Why one FISA warrant on one person can lead to spying on thousands of peop


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
This is for those of you like FAUX who use the the Dim talking point that the FISA warrant issued to spy on Carter Page wasn't issued until he left the campaign. Sharyl Attkisson explains why that doesn't matter.


The genuine magnitude of the FBI spying on the Trump campaign (or Adam Schiff’s getting ahold of the phone records of journalists and fellow representatives) was far greater than most people realize, reading or hearing about a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page. Many people naturally presume that an operation to trample on the rights of one man – even an Annapolis graduate who served as a source for the CIA – was bad, but not a major spying operation. After all, Page was not a top-level campaign advisor but an unpaid volunteer. So, what’s the big deal?


Believe it or now, intelligence agencies can use one legal wiretap to monitor as many as 25,000 people for which there was no wiretap justification.

Through a single warrant, government agents can capture phone calls, texts, emails and bank records from people “two hops” away. That means all of the suspected spy’s direct contacts— “one hop” —and everybody who contacts those people or even visits their Facebook pages or websites—two hops.


Sidney Powell (former prosecutor and Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn’s attorney): And what most people don’t understand is, they don’t just get everything they want against Carter Page, they get everything they want against every person who communicated with Carter Page, and against every person who communicated with that person. So it goes out what’s called two hops.


Obama official Samantha Power’s name was on hundreds of attempts to reveal the identities of Americans caught up in secretly-gathered intelligence. Obama adviser Susan Rice also took part. . Sally Yates and James Clapper admit having reviewed intel gathered on US political figures.

If you are a target, Big Brother is watching not just you but everyone you are in contact with, and everyone
they are in contact with.​
THE OP points out a phenomena not well understood by the public (and not understood at all by Liberals/Socialists educated in the public schools of rotting Northern cities run by Democrats for half a century) which is that FISA Warrants carry with them the authority to GO BACK in time and obtain communications of the suspected "agent of a foreign power" for years in the past AND to then obtain similar records of ANYONE the suspect talked to AND any records of anyone they also talked to---known as the Two Hop Rule.

"In the case of a subject like Carter Page, that means investigators who obtain a warrant in October 2016 can hunt through his communications going back several years before that date—and can use their “license to hop” to probe the first and second order of correspondents linked to him at any point during that period in the same fashion."

Why Civil Libertarians Should Be Worried about the FISA Warrant on Carter Page


For the poorly educated, this in effect means that the FISA Warrant on Page, obtained illegally and criminally by the Obama FBI/DOJ---allowed them to surveil many many people in the Trump Campaign, and with renewals, in the Trump Administration---possibly even going up to Trump himself.

If Page talked to his boss in the Trump Campaign, that boss's communications can also be obtained, and if that boss ever talked to Trump, or any of his closest advisors---their communications can also be obtained.

To make it real simple, the Warrant on Carter Page was in effect a retroactive Warrant on the entire Trump Campaign.

So when you consider the GROSS ABUSE (lies, omissions, document manipulation, crimes etc.) that we now know went on in Obama's FBI---and every American should be considering it---know that it was not some lowly unpaid campaign volunteer who was being SPIED on---it was the whole Trump Campaign---BY THE FUCKING DEMOCRATS.

Its taking too long, yes---but breaking down a criminal conspiracy in a KGB-like operation like Obama's FBI and DOJ necessarily takes time. Progress is being made! Most of the facts are now established and are contained in the Horowitz Report--for those who can read and comprehend them. Justice grinds slowly, but grinds fine, and the TRUTH will be known well before the next election.
THE OP points out a phenomena not well understood by the public (and not understood at all by Liberals/Socialists educated in the public schools of rotting Northern cities run by Democrats for half a century) which is that FISA Warrants carry with them the authority to GO BACK in time and obtain communications of the suspected "agent of a foreign power" for years in the past AND to then obtain similar records of ANYONE the suspect talked to AND any records of anyone they also talked to---known as the Two Hop Rule.

"In the case of a subject like Carter Page, that means investigators who obtain a warrant in October 2016 can hunt through his communications going back several years before that date—and can use their “license to hop” to probe the first and second order of correspondents linked to him at any point during that period in the same fashion."

Why Civil Libertarians Should Be Worried about the FISA Warrant on Carter Page


For the poorly educated, this in effect means that the FISA Warrant on Page, obtained illegally and criminally by the Obama FBI/DOJ---allowed them to surveil many many people in the Trump Campaign, and with renewals, in the Trump Administration---possibly even going up to Trump himself.

If Page talked to his boss in the Trump Campaign, that boss's communications can also be obtained, and if that boss ever talked to Trump, or any of his closest advisors---their communications can also be obtained.

To make it real simple, the Warrant on Carter Page was in effect a retroactive Warrant on the entire Trump Campaign.

So when you consider the GROSS ABUSE (lies, omissions, document manipulation, crimes etc.) that we now know went on in Obama's FBI---and every American should be considering it---know that it was not some lowly unpaid campaign volunteer who was being SPIED on---it was the whole Trump Campaign---BY THE FUCKING DEMOCRATS.

Its taking too long, yes---but breaking down a criminal conspiracy in a KGB-like operation like Obama's FBI and DOJ necessarily takes time. Progress is being made! Most of the facts are now established and are contained in the Horowitz Report--for those who can read and comprehend them. Justice grinds slowly, but grinds fine, and the TRUTH will be known well before the next election.
I don't care how long it takes as long as these scum all go to prison.
The FISA "court" wasn't fooled, they were complicit.....Another bunch that need to be frog marched and the agency abolished outright.
The FISA "court" wasn't fooled, they were complicit.....Another bunch that need to be frog marched and the agency abolished outright.
There wasn't a peep from the FISA judges about all these illegalities until Horowitz issued his report and made it clear what was going on.
THE OP points out a phenomena not well understood by the public (and not understood at all by Liberals/Socialists educated in the public schools of rotting Northern cities run by Democrats for half a century) which is that FISA Warrants carry with them the authority to GO BACK in time and obtain communications of the suspected "agent of a foreign power" for years in the past AND to then obtain similar records of ANYONE the suspect talked to AND any records of anyone they also talked to---known as the Two Hop Rule.

"In the case of a subject like Carter Page, that means investigators who obtain a warrant in October 2016 can hunt through his communications going back several years before that date—and can use their “license to hop” to probe the first and second order of correspondents linked to him at any point during that period in the same fashion."

Why Civil Libertarians Should Be Worried about the FISA Warrant on Carter Page


For the poorly educated, this in effect means that the FISA Warrant on Page, obtained illegally and criminally by the Obama FBI/DOJ---allowed them to surveil many many people in the Trump Campaign, and with renewals, in the Trump Administration---possibly even going up to Trump himself.

If Page talked to his boss in the Trump Campaign, that boss's communications can also be obtained, and if that boss ever talked to Trump, or any of his closest advisors---their communications can also be obtained.

To make it real simple, the Warrant on Carter Page was in effect a retroactive Warrant on the entire Trump Campaign.

So when you consider the GROSS ABUSE (lies, omissions, document manipulation, crimes etc.) that we now know went on in Obama's FBI---and every American should be considering it---know that it was not some lowly unpaid campaign volunteer who was being SPIED on---it was the whole Trump Campaign---BY THE FUCKING DEMOCRATS.

Its taking too long, yes---but breaking down a criminal conspiracy in a KGB-like operation like Obama's FBI and DOJ necessarily takes time. Progress is being made! Most of the facts are now established and are contained in the Horowitz Report--for those who can read and comprehend them. Justice grinds slowly, but grinds fine, and the TRUTH will be known well before the next election.
Not only in the campaign, but those outside it as well.
THE OP points out a phenomena not well understood by the public (and not understood at all by Liberals/Socialists educated in the public schools of rotting Northern cities run by Democrats for half a century) which is that FISA Warrants carry with them the authority to GO BACK in time and obtain communications of the suspected "agent of a foreign power" for years in the past AND to then obtain similar records of ANYONE the suspect talked to AND any records of anyone they also talked to---known as the Two Hop Rule.

"In the case of a subject like Carter Page, that means investigators who obtain a warrant in October 2016 can hunt through his communications going back several years before that date—and can use their “license to hop” to probe the first and second order of correspondents linked to him at any point during that period in the same fashion."

Why Civil Libertarians Should Be Worried about the FISA Warrant on Carter Page


For the poorly educated, this in effect means that the FISA Warrant on Page, obtained illegally and criminally by the Obama FBI/DOJ---allowed them to surveil many many people in the Trump Campaign, and with renewals, in the Trump Administration---possibly even going up to Trump himself.

If Page talked to his boss in the Trump Campaign, that boss's communications can also be obtained, and if that boss ever talked to Trump, or any of his closest advisors---their communications can also be obtained.

To make it real simple, the Warrant on Carter Page was in effect a retroactive Warrant on the entire Trump Campaign.

So when you consider the GROSS ABUSE (lies, omissions, document manipulation, crimes etc.) that we now know went on in Obama's FBI---and every American should be considering it---know that it was not some lowly unpaid campaign volunteer who was being SPIED on---it was the whole Trump Campaign---BY THE FUCKING DEMOCRATS.

Its taking too long, yes---but breaking down a criminal conspiracy in a KGB-like operation like Obama's FBI and DOJ necessarily takes time. Progress is being made! Most of the facts are now established and are contained in the Horowitz Report--for those who can read and comprehend them. Justice grinds slowly, but grinds fine, and the TRUTH will be known well before the next election.
It is incredible to me that Liberals shrug off the abuses and spying perpetrated by our intelligence agencies and the Obama administration. Yet they go into hysterics over a fucking phone call. Michael Savage was right, Liberalism is a mental disorder.
THE OP points out a phenomena not well understood by the public (and not understood at all by Liberals/Socialists educated in the public schools of rotting Northern cities run by Democrats for half a century) which is that FISA Warrants carry with them the authority to GO BACK in time and obtain communications of the suspected "agent of a foreign power" for years in the past AND to then obtain similar records of ANYONE the suspect talked to AND any records of anyone they also talked to---known as the Two Hop Rule.

"In the case of a subject like Carter Page, that means investigators who obtain a warrant in October 2016 can hunt through his communications going back several years before that date—and can use their “license to hop” to probe the first and second order of correspondents linked to him at any point during that period in the same fashion."

Why Civil Libertarians Should Be Worried about the FISA Warrant on Carter Page


For the poorly educated, this in effect means that the FISA Warrant on Page, obtained illegally and criminally by the Obama FBI/DOJ---allowed them to surveil many many people in the Trump Campaign, and with renewals, in the Trump Administration---possibly even going up to Trump himself.

If Page talked to his boss in the Trump Campaign, that boss's communications can also be obtained, and if that boss ever talked to Trump, or any of his closest advisors---their communications can also be obtained.

To make it real simple, the Warrant on Carter Page was in effect a retroactive Warrant on the entire Trump Campaign.

So when you consider the GROSS ABUSE (lies, omissions, document manipulation, crimes etc.) that we now know went on in Obama's FBI---and every American should be considering it---know that it was not some lowly unpaid campaign volunteer who was being SPIED on---it was the whole Trump Campaign---BY THE FUCKING DEMOCRATS.

Its taking too long, yes---but breaking down a criminal conspiracy in a KGB-like operation like Obama's FBI and DOJ necessarily takes time. Progress is being made! Most of the facts are now established and are contained in the Horowitz Report--for those who can read and comprehend them. Justice grinds slowly, but grinds fine, and the TRUTH will be known well before the next election.
It is incredible to me that Liberals shrug off the abuses and spying perpetrated by our intelligence agencies and the Obama administration. Yet they go into hysterics over a fucking phone call. Michael Savage was right, Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Only because they have been protected from it. Wait until the table turns.
THE OP points out a phenomena not well understood by the public (and not understood at all by Liberals/Socialists educated in the public schools of rotting Northern cities run by Democrats for half a century) which is that FISA Warrants carry with them the authority to GO BACK in time and obtain communications of the suspected "agent of a foreign power" for years in the past AND to then obtain similar records of ANYONE the suspect talked to AND any records of anyone they also talked to---known as the Two Hop Rule.

"In the case of a subject like Carter Page, that means investigators who obtain a warrant in October 2016 can hunt through his communications going back several years before that date—and can use their “license to hop” to probe the first and second order of correspondents linked to him at any point during that period in the same fashion."

Why Civil Libertarians Should Be Worried about the FISA Warrant on Carter Page


For the poorly educated, this in effect means that the FISA Warrant on Page, obtained illegally and criminally by the Obama FBI/DOJ---allowed them to surveil many many people in the Trump Campaign, and with renewals, in the Trump Administration---possibly even going up to Trump himself.

If Page talked to his boss in the Trump Campaign, that boss's communications can also be obtained, and if that boss ever talked to Trump, or any of his closest advisors---their communications can also be obtained.

To make it real simple, the Warrant on Carter Page was in effect a retroactive Warrant on the entire Trump Campaign.

So when you consider the GROSS ABUSE (lies, omissions, document manipulation, crimes etc.) that we now know went on in Obama's FBI---and every American should be considering it---know that it was not some lowly unpaid campaign volunteer who was being SPIED on---it was the whole Trump Campaign---BY THE FUCKING DEMOCRATS.

Its taking too long, yes---but breaking down a criminal conspiracy in a KGB-like operation like Obama's FBI and DOJ necessarily takes time. Progress is being made! Most of the facts are now established and are contained in the Horowitz Report--for those who can read and comprehend them. Justice grinds slowly, but grinds fine, and the TRUTH will be known well before the next election.
It is incredible to me that Liberals shrug off the abuses and spying perpetrated by our intelligence agencies and the Obama administration. Yet they go into hysterics over a fucking phone call. Michael Savage was right, Liberalism is a mental disorder.


"...Liberalism is a mental disorder."

Indeed it is.

The best recruiters for the Democratic Party are:

1) Guilt (as in the born rich who feel bad, but don't want to give up their fortunes---they want to tax hardworking Americans so they can feel better and so are also Hypocrites.)

2) Jealousy (The Socialists)

3) Unhappiness (The Pussy Hat Wearers, usually very ugly women)

4) Laziness (The Federal Plantation Porch Sitters)

Some overlap among the groups, but Democrats for sure.

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