Why not send the refugees to sanctuary cities

And stupidity is your name!

Let's have a trade off then. Give those cities the refugees if you and those that don't believe in climate change will take all the byproducts of coal mining and oil drilling in your back yard and city/town.
Let's make that trade.

I think it's a good deal and everybody is happy, maybe... If anything goes wrong the left will be happy to be the first line of defense, they can have a sit down with tea and crumpets...


List of Sanctuary cities

Why don't you take this alcoholic broad and go have another drink...:alcoholic:

Why don't you take this alcoholic broad and go have another drink...:alcoholic:

And stupidity is your name!

Let's have a trade off then. Give those cities the refugees if you and those that don't believe in climate change will take all the byproducts of coal mining and oil drilling in your back yard and city/town.
Let's make that trade.

I think it's a good deal and everybody is happy, maybe... If anything goes wrong the left will be happy to be the first line of defense, they can have a sit down with tea and crumpets...


List of Sanctuary cities

Why don't you take this alcoholic broad and go have another drink...:alcoholic:

Only 28% Support Obama's Plan for Syrian Refugee Migrants
The numbers don't look too good for Obama's favorite fake refugees
November 19, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


A few polls to show why the left is panicking on refugees.

Here's the general Islam one.

Today, a majority (56%) of Americans say the values of Islam are at odds with American values and way of life, while roughly four in ten (41%) disagree. In 2011, Americans were divided in their views of Islam (47% agreed, 48% disagreed).

Majorities of every major Christian religious group say that Islam is incompatible with American values and way of life, including 73% of white evangelical Protestants, 63% of white mainline Protestants, 61% of Catholics, and 55% of black Protestants.

Those are bad numbers and they've shaken the left which has spent decades barraging the country with just the opposite message. But brutal Muslim terror attacks tend to be wake up calls and ISIS alone has done wonders in undermining the Muslim Brotherhood's taqiya.


Only 28% Support Obama's Plan for Syrian Refugee Migrants
"Why not send the refugees to sanctuary cities"

...then build a wall around the cities! :p

Then fill with cement?


I thought about that idea. The sanctuary cities want to protect illegal, why not refugees?
Three Media Lies About Syrian Refugees
They’re not refugees.
November 20, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


Thirty governors have come out against Obama’s policy of dumping Syrian migrants in their states. Some want more thorough vetting. Others have issued executive orders barring any further resettlement.

In response to these common sense measures, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton put on faces of mock moral outrage and the media is frantically spinning new lies about the migrants and national security.

But it’s time we told the truth about what is really going on and exposed their three biggest lies.

1 .The “Refugees” Are Not Fleeing Persecution, They’re Welfare Migrants


2. Taking in “Refugees” Helps ISIS


3. Vetting Syrian Migrants is Impossible


Migrants arriving from terror states are unsafe at any degree of vetting. Our system has failed before and will fail again. We owe it to our children and our loved ones to protect them from the next attack.

And our leaders owe it to us to stop lying about the risks of Muslim migration to our families and our future.

Three Media Lies About Syrian Refugees
Entry Without Inspection = Entry Without Vetting
The dire threat to our national security and public safety.
November 24, 2015
Michael Cutler


In the wake of the horrific November 13th terror attacks in Paris, coming on the heels of the downing of the Russian Metrojet airliner on October 31, 2015 in Egypt, many of America's political leaders are finally coming to the inevitable realization that we need to be careful as to who we let into the United States because of the clear and present danger posed by ISIS and other terror organizations.

However, even as many of these very same politicians insist that the United States suspend the admission of Syrian Refugees until and unless the vetting process by which these aliens are screened is truly effective and has integrity, they continue to support plans to provide unknown millions of illegal aliens who entered our country surreptitiously without inspection with lawful status.

These “leaders” describe illegal aliens as being “undocumented immigrants,” using language that is "politically correct,” but actually Orwellian and constitutes a deceptive and dangerous example of Newspeak.

To provide a bit of essential clarity, the difference between an immigrant and an illegal alien is comparable to the difference between a houseguest and a burglar.

Often the politicians repeat the false mantra, “We are fighting them (terrorists) over there so that we will not have to fight them over here.” In point of fact, we are most definitely fighting them “over here.” The terrorists who attacked our nation on September 11, 2001 carried out those deadly attacks inside the United States. The Boston Marathon bombing was obviously carried out inside the United States, as were other attacks that were perpetrated or attempted by still other terrorists.

Additionally, the FBI has announced that it is conducting investigations into sleeper cells across the United States.

On January 23, 2015 FrontPage Magazine published my article: “Sleeper Cells: The Immigration Component of the Threat.”

As I have noted in previous commentaries, consider the duplicitous Chuck Schumer, New York's senior senator who was arguably the ringleader of the “Gang of Eight” (or as I have come to refer to that bunch of politicians, the “Eight Gangsters”), whom I wrote about in my April 15, 2013 article for Accuracy In Media (AIM), “Unobtainium” and Border Deception. It is worth reviewing my AIM article to see who was a part of this travesty.

Schumer called for creating a federal law that would provide a five-year prison sentence for people who trespassed on national landmarks such as the Brooklyn Bridge or Statue of Liberty, while favoring granting a pathway to United States citizenship for aliens who trespassed on the United States by evading the inspection process conducted at ports of entry of inspectors of the Customs and Border Protection (CBP). The vital inspections process that is conducted at ports of entry is mandated by the Immigration and Nationality Act to prevent the entry of aliens whose presence in the United States would undermine national security and/or otherwise pose a threat to the safety and wellbeing of America and Americans.

I have, on occasion, referred to this obviously contradictory posture assumed by Schumer as providing incontrovertible evidence that he suffers from a lack of “mouth/ear coordination.” He is unable to hear the words that come out of his own mouth. This was one of my points in my recent article for FrontPage Magazine, “Immigration Politics: Where Facts and Commonsense Are Ignored.”

Chuck Schumer, New York's senior senator and one of the biggest metronomes in all of Congress, had called for suspending the admission of Syrian refugees but as reported in the November 19, 2015 Politico article, “Schumer opposes 'pause' for Syrian refugee program,” after a “briefing” has decided to oppose the suspension. Obama must have made him the proverbial offer he could not refuse.

Now Schumer is playing the game of “bait and switch” by coming out in favor of putting those on “no fly” lists on watch lists to prevent them from purchasing firearms and now also supports Senator Feinstein's bill to require aliens from the 38 Visa Waiver countries who have traveled to Iraq or Syria within the past five years to obtain a visa before seeking entry into the United States. Of course, aliens who embrace radical Islam but have not traveled to the Middle East would still not need a visa and it may not be possible to accurately determine if aliens traveled to those two countries.

Clearly Schumer and others are willing to literally play politics with national security and the safety of our citizens. Schumer initially voiced concern about the vetting process for aliens seeking admission into the United States who pose a threat to national security and public safety. Why don't Schumer and other politicians understand or at least acknowledge that aliens who evade any sort of screening process conducted by CBP Inspectors at ports of entry also pose a serious threat to national security and public safety?

Those inspectors base their decisions about the admissibility of aliens on our immigration laws and regulations. I am intimately familiar with the importance of this mission -- I began my 30-year career with the former INS as an Immigration Inspector assigned to John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York before I made the transition to becoming an INS Special Agent.

Title 8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens is a section of law that is contained within the Immigration and Nationality Act and enumerates the grounds for excluding aliens from the United States and includes aliens infected with dangerous communicable diseases, suffer from extreme mental illness and are prone to violence, aliens who are criminals, human rights violators, war criminals, spies or terrorists. Finally that list also includes aliens who would likely become public charges or displace American workers. There is nothing in that list that relates to the race, religion or ethnicity of these aliens.

My October 20, 2015 article for FrontPage Magazine, “Immigration Law Enforcement: Why Bother?: The crucial issues at stake for American citizens,” included the mission statement that is included in the Performance and Accountability Report/Fiscal Year 2014:


Entry Without Inspection = Entry Without Vetting
Opposing Syrian Muslim Refugees is a Jewish Value
77% of Syrians supported Hamas.
December 2, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


These past weeks have been rife with the shameful opportunistic exploitation of the Holocaust by the media in support of Syrian Muslim migration to the United States. Editorials, cartoons and infographs clamor that a violently anti-Semitic group is somehow just like the Jews fleeing anti-Semitism.

But the picture appears very different in Europe where Jewish life is under siege by Muslim migrants.

Abdelhamid Abaaoud, the ringleader of the latest Paris Muslim terror attacks, had snuck in to the country with the so-called Syrian refugees. His targets had included Jewish areas. The previous Muslim terror attack on Charlie Hebdo had also singled out a Jewish supermarket before the Sabbath. That had been preceded by the Muslim terror attack on the Ozar Hatorah school in Toulouse.

Many Muslims in France consider Mohammed Merah, the terrorist who shot an 8-year-old Jewish girl at point blank range, a hero. After the school massacre, Jews in Marseille were mobbed by Muslim shouting, ““Vive Mohamed Merah, F— the Jews.”

This summer in Paris, a Vanity Fair writer described hearing cries of “Death to the Jews” at anti-Israel protests “barely a mile and a half from the Galeries Lafayette, the heart of bourgeois Paris”. Last summer, Roger Cukierman, head of the Representative Council of French Jewish Institutions, warned, “They’re shouting ‘Death to the Jews’ and attacking synagogues.”

Hundreds of Jews were trapped in the Don Isaac Abravanel synagogue as outside a Muslim mob shouted, “Hitler was right!” and “Jews, get out of France!”

This is what Muslim immigration did to the Jews of France. This is what it has done to Brussels. This is what it will do to America.

In Brussels, the Chief Rabbi spoke of the community’s anguish at the terrorist lockdown, “Since Shabbat the city has been paralyzed. The synagogues were closed, something which has not happened since World War Two. People are praying alone… we live in fear.”

“People understand there is no future for Jews in Europe," he said.

Who took away that future? Muslim immigration did.

Jews in Belgium have been under attack by Muslims for decades. In 1980, a Syrian Muslim threw two grenades at Jewish campers in Antwerp waiting for a bus killing David Kohane, a 15-year-old boy, and wounding dozens of adults and children. His funeral took place under the watch of sharpshooters.

Janine Pollak, a pregnant camp counselor, was among the wounded. 13-year-old Joshua Erblich was hospitalized with shrapnel in his brain.

When the Muslim attacker was arrested, he asked police, “Why do you detain me? I did nothing to Belgians. I only hit Jews.”

While American Jewish organizations cheer on Syrian migrants, European Jews are deeply worried.

The head of Vienna’s Jewish community asked for a refugee slowdown and warned that the influx of Syrian Muslim migrants into Austria would lead to anti-Semitism. “Some of these so-called refugees will have grown up thinking anti-Semitism is normal, it would be terrible if this were to happen in Austria.”

Of course it’s already happened in Austria. A year after the Belgian attack, Muslim terrorists from Iraq and Jordan attacked a Bar Mitzvah trying to murder the children inside. Two people died to protect the children from their grenade attack.

Today, Muslims in Austria shout, “Death to the Jews”. In Germany, they chant, “Hamas, Hamas, Jews to the gas” and “Jew, Jew, cowardly pig, come on out and fight on your own”.

The president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany warned that the refugees “come from cultures where hatred of Jews and intolerance are an integral part”.

He had earlier stated that, “The question is whether in problematic neighborhoods, areas with a large Muslim population, it's really sensible to announce yourself as a Jew by wearing a kippah, or whether it's better to wear a different head covering.”

The Central Council of Muslims agreed, “These fears are justified.”


The “Never Again” message of the Holocaust has become meaningless as Muslims chant in praise of Hitler and attack synagogues across Europe. It doesn’t have to become meaningless in America.

American Jews ought to say “Never Again” and mean it when it comes to bringing Muslim bigots and their culture of anti-Semitic hate and violence to the United States.

Opposing Syrian Muslim Refugees is a Jewish Value
California Muslim Killer Passed Security Check w/Fake Address
And everyone completely missed it.
December 5, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


It was only a few weeks ago that Obama was chattering about how our security checks were so great that none of his tens of thousands of Syrian Muslim migrants would ever be terrorists. Here's how great the security checks were for a Muslim terrorist who pledged allegiance to ISIS.

'This is not a visa that someone would use because it is easy to get into the US, because there are more background checks on this type of visa than just about anything else,' said Palma Yanni, a Washington-based attorney who has processed dozens of K-1 visas.

'But fingerprints and biometrics and names aren't going to tell you what is in somebody's head unless they somewhere have taken some action,' Yanni added.

The government's apparent failure to detect Malik's alleged sympathies before the shootings will likely have implications on the debate over the Obama administration's plans to accept Syrian refugees.

On Friday, ABC News reported that the address in her Pakistani hometown that Malik listed on her visa application does not exist.

Tafsheen Malik passed the checks, but routine checks are not the same as an in-depth look that might have flagged her ties to Pakistan's Jihadist Red Mosque or even the question of why a Pakistani family had moved to Saudi Arabia. And even if they had, such reviews would likely have been deemed Islamophobic in an administration that actively champions Islamist agendas.


California Muslim Killer Passed Security Check w/Fake Address
The Lies About Mass Muslim Immigration
And the dire consequences.
December 11, 2015
Howard Rotberg



Bob Barker would sign off the show by saying “I hope all your consequences are happy ones.”

It is my contention that in this sad era of Islamist terrorism, jihadism and attempts to form a “world-wide Caliphate”, (starting with a desire to remove the Jews from Israel, followed by a gradual demographic/migratory take-over of Europe and a myriad of mini-wars in Africa, the Philippines and other Asian countries where Muslims seek the submission of their neighbors), that the idea of accepting hundreds of thousands of Muslim migrants to Canada and the United States, has some consequences, and these should be discussed, frankly and honestly.

And to understand this topic, there is no better way than to use Truth or Consequences, the television show, as a metaphor.

The contestants were only given a few seconds to come up with a factual answer to an obscure question, and no one really expected the contestants to come up with an answer. In fact, when on a rare question, someone had the answer, the host would turn it into a two or three part question, virtually guaranteeing that the contestant couldn’t answer the whole question.

The “consequences” were accepted; even though the game was stacked against the contestant. The fun or glory of being a contestant meant that the embarrassment suffered by the contestant in the “consequences” part, was of course accepted. And the producer said that most Americans are “darned good sports”. We might also say that they are darned tolerant. In some extreme cases they could be considered downright masochistic.

The questions and their answers, then, the knowledge of obscure facts required to fairly play the game, were all irrelevant. For the entertainment of the public, contestants were only too happy to play a game that they could not win, that would embarrass them, but might bring on some emotional prize of being reunited with a family member that usually happened once a show.

As I have argued in my book, Tolerism: The Ideology Revealed, when tolerance becomes a culture’s preeminent virtue, it can morph into masochism all too easily.

The tolerance of Americans for a President, whose background and values were inadequately vetted by the mainstream media, continues; they are such “good sports”. Their President has repudiated most traditional values and twists world events so that Islamist goals are obfuscated and most problems of the world are accepted as the fault of the Americans not the Jihadists.


The Lies About Mass Muslim Immigration
San Bernardino Jihadist Talked Jihad on Social Media, Passed 3 Background Checks
Here's how useless that mutli-layered vetting is.
December 13, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


That incredibly effective multi-layered vetting Obama was talking up while promising that the huge numbers of Syrian Muslim migrants he wants to bring to this country will be thoroughly vetted... it doesn't include looking at their Facebook.

Tashfeen Malik, who with her husband carried out the massacre in San Bernardino, Calif., passed three background checks by U.S. immigration officials as she moved to the United States from Pakistan. But none uncovered what Malik had made little effort to hide - that she talked openly on social media about her views on violent jihad.

She said she supported it. And she said she wanted to be a part of it.

Here's how useless that mutli-layered vetting is.

Tens of millions of people are cleared each year to come to this country to work, visit or live. It is impossible to conduct an exhaustive investigation and scour the social media accounts of each of them, law enforcement officials say.

Except companies do this before hiring employees. Yet our "exhaustive multi-layered vetting" can't be bothered to check someone's Facebook before we let them move here.


What the comment was and what her sister's comments were, the New York Times wouldn't tell us. That might lead to Islamophobia.

San Bernardino Jihadist Talked Jihad on Social Media, Passed 3 Background Checks
Good for a bump...
Obama Admitted Zero Syrian Christian Refugees in May
May 23, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

The Syrian Civil War is a religious conflict among Sunni and Shiite Muslims. The only genuine refugees are non-Muslims such as Christians and Yazidis. There is no such thing as a Muslim refugee.

Despite that, Obama continues his policy of prioritizing fake Muslim refugees over real Christian refugees.


In short, our refugee policy is to take in large numbers of Muslim economic migrants while abandoning Christian refugees who, unlike Muslims, have no country of their own in the Middle East to call their home.

Obama Admitted Zero Syrian Christian Refugees in May
Funny how the conservatives back these "not in my state " governors but want to force sanctuary cities to follow immigration law .

Same difference .

They are already excepting illegals into their cities so shipping them their doesn't change anything for them.
Funny how the conservatives back these "not in my state " governors but want to force sanctuary cities to follow immigration law .

Same difference .

They are already excepting illegals into their cities so shipping them their doesn't change anything for them.
President trump will cut their funding just like the obongo did with the transgender bullshit...
Are America’s 95,000 miles of coastline less important than our land borders?
March 28, 2017

Michael Cutler

For years mayors of cities across the United States have declared their cities to be “Sanctuary Cities” that would gladly shield illegal aliens from detection by immigration law enforcement officers.

On March 23, 2017 Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti was quoted as stating:

In Los Angeles, we don’t separate children from their families because it’s inhumane. In Los Angeles, we don’t demonize our hard-working neighbors just because they speak a different language or come from a different country. That’s un-American.

Of course our immigration laws have absolutely nothing to do with deporting (removing) aliens who speak a foreign language. The reasons that an alien becomes subject to deportation can be found in Title 8 U.S. Code § 1227 - (Deportable aliens).

Garcetti’s lies feed the outrageous false claim that proponents of effective immigration law enforcement are xenophobic racists.


Clearly Mayor Garrett and mayors of other “Sanctuary Cities” need to be reminded who their constituents are and the true meaning of their oaths of office.

Garcetti and his “mayoral partners in crime” should read my previous article, “Opponents Of Border Security And Immigration Law Enforcement Aid Human Traffickers.”

L.A. Mayor Garcetti’s Message to Smugglers: “The Coast Is Clear”
Are America’s 95,000 miles of coastline less important than our land borders?
March 28, 2017

Michael Cutler

For years mayors of cities across the United States have declared their cities to be “Sanctuary Cities” that would gladly shield illegal aliens from detection by immigration law enforcement officers.

On March 23, 2017 Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti was quoted as stating:

In Los Angeles, we don’t separate children from their families because it’s inhumane. In Los Angeles, we don’t demonize our hard-working neighbors just because they speak a different language or come from a different country. That’s un-American.

Of course our immigration laws have absolutely nothing to do with deporting (removing) aliens who speak a foreign language. The reasons that an alien becomes subject to deportation can be found in Title 8 U.S. Code § 1227 - (Deportable aliens).

Garcetti’s lies feed the outrageous false claim that proponents of effective immigration law enforcement are xenophobic racists.


Clearly Mayor Garrett and mayors of other “Sanctuary Cities” need to be reminded who their constituents are and the true meaning of their oaths of office.

Garcetti and his “mayoral partners in crime” should read my previous article, “Opponents Of Border Security And Immigration Law Enforcement Aid Human Traffickers.”

L.A. Mayor Garcetti’s Message to Smugglers: “The Coast Is Clear”

They should arrest the mayor and every major in every city who flouts Fed law on immigration.

They should also withhold all Fed funds from those cities.

Wonder how the taxpayers in those cities will like paying more taxes to make up the difference.

Wonder how those majors will like their orange jump suits and they sure better hope the illegals in the general population remember what they did for them.

You can't cure stupid and clueless.
Defiant Chicago mayor sues DOJ to block cut off of federal grant money.
August 9, 2017

Joseph Klein

The open border advocates believe in the paramount importance of protecting those they consider to be innocent “undocumented” immigrants from the threat of deportation. Indeed, they often declare that there is no such thing as an “illegal” immigrant. For example, a writer for GQ Magazine claimed that “technically speaking there is no such thing as an ‘illegal’ or even an ‘illegal immigrant’ – this is language designed to separate and distance us from a particular sort of criminal behaviour, which we do not use in other contexts.” The author said that such language is dehumanizing.

What is truly dehumanizing are the murders and rapes of innocent Americans committed by illegal aliens with criminal records, who had previously been deported and returned again to the United States illegally. Local authorities in so-called sanctuary cities have set many such illegal aliens in their jails free to prey upon the innocent, rather than first alert federal immigration authorities of their whereabouts so that they can be removed from the country. One of many tragic examples involved an illegal alien in Portland, Oregon with a history of illegal entry into the United States. He had been deported previously 20 times, only to keep returning. He also had a history of arrests. Nevertheless, local officials released this illegal alien from jail last year without first informing immigration agents as they had requested. Free to prey upon residents in the community, the illegal alien allegedly sexually assaulted a 65 year old woman.


Chicago is pursuing a different course – one of defiance. It should not be rewarded for its obstructionism.

The message from the Trump administration is loud and clear. “This administration will not simply give away grant dollars to city governments that proudly violate the rule of law and protect criminal aliens at the expense of public safety,” Attorney General Sessions said in his statement. “So it’s this simple: Comply with the law or forego taxpayer dollars.”

Sanctuary Cities Double Down On Shielding Criminals
Germany provides a case study of the health consequences of uncontrolled migration.
August 22, 2017

Joseph Klein


According to a report prepared by the Federation of Immigration Reform, “Communicable diseases do not stop at international borders. They could be one of the most dangerous – yet rarely considered – consequence of inadequate immigration controls.” The report added that “researchers have concluded that the international movement of people is a significant factor in disease outbreaks.” Germany is a case in point.

The United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) reported that 2015 was the year of the largest migration of people in human history. Germany admitted over a million self-proclaimed refugees and other migrants in 2015. Many of them came from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and North Africa.

An article appearing in the Journal of Health Monitoring, published by Germany’s public health institute, known as the Robert Koch Institute, noted the severe strain that this mass migration into Germany has placed on Germany’s health system:

“The wars and devastation of recent years have driven many people to flee their homes. Great numbers of asylum seekers and refugees have sought protection in Europe. In 2015 and 2016 alone, over one million people applied for asylum in Germany. This has posed a great challenge for Germany’s healthcare provision facilities.”


Mass Migration Risks Major Public Health Crisis

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