Why people are growing tired of cops

Cops are subject to the same laws as anyone else and they are held responsible for a criminal act. The system works (except maybe at the federal level) and the fact remains that 98 Cops (so far) died in the line of duty to ensure your right to make a fool of yourself.
In theory, but not in practice.

If the system worked, the goons who perpetrated the murders at Waco and Ruby Ridge would be behind bars for life....The trigger happy nuts who kill dozens of innocent people each and every year, would be out of jobs in in prison.

"The system" only "works" when it's time to make a political statement, as was done with Chauvin.
Only local and state law enforcement is subject to the law. Law enforcement at the federal level is a different concept because they are protected by the system and the media during democrat administrations. A Capital Cop killed an unarmed woman during the Jan 6 demonstration and there was little investigation or outrage. Obama authorized an insane ATF plan to ship illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels. One of the weapons was used to kill a Border Patrol Officer. Tanks and poison gas were used against a Waco Texas religious sect. A FBI sniper shot Randy Weaver's wife in the head while she was holding an 18 month child in her arms during the Ruby Ridge debacle. The FBI agent was indicted by local law enforcement but the case was quietly dismissed and nobody was ever prosecuted or even fired for any of the atrocities.
He was first told he was breaking the law by speeding. He also had tinted windows which in most places is against the law too. At that point, the officer was in his rights to ask for license and registration and to even have him get out of the car. Especially after he refused to keep his illegal window down. What was the reason for Hill to not keep his window down? The officer felt threatened by the tinted window. Couldn’t see what he was doing. Hill needed to comply. Broke the law. Became a threat.
My comment was about the OP vid, not Hill.

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