Why Liberals Hate Trump

You claimed that GDP was shrinking so I was curious to know why you were quoting a 1.5% GDP growth rate as proof of this.

Tell me, is 1.5% growth indicative of a shrinking GDP?
When it previously had been 3%, yeah.

Even trump admits it!

He said he made a perfect phone call. Nothing wrong with that.

He said a lot of things.

He said sound causes cancer.
It doesn’t.
He said he studies “better than anyone.”
He doesn’t.
He said he is a stable genius.
He’s not.
He said “I just got impeached.
Well, he got one right.

I bet he burned down Cheryl’s she-shed as well.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
My old psychology professer use to say when a motive for hatred doesn't seem apparent, the cause is very likely fear.

Nothing spawns opposition quite like fear does. And why do Democrats fear Trump ? The most obvious reason is that he's already beaten them (in the 2016 election).

Another reason is because he's been tremendously successful as president, especially with the economy. Just today the Down Jones topped 29,000, for the first time in US history. Likewise, S & P set an all-time record high.

The economy is booming. Unemployment lows are historic as well. So is the median income, at $61,400/year, highest in US history.

Trump has accomplished the demise of ISIS, with the killing of it's leader, and top generals. Likewise, he has the end of Soleimani, longtime Iranian terrorist, to his credit.

For 4 years, Democrats have been trying to diminish Trump in the eyes of voters, only to have him emerge even more popular, each time.

Perhaps Democrats biggest fear of Trump is simply that he doesn't cower from Democrats, like some Republicans do. To the contrary, Trump fights back, and is very effective, often very humorous, making Democrats look stupid.

His outsider, unconventional style has them baffled and confused, and that the public likes his "unpresidential" style, annoys Washington Democrats even more

Democrats know that they have a tiger by the tail, and are scared stiff.
First fear, then hatred.

Dow, S&P 500 close at record highs after Trump signs first phase of U.S.-China trade pact

I am a liberal. I don't hate Trump. I despise him for being a cowardly lying bully.

Am I happy with the economy under Trump? Yes- who knows how much better it might be right now though, if Trump's trade war had not harmed so many factories and farmers, and cost American consumers so much?

Remember- the economy was booming when Clinton was in office, and Republicans were still happy spending years trying to force him out of office with the 'Whitewater Witchhunt"- I don't know why you think that Americans should over look a President's corruption just because the economy is doing well.
This is all spin. Imagine if a Democratic President did all the things Trump did. Your side would be serving his head on a platter. So obvious Republicans in the Senate are afraid of Trump supporters so they are defending him no matter what. They have to. If they don't they'll lose. But if they do they might lose too. Still, I don't blame them for defending Trump. They have no choice.

The economy isn't that great. Not for middle class people. It's about as good as it was on Obama's watch. The economy is good so Trump has that in his favor. But his tax breaks to the rich will cost the middle class bigly. Imagine the cuts Trump will make to social security and medicare if he wins a second term. Even our 401K firm said Trump could cut ss benefits 25% if he wins a second term.

And Trump has been a major embarrassment. Even if the economy is good and he has something to do with it, he's not worth it. The economy will be fine after Trump.

I'm noticing my Republican friends on facebook are the ones spreading all the fake news. I call them on it. I won't argue politics but I will call someone out if they are spreading fake news. So far it's only Republicans doing that. Funny they are the ones who cry about fake news but at the same time they're the ones spreading it.
1. FACTS are not "spin". Referring to facts as "spin" is what is spin.

2. Talking about things you "imagine" in the future, is more spin. Since long before he ran for president Trump has always stated a policy of leaving Social Security and Medicare alone.

3. "Embarrassment" ? Embarrassed about what ? The accomplishments stated in the OP ? (and those are just a tip of the iceberg)

4.. No, the economy was NOT as good on Obama's watch. In 2016, the GDP sunk and sunk, to very low levels.. It got better shortly after Trump took over.

5. Yes the economy IS GREAT. Record highs in both the Dow Jones and S & P is GREAT. And that includes middle class people, whose jobs are part of the greatness.

6. The one spreading fake news right here is YOU.

You can spin it all you want

Trump Is Falling Almost 1 Million Jobs Short Vs. Obama

Real Wage Growth Is Actually Falling
No. Taken as a whole. There are many policies of his I do not support, along with cabinet choices, and judicial appointees. Bet he could he could get away with more bullshit that would tickle his supporters to death, if he weren't such a outward, sleaze.
Do you consider Obama and the Clintons to be a "sleaze" ?

Definitely at times, just not as consistent as this one. Hillary is a different case. Her consistent low ethics, lying, weaseling out of direct responsibilities, poor judgement make her the perfect flip side of the Trump coin of the realm. Both candidates of 2016 were equal sleaze and unfit for office of POTUS. If she had not been the democratic candidate, Trump would have never won even with Russia's help. If he had not been the republican candidate, she would not have garnered the most votes. The candidate selections was truly worst in US History. Kudos to team trump on superior strategy, beating a venerated "in the dirt" experienced politician. Easy to see why republicans would have liked to see her make another try in 2020. They have been unable to successfully/fairly paint a target of true equal or greater evil on most of their competition thus far.
I am actually trying to leave this thread, but it is your thread. You and one or two others have mostly replied at least to my opinion offerings in a conscientious manner. You deserved an answer. White 6 /Out.
My old psychology professer use to say when a motive for hatred doesn't seem apparent, the cause is very likely fear.

Nothing spawns opposition quite like fear does. And why do Democrats fear Trump ? The most obvious reason is that he's already beaten them (in the 2016 election).

Another reason is because he's been tremendously successful as president, especially with the economy. Just today the Down Jones topped 29,000, for the first time in US history. Likewise, S & P set an all-time record high.

The economy is booming. Unemployment lows are historic as well. So is the median income, at $61,400/year, highest in US history.

Trump has accomplished the demise of ISIS, with the killing of it's leader, and top generals. Likewise, he has the end of Soleimani, longtime Iranian terrorist, to his credit.

For 4 years, Democrats have been trying to diminish Trump in the eyes of voters, only to have him emerge even more popular, each time.

Perhaps Democrats biggest fear of Trump is simply that he doesn't cower from Democrats, like some Republicans do. To the contrary, Trump fights back, and is very effective, often very humorous, making Democrats look stupid.

His outsider, unconventional style has them baffled and confused, and that the public likes his "unpresidential" style, annoys Washington Democrats even more

Democrats know that they have a tiger by the tail, and are scared stiff.
First fear, then hatred.

Dow, S&P 500 close at record highs after Trump signs first phase of U.S.-China trade pact

That's not all. If a future Republican wants to win, he will have to follow in his foot steps.
So when did lefties care about adultry and hookers? And hush money.

You say Trump I say Clinton

And did you lefty support a.senator that killed a woman? talk about wealth and privilege, never bothered you before......

stop moralizing you will lose
You are living in the past. I don't presume to know what "lefties" think. You are not equipped mentally or intellectually to know the difference between "lefties and righties". Nobody on this board has ever heard me make excuses for or support the people you speak of. Your pea brain is rattling in your empty tin cup.

Oh the great independent...…….you obviously hate Trump, so do tell, what is your political position?
Read my other posts, I'll not recap for you. Try to keep up with the thread.

It was an honest question and doesn't take much time.
so you're full of shit...ok
Nice of you to show up fashionably late. Stick it in your eye.

I'm the closer, I come in to beat your stupidity down.
My old psychology professer use to say when a motive for hatred doesn't seem apparent, the cause is very likely fear.

Nothing spawns opposition quite like fear does. And why do Democrats fear Trump ? The most obvious reason is that he's already beaten them (in the 2016 election).

Another reason is because he's been tremendously successful as president, especially with the economy. Just today the Down Jones topped 29,000, for the first time in US history. Likewise, S & P set an all-time record high.

The economy is booming. Unemployment lows are historic as well. So is the median income, at $61,400/year, highest in US history.

Trump has accomplished the demise of ISIS, with the killing of it's leader, and top generals. Likewise, he has the end of Soleimani, longtime Iranian terrorist, to his credit.

For 4 years, Democrats have been trying to diminish Trump in the eyes of voters, only to have him emerge even more popular, each time.

Perhaps Democrats biggest fear of Trump is simply that he doesn't cower from Democrats, like some Republicans do. To the contrary, Trump fights back, and is very effective, often very humorous, making Democrats look stupid.

His outsider, unconventional style has them baffled and confused, and that the public likes his "unpresidential" style, annoys Washington Democrats even more

Democrats know that they have a tiger by the tail, and are scared stiff.
First fear, then hatred.

Dow, S&P 500 close at record highs after Trump signs first phase of U.S.-China trade pact

Nuttin' like starting your own thread title with a strawman huh.

Liberals hate Rump; conservatives hate Rump; the apolitical hate Rump; Democrats hate Rump; Republicans hate Rump; Whigs hate Rump; women hate Rump; Latinos hate Rump; Semitics hate Rump; Asians hate Rump; Native Americans hate Rump; foreigners hate Rump; anyone who doesn't believe in self-delusional bullshit hates Rump. NONE of that is political --- how could it be for a sleazebag opportunist who believes in literally nothing but Numero Uno. ALL of that is personal. As in character. Rump represents the slimiest scummiest version of humanity, and nobody likes that.

It ain't rocket surgery.
When we look at the Democrats of today, we're not seeing the Democrats of John F. Kennedy's era.
That is one of the saddest things in my life, I actually feel hurt even right now when I think of what kind of party we were then and what the liberals have done to this party...white liberals need to be banished from the party.
My old psychology professer use to say when a motive for hatred doesn't seem apparent, the cause is very likely fear.

Nothing spawns opposition quite like fear does. And why do Democrats fear Trump ? The most obvious reason is that he's already beaten them (in the 2016 election).

Another reason is because he's been tremendously successful as president, especially with the economy. Just today the Down Jones topped 29,000, for the first time in US history. Likewise, S & P set an all-time record high.

The economy is booming. Unemployment lows are historic as well. So is the median income, at $61,400/year, highest in US history.

Trump has accomplished the demise of ISIS, with the killing of it's leader, and top generals. Likewise, he has the end of Soleimani, longtime Iranian terrorist, to his credit.

For 4 years, Democrats have been trying to diminish Trump in the eyes of voters, only to have him emerge even more popular, each time.

Perhaps Democrats biggest fear of Trump is simply that he doesn't cower from Democrats, like some Republicans do. To the contrary, Trump fights back, and is very effective, often very humorous, making Democrats look stupid.

His outsider, unconventional style has them baffled and confused, and that the public likes his "unpresidential" style, annoys Washington Democrats even more

Democrats know that they have a tiger by the tail, and are scared stiff.
First fear, then hatred.

Dow, S&P 500 close at record highs after Trump signs first phase of U.S.-China trade pact

Nuttin' like starting your own thread title with a strawman huh.

Liberals hate Rump; conservatives hate Rump; the apolitical hate Rump; Democrats hate Rump; Republicans hate Rump; Whigs hate Rump; women hate Rump; Latinos hate Rump; Semitics hate Rump; Asians hate Rump; Native Americans hate Rump; foreigners hate Rump; anyone who doesn't believe in self-delusional bullshit hates Rump. NONE of that is political --- how could it be for a sleazebag opportunist who believes in literally nothing but Numero Uno. ALL of that is personal. As in character. Rump represents the slimiest scummiest version of humanity, and nobody likes that.

It ain't rocket surgery.
And yet he'll be re-elected. Don't pick your nose - your head will cave in.
I don't hate him. I just do not approve of his style of leadership. Consider this:
Consider the defect "mammalian excreta" a rather polite way for the FDA to tell you there's rodent poop in your food. The icky defect comes up 15 times in the FDA's handbook.

Fennel seeds, ginger and mace (a spice that's similar to nutmeg) can all contain up to an average of 3 milligrams of mammal poop per pound. For sesame seeds, the limit is a smidge higher: up to an average of 5 mg per pound.

He routinely and greatly exceed the maximum level of rat $hit in what he puts out for public consumption. Doesn't matter if he is a fat rat. Doesn't matter if a lot of people eat it up. He is poisonous to the public discourse, and rarely shows acceptable leadership characteristics of a sitting President.

Lots of US didn't like Obama's 'style' as well. His blatant racism, Marxist policies he instituted by going around Congress, denigrating law enforcement, apologizing for America around the world, letting Hillary get away with bad Dept of State policies, not caring about our illegal alien problem and his economic malaise. We could have impeached that son of a bitch on hearsay as well.
Do you moral equivalency much, Leo?

Word salad much? ^^^^
in 2016, Trump said he would stand up to wall street and repeal the Glass-Steagall act.

when he became president, Trump de-regulated Wall Street

what a hypocrite!
in 2016, Trump said he would stand up to wall street and repeal the Glass-Steagall act.

when he became president, Trump de-regulated Wall Street

what a hypocrite!


Glass-Steagall Act was partially repealed by Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999.
We need to cease referring to the Democratic party as such. From now on, I'm calling them what they are: Marxists and Communists. There's nothing liberal or progressive about them.
That is a simplification of Democrats. Sure, they're in step with Marxist ideology, but they're much more than that. Their idiotic cultural policies are an even greater disparage of them - you name it - open borders, transgenders, gun-free zones, Muslims, affirmative action, globalist trade, etc
They don't have the American people with them on these issues, and they know it.

Trump does not step backwards on these issues and that scares Democrats.
They're shitting in their pants. :biggrin:
They don't have "some" of the American people with them. The major populated cities in the US (Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, New York City, Chicago, et cetera), are crawling with the enemy of the Constitution.
We hate trump becuase he is a lying piece of trash period. Much like his supporters.
Like many in this forum who couldn't cite ONE LIE that Trump has ever told, you haven't either. Your hot air bluster is noted as an inability to support your "position"
Go poind sand dumb fuck! The guy is a habitual liar it is what he does. Here is one of his manymany lies.

“I like Mr. Bannon. He’s a friend of mine. But Mr. Bannon came on very late. You know that. I went through 17 senators, governors, and I won all the primaries. Mr. Bannon came on very much later than that. And I like him, he’s a good man. He is not a racist, I can tell you that. He’s a good person. He actually gets very unfair press in that regard. But we’ll see what happens with Mr. Bannon. But he’s a good person, and I think the press treats him, frankly, very unfairly.” – Aug. 15, 2017, Trump Tower news conference three days before Bannon was forced out as White House chief strategist.

“Steve Bannon has nothing to do with me or my Presidency. When he was fired, he not only lost his job, he lost his mind.” – Jan. 3, 2018, written statement after derogatory comments about Trump’s daughter Ivanka and eldest son, Don Jr., were attributed to Bannon by the author of an explosive behind-the-scenes book about Trump’s first year.

Not only a liar but a bad one he lies so much he can not even keep track of them and contradicts him self. This is the tip of the ice berg.
My old psychology professer use to say when a motive for hatred doesn't seem apparent, the cause is very likely fear.

Nothing spawns opposition quite like fear does. And why do Democrats fear Trump ? The most obvious reason is that he's already beaten them (in the 2016 election).

Another reason is because he's been tremendously successful as president, especially with the economy. Just today the Down Jones topped 29,000, for the first time in US history. Likewise, S & P set an all-time record high.

The economy is booming. Unemployment lows are historic as well. So is the median income, at $61,400/year, highest in US history.

Trump has accomplished the demise of ISIS, with the killing of it's leader, and top generals. Likewise, he has the end of Soleimani, longtime Iranian terrorist, to his credit.

For 4 years, Democrats have been trying to diminish Trump in the eyes of voters, only to have him emerge even more popular, each time.

Perhaps Democrats biggest fear of Trump is simply that he doesn't cower from Democrats, like some Republicans do. To the contrary, Trump fights back, and is very effective, often very humorous, making Democrats look stupid.

His outsider, unconventional style has them baffled and confused, and that the public likes his "unpresidential" style, annoys Washington Democrats even more

Democrats know that they have a tiger by the tail, and are scared stiff.
First fear, then hatred.

Dow, S&P 500 close at record highs after Trump signs first phase of U.S.-China trade pact
I always love it when conservative people tell me what I think and why. Cluelessness.
My old psychology professer use to say when a motive for hatred doesn't seem apparent, the cause is very likely fear.

Nothing spawns opposition quite like fear does. And why do Democrats fear Trump ? The most obvious reason is that he's already beaten them (in the 2016 election).

Another reason is because he's been tremendously successful as president, especially with the economy. Just today the Down Jones topped 29,000, for the first time in US history. Likewise, S & P set an all-time record high.

The economy is booming. Unemployment lows are historic as well. So is the median income, at $61,400/year, highest in US history.

Trump has accomplished the demise of ISIS, with the killing of it's leader, and top generals. Likewise, he has the end of Soleimani, longtime Iranian terrorist, to his credit.

For 4 years, Democrats have been trying to diminish Trump in the eyes of voters, only to have him emerge even more popular, each time.

Perhaps Democrats biggest fear of Trump is simply that he doesn't cower from Democrats, like some Republicans do. To the contrary, Trump fights back, and is very effective, often very humorous, making Democrats look stupid.

His outsider, unconventional style has them baffled and confused, and that the public likes his "unpresidential" style, annoys Washington Democrats even more

Democrats know that they have a tiger by the tail, and are scared stiff.
First fear, then hatred.

Dow, S&P 500 close at record highs after Trump signs first phase of U.S.-China trade pact
I always love it when conservative people tell me what I think and why. Cluelessness.

Conservatives can’t even think for themselves.

They get their talking points from twitter.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
They don't have "some" of the American people with them. The major populated cities in the US (Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, New York City, Chicago, et cetera), are crawling with the enemy of the Constitution.
Absolutely right. They are enemy enclaves on American soil.

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