Why Obamas hard-drug use was sluffed-off


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
in the 2008 campaign

Always thoughtI was botrn in the wrong time (preferred around 1920 in time for the important stuff)
Hard drugs? I heard he smoked pot, and spent some time in the area of what i would call a pot head, but that is not much different than finding out someone drank a lot during their school years. Pot really is not the end of the world, and of all the drugs i know it is probably one of the least harmful out there. Smoking tobacco and caffein are worse for you. Hell, drinking lots of soft drinks is worse for you than pot use.

I also ceased caring much after GWB the coke head and drunk driver. If we were going to get mad at someone for irresponsible use of heavy drugs it would have been GWB.

I would probably be bothered to find out he was smoking pot regularly as president as it is a job where you need your mind and being high on pot makes you an idiot for that time. Still, after the complete fucktardedness and racism that has been shoveled upon him for the past 4 years I really could excuse him if he took the occasional few hours and got stoned.

So do you have any evidence of actual hard drugs he has used? Be very careful in what you call a hard drugs as my experience with drugs goes well beyond the lies and bullshit spread by schools, DARE, and the government in regards to illegal substances.

Give us something juicy like he is on heroin or a morphine derivative. maybe that he uses crack cocaine or Meth. Smoking some weed a decade ago is pretty much not a bad thing.
Wink of an eye

That was the attitude of the left -wing media attitudes towards cadidates Clintons and Obamas drug usage...............................................
Wink of an eye

That was the attitude of the left -wing media attitudes towards cadidates Clintons and Obamas drug usage...............................................

I do remember it being part of record that GWB did more drugs, and behaved more irresponsibly than those two put together. Not to mention his brilliant family values made 2 daughters that gave paris hilton and brittany spears a run for their money in crazy hopped up white rich whore land.

if you are going to be morally outraged i would expect both parties to draw your ire, and not just the black guy. Drug use among politicians has become increasingly accepted over the years, and it certainly did not start with obama despite your racist blindness.
Hard drugs? I heard he smoked pot, and spent some time in the area of what i would call a pot head, but that is not much different than finding out someone drank a lot during their school years. Pot really is not the end of the world, and of all the drugs i know it is probably one of the least harmful out there. Smoking tobacco and caffein are worse for you. Hell, drinking lots of soft drinks is worse for you than pot use.

I also ceased caring much after GWB the coke head and drunk driver. If we were going to get mad at someone for irresponsible use of heavy drugs it would have been GWB.

I would probably be bothered to find out he was smoking pot regularly as president as it is a job where you need your mind and being high on pot makes you an idiot for that time. Still, after the complete fucktardedness and racism that has been shoveled upon him for the past 4 years I really could excuse him if he took the occasional few hours and got stoned.

So do you have any evidence of actual hard drugs he has used? Be very careful in what you call a hard drugs as my experience with drugs goes well beyond the lies and bullshit spread by schools, DARE, and the government in regards to illegal substances.

Give us something juicy like he is on heroin or a morphine derivative. maybe that he uses crack cocaine or Meth. Smoking some weed a decade ago is pretty much not a bad thing.

"Hard drugs" is Cocaine.

Obama's Cocaine Confessional Won't 'Blow' His Chances

Obama's Cocaine Confessional Won't 'Blow' His Chances - ABC News
Wink of an eye

That was the attitude of the left -wing media attitudes towards cadidates Clintons and Obamas drug usage...............................................

I do remember it being part of record that GWB did more drugs, and behaved more irresponsibly than those two put together. Not to mention his brilliant family values made 2 daughters that gave paris hilton and brittany spears a run for their money in crazy hopped up white rich whore land.

if you are going to be morally outraged i would expect both parties to draw your ire, and not just the black guy. Drug use among politicians has become increasingly accepted over the years, and it certainly did not start with obama despite your racist blindness.

Hey girl - Bush served in theTexas Air NG - his father was a WW2 war hero..................

Didnt pull strings to evade thedraft like Clinton -or brag abouth hisdrufg usage like Obama
Wink of an eye

That was the attitude of the left -wing media attitudes towards cadidates Clintons and Obamas drug usage...............................................

I do remember it being part of record that GWB did more drugs, and behaved more irresponsibly than those two put together. Not to mention his brilliant family values made 2 daughters that gave paris hilton and brittany spears a run for their money in crazy hopped up white rich whore land.

if you are going to be morally outraged i would expect both parties to draw your ire, and not just the black guy. Drug use among politicians has become increasingly accepted over the years, and it certainly did not start with obama despite your racist blindness.

Hey girl - Bush served in theTexas Air NG - his father was a WW2 war hero..................

Didnt pull strings to evade thedraft like Clinton -or brag abouth hisdrufg usage like Obama

That's funny. Tell us about Bush's missing year...

George W. Bush’s missing year - Salon.com
Beaurcratic sanafu for al anybody knows about the missingyear.

One thingthat is not in dispute - That George W. Bush flew fighter planes in theTexas Air NG and that his dad was a war hero.
CaféAuLait;5665412 said:
Hard drugs? I heard he smoked pot, and spent some time in the area of what i would call a pot head, but that is not much different than finding out someone drank a lot during their school years. Pot really is not the end of the world, and of all the drugs i know it is probably one of the least harmful out there. Smoking tobacco and caffein are worse for you. Hell, drinking lots of soft drinks is worse for you than pot use.

I also ceased caring much after GWB the coke head and drunk driver. If we were going to get mad at someone for irresponsible use of heavy drugs it would have been GWB.

I would probably be bothered to find out he was smoking pot regularly as president as it is a job where you need your mind and being high on pot makes you an idiot for that time. Still, after the complete fucktardedness and racism that has been shoveled upon him for the past 4 years I really could excuse him if he took the occasional few hours and got stoned.

So do you have any evidence of actual hard drugs he has used? Be very careful in what you call a hard drugs as my experience with drugs goes well beyond the lies and bullshit spread by schools, DARE, and the government in regards to illegal substances.

Give us something juicy like he is on heroin or a morphine derivative. maybe that he uses crack cocaine or Meth. Smoking some weed a decade ago is pretty much not a bad thing.

"Hard drugs" is Cocaine.

Obama's Cocaine Confessional Won't 'Blow' His Chances

Obama's Cocaine Confessional Won't 'Blow' His Chances - ABC News

I would not rate cocaine as a hard drug at all. It is certainly not effecting him a couple of decades after his last use. One of the problems with cocaine is it's very short high that barely even lasts a half hour.

There are drugs out there that will do permanent damage to your brain, and are still addictive years later. Other drugs may permanently alter body chemistry. Other drugs may alter perception of reality. By the time you get to brain damage with coke you are probably dead, and if you live people would certainly never refer to you as an eloquent speaker. You are a fucking retard at that point.

But still, if you voted for Bush, then his drug use should not be an issue with obama.
Beaurcratic sanafu for al anybody knows about the missingyear.

One thingthat is not in dispute - That George W. Bush flew fighter planes in theTexas Air NG and that his dad was a war hero.

You missed the whole thing. Bush jr. was trained to fly fighter planes, but avoided serving his time in an active warzone because of the help of his warhero father. Of course, I am not really sure why you would want someone high on coke flying a jet worth a few million dollars over civilian land when you cannot drive a car high opn coke on a deserted road, but itjust shows your complete lack of caring about white people's drug use while you go after a black person for doing drugs. The only context it makes sense in is the racist one.
Obama was a hard-core drug user

And a terriblle president- oneoftrhe alltime worst

should be on the Mt Rushmore Haall ofShame a
They sluffed off on anything in 2008 on Obama, Brokaw admitted that didnt do dick, they were too busy giving Palin a rectal exam...and forgetting she was just a VP pick.
They sluffed off on anything in 2008 on Obama, Brokaw admitted that didnt do dick, they were too busy giving Palin a rectal exam...and forgetting she was just a VP pick.

In the defense of the news, it is all about ratings and though palin is an idiot, she sucks in viewers. That is the republican's fault for allowing palin to even be an option. If McCain had picked someone stable and somewhere around the area of sanity they would have had much more time to bash Obama. It is just hard when every time you start to focus on Obama palin was jumping in front of the camera saying look at me.

You are going to blame obama for mccain throwing the election with his bad choice? That is like blaming god because of tebow.
Obama was a hard-core drug user

And a terriblle president- oneoftrhe alltime worst

should be on the Mt Rushmore Haall ofShame a

Oh so in other words you heard it on the news and are going to parrot what fix noise said.

To tell the honest truth, i trust a guy who has done a couple of small drugs in his life much more than someone who is afraid to do them because he is a god on earth sent to battle the evil black menace based on a lie told by someone in the pioneer days. Actually, foget that. I trust someone who has smoked pot and done a few lines much more than anyone who takes the torah, bible, book of mormon, or koran litterally. I don't trust high end scienos, loopy wiccans, devout satanists, or any religious freakshow more than a junkiie.
They sluffed off on anything in 2008 on Obama, Brokaw admitted that didnt do dick, they were too busy giving Palin a rectal exam...and forgetting she was just a VP pick.

In the defense of the news, it is all about ratings and though palin is an idiot, she sucks in viewers. That is the republican's fault for allowing palin to even be an option. If McCain had picked someone stable and somewhere around the area of sanity they would have had much more time to bash Obama. It is just hard when every time you start to focus on Obama palin was jumping in front of the camera saying look at me.

You are going to blame obama for mccain throwing the election with his bad choice? That is like blaming god because of tebow.

Oh please Palin is more competant than Obama. It took him 2 years to ween him off the teleprompter....and when he does look off of one he still makes stupid comments like You didnt build that.....Sorry Palin is nowhere near as dumb as you point out just like Dan Quayle wasnt either...In fact Dan Quayle was right about Murphy Brown...after years of a beating they finally admitted it.....so yeah I know the republican is dumb....we get it every election.....try a new trick....
They sluffed off on anything in 2008 on Obama, Brokaw admitted that didnt do dick, they were too busy giving Palin a rectal exam...and forgetting she was just a VP pick.

Is this the intellectual response you were referring to in your earlier post?

gay,rectal..is there something on your mind?
Wink of an eye

That was the attitude of the left -wing media attitudes towards cadidates Clintons and Obamas drug usage...............................................

I do remember it being part of record that GWB did more drugs, and behaved more irresponsibly than those two put together. Not to mention his brilliant family values made 2 daughters that gave paris hilton and brittany spears a run for their money in crazy hopped up white rich whore land.

if you are going to be morally outraged i would expect both parties to draw your ire, and not just the black guy. Drug use among politicians has become increasingly accepted over the years, and it certainly did not start with obama despite your racist blindness.

Hey girl - Bush served in theTexas Air NG - his father was a WW2 war hero..................

Didnt pull strings to evade thedraft like Clinton -or brag abouth hisdrufg usage like Obama

Yeah............he did serve, but got news for you...........the NG as compared to the Active Duty forces is night and day.

Jr. the shrub used his daddy's influences to keep him Stateside and out of the war.

But...............what do you expect from a coward? And yeah..............I hope the fucker reads this and tracks me down, I'd like to punch the stupid shit in the nose.
Obama was a hard-core drug user

And a terriblle president- oneoftrhe alltime worst

should be on the Mt Rushmore Haall ofShame a

Oh so in other words you heard it on the news and are going to parrot what fix noise said.

To tell the honest truth, i trust a guy who has done a couple of small drugs in his life much more than someone who is afraid to do them because he is a god on earth sent to battle the evil black menace based on a lie told by someone in the pioneer days. Actually, foget that. I trust someone who has smoked pot and done a few lines much more than anyone who takes the torah, bible, book of mormon, or koran litterally. I don't trust high end scienos, loopy wiccans, devout satanists, or any religious freakshow more than a junkiie.

I think we've come to the point in time when I would begin to be skeptical immediately if a politician said he NEVER touched the stuff. And I'm tracking right with you on the devout.
CaféAuLait;5665412 said:
Hard drugs? I heard he smoked pot, and spent some time in the area of what i would call a pot head, but that is not much different than finding out someone drank a lot during their school years. Pot really is not the end of the world, and of all the drugs i know it is probably one of the least harmful out there. Smoking tobacco and caffein are worse for you. Hell, drinking lots of soft drinks is worse for you than pot use.

I also ceased caring much after GWB the coke head and drunk driver. If we were going to get mad at someone for irresponsible use of heavy drugs it would have been GWB.

I would probably be bothered to find out he was smoking pot regularly as president as it is a job where you need your mind and being high on pot makes you an idiot for that time. Still, after the complete fucktardedness and racism that has been shoveled upon him for the past 4 years I really could excuse him if he took the occasional few hours and got stoned.

So do you have any evidence of actual hard drugs he has used? Be very careful in what you call a hard drugs as my experience with drugs goes well beyond the lies and bullshit spread by schools, DARE, and the government in regards to illegal substances.

Give us something juicy like he is on heroin or a morphine derivative. maybe that he uses crack cocaine or Meth. Smoking some weed a decade ago is pretty much not a bad thing.

"Hard drugs" is Cocaine.

Obama's Cocaine Confessional Won't 'Blow' His Chances

Obama's Cocaine Confessional Won't 'Blow' His Chances - ABC News

I would not rate cocaine as a hard drug at all. It is certainly not effecting him a couple of decades after his last use. One of the problems with cocaine is it's very short high that barely even lasts a half hour.

There are drugs out there that will do permanent damage to your brain, and are still addictive years later. Other drugs may permanently alter body chemistry. Other drugs may alter perception of reality. By the time you get to brain damage with coke you are probably dead, and if you live people would certainly never refer to you as an eloquent speaker. You are a fucking retard at that point.

But still, if you voted for Bush, then his drug use should not be an issue with obama.

LOL you call coke a “heavy drug” in reference to Bush but it is not a “hard” drug in reference to Obama. Please.

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