Why People Make Minimum Wage

The only argument I'll accept for not raising minimum wage is that the cost of goods and services will just go up. But I can do without the twinkies if they get too expensive.

There is another effect. If you have to pay a person $15 for work that is really worth $8, what is going to happen is the people worth $15 per hour will now be availible, and guess who is going to get hired?

Also, if people stop buying twinkies, they go out of business and now those people are making $0 an hour.

I know you guys think there should be $4 hr. jobs for minors for example. I remember that argument. I think Huckabee made it. You may have a son working in your private business and you don't want to have to pay him $15 hr and pay all those taxes, etc. You just want to pay him whatever you want. I'm sure you can do that under the table just like you guys continue to hire illegals to this day. If you weren't hiring them they would have left long ago. Only reason they stay is for the paycheck.
What is a fair wage? What is a fair tax rate? i have a government that decides those things.

It isn't the gov'ts responsibility to determine what is a fair wage. The market - supply and demand for labor - sets wages and fairness is rarely part of the equation. Most of us by adulthood realize "fair" is a childish concept. You consistently whine like a 4 year old ("that's not fair").
I am shocked that anyone could whine so persistently.

Article Democracy - Not The Free Market - Will Save America s Middle Class OpEdNews

Governments provide a stable currency to make markets possible. They provide a legal infrastructure and court systems to enforce the contracts that make markets possible. They provide educated workforces through public education, and those workers show up at their places of business after traveling on public roads, rails, or airways provided by government. Businesses that use the "free market" are protected by police and fire departments provided by government, and send their communications - from phone to fax to internet - over lines that follow public rights-of-way maintained and protected by government.

And, most important, the rules of the game of business are defined by government. Any sports fan can tell you that football, baseball, or hockey without rules and referees would be a mess. Similarly, business without rules won't work.

Which explains why conservative economics wiped out the middle class during the period from 1880 to 1932, and why, when Reagan again began applying conservative economics, the middle class again began to vanish in America in the 1980s - a process that has dramatically picked up steam under George W. Bush.

And in return for all that gov't (us) provides in the way of a working system is a working populace which provides stability and a specific culture:
Work to get paid, after which the gov't takes some from all, including businesses, in the form of taxes in order to provide all the goodies you named.
Now remove any part of the gov't-business-worker-taxes equation and see how that works for you.

"After all, the chief business of the American people is business. They are profoundly concerned with buying, selling, investing and prospering in the world." - President Calvin Coolidge (address to the American Society of Newspaper Editors, Washington D.C., January 25, 1925)

I don't have a problem with that.
What to you is a fair wage? Jobs are not made so you can have a fair wage. They are made so that the person who provides those jobs can get wealthy. Business owners are interested in the bottom line. If you choose to remain an employee you will be forever at the mercy of an employer. ork for those that are employed. I would rather pay for people to have welfare to cover the need for more income than raise minimum wage. At least they would know that they need to improve themselves to get that "fair wage" paying job.

What is a fair wage? What is a fair tax rate? i have a government that decides those things.

Jobs might not be made for that purpose but the company does have to give a fair wage. Why? My government says so. Want a government that doesn't say so? Move to China.

And I know business' are only interested in one thing. That's why they should not be owning our government.

So that's your new America? Where employees are "at the mercy" of their employers? Fuck you.

Raising minimum wage doesn't result in less jobs. Employers don't hire people because they are nice. They only hire the number of employees they need, so there goes that argument. And if the employees make a fair wage they might be able to afford your products.

The only argument I'll accept for not raising minimum wage is that the cost of goods and services will just go up. But I can do without the twinkies if they get too expensive. Anyways, occasionally you have to raise the minimum wage. It's why we always do every 10 years or so. Sorry if you hate it. My dad does too. But he doesn't hate it when they increase his ss payments for the same fucking reason. lol

Thats not my new america. Thats always been the case. If an employer is forced to cross a certain line in his profit margin you will lose your job and other workers will have to take on additional "duties as assigned". The other option is that they fold up shop entirely and everyone is out of work. Employers hire the least expense capable employees. if they can combine the jobs of 2 people into 1 and pay less money you better believe they are going to do it. I dont hate raising the minimum wage. I think its a bad idea for people mentally. There is no initiative for upward mobility. To me its worse than welfare because you are paying people more than what they are worth and not calling it welfare.

I worked for a family where the owner and his son had to make their $700K a month EACH. If sales slipped and it was going to go down to $600K a month they let a bunch of people go and as soon as sales went back up they just hired new employees.

I don't say there should be anything illegal about that. But now what about the asshole companies all across America who aren't hiring people who are out of work?
"Sales slipping" can be roughly translated to "expenses increasing" like raising minimum wage would be labeled..

Well sorry the American worker isn't as cheap as the India, Chinese, African or Mexican workers. Just the way it is. We are the greatest country in the world because we pay a decent minimum wage.

A country isn't judged by how things are for it's richest citizens. It's how are the masses doing? Wake up.

I dont think you are getting this. We arent the greatest country in the world if we pay people more that what they are worth without calling it welfare. We are only paying them to remain worker bees and unemployed worker bees in some cases. The government can do other things to ensure a great standard of living.
The only argument I'll accept for not raising minimum wage is that the cost of goods and services will just go up. But I can do without the twinkies if they get too expensive.

There is another effect. If you have to pay a person $15 for work that is really worth $8, what is going to happen is the people worth $15 per hour will now be availible, and guess who is going to get hired?

Also, if people stop buying twinkies, they go out of business and now those people are making $0 an hour.

That depends. What is $8 worth in this society? Depends on the cost of living I guess but if our government deems $15 is the new minimum wage and you can't afford to pay that then I guess you go out of business buddy. It may be a free market society but the market is not free. You gotta pay American wages.

By forcing a minimum wage you are eliminating the "free" part of the free market. And by "american wages" what exactly are they? Enough to put you out of business?
The GOP way the CEO lives he dream and the workers work till they are 70 years old IF THEY ARE LUCKY ENOUGH TO BE ABLE TO FIND OR KEEP A JOB THAT LONG OF COURSE, and then die broke because healthcare eats up their savings with co pays and deductibles and shitty Medicare.

"Shitty Medicare?" Really? For those of us who paid for private coverage (or, at times, went without and paid for healthcare out-of-pocket) Medicare is like manna from heaven. You really have been spoiled by virtue of having played the system (read: the rest of us) and are reduced to whining about the free stuff you get. Pathetic.

Medicare isn't what it once was. I noticed the costs were a lot more when my mom got sick 10 years after my grandma got sick. The out of pockets, deductables and costs went up. So how much will they go up by the time you and I retire? The rich don't want to chip in so we have a strong ss. They have their own private healthcare. That's why we have a progressive tax system or at least once did. Today the rich don't pay their fair share. i think that has been clearly proven just like global warming has so I'm sure you'll argue.

Good God! More whining! Once more for the terminally dense leftist: Life isn't all about YOU. The "rich" are not responsible for fixing what is wrong with YOU and YOUR life.
Many millions of us know the joy of having our medical bills paid by Medicare ... extended retirement INSURANCE most beneficiaries paid for during our working years and I AM retired and find the fact that what I paid for all of my 45 working years actually works. WooHoo!

We decided a long time ago that we are all in this together. The rich never really liked it. They called FDR a traitor to his class for the New Deal and National Parks and SS, Medicare, Public Schools, etc.

The rich want it to be every man for himself. They've made it so since 2000 and how did that work out for us? Not so good. Time for a New Deal and more Unions.
"Sales slipping" can be roughly translated to "expenses increasing" like raising minimum wage would be labeled..

Well sorry the American worker isn't as cheap as the India, Chinese, African or Mexican workers. Just the way it is. We are the greatest country in the world because we pay a decent minimum wage.
A country isn't judged by how things are for it's richest citizens. It's how are the masses doing? Wake up.

Well, it's good to see even our Chief Whiner-in-Residence recognizes just how lucky he is to reside in "the greatest country in the world" but our minimum wage is hardly what makes this country great and who the fuck cares about those who judge us?
What is a fair wage? What is a fair tax rate? i have a government that decides those things.

Jobs might not be made for that purpose but the company does have to give a fair wage. Why? My government says so. Want a government that doesn't say so? Move to China.

And I know business' are only interested in one thing. That's why they should not be owning our government.

So that's your new America? Where employees are "at the mercy" of their employers? Fuck you.

Raising minimum wage doesn't result in less jobs. Employers don't hire people because they are nice. They only hire the number of employees they need, so there goes that argument. And if the employees make a fair wage they might be able to afford your products.

The only argument I'll accept for not raising minimum wage is that the cost of goods and services will just go up. But I can do without the twinkies if they get too expensive. Anyways, occasionally you have to raise the minimum wage. It's why we always do every 10 years or so. Sorry if you hate it. My dad does too. But he doesn't hate it when they increase his ss payments for the same fucking reason. lol

Thats not my new america. Thats always been the case. If an employer is forced to cross a certain line in his profit margin you will lose your job and other workers will have to take on additional "duties as assigned". The other option is that they fold up shop entirely and everyone is out of work. Employers hire the least expense capable employees. if they can combine the jobs of 2 people into 1 and pay less money you better believe they are going to do it. I dont hate raising the minimum wage. I think its a bad idea for people mentally. There is no initiative for upward mobility. To me its worse than welfare because you are paying people more than what they are worth and not calling it welfare.

I worked for a family where the owner and his son had to make their $700K a month EACH. If sales slipped and it was going to go down to $600K a month they let a bunch of people go and as soon as sales went back up they just hired new employees.

I don't say there should be anything illegal about that. But now what about the asshole companies all across America who aren't hiring people who are out of work?
"Sales slipping" can be roughly translated to "expenses increasing" like raising minimum wage would be labeled..

Well sorry the American worker isn't as cheap as the India, Chinese, African or Mexican workers. Just the way it is. We are the greatest country in the world because we pay a decent minimum wage.

A country isn't judged by how things are for it's richest citizens. It's how are the masses doing? Wake up.

I dont think you are getting this. We arent the greatest country in the world if we pay people more that what they are worth without calling it welfare. We are only paying them to remain worker bees and unemployed worker bees in some cases. The government can do other things to ensure a great standard of living.

Great question. See, corporations a long time ago said we weren't worth shit. Then we unionized and got our fair share. That raised everyones wages union or not. Today, now that unions are all but dead, our wages either went down or haven't gone up while the corporate profits are through the roof. No coincidence. What we are worth? That depends on who you ask.

It is Americans like you who make me sick. Assuming you are a worker bee and not a rich corporate business owner or ceo. If you were you wouldn't be here.
"Sales slipping" can be roughly translated to "expenses increasing" like raising minimum wage would be labeled..

Well sorry the American worker isn't as cheap as the India, Chinese, African or Mexican workers. Just the way it is. We are the greatest country in the world because we pay a decent minimum wage.
A country isn't judged by how things are for it's richest citizens. It's how are the masses doing? Wake up.

Well, it's good to see even our Chief Whiner-in-Residence recognizes just how lucky he is to reside in "the greatest country in the world" but our minimum wage is hardly what makes this country great and who the fuck cares about those who judge us?

Are you a republican? You guys seemed to care what Putin thought of Obama not too long ago.
The GOP way the CEO lives he dream and the workers work till they are 70 years old IF THEY ARE LUCKY ENOUGH TO BE ABLE TO FIND OR KEEP A JOB THAT LONG OF COURSE, and then die broke because healthcare eats up their savings with co pays and deductibles and shitty Medicare.

"Shitty Medicare?" Really? For those of us who paid for private coverage (or, at times, went without and paid for healthcare out-of-pocket) Medicare is like manna from heaven. You really have been spoiled by virtue of having played the system (read: the rest of us) and are reduced to whining about the free stuff you get. Pathetic.

Medicare isn't what it once was. I noticed the costs were a lot more when my mom got sick 10 years after my grandma got sick. The out of pockets, deductables and costs went up. So how much will they go up by the time you and I retire? The rich don't want to chip in so we have a strong ss. They have their own private healthcare. That's why we have a progressive tax system or at least once did. Today the rich don't pay their fair share. i think that has been clearly proven just like global warming has so I'm sure you'll argue.

Good God! More whining! Once more for the terminally dense leftist: Life isn't all about YOU. The "rich" are not responsible for fixing what is wrong with YOU and YOUR life.
Many millions of us know the joy of having our medical bills paid by Medicare ... extended retirement INSURANCE most beneficiaries paid for during our working years and I AM retired and find the fact that what I paid for all of my 45 working years actually works. WooHoo!

We decided a long time ago that we are all in this together. The rich never really liked it. They called FDR a traitor to his class for the New Deal and National Parks and SS, Medicare, Public Schools, etc.

The rich want it to be every man for himself. They've made it so since 2000 and how did that work out for us? Not so good. Time for a New Deal and more Unions.

What you are missing in all of this is that this has always been the dynamic no matter what party is in power. Its always been the wealthy exploiting the uneducated and the poor.
By forcing a minimum wage you are eliminating the "free" part of the free market. And by "american wages" what exactly are they? Enough to put you out of business?

There is no free market, we have a fixed market. Please show me a business that failed because they over-paid their employees.
What is a fair wage? What is a fair tax rate? i have a government that decides those things.

Jobs might not be made for that purpose but the company does have to give a fair wage. Why? My government says so. Want a government that doesn't say so? Move to China.

And I know business' are only interested in one thing. That's why they should not be owning our government.

So that's your new America? Where employees are "at the mercy" of their employers? Fuck you.

Raising minimum wage doesn't result in less jobs. Employers don't hire people because they are nice. They only hire the number of employees they need, so there goes that argument. And if the employees make a fair wage they might be able to afford your products.

The only argument I'll accept for not raising minimum wage is that the cost of goods and services will just go up. But I can do without the twinkies if they get too expensive. Anyways, occasionally you have to raise the minimum wage. It's why we always do every 10 years or so. Sorry if you hate it. My dad does too. But he doesn't hate it when they increase his ss payments for the same fucking reason. lol

Thats not my new america. Thats always been the case. If an employer is forced to cross a certain line in his profit margin you will lose your job and other workers will have to take on additional "duties as assigned". The other option is that they fold up shop entirely and everyone is out of work. Employers hire the least expense capable employees. if they can combine the jobs of 2 people into 1 and pay less money you better believe they are going to do it. I dont hate raising the minimum wage. I think its a bad idea for people mentally. There is no initiative for upward mobility. To me its worse than welfare because you are paying people more than what they are worth and not calling it welfare.

I worked for a family where the owner and his son had to make their $700K a month EACH. If sales slipped and it was going to go down to $600K a month they let a bunch of people go and as soon as sales went back up they just hired new employees.

I don't say there should be anything illegal about that. But now what about the asshole companies all across America who aren't hiring people who are out of work?
"Sales slipping" can be roughly translated to "expenses increasing" like raising minimum wage would be labeled..

Well sorry the American worker isn't as cheap as the India, Chinese, African or Mexican workers. Just the way it is. We are the greatest country in the world because we pay a decent minimum wage.

A country isn't judged by how things are for it's richest citizens. It's how are the masses doing? Wake up.

I dont think you are getting this. We arent the greatest country in the world if we pay people more that what they are worth without calling it welfare. We are only paying them to remain worker bees and unemployed worker bees in some cases. The government can do other things to ensure a great standard of living.

You don't get it. In many many many ways, we aren't the greatest anymore PERIOD.

It All Begins With This U.S. Middle Class Is No Longer The World s Richest Zero Hedge

all Bernanke's idiotic assault on the average American, known as Quantitative Easing, would achieve, would be to crush the US middle class

the distinction of the world's richest middle class now goes to Canada, while the poor in much of Europe now earn more than poor Americans.

The American middle class, long the most affluent in the world, has lost that distinction.

While the wealthiest Americans are outpacing many of their global peers, a New York Times analysis shows that across the lower- and middle-income tiers, citizens of other advanced countries have received considerably larger raises over the last three decades.
Good God! More whining! Once more for the terminally dense leftist: Life isn't all about YOU. The "rich" are not responsible for fixing what is wrong with YOU and YOUR life.
Many millions of us know the joy of having our medical bills paid by Medicare ... extended retirement INSURANCE most beneficiaries paid for during our working years and I AM retired and find the fact that what I paid for all of my 45 working years actually works. WooHoo!

We decided a long time ago that we are all in this together. The rich never really liked it. They called FDR a traitor to his class for the New Deal and National Parks and SS, Medicare, Public Schools, etc.

The rich want it to be every man for himself. They've made it so since 2000 and how did that work out for us? Not so good. Time for a New Deal and more Unions.

Woo. More baseless whining about what the rich want and don't want.
You haven't a clue but we are all in this together, for better or worse, and it is time you quit your persistent whining, get off the "carry me" train and start pulling like the rest of us. There are plenty of peeps on board who can't and far too many - like you for instance - who believe it's someone else's job.
By forcing a minimum wage you are eliminating the "free" part of the free market. And by "american wages" what exactly are they? Enough to put you out of business?

There is no free market, we have a fixed market. Please show me a business that failed because they over-paid their employees.

Show me a business where they were forced to overpay their employees by the amounts progs are proposing.

Actually we will be able to see live examples in the SEATAC area, when those ridiculous minimums come into play.
The GOP way the CEO lives he dream and the workers work till they are 70 years old IF THEY ARE LUCKY ENOUGH TO BE ABLE TO FIND OR KEEP A JOB THAT LONG OF COURSE, and then die broke because healthcare eats up their savings with co pays and deductibles and shitty Medicare.

"Shitty Medicare?" Really? For those of us who paid for private coverage (or, at times, went without and paid for healthcare out-of-pocket) Medicare is like manna from heaven. You really have been spoiled by virtue of having played the system (read: the rest of us) and are reduced to whining about the free stuff you get. Pathetic.

Medicare isn't what it once was. I noticed the costs were a lot more when my mom got sick 10 years after my grandma got sick. The out of pockets, deductables and costs went up. So how much will they go up by the time you and I retire? The rich don't want to chip in so we have a strong ss. They have their own private healthcare. That's why we have a progressive tax system or at least once did. Today the rich don't pay their fair share. i think that has been clearly proven just like global warming has so I'm sure you'll argue.

Good God! More whining! Once more for the terminally dense leftist: Life isn't all about YOU. The "rich" are not responsible for fixing what is wrong with YOU and YOUR life.
Many millions of us know the joy of having our medical bills paid by Medicare ... extended retirement INSURANCE most beneficiaries paid for during our working years and I AM retired and find the fact that what I paid for all of my 45 working years actually works. WooHoo!

We decided a long time ago that we are all in this together. The rich never really liked it. They called FDR a traitor to his class for the New Deal and National Parks and SS, Medicare, Public Schools, etc.

The rich want it to be every man for himself. They've made it so since 2000 and how did that work out for us? Not so good. Time for a New Deal and more Unions.

What you are missing in all of this is that this has always been the dynamic no matter what party is in power. Its always been the wealthy exploiting the uneducated and the poor.

Under Republicans the rich exploit us too much.

Under Democrats we have a more Symbiotic relationship with the rich.
Thats not my new america. Thats always been the case. If an employer is forced to cross a certain line in his profit margin you will lose your job and other workers will have to take on additional "duties as assigned". The other option is that they fold up shop entirely and everyone is out of work. Employers hire the least expense capable employees. if they can combine the jobs of 2 people into 1 and pay less money you better believe they are going to do it. I dont hate raising the minimum wage. I think its a bad idea for people mentally. There is no initiative for upward mobility. To me its worse than welfare because you are paying people more than what they are worth and not calling it welfare.

I worked for a family where the owner and his son had to make their $700K a month EACH. If sales slipped and it was going to go down to $600K a month they let a bunch of people go and as soon as sales went back up they just hired new employees.

I don't say there should be anything illegal about that. But now what about the asshole companies all across America who aren't hiring people who are out of work?
"Sales slipping" can be roughly translated to "expenses increasing" like raising minimum wage would be labeled..

Well sorry the American worker isn't as cheap as the India, Chinese, African or Mexican workers. Just the way it is. We are the greatest country in the world because we pay a decent minimum wage.

A country isn't judged by how things are for it's richest citizens. It's how are the masses doing? Wake up.

I dont think you are getting this. We arent the greatest country in the world if we pay people more that what they are worth without calling it welfare. We are only paying them to remain worker bees and unemployed worker bees in some cases. The government can do other things to ensure a great standard of living.

Great question. See, corporations a long time ago said we weren't worth shit. Then we unionized and got our fair share. That raised everyones wages union or not. Today, now that unions are all but dead, our wages either went down or haven't gone up while the corporate profits are through the roof. No coincidence. What we are worth? That depends on who you ask.

It is Americans like you who make me sick. Assuming you are a worker bee and not a rich corporate business owner or ceo. If you were you wouldn't be here.

I used to be a worker bee until I woke up. I wouldn't call myself rich. I would call it comfortable. Rich is a term people use to impress others. Wealth is measured in time. How long can you can you maintain your current lifestyle if you were unable to work ever again? Thats how rich you are or are not.
By forcing a minimum wage you are eliminating the "free" part of the free market. And by "american wages" what exactly are they? Enough to put you out of business?

There is no free market, we have a fixed market. Please show me a business that failed because they over-paid their employees.

The term "free market" is commonly used to describe the economic system America uses. It doesn't have to be a perfectly free market to be referred to as such. Sheesh. What the fuck happened to you lefties? Brain damage?
Good God! More whining! Once more for the terminally dense leftist: Life isn't all about YOU. The "rich" are not responsible for fixing what is wrong with YOU and YOUR life.
Many millions of us know the joy of having our medical bills paid by Medicare ... extended retirement INSURANCE most beneficiaries paid for during our working years and I AM retired and find the fact that what I paid for all of my 45 working years actually works. WooHoo!

We decided a long time ago that we are all in this together. The rich never really liked it. They called FDR a traitor to his class for the New Deal and National Parks and SS, Medicare, Public Schools, etc.

The rich want it to be every man for himself. They've made it so since 2000 and how did that work out for us? Not so good. Time for a New Deal and more Unions.

Woo. More baseless whining about what the rich want and don't want.
You haven't a clue but we are all in this together, for better or worse, and it is time you quit your persistent whining, get off the "carry me" train and start pulling like the rest of us. There are plenty of peeps on board who can't and far too many - like you for instance - who believe it's someone else's job.

This reminds me of when Hillary said it takes a village to raise a child and the GOP jumped all over that. Now today most rational people understand that's true.

Yes buddy, we are all in this together. Maybe you don't like it, but we decided that if you made it big, you would pay a little more in taxes so the poor don't have to pay taxes. Its the way things work in America.

I've made a lot of money before. There are two kinds of Americans. Ones that are appreciative of the big check and the other half who complain about how much they were taxed. Talk about whiny bitches. Never happy. That's why they need god.
"Shitty Medicare?" Really? For those of us who paid for private coverage (or, at times, went without and paid for healthcare out-of-pocket) Medicare is like manna from heaven. You really have been spoiled by virtue of having played the system (read: the rest of us) and are reduced to whining about the free stuff you get. Pathetic.

Medicare isn't what it once was. I noticed the costs were a lot more when my mom got sick 10 years after my grandma got sick. The out of pockets, deductables and costs went up. So how much will they go up by the time you and I retire? The rich don't want to chip in so we have a strong ss. They have their own private healthcare. That's why we have a progressive tax system or at least once did. Today the rich don't pay their fair share. i think that has been clearly proven just like global warming has so I'm sure you'll argue.

Good God! More whining! Once more for the terminally dense leftist: Life isn't all about YOU. The "rich" are not responsible for fixing what is wrong with YOU and YOUR life.
Many millions of us know the joy of having our medical bills paid by Medicare ... extended retirement INSURANCE most beneficiaries paid for during our working years and I AM retired and find the fact that what I paid for all of my 45 working years actually works. WooHoo!

We decided a long time ago that we are all in this together. The rich never really liked it. They called FDR a traitor to his class for the New Deal and National Parks and SS, Medicare, Public Schools, etc.

The rich want it to be every man for himself. They've made it so since 2000 and how did that work out for us? Not so good. Time for a New Deal and more Unions.

What you are missing in all of this is that this has always been the dynamic no matter what party is in power. Its always been the wealthy exploiting the uneducated and the poor.

Under Republicans the rich exploit us too much.

Under Democrats we have a more Symbiotic relationship with the rich.

Its symbiotic under either party. They just point at different people to put the blame on.
Good God! More whining! Once more for the terminally dense leftist: Life isn't all about YOU. The "rich" are not responsible for fixing what is wrong with YOU and YOUR life.
Many millions of us know the joy of having our medical bills paid by Medicare ... extended retirement INSURANCE most beneficiaries paid for during our working years and I AM retired and find the fact that what I paid for all of my 45 working years actually works. WooHoo!

We decided a long time ago that we are all in this together. The rich never really liked it. They called FDR a traitor to his class for the New Deal and National Parks and SS, Medicare, Public Schools, etc.

The rich want it to be every man for himself. They've made it so since 2000 and how did that work out for us? Not so good. Time for a New Deal and more Unions.

Woo. More baseless whining about what the rich want and don't want.
You haven't a clue but we are all in this together, for better or worse, and it is time you quit your persistent whining, get off the "carry me" train and start pulling like the rest of us. There are plenty of peeps on board who can't and far too many - like you for instance - who believe it's someone else's job.

This reminds me of when Hillary said it takes a village to raise a child and the GOP jumped all over that. Now today most rational people understand that's true.

Yes buddy, we are all in this together. Maybe you don't like it, but we decided that if you made it big, you would pay a little more in taxes so the poor don't have to pay taxes. Its the way things work in America.

I've made a lot of money before. There are two kinds of Americans. Ones that are appreciative of the big check and the other half who complain about how much they were taxed. Talk about whiny bitches. Never happy. That's why they need god.

Thats my issue with Reps. Its amazing they dont see the flip side. You get to make as much money as you want but you also have to pay for the privilege. The mantra of nothing is free seems to disappear when its their turn to pay.

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