Why No Shame?

We're not hunting witches you bitch ass snowflake, law enforcement hunts criminals. And again, you've shown no evidence that one group has received more intense scrutiny than the other. I recall law enforcement using social media to arrest people at BLM protests as well. Stop crying you victim.

Not sure what you want. Don't care. You are a gaslighting, stonewalling fool.

It's a witch hunt and a violation of the rights of the accused, as I have repeatedly explained.
The man is a traitor
Lock him up

McBride told Horowitz that during the riot, he got into some “shoving matches” with police, picked up a shield at some point, and picked up a can of mace. Government prosecutorsallege that he was part of the crowd that attacked Metropolitan Police Officer Daniel Hodges, who was seen on video trapped between protesters and a set of doors to the building

Every founding father that signed the Declaration of Independence was a 'traitor' to the Crown, they should have been drawn and quartered, right? Paid for their 'crimes' against the ruling establishment, been squashed like bugs. That's what you support today, you're on the wrong side of history. I doubt that you're even an American, most of the anti American filth on here are foreigners with a grudge. Either that or you're clueless, not sure which is worse.
Not sure what you want. Don't care. You are a gaslighting, stonewalling fool.

It's a witch hunt and a violation of the rights of the accused, as I have repeatedly explained.
I want evidence of your claim that one group is being treated worse than the other by the criminal justice system. What's confusing about that you dipshit?
Yeah, I live in a dem controlled city. I've seen cops protecting protestors. I know people in LE who verify such behavior.

The dem politicians AND court officials were on the side of the rioters. Sorry, "PEACEFUL PROTESTORS".
Why shouldn’t we be on the side of peaceful protestors?

I’m so surprised that cops are claiming to be the good guys. I mean, if they were abusive like in the article I showed you, clearly they’d just admit they are behaving unconstitutionally.

Get real.

They tried to convict a man in Minneapolis of attempted murder who acted in self defense. But before they arrested him, they beat him black and blue first because they felt like it. No consequences.

Police rounded up protestors in mass arrests as a means of riot control. That’s why charges were dropped. They were completely unprosecutable.

In Portland, the Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office boiled its numbers down into a neat chart: District Attorney Mike Schmidt has rejected 721 cases, is pursuing 144 and has 165 under review.

“Based on the example of Occupy Wall Street protesters a decade ago, Mr. Schmidt knew that judges would toss out most cases or impose small sentences. “Seventy to 80 percent would not survive constitutional challenges,” said Mr. Schmidt, who added that the costs far outweighed any benefit to public safety.”

As opposed to Jan 6th where the police arrested almost no one (and when they tried the mob threatened or attacked them). The only arrests made were later and only after they determined that the people actually were prosecutable.

Always best to take a deeper dive and figure out the real issues before running with a simple but misleading story.
I want evidence of your claim that one group is being treated worse than the other by the criminal justice system. What's confusing about that you dipshit?
You do not see what is going on? Are you that stupid? A rhetorical question.
DOZENS DIED, during the lefty riots.

Your pretense that the 4 hours of republican violence, was "worse" is a blood chilling look into just how soulless you are.

My point stands. The difference in treatment is a violation of the Equal Protection Clause and thus Human Rights.

I can't wait for Trump or some other R to get into the Whitehouse and see the lefties riot in DC, and all of these liars and hypocrites in here put their hypocrisy on full display. It will happen eventually, you just have to be patient.
You do not see what is going on? Are you that stupid? A rhetorical question.
You're eyes can be deceived not only by what you are seeing but by what your not looking at. If you can't prove that rioters at BLM rallies, who assaulted police officers have been treated more leniently that 1/6 rioters, then you emphatic insistence means nothing. I saw rioters in both cases getting arrested. Hell we read reports of people walking around at night after BLM protests getting thrown into unmarked vans by the FBI. Stop crying you bitch ass victim.
You're eyes can be deceived not only by what you are seeing but by what your not looking at. If you can't prove that rioters at BLM rallies, who assaulted police officers have been treated more leniently that 1/6 rioters, then you emphatic insistence means nothing. I saw rioters in both cases getting arrested. Hell we read reports of people walking around at night after BLM protests getting thrown into unmarked vans by the FBI. Stop crying you bitch ass victim.
You are not smart enough to follow the conversation? Are you? Do yourself a favor and STFU.
You are not smart enough to follow the conversation? Are you? Do yourself a favor and STFU.

You're not smart enough to understand that just because you say something is so doesn't actually make it so and none of us could be faulted for skepticism when you fail to provide any.
Why shouldn’t we be on the side of peaceful protestors?

I’m so surprised that cops are claiming to be the good guys. I mean, if they were abusive like in the article I showed you, clearly they’d just admit they are behaving unconstitutionally.

Because the "peaceful protestors" were breaking the law. And not really peaceful.

And of course the cop(s) were not talking about how they were being "good" but how they were being ordered to effectively be back up for the "protestors".
Because the "peaceful protestors" were breaking the law. And not really peaceful.

And of course the cop(s) were not talking about how they were being "good" but how they were being ordered to effectively be back up for the "protestors".
Supporting peaceful protestors means supporting peaceful protestors. It doesn’t mean supporting protestors who broke the law.

This isn’t complicated.

Whether police were ordered to back off or not, it’s perfectly clear the police throughout the nation violated many civil rights in their attempts to quell protests, including mass arrests for nonexistent violations.
Supporting peaceful protestors means supporting peaceful protestors. It doesn’t mean supporting protestors who broke the law.

This isn’t complicated.

Whether police were ordered to back off or not, it’s perfectly clear the police throughout the nation violated many civil rights in their attempts to quell protests, including mass arrests for nonexistent violations.

Correct. And the cops were clearly orderd to support adn defend protestors who were breaking the law.

The story of the lefty riots is one of widespread destruction and violence by enraged mobs. That your concern is their safety , supports my point.

The heavy targetting of the 1/6 rioters for their 4 hour riot, while ignoring the years of lefty riots, is a massive violation of their rights.
Correct. And the cops were clearly orderd to support adn defend protestors who were breaking the law.

The story of the lefty riots is one of widespread destruction and violence by enraged mobs. That your concern is their safety , supports my point.

The heavy targetting of the 1/6 rioters for their 4 hour riot, while ignoring the years of lefty riots, is a massive violation of their rights.
No, it’s not a violation of rights to prosecute Jan 6th rioters. Its a nonsense claim.

We have lots of examples of police doing the exact opposite of “supporting and defending” protestors.

Police riding in a van indiscriminately shooting at people.

Police arresting journalists who were covering the riots.

Police firing at people SITTING ON THEIR OWN PORCH.

These are ACTUAL violations of the constitution. Not your pretend violations. But whatever. Support the police. Never speak out against their behavior. I FULLY expect an excuse from you along the lines of “oh well they were just trying to keep the peace”. The riots were because our rights are violated by the police. To fix that, their only solution is to violate MORE rights?
A rioter is a rioter. Lefty ones get treated with kid gloves and rightys get the book thrown at them. That is an injustice.

YOu can deny if you want. People will notice and respond accordingly. You ready for that?
We're ready for everyone who entered the Capitol that day to face judgement of our laws.

Just as we are about criminal elements who committed violent acts at BLM protests (which include rightwing nuts).
No, it’s not a violation of rights to prosecute Jan 6th rioters. Its a nonsense claim.

We have lots of examples of police doing the exact opposite of “supporting and defending” protesto

Hundreds of riots with dozens killed? I would hope there would be SOME of cops actually doing their jobs.

Meanwhile, generally speaking, cops were ordered to stand down, or even support the rioters, I mean, peaceful protestors, and the very, very, very few right leaning riots from 1/6, are being targetted like they, oh, I don't know, killed dozens and did hundreds of millions in damages....
Hundreds of riots with dozens killed? I would hope there would be SOME of cops actually doing their jobs.

Meanwhile, generally speaking, cops were ordered to stand down, or even support the rioters, I mean, peaceful protestors, and the very, very, very few right leaning riots from 1/6, are being targetted like they, oh, I don't know, killed dozens and did hundreds of millions in damages....
Generally speaking you’re full of shit. There are episodes of cops being told to stand down. There’s FAR more episodes of cops going out and engaging in unconstitutional acts of violence in the name of law and order with essentially no oversight. The cities had to pay out many millions in damages for the cops behavior who face no actual consequences.

They have been prosecuting people who engaged in violence during the summer 2020 riots. You cited a misleading statistic about dropped charges bedside, unlike Jan 6th, people were arrested largely indiscriminately.

Like I said, you should think outside your media bubble. Otherwise you’ll be misled.
Generally speaking you’re full of shit. There are episodes of cops being told to stand down. There’s FAR more episodes of cops going out and engaging in unconstitutional acts of violence in the name of law and order with essentially no oversight. The cities had to pay out many millions in damages for the cops behavior who face no actual consequences.

They have been prosecuting people who engaged in violence during the summer 2020 riots. You cited a misleading statistic about dropped charges bedside, unlike Jan 6th, people were arrested largely indiscriminately.

Like I said, you should think outside your media bubble. Otherwise you’ll be misled.
Bullshit, every Democratic shithole tells their cops to stand down until it is the Mayor's house. Why do think the cities are so dangerous, moron.

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