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Why Liberals hate their own country?

Oct 25, 2015
The typical liberal ''we are a racist country that hate gays ,blacks and poor Muslims , we are terrorists and we killed Indians , therefore we should not have borders and legalize 150 million Mexicans, Muslims and other people''. In my country Greece we have Marxists say the same things. ''let's have open borders for poor Muslims, let's build mosques, let's give them money and shelter''. Do you know what happened? Two of the terrorists passed though the Greek island Leros. Our Marxist president and all leftists are responsible for the tragedy in France but nobody will say that to the controlled media.

As an outsider i can say that USA was the greatest country and with Russia they defeated Germany,Japan and their allies but Russia only fought Hitler because Hitler attacked Russia. Stalin didn't want to fight Hitler and they were allies. . Also USA gave billion dollars(Marshall plan) to European countries to rebuild their economies and infrastructure. USA was the great leader of the world.

Now USA is filled with liberal ***** that whine about everything and blame their own country. Also it's not weird to see that almost all celebrities are liberals. Yes yes it's a conspiracy. All liberals should take their celebrities(Madonna, Lawrence etc) and their politicians and go live at Yemen and Pakistan if they don't like USA. There they can say their stupid theories about life and everything and see their heads chopped off.
Why do conservatives hate their own country and countrymen .

Every other thread is about how the government is evil and everything has gone to shit . Never a good word .
Liberals are modern day revivalists seeking the healing hand of political action to assuage their guilty self-hatred stemming from their dysfunctional backgrounds. While deserving of pity, they are one of the most destructive forces in our society.
We get it, OP. You're afraid to debate any actual liberal beliefs, so instead you make up crazy stories about them. It's rather standard conservative behavior, so commonplace as to be boring.
Why Liberals hate their own country?

We don't, but we hate a lot of people who think as you do, and also aren't Americans even though they live here.
Methinks the OP is Donald Rump in his real voice. Either that or he drinks a lot of lighter fluid.
The typical liberal ''we are a racist country that hate gays ,blacks and poor Muslims , we are terrorists and we killed Indians , therefore we should not have borders and legalize 150 million Mexicans, Muslims and other people''. In my country Greece we have Marxists say the same things. ''let's have open borders for poor Muslims, let's build mosques, let's give them money and shelter''. Do you know what happened? Two of the terrorists passed though the Greek island Leros. Our Marxist president and all leftists are responsible for the tragedy in France but nobody will say that to the controlled media.

As an outsider i can say that USA was the greatest country and with Russia they defeated Germany,Japan and their allies but Russia only fought Hitler because Hitler attacked Russia. Stalin didn't want to fight Hitler and they were allies. . Also USA gave billion dollars(Marshall plan) to European countries to rebuild their economies and infrastructure. USA was the great leader of the world.

Now USA is filled with liberal ***** that whine about everything and blame their own country. Also it's not weird to see that almost all celebrities are liberals. Yes yes it's a conspiracy. All liberals should take their celebrities(Madonna, Lawrence etc) and their politicians and go live at Yemen and Pakistan if they don't like USA. There they can say their stupid theories about life and everything and see their heads chopped off.
Gheys and poor Muslims are a race?
You have to remember one thing when considering why bed wetters do and say the shit they do.

These are people with ZERO cognitive ability. There is no thinking going on inside a liberal's head. They simply believe the asinine bullshit they've been programmed with and automatically reject information that compromises it.

The regurgitate their insipid drivel and it doesn't even enter their "minds" when it is proven to be bullshit. They believe themselves even when their lies have been exposed to their faces. They continue to adhere to cults of personality even after the criminally insane sociopaths they worship have proven to be incompetent, stupid and even criminal.

Why Liberals hate their own country?

We don't, but we hate a lot of people who think as you do, and also aren't Americans even though they live here.

LOL, see #2 above.

Liberals are modern day revivalists seeking the healing hand of political action to assuage their guilty self-hatred stemming from their dysfunctional backgrounds. While deserving of pity, they are one of the most destructive forces in our society.

A vote of thanks to you for your free psychoanalysis of liberals. Why not do a freebie for conservatives also? Maybe start with ben carson.
P.S. Post your credentials also. Newsmax, Drudge, and Limbaugh degrees don't count.
Liberals, all over the world love America.

Why do Pseudo-conservatives love to make up lies about liberals?
They believe and they are taught that this country is illegitimate. They are so fucked up that they believe that since the Constitution and Declaration of Independence were written by slave owners that both of them are fraudulent. They believe and they are taught that the land belongs to the Natives.

There are already subtle movements to tear down things like the Jefferson Memorial. How long before the faces on Rushmore are blasted away and the land is given to the Natives? If they can ever get it to the point where ALL of the "olds" are done away with, they will take it.

They are all brainwashed sacks of shit who blame America for everything. I am surprised that they do not think republicans invented a time machine to go back in time to kill the dinosaurs for oil.

You may think all of that is untrue. Do you know they think the Natives never had wars with one another until white Europeans showed up here with muskets and bibles? They believe all they did was plant maze and smoked peyote on the New Mexico flats. Do you know they are so ignorant that they think white people started the Transatlantic slave trade? Do you know they are so stupid that they do think a black person has never been a slave owner anywhere in the world? Do you know they are so stupid that they think white Christians showed to the African continent with nets to capture innocent black people?

That is what they think and what they are taught.
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I don't think all liberals hate the U.S.... that's painting with a pretty broad brush. But there are the self loathing types that have some pretty strange thoughts about America.. they see us as illegitimate, too powerful, arrogant, etc. Are we perfect.. no. But in the grand scheme of things, this country s fucking amazing. It's sad so many don't see that.
Liberals, all over the world love America.

Why do Pseudo-conservatives love to make up lies about liberals?

I believe what I see with my own eyes.

When bed wetters take the wrong side of every issue, and promote policies and groups that are either detrimental to the country or actively seeking to undermine our best intertests the logical conclusion is that bed wetters hate the country.

Ordinary moonbats may be stupid enough to believe these efforts lead to "progress", but the criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths who control ordinary bed wetter lemmings know they're managing the decline of America and western civilization in general.

Count on it

I don't think all liberals hate the U.S.... that's painting with a pretty broad brush. But there are the self loathing types that have some pretty strange thoughts about America.. they see us as illegitimate, too powerful, arrogant, etc. Are we perfect.. no. But in the grand scheme of things, this country s fucking amazing. It's sad so many don't see that.

Well, there are different types of liberals and liberals that are in the baby stage of their liberal journey. You see, the ones that "do not hate" America are the "idealists." They like trees and animals (they seduced into thinking that conservatives don't) and they start out with "good intentions."

Most of these types get out of that stage cause they graduate college, their parents do not have millions, and they need to get jobs, raise kids and pay their own bills. They mostly get it once they need to pay their bills and get out of college and put away the bong.

Then there are other types. The ones that go to Ivy league and major in useless majors. Like theater or something. Something in the "arts." Especially the ones that major in political science. They all have big shiny trust funds. They all enjoy the products made by evil corporations but speak out against them. They basically live in pot filled fantasy world and they ALL think they just know it all. They all have a che guerva T shirt, and John Lennon glasses. They pretty much sing Imagine to themselves every day for at least 4 years.

They are all godless know it all perverts who cannot and so will not understand all of the anthropic coincidences that make up life. For example, if the ratio of electron to proton mass also determines the characteristics of the orbits of electrons about nuclei. A proton is 1836 times more massive than an electron. if the electron to proton mass ratio were slightly larger or slightly smaller, again, molecules would not form, and life would be impossible.

Yes, physicists know that in order for life to have happened, and there is no design, then that means everything happened by chance and coincidence. They all know if that is the case then there needs to be probability factors for all of the things to have happened the way they coincidentally happened. Hence ALL of the theories they need to come up with like parallel universes in order to calculate those probabilities.

Anyway, they are all assholes. Future assholes, or actual assholes. Either way, they are all useless, dangerous brainless, dickless, moronic, ignorant assholes.
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Because of Liberalism we have 50 years of bodies stacked up like cord-wood in big cities on GOVT assistance. Almost none work or will every pay income tax........but they vote D for sure.

Liberalism is a mental disorder. IF you willing to join D you can steal from USA treasury (job for life with gold pension) to hand out trinkets to the buffoon mass.
I don't think all liberals hate the U.S.... that's painting with a pretty broad brush. But there are the self loathing types that have some pretty strange thoughts about America.. they see us as illegitimate, too powerful, arrogant, etc. Are we perfect.. no. But in the grand scheme of things, this country s fucking amazing. It's sad so many don't see that.

Well, there are different types of liberals and liberals that are in the baby stage of their liberal journey. You see, the ones that "do not hate" America are the "idealists." They like trees and animals (they seduced into thinking that conservatives don't) and they start out with "good intentions."

Most of these types get out of that stage cause they graduate college, their parents do not have millions, and they need to get jobs, raise kids and pay their own bills. They mostly get it once they need to pay their bills and get out of college and put away the bong.

Then there are other types. The ones that go to Ivy league and major in useless majors. Like theater or something. Something in the "arts." Especially the ones that major in political science. They all have big shiny trust funds. They all enjoy the products made by evil corporations but speak out against them. They basically live in pot filled fantasy world and they ALL think they just know it all. They all have a che guerva T shirt, and John Lennon glasses. They pretty much sing Imagine to themselves every day for at least 4 years.

They are all godless know it all perverts who cannot and so will not understand all of the anthropic coincidences that make up life. For example, if the ratio of electron to proton mass also determines the characteristics of the orbits of electrons about nuclei. A proton is 1836 times more massive than an electron. if the electron to proton mass ratio were slightly larger or slightly smaller, again, molecules would not form, and life would be impossible.

Yes, physicists know that in order for life to have happened, and there is no design, then that means everything happened by chance and coincidence. They all know if that is the case then there needs to be probability factors for all of the things to have happened the way they coincidentally happened. Hence ALL of the theories they need to come up with like parallel universes in order to calculate those probabilities.

Anyway, they are all assholes. Future assholes, or actual assholes. Either way, they are all useless, dangerous brainless, dickless, moronic, ignorant assholes.

Pretty funny.. but hey, I have some liberal friends... they're nice people, but they do have a sense of entitlement about them though.

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