Why Obama will lose all three debates


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Obama supporters and detractors expect the old Obama to show better form in the next debate. But that is not going to happen! It cannot, because Obama's critical problem is not correctable.

Obama's problem, to put it politely, is his looseness with facts. He is the quintessential "sound-bite" president. Truth for him is whatever he chooses it to be, whatever is necessary to turn things in his favor. His self-aggrandizement and arrogance, coupled with a hero-worshiping media, has enabled him to such an extent that it is possible that he no longer believes there is truth other than what he wants it to be. That is his problem, and it has been reinforced for most of his life.

John McCain was correct regarding President Obama being better-prepared for the next debate. He will have improved energy and cosmetics. These improvements will matter little. The next debate will be just as devastating.

Imagery no longer cuts it for Obama. He needs to improve his facts, but they speak for themselves, and Romney will make sure they do. The facts are devastating to Obama. He cannot distort them when someone confronts him. Mr. Romney lives by facts -- a practice necessary to be successful in business. He will come to the next debate with at least as many as he exhibited in the last one. If he brings the temperament of a golden retriever and the instincts of a pit bull, Obama may not show up for the third debate.

To understand how hopeless President Obama's case is, one need only understand economic conditions. Romney does, and he has the skills to communicate these issues. Obama cannot deal with the facts, as they all go against him. That is his problem, and it is insurmountable so long as Romney counters his false claims.

DirectorBlue puts Obama's problem into perspective with a devastating comment and chart:

As Investors Business Daily puts it, President Obama's case for reelection rests on five economic claims, every single one of which is false. Every. Single. One.

So long as Romney sticks with these basic facts, Obama is helpless. The next debate is "town hall style." It may provide a bit more protection for the Liar-in-Chief, depending upon the ground rules. That remains to be seen.

In a one-on-one conversation, Obama is toast! Even with a teleprompter, the facts destroy him.

Read more: Articles: Why Obama Will Lose All Three Debates
Obozo is stupid. That's why he won't release his college records. They would show his math SAT score was 350 (all blacks get 350 on that). He's been an affirmative action baby all his life.

Only admirable quality he has is a great speaking voice.
George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 12 straight quarters of GDP growth, created 32 straight months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, got Gaddafi, and got us out of Iraq.

And now with the automatic spending cuts and the expiration of the Bush tax cuts in 2012, Obama has solved the deficit problem as well.

Obama has done a very good job.
Unemployment under Obama's first term mirrors unemployment under Reagan's first term.

Reagan started with a 7.5% unemployment rate, it rose to 10.8%, and was over 8% for two plus years.

Then by the time Reagan was seeking reelection, it was at 7.4%


Obama is the Democrats Reagan.
We have just had the fastest drop in unemployment since 1984....from 10.2% to 7.8%%. All this in spite of the fact that House Republicans have blocked infrastructure spending bills that would have helped. Why? Because Republicans are more concerned with winning the election than helping America.
1. When the president took office, 32 million people were on food stamps. Today there are 47 million on food stamps.

2. Economic growth this year is slower than last year, and last year was slower than the year before.

3. Obama promised he would bring down the cost of insurance for each family by $2,500 by now. Instead, it's gone up by that amount.

4. Gasoline prices have doubled under Obama.

5. Electric prices are up.

6. Food prices are up.

1. When the president took office, 32 million people were on food stamps. Today there are 47 million on food stamps.

2. Economic growth this year is slower than last year, and last year was slower than the year before.

3. Obama promised he would bring down the cost of insurance for each family by $2,500 by now. Instead, it's gone up by that amount.

4. Gasoline prices have doubled under Obama.

5. Electric prices are up.

6. Food prices are up.


1) irrelevant soundbyte
2) Thats an issue
3) thats an issue
4) not obamas fault
5) not obamas fault
6) not obamas fault.

Sure most of those make good talking points, but anyone with half a clue understands a President really doesn't have control over most of that.
Take food for instance. How in the world is Obama supposed to control food prices when food is up because of the droughts we had in the midwest? was he supposed to do a magical rain dance and pray for rain?
1. When the president took office, 32 million people were on food stamps. Today there are 47 million on food stamps.

2. Economic growth this year is slower than last year, and last year was slower than the year before.

3. Obama promised he would bring down the cost of insurance for each family by $2,500 by now. Instead, it's gone up by that amount.

4. Gasoline prices have doubled under Obama.

5. Electric prices are up.

6. Food prices are up.


Food prices aren't up - they're blasting off to the moon. Like 30% in the last year.
Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 12 straight quarters of GDP growth, created 32 straight months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, got Gaddafi, and got us out of Iraq.

Do you enjoy being the board laughingstock?

Bush was bizarrely awful and obozo has been better, but just slightly. Reformed wall street?? HAHAHA.
This election is not about Bush, it is not about the House Republicans, it's not about Paul Ryan, to some degree it is about Mitt Romney but by and large this election is about President Obama and his policies of the last four years and no amount of distraction or deflection will change this.
George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 12 straight quarters of GDP growth, created 32 straight months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, got Gaddafi, and got us out of Iraq.

And now with the automatic spending cuts and the expiration of the Bush tax cuts in 2012, Obama has solved the deficit problem as well.

Obama has done a very good job.

he's done a decent job as president, but a very bad job answering the rightiwngnut obama-deranged toons.

he will do better at the next few debates. and it will be a close election.
1. When the president took office, 32 million people were on food stamps. Today there are 47 million on food stamps.

2. Economic growth this year is slower than last year, and last year was slower than the year before.

3. Obama promised he would bring down the cost of insurance for each family by $2,500 by now. Instead, it's gone up by that amount.

4. Gasoline prices have doubled under Obama.

5. Electric prices are up.

6. Food prices are up.


1. irrelevant nonsense. the economy was bleeding jobs when he took over. now there are jobs being created and unemployment is down...despite the extremists in the House and the intentional obstruction by the GOP.

2. the stock market has doubled and we just had the best unemployment numbers since before the GOP broke the economy.

3. my insurance hasn't gone up. neither has yours. you're making up numbers. i'll also point out that it's impossible to bring down cost when the rabid right won't support the things that are needed to bring down those costs.

4. the president has little or nothing to do with the cost of gas going up in this instance.

5 and 6... and?

reality: jobs being created, unemployment down below 8 (isn't that what you whiners were shouting for?); stock market doubled; general motors back in the black.. .out of iraq... leaving afghanistan... bin laden dead.

and you think we should go back to doing what messed everything up in the first place?
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George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 12 straight quarters of GDP growth, created 32 straight months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, got Gaddafi, and got us out of Iraq.

And now with the automatic spending cuts and the expiration of the Bush tax cuts in 2012, Obama has solved the deficit problem as well.

Obama has done a very good job.

he's done a decent job as president, but a very bad job answering the rightiwngnut obama-deranged toons.

he will do better at the next few debates. and it will be a close election.

Question on your first sentence. How should he have answered?

Agree on the 2nd sentence. He'll come out much better, but if it's too aggressive, it'll look like he's overcompensating for the poor 1st debate. Something he'll want avoid.
George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 12 straight quarters of GDP growth, created 32 straight months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, got Gaddafi, and got us out of Iraq.

And now with the automatic spending cuts and the expiration of the Bush tax cuts in 2012, Obama has solved the deficit problem as well.

Obama has done a very good job.

he's done a decent job as president, but a very bad job answering the rightiwngnut obama-deranged toons.

he will do better at the next few debates. and it will be a close election.

Question on your first sentence. How should he have answered?

Agree on the 2nd sentence. He'll come out much better, but if it's too aggressive, it'll look like he's overcompensating for the poor 1st debate. Something he'll want avoid.

on which issue? he should always have mounted a better defense of his policies. and in regard to romney, he should have pointed out that romney was lying about the president's record and misrepresenting his own policies.

i agree with you about avoiding being too aggressive, particularly in a town hall setting.
This election is not about Bush, it is not about the House Republicans, it's not about Paul Ryan, to some degree it is about Mitt Romney but by and large this election is about President Obama and his policies of the last four years and no amount of distraction or deflection will change this.

nonsense... it's about bush to the extent that the GOP policies haven't changed. it's about the wackos in the house because they shouldnt' have any power

it's not just about the president...it's about what you want to replace him with as well.

funny how that gets lost in the shuffle with the extremist righties.
George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 12 straight quarters of GDP growth, created 32 straight months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, got Gaddafi, and got us out of Iraq.

And now with the automatic spending cuts and the expiration of the Bush tax cuts in 2012, Obama has solved the deficit problem as well.

Obama has done a very good job.

he's done a decent job as president, but a very bad job answering the rightiwngnut obama-deranged toons.

he will do better at the next few debates. and it will be a close election.

And Romney could also do poorly in either remaining debate, or both; he set a very high mark for himself.
he's done a decent job as president, but a very bad job answering the rightiwngnut obama-deranged toons.

he will do better at the next few debates. and it will be a close election.

Question on your first sentence. How should he have answered?

Agree on the 2nd sentence. He'll come out much better, but if it's too aggressive, it'll look like he's overcompensating for the poor 1st debate. Something he'll want avoid.

on which issue? he should always have mounted a better defense of his policies. and in regard to romney, he should have pointed out that romney was lying about the president's record and misrepresenting his own policies.

i agree with you about avoiding being too aggressive, particularly in a town hall setting.

Well in general is what I meant. How should he have responded on the stimulus or the ACA or anything else the GOP went after him on instead of how he actually did respond? I think his responses have been as tempered as they can be for a man in his position. That said, I think he spent far too much time listening to the noise from the sidelines when he had that majority.
Obama supporters and detractors expect the old Obama to show better form in the next debate. But that is not going to happen! It cannot, because Obama's critical problem is not correctable.

Obama's problem, to put it politely, is his looseness with facts. He is the quintessential "sound-bite" president. Truth for him is whatever he chooses it to be, whatever is necessary to turn things in his favor. His self-aggrandizement and arrogance, coupled with a hero-worshiping media, has enabled him to such an extent that it is possible that he no longer believes there is truth other than what he wants it to be. That is his problem, and it has been reinforced for most of his life.

John McCain was correct regarding President Obama being better-prepared for the next debate. He will have improved energy and cosmetics. These improvements will matter little. The next debate will be just as devastating.

Imagery no longer cuts it for Obama. He needs to improve his facts, but they speak for themselves, and Romney will make sure they do. The facts are devastating to Obama. He cannot distort them when someone confronts him. Mr. Romney lives by facts -- a practice necessary to be successful in business. He will come to the next debate with at least as many as he exhibited in the last one. If he brings the temperament of a golden retriever and the instincts of a pit bull, Obama may not show up for the third debate.

To understand how hopeless President Obama's case is, one need only understand economic conditions. Romney does, and he has the skills to communicate these issues. Obama cannot deal with the facts, as they all go against him. That is his problem, and it is insurmountable so long as Romney counters his false claims.

DirectorBlue puts Obama's problem into perspective with a devastating comment and chart:

As Investors Business Daily puts it, President Obama's case for reelection rests on five economic claims, every single one of which is false. Every. Single. One.

So long as Romney sticks with these basic facts, Obama is helpless. The next debate is "town hall style." It may provide a bit more protection for the Liar-in-Chief, depending upon the ground rules. That remains to be seen.

In a one-on-one conversation, Obama is toast! Even with a teleprompter, the facts destroy him.

Read more: Articles: Why Obama Will Lose All Three Debates

Exactly who is it who determines who "wins" debates?

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