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Why Mitt Romney is Unlikable!

Not really.

Romney might get more votes than McCain did because of population growth... But Obama will get more votes than he did in 2008 as well.

Yes gotta be population growth or altitude.

Like I said, Romney's going to lose and lose badly...

And all you wingnuts will claim it was because he wasn't a "real conservative", whatever the hell that means these days.

You are an idiot Joe, an unaduterated idiot......whatever gave you the idea that your silly opinion mean anything to anybody?
how did a dedicated leftist like you manage to have enough money to support her........?
i'da thought you would have already paid your "fair share"....leaving just enough to support yourself and your own family....?

Until about four years ago, I was probably to the right of you. Just not as much of a heartless asshole.

Then my Romney-loving boss showed me the "True Meaning of Christmas". He fired everyone who worked for him for six years in order to hire people who'd work for less.

To the point, I always leave a little wiggle room in my finances. What I was making at the time was good money. Again, it was the good old days when Clinton was in charge. And to think at the time, my biggest concern was whether he lied about a blow job.

so you hate Romney because of your ex-boss....?

fyi the only reason Clinton was a success was because he was able to compromise (after alot of arm-wrestling) with the Republicans in charge of Congress....
Yes gotta be population growth or altitude.

Like I said, Romney's going to lose and lose badly...

And all you wingnuts will claim it was because he wasn't a "real conservative", whatever the hell that means these days.

What is your primary indicator ?


Obama will get 95% of the black vote and 75% of the Hispanic vote and just to be thorough, proably 55% of the Asian vote.

Which means he'll get about 80% of the non-white vote in this country. Which means he has about 24% of the electorate in teh bag to start with.

In order to prevail, the Weird Mormon Robot will need to get 65% of the White vote. Not even Reagan could accomplish that.

This is the big problem the GOP has. It has spent the last 50 years playing the race card.

In 1956, Dwight D. Eisenhower got 41% of the African American vote. Nixon got 32% of the black vote in 1960.

In 2008, McCain got 4% of the black vote. NO one really expects Romney to do any better than that. One poll showed him getting NO black votes.

Romney has dug himself in pretty deep with Hispanics as well. Threatening to make people's lives so miserable they'll "self-deport" has a habit of doing that.

This is the biggest problem the GOP needs to solve for the future... and Romney is making things worse for them.
so you hate Romney because of your ex-boss....?

No, I hate Romney because he's a Mormon. Do try to keep up.

The fact assholes like my ex-boss are his supporters pretty much tells you all you want to know about him.

fyi the only reason Clinton was a success was because he was able to compromise (after alot of arm-wrestling) with the Republicans in charge of Congress....

Horseshit. The reason he was successful is that he showed he was serious about fiscal sanity.
so you hate Romney because of your ex-boss....?

No, I hate Romney because he's a Mormon. Do try to keep up.
well you and Obama probably have that in common....
The fact assholes like my ex-boss are his supporters pretty much tells you all you want to know about him.
talk to Obama about all the job losses...

fyi the only reason Clinton was a success was because he was able to compromise (after alot of arm-wrestling) with the Republicans in charge of Congress....

Horseshit. The reason he was successful is that he showed he was serious about fiscal sanity.
Horsepucky yourself...is that why he rejected Welfare Reform about three times before his arm was finally twisted enough to vote for it.....?
[Howling at the Avi...I love Elvira.....]

Joe simply can't stand that Romney won't stand still long enough for people to solidify his image as a robot.

Even Whoopie had to go after his wife to make the image stick.

The View should be titled "The View through four bellybuttons".

Actually, Romney still comes off as weird and creepy. He doesn't need to stand still for that.

All he has to do is keep saying strange shit about killing Big Bird and Women in Binders.

actually.......Big Bird and Women in Binders is about ALL that Obama has to campaign on.....:rolleyes:

Probably more than enough...

Romney proves his unfitness for office every day.
so you hate Romney because of your ex-boss....?

No, I hate Romney because he's a Mormon. Do try to keep up.
well you and Obama probably have that in common....
The fact assholes like my ex-boss are his supporters pretty much tells you all you want to know about him.
talk to Obama about all the job losses...

You mean the job losses that occurred because of Bush's policies and crony capitalism. THOSE job losses. Because I and most of my friends got fired from that job on Bush's watch.

Your argument seems to be "Vote for Republicans, because Obama hasn't fixed what we've fucked up fast enough."

fyi the only reason Clinton was a success was because he was able to compromise (after alot of arm-wrestling) with the Republicans in charge of Congress....

Horseshit. The reason he was successful is that he showed he was serious about fiscal sanity.
Horsepucky yourself...is that why he rejected Welfare Reform about three times before his arm was finally twisted enough to vote for it.....?

Welfare reform had nothing to do with the economic recovery. In fact, the economic recovery was probably the only thing that made it politically palatable.

Obama will get 95% of the black vote and 75% of the Hispanic vote and just to be thorough, proably 55% of the Asian vote.

Then why do most polls call it within the margin and one of the most reliable has it for Romney ? Doesn't reconcile w/ your demo numbers.

As other polls show tight race, Gallup stands apart - Yahoo! News


Throwing out Gallup and it's fanciful crap about a 79% white vote, the fact is, Obama will dominate Romney in minority vote turnout.

You have three polls with Obama +3, one poll with Obama +1, and three polls with the WMR at +1. Of the latter, two of the three are more than 10 days old. THrow out those and Gallup, and Obama has a comfy lead.
Obama has a comfy lead.

If you consider within the margin of error as incumbent "comfy".

After of course being certain Gallop doesn't know what it is doing.

Gallup is predicting a 79% white vote.

They really don't know what they are doing. I think they are getting into a pissing contest with the Adminsitration and they are going to end up getting wet in the end.
Obama has a comfy lead.

If you consider within the margin of error as incumbent "comfy".

After of course being certain Gallop doesn't know what it is doing.

Don't forget, Joe is a Republican.

Well, until the religious crazies and corporate bloodsuckers defecated all over the party.

Spent most of the afternoon making phone calls for Tammy Duckworth. Probably changed a few minds just by pointing out how crazy Joe Walsh really is.

Thursday night, Walsh said that with medical science, there is no such thing as a life-threatening pregnancy. No, seriously, he said this.
Obama has a comfy lead.

If you consider within the margin of error as incumbent "comfy".

After of course being certain Gallop doesn't know what it is doing.

Gallup is predicting a 79% white vote.

They really don't know what they are doing. I think they are getting into a pissing contest with the Adminsitration and they are going to end up getting wet in the end.

Poor Joey it's all starting to fall apart for your boy Obama...It was bound to happen man. Obama's fraud and he's been exposed:cool:
why people really don't like Romney...

Self-entitled douchebag with contempt for working people.

Weird religion started by child molesting con-artists.

Says weird, stupid stuff all the time.

Panders to the craziest elements of the right wing.

Flip-flops, lies and otherwise tries to pretend he didn't say what he just said.
Your an entitlment whore with contempt for anyone or anything that strays a hair from your warped world view. No religion, which makes you a primate mimicking your betters, you type weird stuff all the time....which means you are much more deliberate in your extremism.

You lie and otherwise try to convince yourself that you're intelligent with an opinion anyone cares about.

You are eminently unlikeable.
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i'm voting for Romney. I certainly didn't put a Muslim in office the first time and I will not this time. I am ready to give Romney a chance and I think things will get better for all of us. A Muslim has had no business being in any High office in this country. Obama's beliefs are from his Muslim raising as a child. His friends are all bad associations and influenced him in the wrong way. He is the worst Pres this country has ever ever had!!!
Romney had low approval ratings so long as he was relatively unknown and the leftwingers on message boards and the Obama surrogate media were able to define him. The debates have helped immensely in showing how empty and petty that definition was and I think that is causing people to wake up and start paying attention. And checking out some things.

Turns out he isn't this snotty rich guy that is out of touch with real people and isn't at all the monster as he has been portrayed. So the petty, mean stuff isn't working as well to demonize him now. And if he wins on November 7, we will have an exemplary, competent, and capable man in office.

And that will be a refreshing change.
1. Drop-dead, collar-ad handsome with gracious, statesmanlike aura. Looks like every central casting's #1 choice for Commander-in-Chief.

If you take away the hair, the man does not have anything distinguishing about his features. Beady eyes recessed beneath a large protruding brow is one of the biggest problems about him.

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