Why No Shame?

Errr, soooo, give them back then. I would be happy to see your goons return to Nazi germany....

Why you telling me about it? That would be between you and them.

You faggot.
Ooooooo, white boi throws the homophonic rant in with the fascism.

Forgets that he’s not on 4chan
Dem political leaders aren't happy about anything. They're shoveling money into the police because they have no other options. It's essentially a mob racket now.

Sure they are. The giving of money to people supposedly oppressed by the police, feeds into the lib narrative of America as evul and wacist.

I like that you make no mention of the nice sized spike in violent crime, that is forcing the idiotic DEFUND supporters to back track like freaking crazy.

The Left's War on Cops, is good press. But the price is people DYING.
I've heard nothing from you regarding the abuse of our constitutional rights by police other than trying to whine about them "standing by" which has nothing to do with the issue other than a weak attempt to deflect. At times, the police did stand by. There's various reasons for this.

Yes, of course there is. Their political bosses, the elected Dems, were/are on the side of the violent mobs.

Other times the police engaged extremely harshly and with no regard for our constitutional rights. These abuses are ignored. In the Capitol Riot, you can also find instances of police standing by allowing people to break the law. The reasons for this are not entirely dissimilar. When the police are drastically outnumbered by violent people, attempting to stop the mob is not going to work and will only get police hurt without actually stopping the riot.

This entire issue arose out of your attempt to claim the Jan 6th rioters were somehow persecuted. The facts of the situations are significantly different enough that such claim is baseless.

The 1/5 rioters are clearly being targetted with vastly more aggressive investigation and charging than the rest fo the riots of that era.

That makes it a violation of their rights.
The 1/5 rioters are clearly being targetted with vastly more aggressive investigation and charging than the rest fo the riots of that era.

That makes it a violation of their rights.
Saying it doesn’t make it true.

And even if it were true, it’s not a violation of their rights.
Saying it doesn’t make it true.

And even if it were true, it’s not a violation of their rights.

Yes it is. It is clearly violation of the Equal Protection Clause.

fyi, it is really funny if when you libs are denying that it occurrs, and defending it in teh same posts, if you could do it in ONE sentence. Do be afraid of "AND"s or run ons.

The humor value more than makes up for the poor grammar.
Yes it is. It is clearly violation of the Equal Protection Clause.

fyi, it is really funny if when you libs are denying that it occurrs, and defending it in teh same posts, if you could do it in ONE sentence. Do be afraid of "AND"s or run ons.

The humor value more than makes up for the poor grammar.
The basis for your claim is that prosecutors dropped most charges on other rioters without mentioning that they dropped the charges because they would be unconstitutional.
Yes it is. It is clearly violation of the Equal Protection Clause.

fyi, it is really funny if when you libs are denying that it occurrs, and defending it in teh same posts, if you could do it in ONE sentence. Do be afraid of "AND"s or run ons.

The humor value more than makes up for the poor grammar.

The charges are not even the same, ya retard. Which BLMers were charged with violent entry and disorderly conduct in a capitol building; o parading, demonstrating, or picketing in a capitol building?
Sure they are. The giving of money to people supposedly oppressed by the police, feeds into the lib narrative of America as evul and wacist.

I like that you make no mention of the nice sized spike in violent crime, that is forcing the idiotic DEFUND supporters to back track like freaking crazy.

The Left's War on Cops, is good press. But the price is people DYING.

Yes, of course there is. Their political bosses, the elected Dems, were/are on the side of the violent mobs.

The 1/5 rioters are clearly being targetted with vastly more aggressive investigation and charging than the rest fo the riots of that era.

That makes it a violation of their rights.
Defund the FBI!

Defund the FBI!

Defund the FBI!
The basis for your claim is that prosecutors dropped most charges on other rioters without mentioning that they dropped the charges because they would be unconstitutional.

I've very clearly stated over and over again, that the basis for the claim is the overall difference in the rescources and energy devoted to the investigations and the over charging of the 1/6 defendents.

The dropping of charges on many of the caught rioters from the hundreds of lefty riots, is just part of the overall lower level of charging to compare the overcharging to.
The charges are not even the same, ya retard. Which BLMers were charged with violent entry and disorderly conduct in a capitol building; o parading, demonstrating, or picketing in a capitol building?

The events are close enough for comparison. And any reasonable comparison shows that the motivation of your side is political.
I've very clearly stated over and over again, that the basis for the claim is the overall difference in the rescources and energy devoted to the investigations and the over charging of the 1/6 defendents.

The dropping of charges on many of the caught rioters from the hundreds of lefty riots, is just part of the overall lower level of charging to compare the overcharging to.
Do you find it surprising that the DoJ is going to prosecute storming the Capitol more aggressively than looting a Foot Locker?

Again, charges were mostly dropped because the charges were unconstitutional. The police were literally arresting people for exercising their first amendment rights. How does that square with your assertion that the Capitol rioters were unfairly persecuted when the police were arresting hundreds of people for exercising their rights?
Do you find it surprising that the DoJ is going to prosecute storming the Capitol more aggressively than looting a Foot Locker?

NOte the way that you minimize the death and destruction from the widespread riots from your side. DOZENS died. Thousands injuried. Over a Billion in damanges.

No, I am NOT suprised that the DoJ, is ignoring the massive crime wave that was committed by their political allies and are instead focused on attacking Trump, their political enemy.

Again, charges were mostly dropped because the charges were unconstitutional. The police were literally arresting people for exercising their first amendment rights. How does that square with your assertion that the Capitol rioters were unfairly persecuted when the police were arresting hundreds of people for exercising their rights?

I saw cops guarding "protestors" who were breaking the law. With my own eyes. In real life.
NOte the way that you minimize the death and destruction from the widespread riots from your side. DOZENS died. Thousands injuried. Over a Billion in damanges.

No, I am NOT suprised that the DoJ, is ignoring the massive crime wave that was committed by their political allies and are instead focused on attacking Trump, their political enemy.
I’m not minimizing anything. Violent acts have been prosecuted. In Minneapolis, there were two deaths. Both deaths were in rioters. Violent crimes were prosecuted in the hundreds in every city.

It wasn't ignored. You're just ignorant of what was actually done because no one is out there defending the social justice rioters who were prosecuted. Meanwhile, the Capitol rioters are being defended by people like yourself as being unfairly persecuted, when the opposite is true.
I saw cops guarding "protestors" who were breaking the law. With my own eyes. In real life.
I'm not arguing this with you. There's no point for two reasons. One, I can't disprove anything that you claim to have seen. Two, it's completely irrelevant. You seeing whatever it is you saw does not change the fact of widespread civil rights abuses by police during these riots. And it is indeed a fact that there were widespread abuses.

Imagine if hundreds and hundreds of Trump supporters had been arrested for exercising their right to free speech.
I’m not minimizing anything.

When you characterize years of rioting with dozens of deaths, and hundreds of millions of dollars in damages, as "looting a Footlocker",

you are certainly minimizing it.
When you characterize years of rioting with dozens of deaths, and hundreds of millions of dollars in damages, as "looting a Footlocker",

you are certainly minimizing it.
Why did you ignore my example of Minneapolis? There were two deaths. One was a man shot during looting. One was a man who died while in a pawn shop while it was burned down and was not supposed to be there, so assumed to be a rioter or looter. Just two deaths? In the epicenter of the violence? Certainly that doesn’t square with your description of the events.

Unsurprisingly to people who know this stuff, the arsonist was arrested, charged and convicted by the DoJ. But that’s impossible since the DoJ didn’t do anything about the riots!
Your broad generalizations of the effects of the riots obscure the nature of the crimes which were by and large looting footlockers. More serious crimes were aggressively pursued, as I explained above. Further complicating this is that most of this crime is not really under federal jurisdiction. It’s in broad contrast with the Capitol riot which was exclusively federal.

It’s unclear to me what you want. What would satisfy you?
Why did you ignore my example of Minneapolis? There were two deaths. One was a man shot during looting. One was a man who died while in a pawn shop while it was burned down and was not supposed to be there, so assumed to be a rioter or looter. Just two deaths? In the epicenter of the violence? Certainly that doesn’t square with your description of the events.

Unsurprisingly to people who know this stuff, the arsonist was arrested, charged and convicted by the DoJ. But that’s impossible since the DoJ didn’t do anything about the riots!

My claim was not that "nothing" was done. That you have to misrepresent my postion in order to attack it, is your brain dealing with the fact that it knows I am right.

My position is, to tell you AGAIN, since you insist on not address it, is that the far more aggressive use of far more rescorces in investigation and over charging one group of rioters, than compared to the rest of the rioters, is a violation of the Equal Protection Clause and thus their civil rights.

Your broad generalizations of the effects of the riots obscure the nature of the crimes which were by and large looting footlockers. More serious crimes were aggressively pursued, as I explained above. Further complicating this is that most of this crime is not really under federal jurisdiction. It’s in broad contrast with the Capitol riot which was exclusively federal.

More serious crimes were NOT aggressively pursued. People died in the Chaz for example, and the cops were barred from investigating or at least greatly restricted.

AND plenty of the 1/6 people are being charged with LESS serious charges, that are of the type that were NOT "pursured" with other rioters.

It’s unclear to me what you want. What would satisfy you?

I want all the rioters from the Trump Era dealth with equally.

Either go after all the rioters, and the people behind them, with intent to crush them all, or treat them all with teh same lackidasical response that we see with the lefty rioters.

And considering how cold the cases are now, with many of the lefty riots, it is really too late to make it equally HARSH.
My claim was not that "nothing" was done. That you have to misrepresent my postion in order to attack it, is your brain dealing with the fact that it knows I am right.

My position is, to tell you AGAIN, since you insist on not address it, is that the far more aggressive use of far more rescorces in investigation and over charging one group of rioters, than compared to the rest of the rioters, is a violation of the Equal Protection Clause and thus their civil rights.

More serious crimes were NOT aggressively pursued. People died in the Chaz for example, and the cops were barred from investigating or at least greatly restricted.

AND plenty of the 1/6 people are being charged with LESS serious charges, that are of the type that were NOT "pursured" with other rioters.
I want all the rioters from the Trump Era dealth with equally.

Either go after all the rioters, and the people behind them, with intent to crush them all, or treat them all with teh same lackidasical response that we see with the lefty rioters.

And considering how cold the cases are now, with many of the lefty riots, it is really too late to make it equally HARSH.
There are problems with your claim.

First problem is you do not have any idea what resources were used to investigate a crime such as street shootings in Seattle, which have no apparent connection to any actual protest but instead centers arriving run of the mill gang violence. This is not a federal issue. Your concern lies with local police.

Second problem is failing to acknowledge that the nature of the capitol riot is unique. If you want equal protection, you have to have equal circumstances. That simply doesn’t exist with the vast majority of crimes you are vaguely referencing.

Third problem is that you continue to ignore the widespread aggressive and unconstitutional efforts taken by police to “crush” the riots. It would not be unreasonable to claim that more aggressive action was taken against the social justice rioters given these unconstitutional arrests and levels of unconstitutional violence were not seen with relation to the Jan 6th rioters.
The events are close enough for comparison. And any reasonable comparison shows that the motivation of your side is political.

"The events are close enough for comparison."


Retard, equal protection applies to laws, not your disgruntled opinions.

You're literally crying it's not fair that people charged with different crimes, aren't being treated the same.


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