Why Obama a domestic terrorist and a traitor against the Constitution?


Feb 7, 2016
I am not surprised; for the past seven years I felt and stated many times that Obama was groomed to take charge of Americas highest office, to keep a promise made by the Muslims years ago to destroy America from within. I think during last nights debate Rubio stated it correctly, that Obama knows exactly what he is doing to America, but Rubio did not go far enough to say that Obama is a plant in our White House to destroy America as we know it.

Obama is a true Muslim hiding behind a false narrative of being a Christian. Has anyone ever seen Obama set one foot inside a Church on Sunday in his past seven years as president? Does this tell you something? Look at the ring he wares on it "There is no God but Allah". In his book he states that “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction". I think it's time for action from our representatives in Washington to do their job and begin impeachment proceedings to remove this imposter from our White House, and place him in Prison for his act's against America.

How many more proofs do we need to FINALLY Openly call Obama Who he really is-Muslim Trojan horse. The greatest threat to America is the Muslim in the W.H. he should be arrested and tried for treason.

Obama is indeed, the enemy from within our Forefathers warned us of...

Dumb democrats elected an idiot out to destroy the USA.

They still want to continue the same path with Hillary
I am not surprised; for the past seven years I felt and stated many times that Obama was groomed to take charge of Americas highest office, to keep a promise made by the Muslims years ago to destroy America from within. I think during last nights debate Rubio stated it correctly, that Obama knows exactly what he is doing to America, but Rubio did not go far enough to say that Obama is a plant in our White House to destroy America as we know it.

Obama is a true Muslim hiding behind a false narrative of being a Christian. Has anyone ever seen Obama set one foot inside a Church on Sunday in his past seven years as president? Does this tell you something? Look at the ring he wares on it "There is no God but Allah". In his book he states that “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction". I think it's time for action from our representatives in Washington to do their job and begin impeachment proceedings to remove this imposter from our White House, and place him in Prison for his act's against America.

How many more proofs do we need to FINALLY Openly call Obama Who he really is-Muslim Trojan horse. The greatest threat to America is the Muslim in the W.H. he should be arrested and tried for treason.

Obama is indeed, the enemy from within our Forefathers warned us of...

Dumb democrats elected an idiot out to destroy the USA.

They still want to continue the same path with Hillary
Welcome aboard, constantine. I see you are over-satiated with kool-aid. Try sticking your finger down your throat.
I am not surprised; for the past seven years I felt and stated many times that Obama was groomed to take charge of Americas highest office, to keep a promise made by the Muslims years ago to destroy America from within. I think during last nights debate Rubio stated it correctly, that Obama knows exactly what he is doing to America, but Rubio did not go far enough to say that Obama is a plant in our White House to destroy America as we know it.

Obama is a true Muslim hiding behind a false narrative of being a Christian. Has anyone ever seen Obama set one foot inside a Church on Sunday in his past seven years as president? Does this tell you something? Look at the ring he wares on it "There is no God but Allah". In his book he states that “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction". I think it's time for action from our representatives in Washington to do their job and begin impeachment proceedings to remove this imposter from our White House, and place him in Prison for his act's against America.

How many more proofs do we need to FINALLY Openly call Obama Who he really is-Muslim Trojan horse. The greatest threat to America is the Muslim in the W.H. he should be arrested and tried for treason.

Obama is indeed, the enemy from within our Forefathers warned us of...

Dumb democrats elected an idiot out to destroy the USA.

They still want to continue the same path with Hillary
I am not surprised; for the past seven years I felt and stated many times that Obama was groomed to take charge of Americas highest office, to keep a promise made by the Muslims years ago to destroy America from within. I think during last nights debate Rubio stated it correctly, that Obama knows exactly what he is doing to America, but Rubio did not go far enough to say that Obama is a plant in our White House to destroy America as we know it.

Obama is a true Muslim hiding behind a false narrative of being a Christian. Has anyone ever seen Obama set one foot inside a Church on Sunday in his past seven years as president? Does this tell you something? Look at the ring he wares on it "There is no God but Allah". In his book he states that “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction". I think it's time for action from our representatives in Washington to do their job and begin impeachment proceedings to remove this imposter from our White House, and place him in Prison for his act's against America.

How many more proofs do we need to FINALLY Openly call Obama Who he really is-Muslim Trojan horse. The greatest threat to America is the Muslim in the W.H. he should be arrested and tried for treason.

Obama is indeed, the enemy from within our Forefathers warned us of...

Dumb democrats elected an idiot out to destroy the USA.

They still want to continue the same path with Hillary
Welcome aboard, constantine. I see you are over-satiated with kool-aid. Try sticking your finger down your throat.
First he'd have to remove it from his anus, and we all know that's not going to happen.
I am not surprised; for the past seven years I felt and stated many times that Obama was groomed to take charge of Americas highest office, to keep a promise made by the Muslims years ago to destroy America from within. I think during last nights debate Rubio stated it correctly, that Obama knows exactly what he is doing to America, but Rubio did not go far enough to say that Obama is a plant in our White House to destroy America as we know it.

Obama is a true Muslim hiding behind a false narrative of being a Christian. Has anyone ever seen Obama set one foot inside a Church on Sunday in his past seven years as president? Does this tell you something? Look at the ring he wares on it "There is no God but Allah". In his book he states that “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction". I think it's time for action from our representatives in Washington to do their job and begin impeachment proceedings to remove this imposter from our White House, and place him in Prison for his act's against America.

How many more proofs do we need to FINALLY Openly call Obama Who he really is-Muslim Trojan horse. The greatest threat to America is the Muslim in the W.H. he should be arrested and tried for treason.

Obama is indeed, the enemy from within our Forefathers warned us of...

Dumb democrats elected an idiot out to destroy the USA.

They still want to continue the same path with Hillary
Welcome aboard, constantine. I see you are over-satiated with kool-aid. Try sticking your finger down your throat.
First he'd have to remove it from his anus, and we all know that's not going to happen.
I think he/she/it is a paid agitator. This is all playbook stuff Republican candidates are scared to clear up for their foaming-at-the-mouth followers. That kind of hate will turn on you in a heartbeat if you fail to feed it.
I am not surprised; for the past seven years I felt and stated many times that Obama was groomed to take charge of Americas highest office, to keep a promise made by the Muslims years ago to destroy America from within. I think during last nights debate Rubio stated it correctly, that Obama knows exactly what he is doing to America, but Rubio did not go far enough to say that Obama is a plant in our White House to destroy America as we know it.

Obama is a true Muslim hiding behind a false narrative of being a Christian. Has anyone ever seen Obama set one foot inside a Church on Sunday in his past seven years as president? Does this tell you something? Look at the ring he wares on it "There is no God but Allah". In his book he states that “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction". I think it's time for action from our representatives in Washington to do their job and begin impeachment proceedings to remove this imposter from our White House, and place him in Prison for his act's against America.

How many more proofs do we need to FINALLY Openly call Obama Who he really is-Muslim Trojan horse. The greatest threat to America is the Muslim in the W.H. he should be arrested and tried for treason.

Obama is indeed, the enemy from within our Forefathers warned us of...

Dumb democrats elected an idiot out to destroy the USA.

They still want to continue the same path with Hillary

Yes he has just not very often.
This was the 1st year the family missed Christmas Service, while they were in Hawaii.
Keeping Tabs on Obama’s Church Attendance Is No Way to Gauge His Faith
Obama has disgraced the office of Presidency more than Tricky Dick, Slick Willie or Bush could of ever dreamed of.

Obama has disgraced the office of Presidency more than Tricky Dick, Slick Willie or Bush could of ever dreamed of.

"Could have"

"Did" -not could have.
How, in your opinion, has Obama disgraced the office of the Presidency?

I'll answer that. Once folks realize that Obama is a terror supporting muslim,his agenda is rather simple to understand. It's only difficult to understand if you continue to try to convince yourself that Obama has Americas best interests in mind. He doesn't. He never has. The jive punk,muslim homosexual has always hated America.

To bad Cruz and Rubio aren't doing their jobs of being in Washington, to vote to Impeach this lying Traitor, known as Hussein Obama.
How long have people been demanding Obama be Impeached, because of the damage he's doing to this country, and nobody in Washington bothers to listen to legal Americans?

Dumb democrats elected an idiot out to destroy the USA.
Obama has disgraced the office of Presidency more than Tricky Dick, Slick Willie or Bush could of ever dreamed of.

"Could have"

"Did" -not could have.
How, in your opinion, has Obama disgraced the office of the Presidency?

I'll answer that. Once folks realize that Obama is a terror supporting muslim,his agenda is rather simple to understand. It's only difficult to understand if you continue to try to convince yourself that Obama has Americas best interests in mind. He doesn't. He never has. The jive punk,muslim homosexual has always hated America.

To bad Cruz and Rubio aren't doing their jobs of being in Washington, to vote to Impeach this lying Traitor, known as Hussein Obama.
How long have people been demanding Obama be Impeached, because of the damage he's doing to this country, and nobody in Washington bothers to listen to legal Americans?

Dumb democrats elected an idiot out to destroy the USA.
Mr. Constantine..Let's make a deal. I'll not respond to your rabid stringing together of meaningless bumper sticker meanderings, and you ignore all my meager posts. I get the idea you picture yourself as K. Reeves in Constantine, but I see you more like Lithgow as Dr. Lizardo in Buckaroo Banzai. So go have another cigarette OR alligator-clip your tongue to a battery.
Obama has disgraced the office of Presidency more than Tricky Dick, Slick Willie or Bush could of ever dreamed of.

"Could have"

"Did" -not could have.
How, in your opinion, has Obama disgraced the office of the Presidency?

He has changed the Nation into a government dependency of takers rather than givers.
Welcome to European Social Democracy, especially if Sanders gets elected because he will finish it.
I feel sorry for future Europeans who came to America to get away from Social Democracy. There will no longer be freedom from government in America.
Obama has disgraced the office of Presidency more than Tricky Dick, Slick Willie or Bush could of ever dreamed of.

"Could have"

"Did" -not could have.
How, in your opinion, has Obama disgraced the office of the Presidency?

He has changed the Nation into a government dependency of takers rather than givers.
Welcome to European Social Democracy, especially if Sanders gets elected because he will finish it.
I feel sorry for future Europeans who came to America to get away from Social Democracy. There will no longer be freedom from government in America.
<<He has changed the Nation into a government dependency of takers rather than givers.>> Peach, thank you for an intelligent response even if I disagree. How did we become this Nation of government dependency? Let me explain, if I can without getting sloppy...I was born into a 'nation of dependency' coming out of a depression and a dust bowl. It took years of struggle for those who lost all to recover a modicum of self respect. In order to do that folks had to take low paying jobs from the only employer around... the US government, clearing sand off buried roads, building great dams and local projects. But slowly we came back. And slowly we are coming back today. Unemployment IS down, markets are basically solvent. Just not up to peaks before massive business emigrations and tax relief to the owners of lobbyists. We also blew $350 per taxpayer which amounted to a tidy sum, then went into a 6 week war that hasn't ended yet. So naturally I see our current economic mess as a work in progress. And I hear such conflicting solutions. Unions ask too much, so they must go, resulting in low paying jobs without benefits and the voice of bargaining is silenced. Healthcare costs employers too much, but 'Obamacare' that picks up the slack is socialism. Taxes on corporations are too high, even when they get refunds on taxes not paid, not only cutting off national revenue, but dipping into the national kitty to keep them going. So back to the original question I stray from: How did we become a nation of dependency? Do you actually think most people out of work, or worse, working but still failing. Been there, done that!
I am not surprised; for the past seven years I felt and stated many times that Obama was groomed to take charge of Americas highest office, to keep a promise made by the Muslims years ago to destroy America from within. I think during last nights debate Rubio stated it correctly, that Obama knows exactly what he is doing to America, but Rubio did not go far enough to say that Obama is a plant in our White House to destroy America as we know it.

Obama is a true Muslim hiding behind a false narrative of being a Christian. Has anyone ever seen Obama set one foot inside a Church on Sunday in his past seven years as president? Does this tell you something? Look at the ring he wares on it "There is no God but Allah". In his book he states that “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction". I think it's time for action from our representatives in Washington to do their job and begin impeachment proceedings to remove this imposter from our White House, and place him in Prison for his act's against America.

Sure. Obama's been inside a church several times. Now, apply your logic: how many times has Obama been inside a mosque since becoming president? You can count the occurrences on a finger.

Applying your own logic, Obama couldn't be a Muslim.

How many more proofs do we need to FINALLY Openly call Obama Who he really is-Muslim Trojan horse. The greatest threat to America is the Muslim in the W.H. he should be arrested and tried for treason.

I don't think 'proof' means what you think it means. As all you've done is spout conspiracy batshit accusations. You haven't been able to back any of them up. Why then would we 'impeach' Obama because you made shit up?
Obama has disgraced the office of Presidency more than Tricky Dick, Slick Willie or Bush could of ever dreamed of.

thats because every president that gets in is ALWAYS worse than the previous one going all the way back to LBJ so you can count on the next one being even worse as long as we have this corrupt one party system of demopublicans and reprocrats disguised as a two party system.

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