WHY Only 60%????

Easy answer. About 20% from each party are your diehards. Regardless of whats happening they will support their team.

It is not an ideology that makes me a Tea partier!
It is the practical destruction Obama's taking our country.
Why are you in favor of destroying 1,300 businesses that pay $100 billion in taxes employing 400,000 people ? Obama is!
Obama is in favor of destroying utility companies.."if somebody wants to build coal utility plant it’s just that it will bankrupt them,!
Why are you in favor of destroying over 8 million jobs?
The company, one of the country’s largest electric utilities, estimated that it will cost between $6 billion and $8 billion in capital investments
over the next decade to comply with the regulations in their current form.

June 25th, 2013 WH Climate Adviser: 'A War on Coal Is Exactly What’s Needed'

Daniel P. Schrag, a White House climate adviser and director of the Harvard University Center for the Environment, tells the New York Times
"a war on coal is exactly what's needed." Later today, President Obama will give a major "climate change" address at Georgetown University.

“Everybody is waiting for action,” Schrag tells the paper.
“The one thing the president really needs to do now is to begin the process of shutting down the conventional coal plants. Politically, the White House is hesitant to say they’re having a war on coal. On the other hand, a war on coal is exactly what’s needed.”

Obama's speech today is expected to offer "a sweeping plan to address climate change on Tuesday, setting ambitious goals and timetables for a series of executive actions to reduce greenhouse gas pollution and prepare the nation for the ravages of a warming planet," according to the Times.
WH Climate Adviser: 'A War on Coal Is Exactly What?s Needed' | The Weekly Standard

* EPA itself estimated that its ozone standard would cost $90 billion a year, while other studies have projected that the rule could cost upwards of
a trillion dollars and destroy 7.4 million jobs.

* Boiler MACT Rule: EPA's Boiler MACT (Maximum Achievable Control Technology) standards are so strict that not even the best-performing sources can meet them, so many companies will have no choice but to shut their doors and ship manufacturing jobs overseas.
The rule has been projected to reduce US GDP by as much as 1.2 billion dollars and will destroy nearly 800,000 jobs.

Articles: Obama's EPA Plans for 2013

So you tell me WHY are you supporting a President who is BENT on destroying our economy and THEN you tell me how the "environment" will be better?
Sure we'll have a few more trees, but we won't have people !
There is an online tablet-based polling app called "show of hands"...perhaps some of you use it.
I use it as a few minute source of entertainment, but there are at least a couple pertinent political polls on it everyday.
The questions was asked "Do you believe parts of the gov't shutdown (not WHY it shutdown, but the choices of WHAT was shutdown) was done for political reasons, or was it all done on an honest basis"....something like 88% of the many votes said "political" - but what was interesting was, at the time I looked at it, 38% of Democrats said it was HONEST....I mean..wow...just a little over 1 in 3 Dems that voted believe it was honest??? WHo in the hell is out there that believes this. You have to be wearing a Teflon helmet to not see the obvious politics that was involved.
Spending is criminal now....get back on the meds...

The Constitution is the law of the land, spending that is not authorized by it has to be criminal, because it goes against the law. I know it's hard for you lefties to know what's what because your dear leader has no concern for the law, but try to keep up.
Umm CNN also reported 63% of people are happy with the President and 57% are not.

I think I made my point right there.
Should we be surprised you want to keep the biggest commies in DC? Good job comrade, good job.

"Commies?" -- showing your ignorance once again.

Communism would be a stateless / classless society.

Elizabeth Warren has all kids of class.

And she can buy and sell you ten times over.
Sanders is a gentleman and a scholar, hardly a totalitarian, jackass hater dupe. You're right off your rocker- change the channel and join the real world...Reagan was a human, just deluded and bought off for too long...

Wouldn't it be nice if there were a rule around here that when you say person X admitted to something, the quote should have to be given where they admitted it? Strangely enough, I seldom see Obama admitting he is from Africa, Sanders admitting he is a socialist etc...
Spending is criminal now....get back on the meds...

The Constitution is the law of the land, spending that is not authorized by it has to be criminal, because it goes against the law. I know it's hard for you lefties to know what's what because your dear leader has no concern for the law, but try to keep up.

NASA is a criminal organization? Who knew?
Spending is criminal now....get back on the meds...

The Constitution is the law of the land, spending that is not authorized by it has to be criminal, because it goes against the law. I know it's hard for you lefties to know what's what because your dear leader has no concern for the law, but try to keep up.

NASA is a criminal organization? Who knew?

People that think this hate modern civilization as much as the Taliban.

They should go back into the mountains.
The Constitution is the law of the land, spending that is not authorized by it has to be criminal, because it goes against the law. I know it's hard for you lefties to know what's what because your dear leader has no concern for the law, but try to keep up.

NASA is a criminal organization? Who knew?

People that think this hate modern civilization as much as the Taliban.

They should go back into the mountains.

Well if Jefferson and Madison couldnt imagine it, we obviously dont need it. The CDC is criminal too...I guess
Nobody cares.........

The only figure people are talking about today is 37%

It took 5 years for people to realize this president is a total fraud!!!:up:

Well if 37% constitutes fraud then what does 28% mean?

I know you won't answer my question. I've backed you in a corner so you best wait until everyone moves on to another thread.

Republican Party Favorability Sinks to Record Low
Falls 10 percentage points from September's 38%

Republican Party Favorability Sinks to Record Low
Should we be surprised you want to keep the biggest commies in DC? Good job comrade, good job.

Every time you call Dems commies, it just confirms your ignorance. I'm sure you and Joe M would have gotten along wonderfully.

I would like to know what their premise for communism is.

They endlessly rant about it but in the meantime they are probably retired with their savings NOT being redistributed except through their will to their children. They can buy anything they want from a multitude of suppliers at any time they want by getting in their cars, stopping by a gas station to fill up on the cheapest gasoline in the world, then milling around a huge shopping mall without being harassed or waiting in lines, or they can go online and have their item purchased tax-free.

They can go online and spend hours on the internet without gov't restriction. They can buy all the porn they want because our gov't doesn't censor publishing or the internet.

If they are young, they can have as many children as they want without anyone visiting their home to tell them they can't unless they want to be put in jail.

They don't have a fucking clue as to what it means to live in a restricted society. NONE.

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