Why not just provide insurance for the truly 4 million that need coverage???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
How simple!
Obama admits that of the "46 million uninsured" that
10 million are NOT citizens... So that reduces it to 36 million!
Then Obama either ignores or more likely doesn't know that 14 million who said they were uninsured to the CENSUS all need to do is register with Medicaid!
That leaves 22 million of his 46 million phony number!
Finally WHY is it NECESSARY to force 18 million under age 34 making over $50k that pay out of their own pocket their health expenses?
That leaves 4 million....
So tax the lawyers that caused the doctors to attest they do "$850 billion a year in duplicate tests,etc" i.e. "defensive medicine" because they fear lawsuits!
That 10% tax of the $270 billion lawyers make would pay a $5,000 annual premium for each of the 4 million that truly need and want!

That simple... SO why not???
How simple!
Obama admits that of the "46 million uninsured" that
10 million are NOT citizens... So that reduces it to 36 million!
Then Obama either ignores or more likely doesn't know that 14 million who said they were uninsured to the CENSUS all need to do is register with Medicaid!
That leaves 22 million of his 46 million phony number!
Finally WHY is it NECESSARY to force 18 million under age 34 making over $50k that pay out of their own pocket their health expenses?
That leaves 4 million....
So tax the lawyers that caused the doctors to attest they do "$850 billion a year in duplicate tests,etc" i.e. "defensive medicine" because they fear lawsuits!
That 10% tax of the $270 billion lawyers make would pay a $5,000 annual premium for each of the 4 million that truly need and want!

That simple... SO why not???

The liberal agenda is always about taking power away from individual citizens and robbing them of their freedom and choice. This was a gangster style hijacking built purely on lies. It was never about helping people. It was purely about social control.
Republicans want to cut veterans benefits, school lunches for children, support for the elderly. Who believes they want to help four million "anyone"?
Foreigners should get medical care in this country and not be charged. Just deduct the cost from whatever foreign aid that country would have gotten.
Republicans want to cut veterans benefits, school lunches for children, support for the elderly. Who believes they want to help four million "anyone"?

Where do you come up with this shit? It's like the same lies being told in a circle jerk to the same idiots over, and over, and over.

I don't believe a word you just said.

It is all lies just like Obama and every other hardcore Liberal. You have no credibility. If you make such broad accusations post links and provide evidence. Otherwise, it is just bullshit, and a waste of everyone's time.
How simple!
Obama admits that of the "46 million uninsured" that
10 million are NOT citizens... So that reduces it to 36 million!
Then Obama either ignores or more likely doesn't know that 14 million who said they were uninsured to the CENSUS all need to do is register with Medicaid!
That leaves 22 million of his 46 million phony number!
Finally WHY is it NECESSARY to force 18 million under age 34 making over $50k that pay out of their own pocket their health expenses?
That leaves 4 million....
So tax the lawyers that caused the doctors to attest they do "$850 billion a year in duplicate tests,etc" i.e. "defensive medicine" because they fear lawsuits!
That 10% tax of the $270 billion lawyers make would pay a $5,000 annual premium for each of the 4 million that truly need and want!

That simple... SO why not???

Is English your second language?
@mods - really?

This is like his 100th thread / same exact OP as the other 99.
Republicans want to cut veterans benefits, school lunches for children, support for the elderly. Who believes they want to help four million "anyone"?

So you defend lawyers making $270 billion ripping off insurance companies that settle 94% of cases out of court and simply pass on to premium payers?
Brilliant. And you totally ignored the BIG FACT there was LIE used to pass the ACA i.e. there never were 46 million truly uninsured !!!
Please answer that???
Oh we're way past that. If Republicans had any ideas the time to bring them up has long since gone by. ACA is the law now and there is nothing you can do about it. The more time that passes, the more we are committed to it.

Done and done.
Because the whole enterprise had nothing to do with covering people. It had to do with the state taking over a major part of the economy, one which most people interact with at some point in their lives.
Republicans want to cut veterans benefits, school lunches for children, support for the elderly. Who believes they want to help four million "anyone"?

hey Dean?.....how come your sorry ass did not stick around in the thread were i said Gov Brown cut benefits for the Elderly,kids,handicapped and infirmed in Cal.?.....oh and he cut Education too,so he must HATE Education and wants to end it.....you said my links must have disappeared....so i gave you 5 of them.....then you disappeared.....when someone proves your ass wrong....why do you run instead of maybe,just maybe, admitting your lovely Party is not much better, then the one you hate?......or is it you just cant tolerate having your shit shoved back down your throat?.....i call it being a Dishonest asshole....
Republicans want to cut veterans benefits, school lunches for children, support for the elderly. Who believes they want to help four million "anyone"?

Where do you come up with this shit? It's like the same lies being told in a circle jerk to the same idiots over, and over, and over.

I don't believe a word you just said.

It is all lies just like Obama and every other hardcore Liberal. You have no credibility. If you make such broad accusations post links and provide evidence. Otherwise, it is just bullshit, and a waste of everyone's time.

another one who has been here a short time and has you figured out Dean.....it dont take people long....like i have said Dean....you aint foolin no one....well except for your personal Ass Kisser "Dottie".....
how simple!
Obama admits that of the "46 million uninsured" that
10 million are not citizens... So that reduces it to 36 million!
Then obama either ignores or more likely doesn't know that 14 million who said they were uninsured to the census all need to do is register with medicaid!
That leaves 22 million of his 46 million phony number!
Finally why is it necessary to force 18 million under age 34 making over $50k that pay out of their own pocket their health expenses?
That leaves 4 million....
So tax the lawyers that caused the doctors to attest they do "$850 billion a year in duplicate tests,etc" i.e. "defensive medicine" because they fear lawsuits!
That 10% tax of the $270 billion lawyers make would pay a $5,000 annual premium for each of the 4 million that truly need and want!

That simple... So why not???

is english your second language?

يمكن لجميع الشعرات في أنفك تقع في واحدة في وقت واحد!
The first 75 times you posed it, this didn't work...perhaps another 75 will do it...

So you totally AGREE there never were 46 million ?
Then why not say so and then comprehend the enormity of this total bogus number??
But you and idiots like you completely IGNORE this total enormous lie that PASSED ACA by just 7 yes votes and NOW
YOU idiots that supported this gigantic lie are totally responsible for this FACT:

White House Predicted in 2010 That 93 Million Would Lose Their Health Plans Under ObamaCare

Forbes: White House Predicted in 2010 That 93 Million Would Lose Their Health Plans Under ObamaCare | NewsBusters
And you idiots that can't even subtract 42 million that either don't want, aren't eligible or can get coverage under Medicaid... leaving 4 million NOT 46 million!!!
YOU are responsible for 93 million people maybe losing THEIR health coverage...
ALL because of 4 million people!!! That taxing lawyers 10% would pay the premiums for these 4 million!
you might want to get yourself checked out somewhere dude.

you are WAY too strung out about these numbers.

this is your same thread that you've been posting over and over and over and over.

you don't think that's at all SICK? smh.
Your figures are false, healthmyths.

We all know that.

Ask the GOP why they did not fix it earlier is the right question, son.
Why not just provide insurance for the truly 4 million that need coverage???

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nk_HPs34usU]Congressman John Dingell: "It takes a long time to ... control the people" - YouTube[/ame]

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