Why "Moderates" can kiss my ass

Since when has capitalism said the govt should not have courts or laws to protect its citiZens from other citiZens?

Every time it attacks our government for legislation affecting profits. Have you seen the threads on this forum bitching about the EPA? The FDA? Yes, one of our government's roles is to protect its citizenry. This includes protection from unrestrained capitalism.
In a just society if you pollute my stream i sue you into insolvency.

Simple as that, what you have here is an unjust crony capitalist society.

Where pollution is rampant and allowed by your laws for the chosen.

Thats not capitalism's fault. its yours.

In my humble opinion you are wrong and here is a brief reason why I think so.

A pure Capitalist believes in the free running system where there are no checks and balances at all.

Thats not true, a govt exists to level the playing field for all,

and not allow crony capitalism to favour say GE over me.

So your statement is without merit.

level the playing field for all,

Really? And where in your socialist heart do you find that in regards to the government.

Funny, but I have not thought of you as a socialist before, but if you really believe that is the reason for the government you are a socialist.

Also, if you had actually read my post you will see that I was not advocating pure capitalism but, in fact, advocating a point somewhere between socialism and capitalism.

Child labor

Company towns

Debtors Prisons


Those are examples of injustice, i have no problem with any govt denying injustice.

Since when has capitalism said the govt should not have courts or laws to protect its citiZens from other citiZens?

Liberals have declared a war on aMerican exceptionalism, you can deny that butt we know its true.

So, to the victor goes the spoils, i have no doubts who will win.

God willing.

Since when has capitalism said the govt should not have courts or laws to protect its citiZens from other citiZens?

Every time they demand that the government deregulate their industry.

A true capitalist, does not accept any form of government control over their industry. That means they believe they can dump pollutants in the streams and rivers if they want to. They can hire children for thirty cents a day if they want to. They can pay their employees any wages they can get the employees to agree to and screw the minimum wage.

A Capitalist thinks that the Free Market is all that is needed to govern and resents government interference in their business. Pure capitalism would be a disaster as would pure socialism.


In my humble opinion you are wrong and here is a brief reason why I think so.

A pure Capitalist believes in the free running system where there are no checks and balances at all.

Thats not true, a govt exists to level the playing field for all,

and not allow crony capitalism to favour say GE over me.

So your statement is without merit.

level the playing field for all,

Really? And where in your socialist heart do you find that in regards to the government.

Funny, but I have not thought of you as a socialist before, but if you really believe that is the reason for the government you are a socialist.

Also, if you had actually read my post you will see that I was not advocating pure capitalism but, in fact, advocating a point somewhere between socialism and capitalism.

Psst!...... Immie...... He's saying the exact same thing you are....... just phrasing it differently......... that's what level playing field means.
Why don’t you ever see the headline “Psychic Wins Lottery”?

They would be charged with insider trading. That remains a congressional privilege.
In a just society if you pollute my stream i sue you into insolvency.

Simple as that, what you have here is an unjust crony capitalist society.

Where pollution is rampant and allowed by your laws for the chosen.

Thats not capitalism's fault. its yours.

In a pure capitalistic society you would not have the right to sue the corporation for polluting the streams. If you didn't like it you could go find your own stream somewhere else.

Those regulations are the hint that should be telling you that we do not live in a purely capitalistic society.

Would you really want to allow the capitalist free reign? If the capitalist were given his way, airlines would not have to maintain their planes if they felt it was too much of a burden. What's a couple of lost planes and a thousand or so dead in the overall scheme of things, as long as we keep those planes filled we don't have to maintain them.

Thats not true, a govt exists to level the playing field for all,

and not allow crony capitalism to favour say GE over me.

So your statement is without merit.

level the playing field for all,

Really? And where in your socialist heart do you find that in regards to the government.

Funny, but I have not thought of you as a socialist before, but if you really believe that is the reason for the government you are a socialist.

Also, if you had actually read my post you will see that I was not advocating pure capitalism but, in fact, advocating a point somewhere between socialism and capitalism.

Psst!...... Immie...... He's saying the exact same thing you are....... just phrasing it differently......... that's what level playing field means.

I'll admit I have been up since three am and only slept just over an hour, but unless he's being sarcastic, I'm not seeing it.

Really? And where in your socialist heart do you find that in regards to the government.

Funny, but I have not thought of you as a socialist before, but if you really believe that is the reason for the government you are a socialist.

Also, if you had actually read my post you will see that I was not advocating pure capitalism but, in fact, advocating a point somewhere between socialism and capitalism.

Psst!...... Immie...... He's saying the exact same thing you are....... just phrasing it differently......... that's what level playing field means.

I'll admit I have been up since three am and only slept just over an hour, but unless he's being sarcastic, I'm not seeing it.


Go to bed. Unfortunately I can't, just woke up after about four hours of often interrupted sleep and have to be at work for a 12 hour shift at noon. More coffee..........
Psst!...... Immie...... He's saying the exact same thing you are....... just phrasing it differently......... that's what level playing field means.

I'll admit I have been up since three am and only slept just over an hour, but unless he's being sarcastic, I'm not seeing it.


Go to bed. Unfortunately I can't, just woke up after about four hours of often interrupted sleep and have to be at work for a 12 hour shift at noon. More coffee..........

Oh believe me, I am tempted and I will definitely be taking a nap some time between now and the time that I have to take my daughter to work. Unfortunately, I started on the coffee when I got back from taking my wife to work.

Man only having one car sucks.

I'll admit I have been up since three am and only slept just over an hour, but unless he's being sarcastic, I'm not seeing it.


Go to bed. Unfortunately I can't, just woke up after about four hours of often interrupted sleep and have to be at work for a 12 hour shift at noon. More coffee..........

Oh believe me, I am tempted and I will definitely be taking a nap some time between now and the time that I have to take my daughter to work. Unfortunately, I started on the coffee when I got back from taking my wife to work.

Man only having one car sucks.


One word..........

Rollerblades :D
Go to bed. Unfortunately I can't, just woke up after about four hours of often interrupted sleep and have to be at work for a 12 hour shift at noon. More coffee..........

Oh believe me, I am tempted and I will definitely be taking a nap some time between now and the time that I have to take my daughter to work. Unfortunately, I started on the coffee when I got back from taking my wife to work.

Man only having one car sucks.


One word..........

Rollerblades :D

I have a very hard time wearing them. I have flat feet and they hurt li... oh, wait, you were talking about my wife and daughter... hmmm, no, too far for them to go.

Oh believe me, I am tempted and I will definitely be taking a nap some time between now and the time that I have to take my daughter to work. Unfortunately, I started on the coffee when I got back from taking my wife to work.

Man only having one car sucks.


One word..........

Rollerblades :D

I have a very hard time wearing them. I have flat feet and they hurt li... oh, wait, you were talking about my wife and daughter... hmmm, no, too far for them to go.


Have thumb, will travel?
Rather than addressing these annoying fuckers one at a time, let me make a blanket statement: If you're a political "Moderate" in 2011, you're either lying or a fucking moron.

The Government has control over every aspect of your life including your health, Social Security is totally broke, Congress shamelessly racks up annual trillion deficits like it was nothing and even though they did it for the wrong reasons, S&P Downgraded our credit.
....And, now.....we've got a bad-case o' the Teabaggers.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKKKgua7wQk]SARAH PALIN BOOK SIGNING - Interviews with Supporters - YouTube[/ame]​
One word..........

Rollerblades :D

I have a very hard time wearing them. I have flat feet and they hurt li... oh, wait, you were talking about my wife and daughter... hmmm, no, too far for them to go.


Have thumb, will travel?

Definitely not for my daughter. She's a petite little thing and I would be worried to death about her. I kind of don't think my wife would be too thrilled about it either.

Why "Moderates" can kiss my ass

It does beat being an extremist a'hole unless you wnat to count yourself in the company of et al Bin Laden.

Sure, a moderate believes in compromise, they would have only crashed a plane into one of the twin towers...

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