Why not send the refugees to sanctuary cities


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
I think it's a good deal and everybody is happy, maybe... If anything goes wrong the left will be happy to be the first line of defense, they can have a sit down with tea and crumpets...


List of Sanctuary cities
I think it's a good deal and everybody is happy, maybe... If anything goes wrong the left will be happy to be the first line of defense, they can have a sit down with tea and crumpets...


List of Sanctuary cities

I'm wondering how the new so called refugees are just going to love getting free tickets to the Folsom Street Fair.

Methinks San Fran's welcome wagon seriously will bring on ISIS. Go ahead Obama. Bring hardliners in. Special.


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Obama Inc: Refuses to Give Law Enforcement Info on Syrian Refugees
That's how extreme Obama is
November 18, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


Two points here.

1. Obama Inc. is predictably refusing to slow down or stop Syrian migrant dumping in US states. Including those states which have said no to it.

2. Obama Inc. is refusing to even work with Democratic governors who are pro-resettlement, like Jerry Brown in California, to provide local law enforcement with information about risks.

In a call with senior Obama administration officials Tuesday evening, several governors demanded they be given access to information about Syrian refugees about to be resettled by the federal government in their states. Top White House officials refused...

On the call several Republican governors and two Democrats -- New Hampshire’s Maggie Hassan and California’s Jerry Brown -- repeatedly pressed administration officials to share more information about Syrian refugees entering the United States. The governors wanted notifications whenever refugees were resettled in their states, as well as access to classified information collected when the refugees were vetted...

That's the surprising thing. Obama won't even throw Jerry Brown a bone.


So now we have the White House openly saying that the VOLAGS that resettle migrants operate at a higher level than state governors and that states are excluded from the process. And Obama Inc. is refusing to cooperate with local law enforcement even when asked to do so by one of the most liberal governors in the country.

That's how extreme Obama is.

Obama Inc: Refuses to Give Law Enforcement Info on Syrian Refugees
How Terrorists Entered Europe Posing as Refugees
Authorities were well aware of security lapses.
November 18, 2015
Emerson Vermaat


Five days before ISIS terrorists struck in Paris, I warned that ISIS operatives and war criminals were entering Europe disguised as asylum seekers. I quoted Salem Kurdi, who said in an interview with the Dutch TV news program EenVandaag that there are “war criminals and members of militias, Assad warriors as well as ISIS jihadists who apply for asylum in Europe.”

There are now very strong indications that one of the Paris attackers entered Europe as an asylum seeker. Suicide bomber Ahmed Almohammad, who blew himself up near the football stadium “Stade de France,” entered the small Greek island of Leros on October 3, 2015 – on a raft together with 198 refugees. He was accompanied by Mohammed Almuhmed, another man suspected of terrorist links, the Paris newspaper Le Figaro and Forocoches, a Spanish source, reported. Ahmed’s (forged?) Syrian passport was found near the place where he blew himself up on November 13.

The distance from Leros to Turkey is only seven miles. It was on October 7, that Ahmed Almohammad arrived in Serbia, one day later he was in Croatia, and from Croatia he traveled to Hungary and Austria and finally arrived in France where he joined the other ISIS terrorists who struck in Paris on November 13, on a Friday evening, that is. Le Figaro quotes Bavaria’s Finance Minister Markus Söder from the Christian Social Union (CSU) who said: “Not all refugees are terrorists from ISIS. But it is naive to believe that there is not one fighter among the refugees.”

Le Figaro also quotes Greek Immigration Minister Ioannis Mouzalas who said that there could be jihadists among the vast number of refugees the Greeks have to cope with every day. It is impossible to check all of them, he said. In fact very few, if any, have been checked so far. The Greeks just don’t have the staff and the technical expertise to do so.

The British Daily Mail reported that “suicide bomber Ahmad Almohammad came to Europe on a raft” and “was waved into Europe as Syrian refugee.” “More than 500 people are landing on a daily basis on Leros, which is just seven miles from Turkey.” The paper quotes Mihalis Kolias, the mayor of Leros (only 8000 inhabitants!) who warned “the whole of Europe should be fearful about the possibility of more atrocities being conducted by jihadists entering the continent among the crowds of migrants.” “It’s more than dangerous for all of Europe. So many people are passing through our island and now we know amongst them are terrorists. This is a big problem for Europe.”

The British Daily Telegraph reported on November 9, 2015, that Mehdi Ben Nasr, a Tunisian terrorist with links to Al-Qaeda, “returned to Europe on a boat that set sail from Libya and arrived in Lampedusa, a tiny Italian island in the Mediterranean.” “He claimed to be an asylum seeker and said he wanted to travel to northern Europe where he had relatives.” “The Tunisian is considered one of the most dangerous terrorists known to the Italian security services due to his role in the recruitment of would-be jihadists and sending them to Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. He was arrested in April 2008 following a large terrorist investigation by the Special Operations Group, a division of the Italian carabinieri” (=military police). After Ben Nasr’s attempt to return to Italy in October 2015, the Italians decided to send him back to Tunisia.


Europe’s security and intelligence services as well its immigration authorities are overwhelmed. Dangerous terrorists are not detected before they enter Europe or return from Syria or Iraq. There are more than 6,000 European jihadists in Syria who joined terrorist groups and commit war crimes. It is impossible to monitor all of them. Those who return to Europe pose a very serious security risk because they are likely to stage terrorist attacks. This is what happened in Paris and Verviers (Belgium) this year and in Brussels last year.

How Terrorists Entered Europe Posing as Refugees
Funny how the conservatives back these "not in my state " governors but want to force sanctuary cities to follow immigration law .

Same difference .
Post-Paris, Obama Doubles Down: More Refugees Coming
The President seems intent on creating the circumstances for a Paris-style jihad attack on U.S. soil.
November 17, 2015
Robert Spencer


Despite what he termed the “setback” of last Friday’s jihad massacre in Paris, Barack Obama announced Monday that he was pressing forward with his scheme to flood the U.S. with at least 10,000 refugees from Syria, terming opposition to his plan “shameful.” Obama seems intent on recreating in the U.S. the circumstances that led to the jihad attacks in Paris – which were perpetrated by at least two “refugees” who had just recently arrived in Europe.

“We have to, each of us, do our part, and the United States has to step up and do its part,” Obama said. He didn’t explain why Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar don’t have to do their part, and have taken no refugees at all, citing the risk of terrorism. Repeat that concern in the U.S., as have the Governors of Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Massachusetts, and Texas, and you’ll be charged with “racism,” “bigotry” and “Islamophobia.”

Obama was ready with his own charges: “When I hear folks say that, well, maybe we should just admit the Christians but not the Muslims. When I hear political leaders suggesting that there would be a religious test for which person who’s fleeing from a war-torn country is admitted. When some of those folks themselves come from families who benefitted from protection when they were fleeing political persecution — That’s shameful. That’s not American. That’s not who we are. We don’t have religious tests to our compassion.”

Indeed. But there were other issues that did not involve “religious tests to our compassion.” President’s statement neatly ignored the uncomfortable fact that Christians are not waging jihad around the world. It was not a Christian terrorist group, but a Muslim one, that boasted last February that it would soon inundate Europe with 500,000 refugees. The Lebanese Education Minister recently warned that there were 20,000 Islamic jihadi terrorists, not Christian “extremists,” among the refugees in camps in his country. It was not a “right-wing” Christian, but an Islamic State operative who boasted in September, shortly after the migrant influx began, that among the flood of refugees, 4,000 terrorists had already entered Europe.

Obama has never acknowledged any of those facts. Robert Bentley, the Governor of Alabama, was more realistic, explaining that he did not want any of the refugees in Alabama because “I will not stand complicit to a policy that places the citizens of Alabama in harm’s way.” The Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, noted that “a Syrian ‘refugee’ appears to have been part of the Paris terror attack. American humanitarian compassion could be exploited to expose Americans to similar deadly danger.” Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson stated that taking Syrian refugees at this time “is not the right strategy.” Even the Governor of Massachusetts, Charlie Baker, came out against Obama’s plan: “No, I’m not interested in accepting refugees from Syria,” he said. “My view on this is the safety and security of the people of the Commonwealth of Mass. is my highest priority. So I would set the bar very high on this.”


Now the same Administration is going to vet the refugees? To entrust Obama’s team with such a task is to invite a Paris-style jihad attack in an American city, courtesy of one or more of his “vetted” refugees. It’s only a matter of time.

Post-Paris, Obama Doubles Down: More Refugees Coming
To think some people thought Bush was a bumbling fool, now you get a taste of what a real bumbling fool is all about. Sad to think this man is seen as a reflection of America. No wonder were the laughing stock of the world.
"Why not send the refugees to sanctuary cities"

...then build a wall around the cities! :p
I think it's a good deal and everybody is happy, maybe... If anything goes wrong the left will be happy to be the first line of defense, they can have a sit down with tea and crumpets...


List of Sanctuary cities

They aren't illegal aliens so a Sanctuary City wouldn't accept em.

Gotta be here illegally to get into a sanctuary city.

How fucked up is that??
Maybe we can entice ISIS to adopt Obama's plan of Containment for us. They leave us alone and make sure we stay right here.... we call it 'even stevens'.... (Oooo, NO pun intended there! :confused:)
Let's have a trade off then. Give those cities the refugees if you and those that don't believe in climate change will take all the byproducts of coal mining and oil drilling in your back yard and city/town.
Let's make that trade.

I think it's a good deal and everybody is happy, maybe... If anything goes wrong the left will be happy to be the first line of defense, they can have a sit down with tea and crumpets...


List of Sanctuary cities
Why not send the refugees to sanctuary cities

Granny says, "Dat' right...

... dat's a good idea...

... let's send `em to San Francisco."
Let's have a trade off then. Give those cities the refugees if you and those that don't believe in climate change will take all the byproducts of coal mining and oil drilling in your back yard and city/town.
Let's make that trade.

I think it's a good deal and everybody is happy, maybe... If anything goes wrong the left will be happy to be the first line of defense, they can have a sit down with tea and crumpets...


List of Sanctuary cities

Why don't you take this alcoholic broad and go have another drink...:alcoholic:

Honduras detains five Syrians said headed to U.S. with stolen Greek passports

5 hrs ago

TEGUCIGALPA, Nov 18 (Reuters) - Honduran authorities have detained five Syrian nationals who were trying to reach the United States using stolen Greek passports, but there are no signs of any links to last week's attacks in Paris, police said.

The Syrian men were held late on Tuesday in the Honduran capital, Tegucigalpa, on arrival from Costa Rica, and had been planning to head to the border with neighboring Guatemala. The passports had been doctored to replace the photographs with those of the Syrians, police said.

"We received information from (fellow) police services that these five Syrians left Greece and passed through Turkey, Brazil, Argentina and San Jose in Costa Rica before finally reaching Tegucigalpa," said Anibal Baca, spokesman for Honduras' police. "They are normal Syrians."

U.S. Republican lawmakers defied President Barack Obama on Wednesday and set out plans following last week's deadly Paris attacks to tighten screening of Syrian refugees.

Obama has pledged to take in 10,000 Syrians next year from the war-torn country. But his plan faces stiff resistance from Republicans, concerned some of the refugees could be associated with Islamic State.


Honduras detains five Syrians said headed to U.S. with stolen Greek passports

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