Why "Never Trumpers" need to come home......


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This column makes the argument that those conservatives who were rabid "Never Trumpers," need to apologize, take their lumps and sign up for the combat ahead....

Why the Remaining NEverTrumpers Should Apologize Now

Nevertheless, it is time for the remaining NeverTrumpers to apologize for a reason far more important than self-castigation or merely to make things "right." Donald Trump -- whose initial victory was a shock, even, ironically, to those of us who predicted it -- has compounded that shock by being astoundingly successful in his first year, especially at the conclusion. (He's a quick study, evidently.) More conservative goals have been achieved or put in motion in eleven months than in any time in recent, or even distant, memory. It's an astonishing reversal for our country accompanied by the beginnings of an economic boom.

But that same success is causing, it's becoming increasingly clear, an equally determined, even virulent, reaction from the left. At first they too thought Trump was an ineffectual blowhard who would shoot himself in the foot, ultimately redounding to their advantage. Now that they have found that not to be the case, they are in a state of panic, fearing a defeat for their ideals that would set them back years, even decades. They cannot let this stand and are marshaling all their forces from the media to Hollywood to the academy, not to mention at least some of the investigative units of the FBI.

The next year seems poised to be an ideological duel as close to the death as we have seen in a long time. If the right does not win, the gains of 2017 will be stymied by the election of 2018 and completely washed away in 2020.

It's an all-hands-on-deck situation and we need the NeverTrumpers' help. We need -- to borrow a hoary leftist term -- a united front.

It shouldn't be all that difficult. The basic intentions of the Trumpkins (as we have been derided) and the NeverTrumpers were never that far apart. It was more an issue of style and strategy, of decorum really. And, of course, that ugly secret -- some felt they were losing their power. Time to get over it.


But a war is coming -- you can almost feel it in the air. We should all pray that it will be non-violent and work hard to keep it that way. But we should also have our ideological troops ready and prepared for that imminent battle for the hearts and minds. It's going to be pivotal.
This column makes the argument that those conservatives who were rabid "Never Trumpers," need to apologize, take their lumps and sign up for the combat ahead....

Why the Remaining NEverTrumpers Should Apologize Now

Nevertheless, it is time for the remaining NeverTrumpers to apologize for a reason far more important than self-castigation or merely to make things "right." Donald Trump -- whose initial victory was a shock, even, ironically, to those of us who predicted it -- has compounded that shock by being astoundingly successful in his first year, especially at the conclusion. (He's a quick study, evidently.) More conservative goals have been achieved or put in motion in eleven months than in any time in recent, or even distant, memory. It's an astonishing reversal for our country accompanied by the beginnings of an economic boom.

But that same success is causing, it's becoming increasingly clear, an equally determined, even virulent, reaction from the left. At first they too thought Trump was an ineffectual blowhard who would shoot himself in the foot, ultimately redounding to their advantage. Now that they have found that not to be the case, they are in a state of panic, fearing a defeat for their ideals that would set them back years, even decades. They cannot let this stand and are marshaling all their forces from the media to Hollywood to the academy, not to mention at least some of the investigative units of the FBI.

The next year seems poised to be an ideological duel as close to the death as we have seen in a long time. If the right does not win, the gains of 2017 will be stymied by the election of 2018 and completely washed away in 2020.

It's an all-hands-on-deck situation and we need the NeverTrumpers' help. We need -- to borrow a hoary leftist term -- a united front.

It shouldn't be all that difficult. The basic intentions of the Trumpkins (as we have been derided) and the NeverTrumpers were never that far apart. It was more an issue of style and strategy, of decorum really. And, of course, that ugly secret -- some felt they were losing their power. Time to get over it.


But a war is coming -- you can almost feel it in the air. We should all pray that it will be non-violent and work hard to keep it that way. But we should also have our ideological troops ready and prepared for that imminent battle for the hearts and minds. It's going to be pivotal.

PJ Media
*Voting Polls do not affect MBFC bias ratings


The Trump Cult NEEDS more mindless recruits.......That Trump approval rating in the low 30s is a fucking embarrassment.

It's now at 42%....after a year of 91% negative coverage.......and now, things have changed.....you guys should be shaking in your boots......
Let them be so sure, they are always so sure and always so wrong. They thought Hillary was a shoe in and we saw them crying on election night. America isn't stupid and the Republicans have a year to make things right, it can happen. Maybe this tax bill is a start. Now to move onto sensible medical coverage.
This column makes the argument that those conservatives who were rabid "Never Trumpers," need to apologize, take their lumps and sign up for the combat ahead....

Just out of curiosity what would those conservatives would didn't support Donald Trump be apologizing for? having their own opinions?

"I apologize for doing my own thinking and formulating my opinions instead of letting other people do it for me."

Sometimes you conservatives are a bit silly.
This column makes the argument that those conservatives who were rabid "Never Trumpers," need to apologize, take their lumps and sign up for the combat ahead....

Just out of curiosity what would those conservatives would didn't support Donald Trump be apologizing for? having their own opinions?

"I apologize for doing my own thinking and formulating my opinions instead of letting other people do it for me."

Sometimes you conservatives are a bit silly.

For being wrong about Trump.....and wanting hilary to win instead of Trump...which many of them said they wouldn't mind. Like Jonah Goldberg...who spent the 90s attacking how corrupt hilary and bill were, as they sold our technology to China, used the government as their own private cash cow.......and then, when it came time to vote against her, he picked her over Trump....
It's now at 42%..


RCP Average 12/3 - 12/20 -- 38.5 (approve) 56.8 (disapprove) -18.3 (spread) LOL

(and that "approval" average is with Rasmussen's invaluable phony help......)
This column makes the argument that those conservatives who were rabid "Never Trumpers," need to apologize, take their lumps and sign up for the combat ahead....

Just out of curiosity what would those conservatives would didn't support Donald Trump be apologizing for? having their own opinions?

"I apologize for doing my own thinking and formulating my opinions instead of letting other people do it for me."

Sometimes you conservatives are a bit silly.

For being wrong about Trump.....and wanting hilary to win instead of Trump...which many of them said they wouldn't mind.
Who says they were wrong about Trump? the Jury is still out in the minds of many on that one.

Like Jonah Goldberg...who spent the 90s attacking how corrupt hilary and bill were, as they sold our technology to China, used the government as their own private cash cow.......and then, when it came time to vote against her, he picked her over Trump....
I can't speak for Jonah Goldberg I assume he had his reasons for who he supported in the election, so while it's a mystery to me why anyone claiming to be a principled conservative would support the Queen of Corruption (or Donald Trump for that matter), I don't think it's something anyone should have to apologize for.

Seems to me If Camp TrumpenClause wants the support of these people then it would behoove them to be a bit more understanding and not run around demanding apologies for supporting/voting their conscience.
Maybe they should just follow their conscience and do what they feel is best for America, not their party.
What are you? fucking nuts? or just an America Hater?

Thinking for yourself, voicing dissenting opinions and acting contrary to the interests of ones chosen Political Crime Family is no longer tolerated in the good ole US of A and will be severely punished.

Get with the program or pack your shit and move to Canada.
Maybe they should just follow their conscience and do what they feel is best for America, not their party.

Is that still allowed?

Any CULT, cannot and will not allow your type of dissent......
This column makes the argument that those conservatives who were rabid "Never Trumpers," need to apologize, take their lumps and sign up for the combat ahead....

Just out of curiosity what would those conservatives would didn't support Donald Trump be apologizing for? having their own opinions?

"I apologize for doing my own thinking and formulating my opinions instead of letting other people do it for me."

Sometimes you conservatives are a bit silly.
Seems that the Nationalist President Trump has been doing things the Conservatives have been only dreaming of. Lowering taxes, defeating ISIS(that Obummer couldn't do all during his 8 years in office), taking the Mandate out of ACA so people have a CHOICE now. And what is really great, there is MORE TO COME... Bwaaaaahhhhhaaaahhhhaaaaaa....
taking the Mandate out of ACA so people have a CHOICE now.

That's true... breaking the ACA and restoring a bit of individual liberty at the same time was a great move.

I like it when the Donald and his Merry Band of Miscreants break shit in the Federal Government, I wish they'd just stick to doing that and stop trying to "govern", after all, they're no good at it.

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