Why obstruction and cover-up charges smack of desperation


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Why obstruction and cover-up charges smack of desperation

Why obstruction and cover-up charges smack of desperation | TheHill
05/28/19 ~ By Sharyl Attkisson
If you were a person of some authority and murdered someone, and prosecutors set out to investigate, and if you spoke publicly against the investigation, proclaiming your innocence and calling the probe a “witch hunt,” and if you worked behind the scenes to use your influence to fire the lead investigator on the murder case — that would seem to be a pretty clear case of obstruction of justice. You, as a guilty man, would be trying to stop authorities from finding out the truth.
In the end, Trump wasn’t the liar on this major point; instead, his critics were the ones who were sorely mistaken. They accused the president of the worst sort of treachery but, according to Mueller, Trump was telling the truth all along when he said there was no collusion with Russia.... I’m no political expert but, to me as an Average Joe, the continued focus on supposed obstruction of a crime that wasn’t committed simply smacks of desperation.

It’s kind of cute when folks try to use rational arguments to engage Trump-haters. Non-college educated white voters have always voted for the candidate who appears to provide hope for a better future for them and more importantly for their children.
For the past 30+ years, college educated voters have received 16 years of leftist indoctrination and, of course, believe the drivel they have been taught. The higher the degree, the more indoctrination into the progressive group think. This is easy to understand when put in the context of what has transpired in our colleges and universities over the past 60 years. Our higher education institutes are rift with leftists who are pushing their personal political agendas on our students. People who haven't gone to college have not been subject to this indoctrination and are more likely to vote otherwise.
What I find telling is those with TDS would argue black is white when it comes to Trump. They always work off of projection. The author even said for a time she believed the endless spew about Trump in the media. Hate is so blind and full of rage people post lies about fictitious crimes that Trump has committed. People cannot speak of a crime he has been convicted of, yet smear him with having committed so many. Obviously they are partisan hacks who care not about truth and justice. It's meaningless because they are myopic sheep from the Democratic plantation. It's become an act of desperation on their part because their lies have come back to bite them in their nether parts.

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