Why Oh Why Would Obama Do This?


BREAKING: Barack Obama Sends Formal Request To National Archives To NOT Release Biden-Ukraine Docs

It’s a significant development that has been all but ignored by the Mainstream Media.
Former president Barack Obama quietly initiated a non-disclosure request to the National Archives regarding any and all items related to Joe Biden and Ukraine during Mr. Biden’s time as vice president.
Which of course begs the question of what both Obama and Biden are now hoping to hide as the Deep State walls appear to be crumbling amidst the stunning revelations surrounding the General Flynn case which appears to be implicating a number of former top-ranking Obama officials in an attempted coup of the Trump administration.
BREAKING: Barack Obama Sends Formal Request To National Archives To NOT Release Biden-Ukraine Docs - DCWhispers.com to-national-archives-to-not-release-biden-ukraine-docs/
We're supposed to believe this crap without a cite? Give us a break!
BREAKING: Barack Obama Sends Formal Request To National Archives To NOT Release Biden-Ukraine Docs

It’s a significant development that has been all but ignored by the Mainstream Media.[...]

Funny, isn't it? Whatever the deplorable propagandists of Rightardia make up, they also claim is "all but ignored by the Mainstream Media."

Usually there's a reason for this - they made it up, out of whole cloth. Obviously, to cover up their lie, they do not provide a link to the letter.

Here's the link to President Obama's letter. It reads:

Nevertheless, in the interest of countering the misinformation campaign underlying this request, we are prepared on this occasion to provide the Committees access to the records responsive to this request. In doing so, we emphasize that abuse of the special access process strikes at the heart of presidential confidentiality interests and undermines the statutory framework and norms that govern access to presidential records.​

But the lying propagandist knows his marks, and craftily and correctly assesses their near limitless imbecility. Doesn't he?
He knows because a lot of his administration has gone to prison already.

And it was the faux case against general Flynn that brought out the documents that are going to hang barry :banana:

Those democrats ain't smart enough to leave well enough alone!

Hoisted by their own petard :laughing0301:
He knows because a lot of his administration has gone to prison already.

And it was the faux case against general lynn that brought out the documents that are going to hang barry :banana:

Those democrats ain't smart enough to leave well enough alone!

Hoisted by their own petard :laughing0301:
Well I guess you guys finally got him. Let me know when the trail is. :)
BREAKING: Barack Obama Sends Formal Request To National Archives To NOT Release Biden-Ukraine Docs

It’s a significant development that has been all but ignored by the Mainstream Media.[...]

Funny, isn't it? Whatever the deplorable propagandists of Rightardia make up, they also claim is "all but ignored by the Mainstream Media."

Usually there's a reason for this - they made it up, out of whole cloth. Obviously, to cover up their lie, they do not provide a link to the letter.

Here's the link to President Obama's letter. It reads:

Nevertheless, in the interest of countering the misinformation campaign underlying this request, we are prepared on this occasion to provide the Committees access to the records responsive to this request. In doing so, we emphasize that abuse of the special access process strikes at the heart of presidential confidentiality interests and undermines the statutory framework and norms that govern access to presidential records.​

But the lying propagandist knows his marks, and craftily and correctly assesses their near limitless imbecility. Doesn't he?
There no difference in the lies pushed by ABC CBS NBC CNN MSNBC
You know the democrat controlled media.
Butt boy Obama made a deal w/the banksters after Bush the lesser drove the economy into the ground Thunk dude

That's why he won the election

So 'Thunk' on this, some wall street suck up is less that willing to sell out his own ilk

imagine that!

He knows because a lot of his administration has gone to prison already.
And it was the faux case against general Flynn that brought out the documents that are going to hang barry.
Those democrats ain't smart enough to leave well enough alone!
Hoisted by their own petard.
Any day now, right? SMH!
dcwhispers.com? Really? :laughing0301:
Contards off the rails.
So unhinged.

dcwhisper.com LOLOOLOOLLL.
they are just as valid as democrat controlled ABC CBS NBC MSNBC CNN
dcwhispers is a conservative shit hole. Anything that comes from it is shitty.
and ABC CBS NBC CNN MSNBC are leftist shit holes anything coming from them should never be believed.
Nothing should ever be fully believed when dealing with news but facts are always more abundant when coming from leftist sources. Note that the right wing version left out the entire story.
dcwhispers.com? Really? :laughing0301:
Contards off the rails.
So unhinged.

dcwhisper.com LOLOOLOOLLL.
they are just as valid as democrat controlled ABC CBS NBC MSNBC CNN
dcwhispers is a conservative shit hole. Anything that comes from it is shitty.
They outright lied, if what the OP is quoting is actually from them.
I hate liars. This kind of garbage ought to get blown straight to kingdom come.
dcwhispers.com? Really? :laughing0301:
Contards off the rails.
So unhinged.

dcwhisper.com LOLOOLOOLLL.
they are just as valid as democrat controlled ABC CBS NBC MSNBC CNN
dcwhispers is a conservative shit hole. Anything that comes from it is shitty.
and ABC CBS NBC CNN MSNBC are leftist shit holes anything coming from them should never be believed.
Nothing should ever be fully believed when dealing with news but facts are always more abundant when coming from leftist sources. Note that the right wing version left out the entire story.
for three long years ABC CBS NBC CNN MSNBC has lied but you believe them when it comes to anything they say about the president.
dcwhispers.com? Really? :laughing0301:
Contards off the rails.
So unhinged.

dcwhisper.com LOLOOLOOLLL.
they are just as valid as democrat controlled ABC CBS NBC MSNBC CNN
dcwhispers is a conservative shit hole. Anything that comes from it is shitty.
and ABC CBS NBC CNN MSNBC are leftist shit holes anything coming from them should never be believed.
Nothing should ever be fully believed when dealing with news but facts are always more abundant when coming from leftist sources. Note that the right wing version left out the entire story.
for three long years ABC CBS NBC CNN MSNBC has lied but you believe them when it comes to anything they say about the president.
They only reinforce my personal observations of the incompetent fuckup if we are being honest.
I'm not uncomfortably with it. I just wouldnt use it to wipe my ass let alone as the basis of some claim.
Obama did write a letter to the National Archives objecting strenuously to the release, but he allowed it anyway. This one is from CNN. Buzzfeed broke it; it was in all the usual political reporting media.

Writing to the National Archives and Records Administration -- which maintains presidential records -- Obama's office specifically said that a request from Republican Sens. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin and Chuck Grassley of Iowa seeking administration documents related to Ukraine was improper. The letter was first reported by BuzzFeed.
"The request for early release of presidential records in order to give credence to a Russian disinformation campaign -- one that has already been thoroughly investigated by a bipartisan congressional committee -- is without precedent," said the letter signed by Obama's records representative and dated March 13.
Obama's office went on to write that it will release the requested records but only "in the interest of countering the misinformation campaign underlying this request."
So it had nothing to do with Biden and his sexual assault case which is what the release was supposed to be about?
While Republicans have publicly insist their efforts have nothing to do with Biden's current presidential campaign, they have used their powers in the Senate to look into a series of matters that they believe could shine negative light on the former vice president -- and help President Donald Trump.
Barack Obama Sends Formal Request To National Archives To NOT Release Biden-Ukraine Docs
No, he didn't.
Obama quietly initiated a non-disclosure request to the National Archives regarding any and all items related to Joe Biden and Ukraine during Mr. Biden’s time as vice president.
All that information is already being held confidentially for an agreed upon number of years after the President leaves office. Obama did not request they not disclose it. He has to give permission, though, if information has a good reason to be released.
dcwhispers.com? Really? :laughing0301:
Contards off the rails.
So unhinged.

dcwhisper.com LOLOOLOOLLL.
they are just as valid as democrat controlled ABC CBS NBC MSNBC CNN
dcwhispers is a conservative shit hole. Anything that comes from it is shitty.
and ABC CBS NBC CNN MSNBC are leftist shit holes anything coming from them should never be believed.
Nothing should ever be fully believed when dealing with news but facts are always more abundant when coming from leftist sources. Note that the right wing version left out the entire story.
for three long years ABC CBS NBC CNN MSNBC has lied but you believe them when it comes to anything they say about the president.
They only reinforce my personal observations of the incompetent fuckup if we are being honest.
even though they are lying? thanks for making mine and others point about you leftist you'll believe any amount of shit just so you will not feel ignorant for having your views.
Barack Obama Sends Formal Request To National Archives To NOT Release Biden-Ukraine Docs
No, he didn't.
Obama quietly initiated a non-disclosure request to the National Archives regarding any and all items related to Joe Biden and Ukraine during Mr. Biden’s time as vice president.
All that information is already being held confidentially for an agreed upon number of years after the President leaves office. Obama did not request they not disclose it. He has to give permission, though, if information has a good reason to be released.
it's obama's office is not obama in charge of his office?

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