Why Liberals Hate Trump

The guy is a habitual liar it is what he does. Here is one of his manymany lies.

“I like Mr. Bannon. He’s a friend of mine. But Mr. Bannon came on very late. You know that. I went through 17 senators, governors, and I won all the primaries. Mr. Bannon came on very much later than that. And I like him, he’s a good man. He is not a racist, I can tell you that. He’s a good person. He actually gets very unfair press in that regard. But we’ll see what happens with Mr. Bannon. But he’s a good person, and I think the press treats him, frankly, very unfairly.” – Aug. 15, 2017, Trump Tower news conference three days before Bannon was forced out as White House chief strategist.

“Steve Bannon has nothing to do with me or my Presidency. When he was fired, he not only lost his job, he lost his mind.” – Jan. 3, 2018, written statement after derogatory comments about Trump’s daughter Ivanka and eldest son, Don Jr., were attributed to Bannon by the author of an explosive behind-the-scenes book about Trump’s first year.

Not only a liar but a bad one he lies so much he can not even keep track of them and contradicts him self. This is the tip of the ice berg.
This is the best you could come up with ? Sheesh!
These are not lies at all. You are distorted in the head.
The guy is a habitual liar it is what he does. Here is one of his manymany lies.

“I like Mr. Bannon. He’s a friend of mine. But Mr. Bannon came on very late. You know that. I went through 17 senators, governors, and I won all the primaries. Mr. Bannon came on very much later than that. And I like him, he’s a good man. He is not a racist, I can tell you that. He’s a good person. He actually gets very unfair press in that regard. But we’ll see what happens with Mr. Bannon. But he’s a good person, and I think the press treats him, frankly, very unfairly.” – Aug. 15, 2017, Trump Tower news conference three days before Bannon was forced out as White House chief strategist.

“Steve Bannon has nothing to do with me or my Presidency. When he was fired, he not only lost his job, he lost his mind.” – Jan. 3, 2018, written statement after derogatory comments about Trump’s daughter Ivanka and eldest son, Don Jr., were attributed to Bannon by the author of an explosive behind-the-scenes book about Trump’s first year.

Not only a liar but a bad one he lies so much he can not even keep track of them and contradicts him self. This is the tip of the ice berg.
This is the best you could come up with ? Sheesh!
These are not lies at all. You are distorted in the head.
They are both statements maid by one man that contraqdict themsevles one isa lie you dumb fuck!
They are both statements maid by one man that contraqdict themsevles one isa lie you dumb fuck!
They are not lies. People say things that are not the same, at different points in time. They change their mind, they get new information, conditions change, etc. That isn't lying. You're an idiot.
Trump and the Clintons. Trump used to be a democrat, and the Democrats loved this guy. Now they want to ass*ssinate him? Or being they cant do that, they impeach him, being all the shady and illicit activities Democrats have indulged in it seems rather beyond hypocritical. Ask me, I double dog dare you.
I don't hate him. I just do not approve of his style of leadership. Consider this:
Consider the defect "mammalian excreta" a rather polite way for the FDA to tell you there's rodent poop in your food. The icky defect comes up 15 times in the FDA's handbook.

Fennel seeds, ginger and mace (a spice that's similar to nutmeg) can all contain up to an average of 3 milligrams of mammal poop per pound. For sesame seeds, the limit is a smidge higher: up to an average of 5 mg per pound.

He routinely and greatly exceed the maximum level of rat $hit in what he puts out for public consumption. Doesn't matter if he is a fat rat. Doesn't matter if a lot of people eat it up. He is poisonous to the public discourse, and rarely shows acceptable leadership characteristics of a sitting President.
Why u say that? Because he takes no shit from the traitorous left?
Is is the Dems fault that every Trump apointee that leaves this ratrace Trump has engineered ends up hating his fucking guts & doesn't have a good thing to say about the asshole?
I don't hate him. I just do not approve of his style of leadership. Consider this:
Consider the defect "mammalian excreta" a rather polite way for the FDA to tell you there's rodent poop in your food. The icky defect comes up 15 times in the FDA's handbook.

Fennel seeds, ginger and mace (a spice that's similar to nutmeg) can all contain up to an average of 3 milligrams of mammal poop per pound. For sesame seeds, the limit is a smidge higher: up to an average of 5 mg per pound.

He routinely and greatly exceed the maximum level of rat $hit in what he puts out for public consumption. Doesn't matter if he is a fat rat. Doesn't matter if a lot of people eat it up. He is poisonous to the public discourse, and rarely shows acceptable leadership characteristics of a sitting President.
FALSE! Trump has perfectly fine leadership characteristics.
His style may be the best of any president ever. He speaks in the language of the people, which makes him more likable and easy to understand.

How refreshing to finally have a president who doesn't talk like THEM (Washington insiders).
Trump wishes he could talk like "THEM". Problem is, he doesn't have the brainroom to do it so he resorts to lashing out & acting like a fucking juvenille delinquint. Lets see that cocksucker's grades & prove me wrong.
I don't hate him. I just do not approve of his style of leadership. Consider this:
Consider the defect "mammalian excreta" a rather polite way for the FDA to tell you there's rodent poop in your food. The icky defect comes up 15 times in the FDA's handbook.

Fennel seeds, ginger and mace (a spice that's similar to nutmeg) can all contain up to an average of 3 milligrams of mammal poop per pound. For sesame seeds, the limit is a smidge higher: up to an average of 5 mg per pound.

He routinely and greatly exceed the maximum level of rat $hit in what he puts out for public consumption. Doesn't matter if he is a fat rat. Doesn't matter if a lot of people eat it up. He is poisonous to the public discourse, and rarely shows acceptable leadership characteristics of a sitting President.
FALSE! Trump has perfectly fine leadership characteristics.
His style may be the best of any president ever. He speaks in the language of the people, which makes him more likable and easy to understand.

How refreshing to finally have a president who doesn't talk like THEM (Washington insiders).
Trump wishes he could talk like "THEM". Problem is, he doesn't have the brainroom to do it so he resorts to lashing out & acting like a fucking juvenille delinquint. Lets see that cocksucker's grades & prove me wrong.
You think that because you think their Washington insiders talk is sophisticated, smart, and cool. You are unaware of your unawaress.

As for his "grades", they are being a multi billionaire, star of a tv show, and getting elected president of the United States.

Sure beats you rounding up shopping carts. :biggrin:
I don't hate him. I just do not approve of his style of leadership. Consider this:
Consider the defect "mammalian excreta" a rather polite way for the FDA to tell you there's rodent poop in your food. The icky defect comes up 15 times in the FDA's handbook.

Fennel seeds, ginger and mace (a spice that's similar to nutmeg) can all contain up to an average of 3 milligrams of mammal poop per pound. For sesame seeds, the limit is a smidge higher: up to an average of 5 mg per pound.

He routinely and greatly exceed the maximum level of rat $hit in what he puts out for public consumption. Doesn't matter if he is a fat rat. Doesn't matter if a lot of people eat it up. He is poisonous to the public discourse, and rarely shows acceptable leadership characteristics of a sitting President.
FALSE! Trump has perfectly fine leadership characteristics.
His style may be the best of any president ever. He speaks in the language of the people, which makes him more likable and easy to understand.

How refreshing to finally have a president who doesn't talk like THEM (Washington insiders).
Trump wishes he could talk like "THEM". Problem is, he doesn't have the brainroom to do it so he resorts to lashing out & acting like a fucking juvenille delinquint. Lets see that cocksucker's grades & prove me wrong.
You think that because you think their Washington insiders talk is sophisticated, smart, and cool. You are unaware of your unawaress.

As for his "grades", they are being a multi billionaire, star of a tv show, and getting elected president of the United States.

Sure beats you rounding up shopping carts. :biggrin:

Funny, I have a different score. I have running businesses into the ground, dissing Indians, destroying the USFL, tanking an airline, utterly failing at ill-advised casinos, selling vitamins based on customers sending in pee samples (prophetic), contriving fake press agents, then admitting to it in court, then denying what he admitted to in court (which makes it perjury), dissing his own spouses, dissing his own beauty contestants, walking in on those (teenage) contestants while they're dressing, unannounced, dissing his own daughter and using her for salacious soft-porn shots, dissing Mexicans, dissing Muslims, dissing the Constitution, dissing women, marking rent applications with a "C" for "colored", getting busted for that, telling the FBI investigator "come on Elyse, you don't want to live with them either", claiming to have come out of it clean when he didn't, then doing it AGAIN, dissing black people elsewhere ("black guys counting my money, I hate it"), defrauding gullible saps with a fraud university, dissing the judge in that suit claiming he'd never settle and then settling to the tune of 25 million, inventing an entire new country for his father to have been born in, declaring "would" means "wouldn't", claiming Revolutionary War pilots took over the airports (perhaps that's where the Rump Spittle Shuttle went down), saluting a North Korean officer, pledging to release his taxes and then failing to do so, embezzling from his own "charity", inventing his own fake Time Magazine cover, hiding out in a hotel because it was raining while the rest of the European heads of state including the 92-year-old Queen of England went to honor WWI dead, declaring "England" and "the UK" are the same thing, walking in front of the Queen, calling Bhutan and Nepal "button and nipple", changing the course of a hurricane and sending it to Alabama with the power of a Sharpie, endorsing a child molester, lying about a news event he made up, then mocking the congenital disability of a reporter when that reporter wouldn't join him in that lie, getting the name of his own trophy wife wrong, relentlessly coloring his own face a bizarre orange, dissing a debate moderator with a perverse menstruation hangup and then pouting at home because she'd be at the next one, dissing a TV commentator with the same menstruation hangup, and splashing a full-page newspaper ad calling for the deaths of five innocent people who happened to be black or Hispanic, and then doubling down on stupid after they had been exonerated by DNA, being so arrogantly full of his own ass as to declare "I alone can fix it", "I know more than the generals" and "I will be the greatest jobs president that god ever created", and then I got hiding at home sulking and twitting while the White House Correspondents Dinner(s) were going on because he's too much of a wimp to take the heat. :gay:

In no particular order of course. That's just off the top of my head.

See --- again --- post 129, which mysteriously went unanswered. Probably because it smashes the OP premise into tiny tiny bits.

Oh by the way, amusing use of irony, trying to sell "star of a tv [sic] show" as if it were a positive thing. That was hilarious.
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I don't hate him. I just do not approve of his style of leadership. Consider this:
Consider the defect "mammalian excreta" a rather polite way for the FDA to tell you there's rodent poop in your food. The icky defect comes up 15 times in the FDA's handbook.

Fennel seeds, ginger and mace (a spice that's similar to nutmeg) can all contain up to an average of 3 milligrams of mammal poop per pound. For sesame seeds, the limit is a smidge higher: up to an average of 5 mg per pound.

He routinely and greatly exceed the maximum level of rat $hit in what he puts out for public consumption. Doesn't matter if he is a fat rat. Doesn't matter if a lot of people eat it up. He is poisonous to the public discourse, and rarely shows acceptable leadership characteristics of a sitting President.
FALSE! Trump has perfectly fine leadership characteristics.
His style may be the best of any president ever. He speaks in the language of the people, which makes him more likable and easy to understand.

How refreshing to finally have a president who doesn't talk like THEM (Washington insiders).
Trump wishes he could talk like "THEM". Problem is, he doesn't have the brainroom to do it so he resorts to lashing out & acting like a fucking juvenille delinquint. Lets see that cocksucker's grades & prove me wrong.
You think that because you think their Washington insiders talk is sophisticated, smart, and cool. You are unaware of your unawaress.

As for his "grades", they are being a multi billionaire, star of a tv show, and getting elected president of the United States.

Sure beats you rounding up shopping carts. :biggrin:

Funny, I have a different score. I have running businesses into the ground, dissing Indians, destroying the USFL, tanking an airline, utterly failing at ill-advised casinos, selling vitamins based on customers sending in pee samples (prophetic), contriving fake press agents, then admitting to it in court, then denying what he admitted to in court (which makes it perjury), dissing his own spouses, dissing his own beauty contestants, walking in on those (teenage) contestants while they're dressing, unannounced, dissing his own daughter and using her for salacious soft-porn shots, dissing Mexicans, dissing Muslims, dissing the Constitution, dissing women, marking rent applications with a "C" for "colored", getting busted for that, telling the FBI investigator "come on Elyse, you don't want to live with them either", claiming to have come out of it clean when he didn't, then doing it AGAIN, dissing black people elsewhere ("black guys counting my money, I hate it"), defrauding gullible saps with a fraud university, dissing the judge in that suit claiming he'd never settle and then settling to the tune of 25 million, inventing an entire new country for his father to have been born in, declaring "would" means "wouldn't", claiming Revolutionary War pilots took over the airports (perhaps that's where the Rump Spittle Shuttle went down), saluting a North Korean officer, pledging to release his taxes and then failing to do so, embezzling from his own "charity", inventing his own fake Time Magazine cover, hiding out in a hotel because it was raining while the rest of the European heads of state including the 92-year-old Queen of England went to honor WWI dead, declaring "England" and "the UK" are the same thing, walking in front of the Queen, calling Bhutan and Nepal "button and nipple", changing the course of a hurricane and sending it to Alabama with the power of a Sharpie, endorsing a child molester, lying about a news event he made up, then mocking the congenital disability of a reporter when that reporter wouldn't join him in that lie, getting the name of his own trophy wife wrong, relentlessly coloring his own face a bizarre orange, dissing a debate moderator with a perverse menstruation hangup and then pouting at home because she'd be at the next one, dissing a TV commentator with the same menstruation hangup, and splashing a full-page newspaper ad calling for the deaths of five innocent people who happened to be black or Hispanic, and then doubling down on stupid after they had been exonerated by DNA, being so arrogantly full of his own ass as to declare "I alone can fix it", "I know more than the generals" and "I will be the greatest jobs president that god ever created", and then I got hiding at home sulking and twitting while the White House Correspondents Dinner(s) were going on because he's too much of a wimp to take the heat. :gay:

In no particular order of course. That's just off the top of my head.

See --- again --- post 129, which mysteriously went unanswered. Probably because it smashes the OP premise into tiny tiny bits.

Oh by the way, amusing use of irony, trying to sell "star of a tv [sic] show" as if it were a positive thing. That was hilarious.
That's it ? That's all you've got ? No mention of Access Hollywood, John McCain called not a hero, outsourcing ties to China mentioned by David Letterman, calling Mexicans rapists.

Want to add those to your list of media propaganda distortions ? Or are you aware that they don't fly ?

As for post ,129, I'm posting on a cell phone which doesn't show post numbers, but the OP and it's premise are well intact, as is Trump for his next 5 years as president.:biggrin:
I don't hate him. I just do not approve of his style of leadership. Consider this:
Consider the defect "mammalian excreta" a rather polite way for the FDA to tell you there's rodent poop in your food. The icky defect comes up 15 times in the FDA's handbook.

Fennel seeds, ginger and mace (a spice that's similar to nutmeg) can all contain up to an average of 3 milligrams of mammal poop per pound. For sesame seeds, the limit is a smidge higher: up to an average of 5 mg per pound.

He routinely and greatly exceed the maximum level of rat $hit in what he puts out for public consumption. Doesn't matter if he is a fat rat. Doesn't matter if a lot of people eat it up. He is poisonous to the public discourse, and rarely shows acceptable leadership characteristics of a sitting President.
FALSE! Trump has perfectly fine leadership characteristics.
His style may be the best of any president ever. He speaks in the language of the people, which makes him more likable and easy to understand.

How refreshing to finally have a president who doesn't talk like THEM (Washington insiders).
Trump wishes he could talk like "THEM". Problem is, he doesn't have the brainroom to do it so he resorts to lashing out & acting like a fucking juvenille delinquint. Lets see that cocksucker's grades & prove me wrong.
You think that because you think their Washington insiders talk is sophisticated, smart, and cool. You are unaware of your unawaress.

As for his "grades", they are being a multi billionaire, star of a tv show, and getting elected president of the United States.

Sure beats you rounding up shopping carts. :biggrin:

Funny, I have a different score. I have running businesses into the ground, dissing Indians, destroying the USFL, tanking an airline, utterly failing at ill-advised casinos, selling vitamins based on customers sending in pee samples (prophetic), contriving fake press agents, then admitting to it in court, then denying what he admitted to in court (which makes it perjury), dissing his own spouses, dissing his own beauty contestants, walking in on those (teenage) contestants while they're dressing, unannounced, dissing his own daughter and using her for salacious soft-porn shots, dissing Mexicans, dissing Muslims, dissing the Constitution, dissing women, marking rent applications with a "C" for "colored", getting busted for that, telling the FBI investigator "come on Elyse, you don't want to live with them either", claiming to have come out of it clean when he didn't, then doing it AGAIN, dissing black people elsewhere ("black guys counting my money, I hate it"), defrauding gullible saps with a fraud university, dissing the judge in that suit claiming he'd never settle and then settling to the tune of 25 million, inventing an entire new country for his father to have been born in, declaring "would" means "wouldn't", claiming Revolutionary War pilots took over the airports (perhaps that's where the Rump Spittle Shuttle went down), saluting a North Korean officer, pledging to release his taxes and then failing to do so, embezzling from his own "charity", inventing his own fake Time Magazine cover, hiding out in a hotel because it was raining while the rest of the European heads of state including the 92-year-old Queen of England went to honor WWI dead, declaring "England" and "the UK" are the same thing, walking in front of the Queen, calling Bhutan and Nepal "button and nipple", changing the course of a hurricane and sending it to Alabama with the power of a Sharpie, endorsing a child molester, lying about a news event he made up, then mocking the congenital disability of a reporter when that reporter wouldn't join him in that lie, getting the name of his own trophy wife wrong, relentlessly coloring his own face a bizarre orange, dissing a debate moderator with a perverse menstruation hangup and then pouting at home because she'd be at the next one, dissing a TV commentator with the same menstruation hangup, and splashing a full-page newspaper ad calling for the deaths of five innocent people who happened to be black or Hispanic, and then doubling down on stupid after they had been exonerated by DNA, being so arrogantly full of his own ass as to declare "I alone can fix it", "I know more than the generals" and "I will be the greatest jobs president that god ever created", and then I got hiding at home sulking and twitting while the White House Correspondents Dinner(s) were going on because he's too much of a wimp to take the heat. :gay:

In no particular order of course. That's just off the top of my head.

See --- again --- post 129, which mysteriously went unanswered. Probably because it smashes the OP premise into tiny tiny bits.

Oh by the way, amusing use of irony, trying to sell "star of a tv [sic] show" as if it were a positive thing. That was hilarious.
Maybe this just slipped your mind. CNN forgot about it too. Yup.

Full list of President Trumps Accomplishments
Why Liberals Hate Trump
Well, I don't know about other liberals, but to the extent Trump does not preserve liberty and chooses to entangle us in war, I hate him.

Most people claiming to be "liberal" are not. They are commies. Don't be fooled.


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