"Why?" One Asks


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
Of what value is this photograph?

BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) — A photo of Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg at a Native American reservation in North Dakota has been archived at the Library of Congress in Washington.

Shane Balkowitsch, who took the photo, preserved the image on a glass plate and titled it “Standing For Us All.” Balkowitsch told the Bismarck Tribune that it’s his “most important work to date.”

Greta Thunberg’s North Dakota photo is at national library
Why do Conservatives have so much hatred towards a little girl?
Speaking of climate Does the moron in our WH believe scientists yet?
Earth's temperature likely marks hottest decade on record - report
Speaking of climate Does the moron in our WH believe scientists yet?
Earth's temperature likely marks hottest decade on record - report
You do realize that there is a difference between likely and definitely?
Do you understand that our records only go back around 200 years? What was it like 1000 years ago. I seem to remember that there was a time when much of North America was covered in glaciers. How many people were running their SUVs to make them retreat?
I fail to understand the dozens of threads from Conservatives attacking and mocking a young climate activist

If you disagree with her, why not just post your reasons?

She is trying to protect the planet, not attack you or your family
Why do Conservatives have so much hatred towards a little girl?
Conservatives don't hate her we just think that her and the liberals that love her are dumb as rocks.
If she was really worried about saving the planet she would be in front of the true polluters such as China and India.
Instead she is running around where she can get press.
If all you are after is your name in the paper do what gets it there. If you are serious about something go where the change needs to take place.
Speaking of climate Does the moron in our WH believe scientists yet?
Earth's temperature likely marks hottest decade on record - report
You do realize that there is a difference between likely and definitely?
Do you understand that our records only go back around 200 years? What was it like 1000 years ago. I seem to remember that there was a time when much of North America was covered in glaciers. How many people were running their SUVs to make them retreat?
Max only back 200 years?? That doesn't concern you at all ? All these floods world wide no big deal ?
Why do Conservatives have so much hatred towards a little girl?
Conservatives don't hate her we just think that her and the liberals that love her are dumb as rocks.
If she was really worried about saving the planet she would be in front of the true polluters such as China and India.
Instead she is running around where she can get press.
If all you are after is your name in the paper do what gets it there. If you are serious about something go where the change needs to take place.
Pardon me Max but the cause needs to be brought out into the sunlight not hidden under rocks like our President who doesn't believe in science does
Why do Conservatives have so much hatred towards a little girl?
/——-/ Two can play your stupid strawman arguments. Why do Liberals hate truth and justice?
Please point out examples of liberals hating "truth and justice".
Guess these republicans love the truth the Art of the Deal nitwit in our WH deals out
Opposing moronic knuckle draggers like you doesn't automatically mean that.
Why do Conservatives have so much hatred towards a little girl?
I think it isn't hatred so much as abject mockery for a known phony.

. . . and it isn't just "conservatives."

Most of my liberal friends now know the truth.

Only really stupid liberals that only restrict themselves to corporate media believe this fairy tale still. Most folks know that Al Gore and his corporate minions are in this for the money, regardless of whether or not this is a real problem.

Listen: The Green New Deal & What it Leaves Out: Reading Act V of Cory Morningstar’s Research - Wrong Kind of Green

The Manufacturing of Greta Thunberg – for Consent: The Political Economy of the Non-Profit Industrial Complex [ACT I]
I fail to understand the dozens of threads from Conservatives attacking and mocking a young climate activist

If you disagree with her, why not just post your reasons?

She is trying to protect the planet, not attack you or your family

Nah. She's a phoney brat who is getting her 15 minutes of fame.

Protect the planet?? From what. The climate change gig??

Guess she missed Al Gore who laughed his way to the bank with the money gullible idiots sent him.

She's a buffoon who everyone should ignore.
Why do Conservatives have so much hatred towards a little girl?
/——-/ Two can play your stupid strawman arguments. Why do Liberals hate truth and justice?
Please point out examples of liberals hating "truth and justice".
Guess these republicans love the truth the Art of the Deal nitwit in our WH deals out
They wouldn't recognize the truth if you wrapped it around a wet fish and slapped them with it.

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