Why No Shame?

There is plenty of video of the riots, but nothing like the follow up that is occurring for the 4 hours of the right leaning riot.

Your acceptance of this, is at best, foolish and at worse, the knowing support of tyranny.
There is lots of video but very little of it includes actual rioting. You can find all kinds of video of people in the streets, but unless that video shows people assaulting police (which actually isn’t easy all that easy to find and not nearly as common as you may think) then the video doesn’t provide evidence of any prosecutable crimes. The vast majority of the charges that were dropped were for things like breaking curfew which is not being prosecuted. The more serious charges of assault are being prosecuted. It’s just that you get a very skewed perspective when you don’t consider what charges are being dropped.
If that was true, you would be just as bothered by me, with the way that the government is NOT following up on the lefty riots of the Trump years, the way that they are the one republican riot.

Are you bothered by that, or is it ok for some reason, of which you are unable to clearly state for reasons you won't share?

This is normally where you start attacking me personally to derail the discussion.
Those who rioted under Trump were arrested
Trump advocated beating them and shooting them in the legs
There is lots of video but very little of it includes actual rioting. You can find all kinds of video of people in the streets, but unless that video shows people assaulting police (which actually isn’t easy all that easy to find and not nearly as common as you may think) then the video doesn’t provide evidence of any prosecutable crimes. The vast majority of the charges that were dropped were for things like breaking curfew which is not being prosecuted. The more serious charges of assault are being prosecuted. It’s just that you get a very skewed perspective when you don’t consider what charges are being dropped.

I've seen too many examples of police ordered to stand down, or to arrest the victims to buy that.

You look at shit like Rittenhouse, and then you expect me to beleive that those people (lib prosecutors, mayors, ect) are going though security tapes looking for faces or identifying marks?

No, that is just not believable.
Those who rioted under Trump were arrested
Trump advocated beating them and shooting them in the legs

Are you bothered by that, or is it ok for some reason, of which you are unable to clearly state for reasons you won't share?
"McBride ......during the riot, he got into some “shoving matches” with police, picked up a shield at some point, and picked up a can of mace. Government prosecutors allege that he was part of the crowd that attacked Metropolitan Police Officer Daniel Hodges....trapped between... a set of doors to the building"
"...no one is suggesting this man be thrown in jail for being an asshole, we support his imprisonment because he assaulted an officer."

Those two posts should have been the closers to this thread.

The perp did perp stuff. At the Capitol Building of the United States of America.
Never a good idea....even if you got away with it once, sooner or later (most especially with multiple cameras on scene)......your piper will come calling for you. The bill comes due. Duh!

And so it is with this perp.
An unemployed electrician should have stayed home and looked for work.
Rather than go off to DC to assault uniformed police. Duh! .... x2.

Those two posts should have been the closers to this thread.

The perp did perp stuff. At the Capitol Building of the United States of America.
Never a good idea....even if you got away with it once, sooner or later (most especially with multiple cameras on scene)......your piper will come calling for you. The bill comes due. Duh!

And so it is with this perp.
An unemployed electrician should have stayed home and looked for work.
Rather than go off to DC to assault uniformed police. Duh! .... x2.

Plenty of perps did perps shit during the Trump years. Most of them are not being chased the way the 1/6 guys are.

That is a violation of due process and thus, civil rights.
There is plenty of video of the riots, but nothing like the follow up that is occurring for the 4 hours of the right leaning riot.

Your acceptance of this, is at best, foolish and at worse, the knowing support of tyranny.

It's no one else's fault but yours you're unable to distinguish how much worse it was to attack the seat of our government to stop the peaceful transfer of power.
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Yes, because it shows what a sick FUK Trump is

And here we see the leftwinger use the pretense of stupidity to dodge answering a question which he is afraid to answer.

Thus my point is validated by your fear.

You see what I see, the clear difference between the way that lefty rioters and righty rioters are being treated.

you know that it is an injustice and a violation of their rights.

You support this violation of their rights, because they are your enemies.

Yet, you are too much of a coward to admit that, so you pretend to be too stupid to remember the context of a question from one post to the next.
It's no one else's fault but yours you're unable to distinguish how much worse it was to attack the seat of our government.

DOZENS DIED, during the lefty riots.

Your pretense that the 4 hours of republican violence, was "worse" is a blood chilling look into just how soulless you are.

My point stands. The difference in treatment is a violation of the Equal Protection Clause and thus Human Rights.
And here we see the leftwinger use the pretense of stupidity to dodge answering a question which he is afraid to answer.

Thus my point is validated by your fear.

You see what I see, the clear difference between the way that lefty rioters and righty rioters are being treated.

you know that it is an injustice and a violation of their rights.

You support this violation of their rights, because they are your enemies.

Yet, you are too much of a coward to admit that, so you pretend to be too stupid to remember the context of a question from one post to the next.

Treated differently because the events are different. You're just simply desperate to downplay the enormity of Sedition Day because it was your side who perpetrated it. Hence, unending whataboutisms from you.
DOZENS DIED, during the lefty riots.

Your pretense that the 4 hours of republican violence, was "worse" is a blood chilling look into just how soulless you are.

My point stands. The difference in treatment is a violation of the Equal Protection Clause and thus Human Rights.

It's not about the number of deaths, ya retard. It's about the reasons for the attacks. One was a revolt against cops killing blacks unjustifiably; the other was to prevent a duly elected president from being sworn in. Even worse, with the support of the sitting president, who stood to gain had they been successful, who would have been the benefactor.

With the ramifications of the former having been successful resulting in fewer blacks being killed by cops; while had the latter been successful, it would have been the end of the USA.
Treated differently because the events are different. You're just simply desperate to downplay the enormity of Sedition Day because it was your side who perpetrated it. Hence, unending whataboutisms from you.

The events are different. The lefty riots of the Trump years are clearly far WORSE than the four hours on 1/6.

DOZENS DIED. That you just dismiss that, is you being a monster.

Over a BILLION dollars in damages. That you dismiss that, is you also being a monster. That is the lives of whole families being ruined. That is whole communities being devastated. The next time one of you libs whine about a "Food desert" or "lack of jobs in the ghetto, I will laugh and laugh and laugh.

Your support of crushing the 1/6 rioters, is you declaring that you support the end of Civil Rights sin this country.
It's not about the number of deaths, ya retard. It's about the reasons for the attacks. One was a revolt against cops killing blacks unjustifiably; the other was to prevent a duly elected president from being sworn in. Even worse, with the support of the sitting president, who stood to gain had they been successful, who would have been the benefactor.

With the ramifications of the former having been successful resulting in fewer blacks being killed by cops; while had the latter been successful, it would have been the end of the USA.

If you only support civil rights, when the person accused in a political ally of yours, then you do not support human rights.

EVERY TIME, you mention how much better the motives of YOUR rioters was, than ours, in your opinion, as a reason for harsher treatment, you are demonstrating that you do not support Human Rights.
If you only support civil rights, when the person accused in a political ally of yours, then you do not support human rights.

EVERY TIME, you mention how much better the motives of YOUR rioters was, than ours, in your opinion, as a reason for harsher treatment, you are demonstrating that you do not support Human Rights.
You have provided no evidence whatsoever that protesters who assaulted police officers at BLM rallies and 1/6 were treated differently. None at all.
You have provided no evidence whatsoever that protesters who assaulted police officers at BLM rallies and 1/6 were treated differently. None at all.

There is a massive witch hunt against the 1/6 rioters, while there is NOT for the Lefty rioters of the Trump years.
I've seen too many examples of police ordered to stand down, or to arrest the victims to buy that.

You look at shit like Rittenhouse, and then you expect me to beleive that those people (lib prosecutors, mayors, ect) are going though security tapes looking for faces or identifying marks?

No, that is just not believable.
It was citizens who were identifying rioters on Jan 6th.

People who actually committed violent crimes were arrested and prosecuted from the summer 2020 riots.

I doubt you have been given an accurate perspective of what the police did in the summer riots. The right wing media does not provide any information that would disrupt their narrative.

For example, take this action.

It resulted in many arrests, basically none of which would result in prosecutable offenses.

Police abuses in the social justice riots in 2020 FAR exceed anything that the right wing is dealing with.
There is a massive witch hunt against the 1/6 rioters, while there is NOT for the Lefty rioters of the Trump years.
We're not hunting witches you bitch ass snowflake, law enforcement hunts criminals. And again, you've shown no evidence that one group has received more intense scrutiny than the other. I recall law enforcement using social media to arrest people at BLM protests as well. Stop crying you victim.
It was citizens who were identifying rioters on Jan 6th.

People who actually committed violent crimes were arrested and prosecuted from the summer 2020 riots.

I doubt you have been given an accurate perspective of what the police did in the summer riots. The right wing media does not provide any information that would disrupt their narrative.

For example, take this action.

It resulted in many arrests, basically none of which would result in prosecutable offenses.

Police abuses in the social justice riots in 2020 FAR exceed anything that the right wing is dealing with.

Yeah, I live in a dem controlled city. I've seen cops protecting protestors. I know people in LE who verify such behavior.

The dem politicians AND court officials were on the side of the rioters. Sorry, "PEACEFUL PROTESTORS".

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