Why more and more people distrust Biden and the BIASED MSM..."GA bans volunteers from delivering water, etc. BIG ASS LIE!

This is such BS. The law is to prevent people from soliciting votes, and making sure people stay the fuck away from people in line to vote. There is no water crisis in voting lines and this is more fake outrage from the left. They are painting some imaginary picture of old black people passing out in the voting line from dehydration. It's ridiculous.
Republicans want to make voting as inconvenient and painful as they can

If you see a claim in a rinky dinky right wing message board that the prohibition is not true, here is PolitiFact quoting the bill itself:
Georgia HB 531 has a section that prohibits "any money or gifts, including, but not limited to, food and drink, to an elector." Such giveaways will be banned within 150 feet of a building where people are voting, within any polling place or within 25 feet of any voter standing in line.

And remember, right wing message boards are not a source of news. They are a source of entertainment full of fake news.

Give them dehydrated water if you want. That isn't a "beverage"
If you see a claim in a rinky dinky right wing message board that the prohibition is not true, here is PolitiFact quoting the bill itself:
Georgia HB 531 has a section that prohibits "any money or gifts, including, but not limited to, food and drink, to an elector." Such giveaways will be banned within 150 feet of a building where people are voting, within any polling place or within 25 feet of any voter standing in line.

And remember, right wing message boards are not a source of news. They are a source of entertainment full of fake news.
Yep, they actually outlawed the food and water electioneering ruse. Damn.
Yeah the change in the law isn't hard to understand. In 2019 eight Republicans and one Democrat sponsored a bill to change election laws in Pennsylvania. Then after an election loss over a year later their Republican representatives in Washington voted to toss out the state's presidential election results (but no other results) claiming the change was illegal. You can't give these politicians an inch. And that surely isn't to claim the Democrats are any better.

This is such BS. The law is to prevent people from soliciting votes, and making sure people stay the fuck away from people in line to vote. There is no water crisis in voting lines and this is more fake outrage from the left. They are painting some imaginary picture of old black people passing out in the voting line from dehydration. It's ridiculous.
Republicans want to make voting as inconvenient and painful as they can

Or, you know, they think people can bring their own beverages to the voting line if they so desire. There is no constitutional right to a complimentary beverage while voting.
RE: Thread title

1. That pathetic soul did NOT "botch" anything.

2. In his condition, he probably does not even remember where Georgia is.

3. His "advisers" just told him what to say and he followed orders.
Yeah the change in the law isn't hard to understand. In 2019 eight Republicans and one Democrat sponsored a bill to change election laws in Pennsylvania. Then after an election loss over a year later their Republican representatives in Washington voted to toss out the state's presidential election results (but no other results) claiming the change was illegal. You can't give these politicians an inch. And that surely isn't to claim the Democrats are any better.

Those dang Republicans!
New York Election Law
Sec. 17-140
Furnishing Money or Entertainment to Induce Attendance at Polls

§ 17-140. Furnishing money or entertainment to induce attendance at polls. Any person who directly or indirectly by himself or through any other person in connection with or in respect of any election during the hours of voting on a day of a general, special or primary election gives or provides, or causes to be given or provided, or shall pay, wholly or in part, for any meat, drink, tobacco, refreshment or provision to or for any person, other than persons who are official representatives of the board of elections or political parties and committees and persons who are engaged as watchers, party representatives or workers assisting the candidate, except any such meat, drink, tobacco, refreshment or provision having a retail value of less than one dollar, which is given or provided to any person in a polling place without any identification of the person or entity supplying such provisions, is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.

If you see a claim in a rinky dinky right wing message board that the prohibition is not true, here is PolitiFact quoting the bill itself:
Georgia HB 531 has a section that prohibits "any money or gifts, including, but not limited to, food and drink, to an elector." Such giveaways will be banned within 150 feet of a building where people are voting, within any polling place or within 25 feet of any voter standing in line.

And remember, right wing message boards are not a source of news. They are a source of entertainment full of fake news.
Look for the truth no just the Democratic Spin
This is such BS. The law is to prevent people from soliciting votes, and making sure people stay the fuck away from people in line to vote. There is no water crisis in voting lines and this is more fake outrage from the left. They are painting some imaginary picture of old black people passing out in the voting line from dehydration. It's ridiculous.
Republicans want to make voting as inconvenient and painful as they can
Those damn Republicans!
New York Election Law
Sec. 17-140
Furnishing Money or Entertainment to Induce Attendance at Polls

§ 17-140. Furnishing money or entertainment to induce attendance at polls. Any person who directly or indirectly by himself or through any other person in connection with or in respect of any election during the hours of voting on a day of a general, special or primary election gives or provides, or causes to be given or provided, or shall pay, wholly or in part, for any meat, drink, tobacco, refreshment or provision to or for any person, other than persons who are official representatives of the board of elections or political parties and committees and persons who are engaged as watchers, party representatives or workers assisting the candidate, except any such meat, drink, tobacco, refreshment or provision having a retail value of less than one dollar, which is given or provided to any person in a polling place without any identification of the person or entity supplying such provisions, is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.
Or, you know, they think people can bring their own beverages to the voting line if they so desire

And if you bring water and grandma standing behind you is very thirsty.....The law says....Fuk you Grandma
Yeah the change in the law isn't hard to understand. In 2019 eight Republicans and one Democrat sponsored a bill to change election laws in Pennsylvania. Then after an election loss over a year later their Republican representatives in Washington voted to toss out the state's presidential election results (but no other results) claiming the change was illegal. You can't give these politicians an inch. And that surely isn't to claim the Democrats are any better.

Those dang Republicans!
New York Election Law
Sec. 17-140
Furnishing Money or Entertainment to Induce Attendance at Polls

§ 17-140. Furnishing money or entertainment to induce attendance at polls. Any person who directly or indirectly by himself or through any other person in connection with or in respect of any election during the hours of voting on a day of a general, special or primary election gives or provides, or causes to be given or provided, or shall pay, wholly or in part, for any meat, drink, tobacco, refreshment or provision to or for any person, other than persons who are official representatives of the board of elections or political parties and committees and persons who are engaged as watchers, party representatives or workers assisting the candidate, except any such meat, drink, tobacco, refreshment or provision having a retail value of less than one dollar, which is given or provided to any person in a polling place without any identification of the person or entity supplying such provisions, is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.

Yes in New York a husband can fill a water bottle from the tap, take it with him to a polling place and legally share it with his wife. What's your point?
Yeah they did...."....prohibit anyone except poll workers from handing out water to voters in line, and outlaw passing out food and water to voters within 150 feet of the building that serves as a poll, inside a polling place or within 25 feet of any voter standing in line. Depending on the location, it is still possible for third-party groups to have food and water available — and it is possible for the lines to extend beyond 150 feet."

guess that makes colonel anus a fucking liar
This water thing was never an issue. If thirsty while on line, I went to the first area where there was water offered, whether Dems or Repubs. Why has the Governor done this? To make it difficult for the voter to get water, in my view.
Let's not forget the rule that now allows the legislature to replace local voting officials at its whim so that they can gain control. Both of these actions are designed to SUPPRESS the vote, and nothing more.
Poll workers and other people in line can give out water.


Not to mention, Campaign workers must stay like 150 feet away from the poll.

Sooooo.....Biden fucking lied at his “presser” as is every single leftist who said GEORGIA MADE IT ILLEGAL TO GIVE PEOPLE WATER!

Fuck you leftist liars
Democrats believe making buying votes illegal is wrong.
You guys are confused. The threat author says it's just not true that water is prohibited, and you said it's true and it's perfect. Which one is it?
water is not prohibited.
Yes it is.
Completely false. Folks are allowed to bring water...folks are free to donate water to the polling station and make it available to anyone who wants water, beyond the 150 feet, folks are even free to hand it out to people if they aren't waiting in line yet.

Who the hell arrives at a police station thirsty before going online? You get thirsty because you wait a long time. You dumb f***
Who's talking about police stations and going online?

This is about polling stations. A couple points about that, 1) people should learn to be prepared, they know they are going to a polling station..,which might be quite different about knowing if you are going to a police station 2) water can be given to you by anyone if you don't prepare (so long as iit's given to you 150 feet before the polling station) 3) if within the 150 feet, or if you are in line beyond that, the polling station can have it for you, to get yourself...and anyone can donate water to the station to make available.

Regarding long lines...this law actually goes a long way to fix the issue. Prior to the law, the State could only get involved AFTER the fact, after the election. The polling stations are run by localities, and frankly where the long lines were, were dem controlled areas...in and around ATL.

Now that the law has passed, the State can act in real time, and address the issues by adding more machines, or more polling stations....here's the new law: If, at the previous general election, a precinct contained more than 2,000 electors and if [voters] desiring to vote on the day of the election had to wait in line for more than one hour before checking in to vote, the superintendent shall either reduce the size of such precinct so that it shall contain not more than 2,000 electors…or provide additional voting equipment or poll workers, or both, before the next general election….The chief manager of a precinct which contained more than 2,000 electors at the previous general election shall submit a report thereof to the superintendent of the reported time from entering the line to checking in to vote. Such wait time shall be measured no fewer than three different times throughout the day (in the morning, at midday, and prior to the close of polls) and such results shall be recorded on a form provided by the Secretary of State.
Of all the many times I've voted, no one has offered me a bottle of water or a snack while I was standing in line. I have seen curb service given to voters that were handicap. If voters are standing in line too long, water isn't the issue. Having the resources such as the proper amount of voting machines and poll workers is the issue.

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