Why Obama..?

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Democrats...convince us why we should vote for an Obama 2nd term...:eusa_eh:
Don't need to convince the base, just the center, your vote is not the one anyone will be chasing this year, try not to feel irrelevant.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
The stock market has doubled since 2009.
Americans net worth is up $9 trillion dollars since 2009.
3.2 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
Auto sales are up.
Retail sales are up.
Home sales are up.
Unemployment is down.

GM was saved, and is now the number one automaker in the world.

Bin Laden and Gaddafi are dead, and we are out of Iraq.

Obama has done a very good job.
Besides Ron Paul or Gary Johnson, Obama is miles ahead of the Republican field.

Seriously, Republicans are freaks or idiots, or perhaps freakin' idiots.

I don't know how a person of value could call themselves a Republican nowadays.
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Don't need to convince the base, just the center, your vote is not the one anyone will be chasing this year, try not to feel irrelevant.

Just asking the question...Snippy..:lol:
Don't need to convince the base, just the center, your vote is not the one anyone will be chasing this year, try not to feel irrelevant.

Just asking the question...Snippy..:lol:

Think about it for a minute, this statement works for both parties, it is useless for us hardcore partisans to think our opinions matter in the election. It is the low information fence sitters who both parties will be breaking their ass to convince this year. They have us, they want the people who don't really care that much about politics. We should be careful when judging public opinion to remember that those much more numerous people think differently than us news junkies.
Besides Ron Paul or Gary Johnson, Obama is miles ahead of the Republican field.

Seriously, Republicans are freaks or idiots, or perhaps freakin' idiots.

Sheesh....I really don't see Obama as being miles ahead.. :dunno:

I'm not convinced .. try again..if you can..
President Obama's term so far stands in stark contrast to the terms of his predecessor. He has made the whole thrust of his presidency helping the working and middle class, where his predecessor concentrated only on helping the very wealthy. His predecessor let the man that masterminded the murder of 3000 Americans on American soil get away for seven years, in spite of his 'dead or alive' bluster. President Obama stated that he would see Bin Laden killed or captured, and the same for the rest of his henchmen, and has done just that.

The bailout of the American auto industry has resulted the savings of millions of jobs, the loss of which might easily have tipped this nation into the Second Great Republican Depression. We are now on the upswing, and the economy is starting to perform well. On the whole, given the starting point, President Obama has easily earned a second term.
Besides Ron Paul or Gary Johnson, Obama is miles ahead of the Republican field.

Seriously, Republicans are freaks or idiots, or perhaps freakin' idiots.

Sheesh....I really don't see Obama as being miles ahead.. :dunno:

I'm not convinced .. try again..if you can..

Obama is not miles ahead. The GOP is just backwards and defunct.

As I said, what decent person would call themselves a Republican? Republicans are a disgrace.
Obama is miles ahead in showing how much abuse of the constitution a president can get away with while his supporters sit there grinning and saying that it doesn't matter because it is a Democrat doing it, not a Republican.

The ends don't justify the means.
Don't need to convince the base, just the center, your vote is not the one anyone will be chasing this year, try not to feel irrelevant.

Just asking the question...Snippy..:lol:

Think about it for a minute, this statement works for both parties, it is useless for us hardcore partisans to think our opinions matter in the election. It is the low information fence sitters who both parties will be breaking their ass to convince this year. They have us, they want the people who don't really care that much about politics. We should be careful when judging public opinion to remember that those much more numerous people think differently than us news junkies.

I agree, good points.. it's name recognition ..voting Party because my Daddy did and...eh..?
Besides Ron Paul or Gary Johnson, Obama is miles ahead of the Republican field.

Seriously, Republicans are freaks or idiots, or perhaps freakin' idiots.

Sheesh....I really don't see Obama as being miles ahead.. :dunno:

I'm not convinced .. try again..if you can..

Obama is not miles ahead. The GOP is just backwards and defunct.

As I said, what decent person would call themselves a Republican? Republicans are a disgrace.

I gotta say.. your dislike for Republicans is far into the unreasonable..get a grip.. huh.
President Obama's term so far stands in stark contrast to the terms of his predecessor. He has made the whole thrust of his presidency helping the working and middle class, where his predecessor concentrated only on helping the very wealthy. His predecessor let the man that masterminded the murder of 3000 Americans on American soil get away for seven years, in spite of his 'dead or alive' bluster. President Obama stated that he would see Bin Laden killed or captured, and the same for the rest of his henchmen, and has done just that.

The bailout of the American auto industry has resulted the savings of millions of jobs, the loss of which might easily have tipped this nation into the Second Great Republican Depression. We are now on the upswing, and the economy is starting to perform well. On the whole, given the starting point, President Obama has easily earned a second term.

All your points are highly debatable, with exception of killing Bin Laden and even that Bush played a part in, of course, the US Special Op's, (the hero's) were the only ones putting their lives on the line..

I realize it's futile to debate with you..plus, I'm not in the mood...
Sheesh....I really don't see Obama as being miles ahead.. :dunno:

I'm not convinced .. try again..if you can..

Obama is not miles ahead. The GOP is just backwards and defunct.

As I said, what decent person would call themselves a Republican? Republicans are a disgrace.

I gotta say.. your dislike for Republicans is far into the unreasonable..get a grip.. huh.
Republicans suck ass. Democrats suck balls.

That is very reasonable.

My favorite politicians have been castigated from both parties. Ron Paul, Gary Johnson, Eliot Spitzer, Adam Kokesh, Russ Feingold..and I have concerns about some of them.

What politician should I support? Rick, Mitt, or Newt? I'd rather choose glass.
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Obama is not miles ahead. The GOP is just backwards and defunct.

As I said, what decent person would call themselves a Republican? Republicans are a disgrace.

I gotta say.. your dislike for Republicans is far into the unreasonable..get a grip.. huh.
Republicans suck ass. Democrats suck balls.

That is very reasonable.

:lol:... okay sure.. you are kinda funny..
I gotta say.. your dislike for Republicans is far into the unreasonable..get a grip.. huh.
Republicans suck ass. Democrats suck balls.
That is very reasonable.

:lol:... okay sure.. you are kinda funny..

lol all you want, but I am sincere.

I would not even feed my pigs this crop of Republican candidates beside Paul and we all know how Republicans hate Paul.

Plus, I don't have pigs. I was speaking in a figurative sense.

Nonetheless, we are dealt with slop, pure slop.
Here's a simple reason not to vote for him or any other Republican candidate other than RP.

They all (Repubs and Obama) support the NDAA bill and Patriot bill essentially allowing this govt. to create a nation similar to the one found in the Orwellian novel 1984.
Here's a simple reason not to vote for him or any other Republican candidate other than RP.

They all (Repubs and Obama) support the NDAA bill and Patriot bill essentially allowing this govt. to create a nation similar to the one found in the Orwellian novel 1984.

"1984".. was one lousy movie.. it sucked ...:lol:

I'm kinda wondering about these FEMA camps...to be honest...

The one in San Fransisco is full staffed... why..?
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