name four -- and Simmons' 1915 version was officially the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. This was all an infatuation with Sir Walter Scott, not with political parties.

That Klan by the way did dabble in politics in the form of supporting or opposing (and sometimes even supplying) candidates for office, which could be Democrats, Republicans or unaffiliated, during the Klan peak in the 1920s. They backed Republican governors in Colorado, Maine, Kansas and Indiana a Republican Senator in Colorado, as well as countless city and local offices. In Oregon they backed a Democrat governor and a Republican mayor of Portland. In Oklahoma they organized to drive a Democrat governor out of office. And in the Presidential elections of 1924 and 1928 they backed Coolidge and Hoover, even going on a nationwide smear campaign against the Democrat Al Smith.

Not that that made them "Republicans" either but since your tiny little mind is so self-enslaved to the idea that everything in the world reduces to a infantiley simplistic dichotomy of two political parties, if you could go ahead and try to grapple with that, it'd be most entertaining.

Bernie Sanders has never had a politica party other than the old local Liberty Union party of the 1970s. And this just in after a conference call with Plato and Aristotie --- Composition Fallacies are still not a valid argument for anything ("tthe party of fill in Emmanuel Goldstein name here") ergo all of those can be dismissed in a single stroke. Woodrow Wilson may have been, and was, a racist asshole who overstepped his bounds externally (Latin America, Russia) and internally (Palmer raids) but that doesn't make him the body of "Democrats" any more than Sally Field embodies "liberal white women". Guess what the second word in the term "Composition Fallacy" means. Use Google if you have to.

As to the Civil War -- the Confederacy had no political parties, deliberately, and when it did leading up to the War in 1860 the South, what would become the Confederacy, kicked the Democratic convention out of its turf and in the election gave the Democratic candidate the same number of electoral votes that it gave Lincoln ---- zero. Even though Douglas was on the ballots while Lincoln -- who took a Democrat as his running mate in the next election --- was not. The idea of secession had been rumbling there for over three decades, dating back to the "Tariff of Abominations" in 1828, again before "Democrats" existed.

That'll do for now. You may now remove your fingers from your ears and breathe a sigh of relief that you have once again sidestepped any infection of that scourge the rest of us call "recorded history" and you may return to your fetal position in Duh Bubble and resume your 24-hour intravenous feed of pigheaded fatuous ignorance.
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Yet another reason why liberalism must be expunged. Oppressive government has outlawed guns, knives, and even hammers in London. How is that working out?

Not so well. The criminals are loving it. After all, they are criminals. They don’t follow the law. But they are cashing in big time on the fact that law abiding citizens do.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan is a typical left-wing piece of shit. Surrounded by armed guards, he and his family are completely safe while the unarmed population suffers (just like Saddam Hussein in Iraq).

A Weekend in London: Man ‘Shot in Face,’ Woman ‘Slashed,' Attempted Murder
Yet another reason why liberalism must be expunged. Oppressive government has outlawed guns, knives, and even hammers in London. How is that working out?

Not so well. The criminals are loving it. After all, they are criminals. They don’t follow the law. But they are cashing in big time on the fact that law abiding citizens do.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan is a typical left-wing piece of shit. Surrounded by armed guards, he and his family are completely safe while the unarmed population suffers (just like Saddam Hussein in Iraq).

A Weekend in London: Man ‘Shot in Face,’ Woman ‘Slashed,' Attempted Murder

"22-year-old passenger arrested after man dies in random knife attack on Osaka-bound bullet train"
22-year-old passenger arrested after man dies in random knife attack on Osaka-bound bullet train | The Japan Times
Yet another reason why liberalism must be expunged. Oppressive government has outlawed guns, knives, and even hammers in London. How is that working out?

Not so well. The criminals are loving it. After all, they are criminals. They don’t follow the law. But they are cashing in big time on the fact that law abiding citizens do.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan is a typical left-wing piece of shit. Surrounded by armed guards, he and his family are completely safe while the unarmed population suffers (just like Saddam Hussein in Iraq).

A Weekend in London: Man ‘Shot in Face,’ Woman ‘Slashed,' Attempted Murder

Dafuck does any of that have to do with "Liberalism", Buttsoiler?

I see PropagandaChic is at it again and becoming more fascist with her desire to eliminate undesirables.
Thinking about challenging the superchic in the Bull Ring. Something tells me she's never been in a real debate. Just not sure if I want to damage that ego too permanently, though. It happens. The sudden fall from one's own ignorant pride is a long, long, way down and a really bad crash.
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The winning continues! Watching progressives realize their dreams of restoring oppressive fascism to the world have failed is priceless.
"Everything that could go wrong, has gone wrong," he recently told the Washington Post.
That’s what happens with pure evil, George. Everything that can go wrong, does. Everything about progressivism is pure evil. It destroys jobs, decreases incomes, increases poverty, and worst of all - works to eliminate liberty.

Tough times for 'Spooky Dude'
Here is an elected representative of the Dumbocrat Party openly advocating for the overthrow of a sitting U.S. president. This is how radicalized the left has become.
During her weekly press briefing, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) asked what it would take for Americans to start an “uprising” against the Trump administration
I can answer that for you, Nancy. The American people are not “uprising” because they support President Trump his policy of properly enforcing the law.

Nancy Pelosi wonders why Americans are not ‘uprising’ against Trump admin. over border conditions
Thinking about challenging the superchic in the Bull Ring. Something tells me she's never been in a real debate. Just not sure if I want to damage that ego too permanently, though. It happens. The sudden fall from one's own ignorant pride is a long, long, way down and a really bad crash.

Got a hankerin' for that low-hangin' fruit, eh?

Go for it. She's got that Planet Krypton power of Super Self-Delusion.

Speakin' o' which I see Buttsoiler's still here posting to himself, avoiding my standing question, talking about "Democrats", "the left", "Nancy Pelosi" and "Progressives", none of which are part of the topic, hoping nobody else will notice. He's retarded that way.

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