Why Not Club Them -

The far right live in a world that what they believe is reality.
naw, you're here.

This is a right wing bubble and you all are truly deluded. One billion members on Facebook and they are laying Trump to waste. Over 20 private groups with members ranging from 30,000 to 200,000 and many, many smaller specialized groups focusing on all the different aspects of Trump: his Russian ties, his tax returns, his LIES, his cabinet picks....so many to choose from. I especially like the meme group, as you can see by my sig.
so every person on earth is what you're stating? dude, get a life. holk fk are you useless.
The far right live in a world that what they believe is reality.

At least we know who won the race for president.

And at least we know who will be the next president to be impeached.

‘Prediction professor’ who called Trump’s big win also made another forecast: Trump will be impeached

"Allan Lichtman uses a historically based system of what he calls “keys” to predict election results ahead of time. The keys are explained in-depth in Lichtman’s book, “Predicting the Next President: The Keys to the White House 2016.” In our conversations in September and October, he outlined how President Obama's second term set the Democrats up for a tight race, and his keys tipped the balance in Trump's favor, even if just barely.

At the end of our September conversation, Lichtman made another call: that if elected, Trump would eventually be impeached by a Republican Congress that would prefer a President Mike Pence — someone whom establishment Republicans know and trust."""

The far right live in a world that what they believe is reality.
naw, you're here.

This is a right wing bubble and you all are truly deluded. One billion members on Facebook and they are laying Trump to waste. Over 20 private groups with members ranging from 30,000 to 200,000 and many, many smaller specialized groups focusing on all the different aspects of Trump: his Russian ties, his tax returns, his LIES, his cabinet picks....so many to choose from. I especially like the meme group, as you can see by my sig.

Boy howdy, that's a lot of people!

And yet, he is President, and enjoying every minute repairing the damage caused by his predecessor. Tough titty for you.
That didn't seem to be the case at the Battle of Berkeley. The Trump rally was able to march despite attempts by anti-fa to stop them.
Yup, all 80 of 'em, proud Nazis

Only a few actual Nazis, but your side had a bunch of hard core commies among the anti-fa idiots so it balances out.

If those were communists, then they were Donald's friends:

dude, you shouldn't be posting the pictures you hang out on your wall at home.
Trump domestically has been a failure other than Gorsuch, who is going to be very much like Roberts, whom I like.

Foreign policy wise he has turned his backs on the Bannonites, and that is good.

Before he is impeached and removed, he may not do as much damage as I thought he would. He is pretty much corralled by good thinking people now, including Mattis, McMaster, his son in law, etc.
The far right live in a world that what they believe is reality.
naw, you're here.

This is a right wing bubble and you all are truly deluded. One billion members on Facebook and they are laying Trump to waste. Over 20 private groups with members ranging from 30,000 to 200,000 and many, many smaller specialized groups focusing on all the different aspects of Trump: his Russian ties, his tax returns, his LIES, his cabinet picks....so many to choose from. I especially like the meme group, as you can see by my sig.
so every person on earth is what you're stating? dude, get a life. holk fk are you useless.

So math is not your forte. 20 X 100,000 (average large group) = 2,000,000 + 50,000+/- small groups = 2,050,000. 65,000,000 voted for Hillary. Not exactly a stretch. But I can see you are frightened. Stay here in your safe space. Holy fuck you are stupid.
The far right live in a world that what they believe is reality.
naw, you're here.

This is a right wing bubble and you all are truly deluded. One billion members on Facebook and they are laying Trump to waste. Over 20 private groups with members ranging from 30,000 to 200,000 and many, many smaller specialized groups focusing on all the different aspects of Trump: his Russian ties, his tax returns, his LIES, his cabinet picks....so many to choose from. I especially like the meme group, as you can see by my sig.
so every person on earth is what you're stating? dude, get a life. holk fk are you useless.

So math is not your forte. 20 X 100,000 (average large group) = 2,000,000 + 50,000+/- small groups = 2,050,000. 65,000,000 voted for Hillary. Not exactly a stretch. But I can see you are frightened. Stay here in your safe space. Holy fuck you are stupid.
Remember that is is JC, Waiting.
Trump domestically has been a failure other than Gorsuch, who is going to be very much like Roberts, whom I like.

Foreign policy wise he has turned his backs on the Bannonites, and that is good.

Before he is impeached and removed, he may not do as much damage as I thought he would. He is pretty much corralled by good thinking people now, including Mattis, McMaster, his son in law, etc.

What credentials does his now-closest advisor Kushner have? Besides a failed NYC newspaper and a dad who spent time in jail for tax evasion and witness tampering? We can only hope the apple in this case fell far from the tree.
Memes are all the rwnj's have left.
dude, one can't talk into the stupid that you post. It just isn't logical. maybe if you had some legitimacy it would benefit a discussion. otherwise, the best response is the meme.
You, however, demonstrated that you operate solely out of cognitive dissonance. You are unable to absorb objective facts that you subjectively don't like. That has to do with you being a follower and never a leader.
I rest my case. the main meme

Looks like the village idiot to me.
The far right live in a world that what they believe is reality.
naw, you're here.

This is a right wing bubble and you all are truly deluded. One billion members on Facebook and they are laying Trump to waste. Over 20 private groups with members ranging from 30,000 to 200,000 and many, many smaller specialized groups focusing on all the different aspects of Trump: his Russian ties, his tax returns, his LIES, his cabinet picks....so many to choose from. I especially like the meme group, as you can see by my sig.
so every person on earth is what you're stating? dude, get a life. holk fk are you useless.

So math is not your forte. 20 X 100,000 (average large group) = 2,000,000 + 50,000+/- small groups = 2,050,000. 65,000,000 voted for Hillary. Not exactly a stretch. But I can see you are frightened. Stay here in your safe space. Holy fuck you are stupid.
So show how you get to a billion.
Memes are all the rwnj's have left.
dude, one can't talk into the stupid that you post. It just isn't logical. maybe if you had some legitimacy it would benefit a discussion. otherwise, the best response is the meme.
You, however, demonstrated that you operate solely out of cognitive dissonance. You are unable to absorb objective facts that you subjectively don't like. That has to do with you being a follower and never a leader.
I rest my case. the main meme

Looks like the village idiot to me.
I knew you were. It was exactly my first thought of you. one billion. wow, that's a lot, maybe you could do a screen shot that actually shows that number. village boy.
The far right live in a world that what they believe is reality.
naw, you're here.

This is a right wing bubble and you all are truly deluded. One billion members on Facebook and they are laying Trump to waste. Over 20 private groups with members ranging from 30,000 to 200,000 and many, many smaller specialized groups focusing on all the different aspects of Trump: his Russian ties, his tax returns, his LIES, his cabinet picks....so many to choose from. I especially like the meme group, as you can see by my sig.

Boy howdy, that's a lot of people!

And yet, he is President, and enjoying every minute repairing the damage caused by his predecessor. Tough titty for you.

Donald J. Trump‏ Verified account @realDonaldTrump
The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy.
  • 8:45 PM - 6 Nov 2012
He was right.
The far right live in a world that what they believe is reality.
naw, you're here.

This is a right wing bubble and you all are truly deluded. One billion members on Facebook and they are laying Trump to waste. Over 20 private groups with members ranging from 30,000 to 200,000 and many, many smaller specialized groups focusing on all the different aspects of Trump: his Russian ties, his tax returns, his LIES, his cabinet picks....so many to choose from. I especially like the meme group, as you can see by my sig.

Boy howdy, that's a lot of people!

And yet, he is President, and enjoying every minute repairing the damage caused by his predecessor. Tough titty for you.

Donald J. Trump‏ Verified account @realDonaldTrump
The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy.
  • 8:45 PM - 6 Nov 2012
He was right.

Well yes. Pure democracy is the rule of the mob. We are a representative republic, not a democracy, and the Electoral College prevents the rule of the mob in the matter for which it was created.
The far right live in a world that what they believe is reality.
naw, you're here.

This is a right wing bubble and you all are truly deluded. One billion members on Facebook and they are laying Trump to waste. Over 20 private groups with members ranging from 30,000 to 200,000 and many, many smaller specialized groups focusing on all the different aspects of Trump: his Russian ties, his tax returns, his LIES, his cabinet picks....so many to choose from. I especially like the meme group, as you can see by my sig.

Boy howdy, that's a lot of people!

And yet, he is President, and enjoying every minute repairing the damage caused by his predecessor. Tough titty for you.

Donald J. Trump‏ Verified account @realDonaldTrump
The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy.
  • 8:45 PM - 6 Nov 2012
He was right.
And the limp wristed far right gets clubbed down . . . again.

That didn't seem to be the case at the Battle of Berkeley. The Trump rally was able to march despite attempts by anti-fa to stop them.
Yup, all 80 of 'em, proud Nazis

Only a few actual Nazis, but your side had a bunch of hard core commies among the anti-fa idiots so it balances out.

If those were communists, then they were Donald's friends:


Memes are all the rwnj's have left.
Not a Meme Dipshit but a actually video of your whiney ass leftists who only want to destroy this great country getting a slapdown by the Citizens of the US. Only thing you liberals have left is the constant lying that you do daily. Oh and don't forget the rioting also. Typical Rules for Radicals playbook.
Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
"The Revolutionary force today has two targets, moral as well as material. Its young protagonists are one moment reminiscent of the idealistic early Christians, yet they also urge violence and cry, 'Burn the system down!' They have no illusions about the system, but plenty of illusions about the way to change our world. It is to this point that I have written this book."
. The Purpose
In this book we are concerned with how to create mass organizations to seize power and give it to the people; to realize the democratic dream of equality, justice, peace.... "Better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.' This means revolution." p.3
Do you see any difference in the two pictures below?

Radical Liberal Terrorists UC Berkley...Radical Muslim Terrorists Middle East
thQ7MY18XU.jpg thJVO3G3KC.jpg
The far right live in a world that what they believe is reality.
naw, you're here.

This is a right wing bubble and you all are truly deluded. One billion members on Facebook and they are laying Trump to waste. Over 20 private groups with members ranging from 30,000 to 200,000 and many, many smaller specialized groups focusing on all the different aspects of Trump: his Russian ties, his tax returns, his LIES, his cabinet picks....so many to choose from. I especially like the meme group, as you can see by my sig.

Boy howdy, that's a lot of people!

And yet, he is President, and enjoying every minute repairing the damage caused by his predecessor. Tough titty for you.

Donald J. Trump‏ Verified account @realDonaldTrump
The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy.
  • 8:45 PM - 6 Nov 2012
He was right.
This is what Democracy looks like.

Shame liberals are TOO stupid to know better, but then if they did know, they wouldn't be liberals now, would they?

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