Why Mitt Romney only does Fox News Interviews


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Does anyone really need to ask?

Why Mitt Romney only does Fox News interviews: 5 theories - The Week

Romney is following the lead of other conservative Republicans, says Joe Gandelman at The Moderate Voice, "using Fox News as a way to avoid having to answer those pesky, non–public relations, non-softball questions and follow-up questions that he'd get on CBS, NBC, ABC." Much like Sarah Palin, he has "had a hard time in other interviews beyond Fox," says Ron Chusid in Liberal Values. Romney doesn't like to get into specifics on his secret plan for the economy, or why his Bain Capital record is an asset, and heaven forbid "clips of his past statements were brought up."
Gee. Can't say I've seen Barry interviewing with FOX very often.

Also. Was't his posse trying to get FOX baned from the Press corp at one point??

Funny how that works.
As the Right scrambles to defend their new messiah

Romney is following the Palin playbook by avoiding those tough "What newspapers do you read?" questions in favor of a stream of softballs

Where is Romney on Meet the Press? or Face the Nation?

It is the new Republican......avoid hard questions at all costs
As the Right scrambles to defend their new messiah

Romney is following the Palin playbook by avoiding those tough "What newspapers do you read?" questions in favor of a stream of softballs

Where is Romney on Meet the Press? or Face the Nation?

It is the new Republican......avoid hard questions at all costs

Nope... it's just the normal people here scrambling to inform everyone who may be new (and who would not know you) exactly how much of a fucking liar you are
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Mitt Romney did an interview with Diane Sawyer in April.
He has done 21 interviews with local TV stations.
2 on Fox cable
1 with CNBC's commentator Larry Kudlow.
Many radio interviews.

What did Obama do in his first campaign? He limited the access to the press pool and avoided Fox.
Does anyone really need to ask?

Why Mitt Romney only does Fox News interviews: 5 theories - The Week

Romney is following the lead of other conservative Republicans, says Joe Gandelman at The Moderate Voice, "using Fox News as a way to avoid having to answer those pesky, non–public relations, non-softball questions and follow-up questions that he'd get on CBS, NBC, ABC." Much like Sarah Palin, he has "had a hard time in other interviews beyond Fox," says Ron Chusid in Liberal Values. Romney doesn't like to get into specifics on his secret plan for the economy, or why his Bain Capital record is an asset, and heaven forbid "clips of his past statements were brought up."

Well.. Ya screwed up... :lol:

Thanks for the laugh...:thup:
Does anyone really need to ask?

Why Mitt Romney only does Fox News interviews: 5 theories - The Week

Romney is following the lead of other conservative Republicans, says Joe Gandelman at The Moderate Voice, "using Fox News as a way to avoid having to answer those pesky, non–public relations, non-softball questions and follow-up questions that he'd get on CBS, NBC, ABC." Much like Sarah Palin, he has "had a hard time in other interviews beyond Fox," says Ron Chusid in Liberal Values. Romney doesn't like to get into specifics on his secret plan for the economy, or why his Bain Capital record is an asset, and heaven forbid "clips of his past statements were brought up."

Well.. Ya screwed up... :lol:

Thanks for the laugh...:thup:

Since Obama was interviewed by Wallace on Fox isn't it time for Romeny to allow Maddow to interview him?
As the Right scrambles to defend their new messiah

Romney is following the Palin playbook by avoiding those tough "What newspapers do you read?" questions in favor of a stream of softballs

Where is Romney on Meet the Press? or Face the Nation?

It is the new Republican......avoid hard questions at all costs

Huh? so asking what newspaper you read is considered "tough" questions...or more like how shallow they can be.?

your original post has already been shot down..but carry on anyway..:lol:
As the Right scrambles to defend their new messiah

Romney is following the Palin playbook by avoiding those tough "What newspapers do you read?" questions in favor of a stream of softballs

Where is Romney on Meet the Press? or Face the Nation?

It is the new Republican......avoid hard questions at all costs

Because Meet the Press and Face the Nation are for President Obama.
Of course Romney should be wary of the media.
The media are increasingly adversarial. It’s always in the candidate’s interest to talk to the media on his terms and his timing. Why would he want to turn his agenda over to the press?”
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Romney is only supported by the Koch tea party lobby. It takes someone like Murdock to support a pagan worshiper of dead people. FOX is a registered entertainment service the same caliber as the Enquirer.

Romney is a proven job killer and supports outsourcing jobs to communism at a time when almost a third of our own people remain unemployed.
Romney is a tax evader that hides his profits in the Cayman Islands and preaches war even though he and his boys refuse to serve and hide like cowards in Europe.

Romney has no chance of being elected but if he was what would be his agenda? More war profiteering, more welfare to the 1% with taxpayers money, more subsidies to corporate pigs feeding at the trough.
Romney has the worst record of job creation in Mass when he was governor.

Every time Romney flip flops FOX noise builds him up to be something he is not.

If the birthers were serious on their stand against foreign born presidential candidates they would be crying about Romney's Mexican birth.

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