Why People Make Minimum Wage

Each time you failed, how did you pay your rent, car payment, healthcare bills, food, other bills immediately after the failure was realized?

In each situation, what did you do the next day after you failed? Did you immediately have another job? Not everyone is that good/lucky. In a good economy there would be plenty of jobs and no one who's looking would be out of work for more than a couple months. Another problem is corporations aren't hiring the unemployed.

Anyways, I don't want to get off topic. When you failed, did you have a nest egg to fall back on? Not everyone has one of those either.

And many who have no rainy-day fund - as you noted yesterday - smoke cigarettes and have pets and yet despite recognizing that their poor choices are often to blame for their financial plight you still would require the rest of us to pitch in to support them when inevitably their rainy day comes.
Typical loony leftist "thinking."
Here's a clue: Almost everyone gets hit by a storm or two (or twelve).
Here's another piece for your puzzle: Neither corporations nor our gov't is your mommy or your personal cash trough. Get off your butt and help pull the train. There's plenty of truly needy aboard who need our help.
In the USA - poverty is a choice.

Did you ever grow up in the hood with one crack head baby mamma raising you? Then shut up.

Even if you were and you made it out you are the exception not the norm.

Your childhood and the neighborhood you live in dictates what choices you have. Also you need to catch a break somewhere along the way. Most white people don't realize they got their first job because someone they knew recommended them or they got into college because they went to a good school not an inner city ghetto school.

People like Zander dont get this stuff. You are wasting your time. Its unfair but you simply have to be better than those that have a headstart and benefit from privilege. Its evident to people that grow up under challenging circumstances but most people dont seem to be able to get it.

No, i get it. It's people like you who don't get it.

I started with nothing. No special preferences or handouts. No grants or food stamps. No help from the government. Just hard work and a good attitude. I've been financially independent since my 30's. It wasn't easy, but it is simple.

In the USA anyone can become financially independent. But it is a lot easier to bitch about "race" and "privilege" than it is to take action.

Bullshit! Every Republican thinks they were born in the home they built with their own hands.

You have absolutely no idea what "every Republican" thinks or believes and are, as always, spewing from the wrong orifice ... namely your arse.

Sorry pal, but I have to lump you all together. You may not be the kind of republican who wants to privatize everything and even sell our National Parks to private owners, but that is what your party wants.

You may not deny global warming or want to ban abortion, but your party does. So I don't need to know what each and every one of you believes. I know what "YOU ALL" believe. Who gives a fuck about little old you?

What will the next GOP president do differently than Bush? In fact you mother fuckers have never admitted what a total fuck up he was. You blame Pelosi and Obama or Carter or Clinton or Freedy and Fanny. Never fucking once have you guys admitted your economic policies fucked up the world. Meanwhile Band of America, Countrywide, BP have all been found guilty but hardly a peep from the liberal media???

How would a McCain, Romney or whoever be any different than Bush other than be even more extreme righty? Did they change their position on unfair tax breaks to the rich? Deregulations? Sending jobs overseas? Minimum wage?

How would you go about raising wages for the average worker? My guess is you wouldn't. You'd tell him to go back to school or start a company and be the owner or shut the fuck up.
Camel crap. Conservatives tend to ask: who is responsible for this and who is going to make it right?
Llama droppings. All extreme conservatives do is whine and cry about those less fortunate or starting from a lower level in life. They tend to blame people in poverty for the reason there are not enough jobs with high enough pay to make everyone wealthy.

And don't say make everyone wealthy because that's never gonna happen. We just liked the 90's. Remember the 90's? Back then the rich got richer, the middle class was comfortable and secure and the poor weren't that poor. That was the perfect America.

The GOP didn't like it that we were making so much money so NAFTA, break unions, hire illegal workers to do "jobs Americans won't do", try to let Mexican truckers into America to break the trucking industry,

Basically flood the market with workers and send all the good paying jobs overseas and then claim it is Nancy Pelosi and Obama's fault? Don't forget the classic "Clinton signed Nafta" when deflecting the fact that their policies fucked up the global economy and the rich are LOVING IT! But they won't admit that to Fox viewers.

Obama Outperforms Reagan On Jobs Growth And Investing - Forbes

Economically Could Obama Be America s Best President - Forbes

How come ABC, CBS & NBC don't report on this daily?

Ha ha. I was broke as hell in the early 90's. What I did though was go back to school and get my degree in engineering while working a full time job. It wasnt easy. I went without sleep on somedays, and I didnt get to watch much TV but I changed my family tree by doing it. Of course I had some guidance that played a huge role in making me change my mindset from one of being comfortable and just getting by to one of expectation for bigger things.

You were broke but the opportunities were out there. I'm not saying there are no opportunities, just that there are a whole lot less opportunities.

I too paid for my own college. Only cost $5K a year back then. Another advantage you and I had that the generation today does not.

You also have to realize that not everyone has your dream. My dad was an immigrant who was a cook. He got lucky and got into Ford and 30 years later he has 2 homes, $600K and good healthcare benefits. I want these kinds of opportunities so that more Americans can experience the American dream. The GOP way the CEO lives he dream and the workers work till they are 70 years old IF THEY ARE LUCKY ENOUGH TO BE ABLE TO FIND OR KEEP A JOB THAT LONG OF COURSE, and then die broke because healthcare eats up their savings with co pays and deductibles and shitty Medicare.

There are lots of opportunities. You just have to change your mindset so you can see them. The biggest issues I see with people is they get pigeonholed in to thinking things should be "this way" and that they get comfortable and do not plan the next step in case things do change. Its called adapting. You have to do it or you die.

So every worker in America should go home tonight and start planning their business venture? How many of them do you think will fail?

I imagine the GOP dream every home is also a business. One home on the block sells food. One sells haircuts. One sells cars. Actually, you need to 2 of everything because competition is important. Anyways, this isn't reality. We have the masses who need work or need to be employed. Not everyone is going to own a business and the world needs ditch diggers. Ever hear that saying?
The GOP way the CEO lives he dream and the workers work till they are 70 years old IF THEY ARE LUCKY ENOUGH TO BE ABLE TO FIND OR KEEP A JOB THAT LONG OF COURSE, and then die broke because healthcare eats up their savings with co pays and deductibles and shitty Medicare.

"Shitty Medicare?" Really? For those of us who paid for private coverage (or, at times, went without and paid for healthcare out-of-pocket) Medicare is like manna from heaven. You really have been spoiled by virtue of having played the system (read: the rest of us) and are reduced to whining about the free stuff you get. Pathetic.
Bullshit! Every Republican thinks they were born in the home they built with their own hands.

You have absolutely no idea what "every Republican" thinks or believes and are, as always, spewing from the wrong orifice ... namely your arse.

Sorry pal, but I have to lump you all together. You may not be the kind of republican who wants to privatize everything and even sell our National Parks to private owners, but that is what your party wants.

You may not deny global warming or want to ban abortion, but your party does. So I don't need to know what each and every one of you believes. I know what "YOU ALL" believe. Who gives a fuck about little old you ...

Clearly you don't "give a fuck" about anyone but yourself and only seem happy when whining.
Just an aside: I'm not your pal and your incessant complaining would drive anyone batshit crazy. You're like fingernails on a chalkboard.
Camel crap. Conservatives tend to ask: who is responsible for this and who is going to make it right?
Llama droppings. All extreme conservatives do is whine and cry about those less fortunate or starting from a lower level in life. They tend to blame people in poverty for the reason there are not enough jobs with high enough pay to make everyone wealthy.

And don't say make everyone wealthy because that's never gonna happen. We just liked the 90's. Remember the 90's? Back then the rich got richer, the middle class was comfortable and secure and the poor weren't that poor. That was the perfect America.

The GOP didn't like it that we were making so much money so NAFTA, break unions, hire illegal workers to do "jobs Americans won't do", try to let Mexican truckers into America to break the trucking industry,

Basically flood the market with workers and send all the good paying jobs overseas and then claim it is Nancy Pelosi and Obama's fault? Don't forget the classic "Clinton signed Nafta" when deflecting the fact that their policies fucked up the global economy and the rich are LOVING IT! But they won't admit that to Fox viewers.

Obama Outperforms Reagan On Jobs Growth And Investing - Forbes

Economically Could Obama Be America s Best President - Forbes

How come ABC, CBS & NBC don't report on this daily?

Ha ha. I was broke as hell in the early 90's. What I did though was go back to school and get my degree in engineering while working a full time job. It wasnt easy. I went without sleep on somedays, and I didnt get to watch much TV but I changed my family tree by doing it. Of course I had some guidance that played a huge role in making me change my mindset from one of being comfortable and just getting by to one of expectation for bigger things.

You were broke but the opportunities were out there. I'm not saying there are no opportunities, just that there are a whole lot less opportunities.

I too paid for my own college. Only cost $5K a year back then. Another advantage you and I had that the generation today does not.

You also have to realize that not everyone has your dream. My dad was an immigrant who was a cook. He got lucky and got into Ford and 30 years later he has 2 homes, $600K and good healthcare benefits. I want these kinds of opportunities so that more Americans can experience the American dream. The GOP way the CEO lives he dream and the workers work till they are 70 years old IF THEY ARE LUCKY ENOUGH TO BE ABLE TO FIND OR KEEP A JOB THAT LONG OF COURSE, and then die broke because healthcare eats up their savings with co pays and deductibles and shitty Medicare.

There are lots of opportunities. You just have to change your mindset so you can see them. The biggest issues I see with people is they get pigeonholed in to thinking things should be "this way" and that they get comfortable and do not plan the next step in case things do change. Its called adapting. You have to do it or you die.

Maybe you are good with your hands. Maybe you are a great accountant and can be a CPA. Maybe you're smart and you can go become a doctor. Maybe you have a great idea and can start a company and make it.

First of all, I want a society that has safety nets and banks that will loan you the $ you need to start this business. Today banks aren't loaning. In fact they've stopped loaning and started focusing on college financial aid. That's where the money is. You HAVE TO pay that back. In business you can just fail and go bankrupt and they have to forgive it.

This society today really isn't as good as the 90's were for taking a chance and starting a business. Maybe you don't remember when things were better. I can imagine a college kid today might brag that he's making $40K a year. We wouldn't have bragged about that not even 10 years ago.

And, I'm also concerned for the workers not just the risk takers. Why? Because there are more of them than there are you.

It's a long story but basically the last generation, when they got older, basically sold out the next and future generations. It was old white politicans who bankrupted this country. It was old white baby boomers who all cashed out. They changed the rules so that the next generation would have it harder. They climbed the success ladder and then pulled it up behind them so we can't climb it. They had great medicare and social security and now they want to cut ours. Meanwhile they gave themselves massive tax breaks.

II could go on and on. Sorry.
In the USA - poverty is a choice.

Did you ever grow up in the hood with one crack head baby mamma raising you? Then shut up.

Even if you were and you made it out you are the exception not the norm.

Your childhood and the neighborhood you live in dictates what choices you have. Also you need to catch a break somewhere along the way. Most white people don't realize they got their first job because someone they knew recommended them or they got into college because they went to a good school not an inner city ghetto school.

People like Zander dont get this stuff. You are wasting your time. Its unfair but you simply have to be better than those that have a headstart and benefit from privilege. Its evident to people that grow up under challenging circumstances but most people dont seem to be able to get it.

No, i get it. It's people like you who don't get it.

I started with nothing. No special preferences or handouts. No grants or food stamps. No help from the government. Just hard work and a good attitude. I've been financially independent since my 30's. It wasn't easy, but it is simple.

In the USA anyone can become financially independent. But it is a lot easier to bitch about "race" and "privilege" than it is to take action.

No. Its pretty evident you dont get it. You started with white skin in a society where all the jobs and resources are owned by white people. If nothing else you at least had that. All you have to do is clean up a little and you fit right in. People of color have institutional racism working against them from the time they hit the school systems. By the time they reach graduation they have effectively been sent the message that they are an afterthought in society. Must make for great morale right? If all you had to do was just go out and make it happen then there would be more success stories. People of color have to fight off the effects of racism, develop the mindset that nothing is going to be able to hold them back, then go out and do it. They have an extra step or two before they can start from the spot a typical white person has from birth.
Bullshit! Every Republican thinks they were born in the home they built with their own hands.

You have absolutely no idea what "every Republican" thinks or believes and are, as always, spewing from the wrong orifice ... namely your arse.

Sorry pal, but I have to lump you all together. You may not be the kind of republican who wants to privatize everything and even sell our National Parks to private owners, but that is what your party wants.

You may not deny global warming or want to ban abortion, but your party does. So I don't need to know what each and every one of you believes. I know what "YOU ALL" believe. Who gives a fuck about little old you ...

Clearly you don't "give a fuck" about anyone but yourself and only seem happy when whining.
Just an aside: I'm not your pal and your incessant complaining would drive anyone batshit crazy. You're like fingernails on a chalkboard.

Clearly I give a fuck about every citizen in our entire country and you only care about yourself.
Each time you failed, how did you pay your rent, car payment, healthcare bills, food, other bills immediately after the failure was realized?

In each situation, what did you do the next day after you failed? Did you immediately have another job? Not everyone is that good/lucky. In a good economy there would be plenty of jobs and no one who's looking would be out of work for more than a couple months. Another problem is corporations aren't hiring the unemployed.

Anyways, I don't want to get off topic. When you failed, did you have a nest egg to fall back on? Not everyone has one of those either.

And many who have no rainy-day fund - as you noted yesterday - smoke cigarettes and have pets and yet despite recognizing that their poor choices are often to blame for their financial plight you still would require the rest of us to pitch in to support them when inevitably their rainy day comes.
Typical loony leftist "thinking."
Here's a clue: Almost everyone gets hit by a storm or two (or twelve).
Here's another piece for your puzzle: Neither corporations nor our gov't is your mommy or your personal cash trough. Get off your butt and help pull the train. There's plenty of truly needy aboard who need our help.

If you don't see the value in your government, I challenge you to move to Mexico and show us how you can become a success when your government is worthless.
Bullshit! Every Republican thinks they were born in the home they built with their own hands.

You have absolutely no idea what "every Republican" thinks or believes and are, as always, spewing from the wrong orifice ... namely your arse.

Sorry pal, but I have to lump you all together. You may not be the kind of republican who wants to privatize everything and even sell our National Parks to private owners, but that is what your party wants.

You may not deny global warming or want to ban abortion, but your party does. So I don't need to know what each and every one of you believes. I know what "YOU ALL" believe. Who gives a fuck about little old you ...

Clearly you don't "give a fuck" about anyone but yourself and only seem happy when whining.
Just an aside: I'm not your pal and your incessant complaining would drive anyone batshit crazy. You're like fingernails on a chalkboard.

Clearly I give a fuck about every citizen in our entire country and you only care about yourself.
Typical conservative. No other explanation.
Llama droppings. All extreme conservatives do is whine and cry about those less fortunate or starting from a lower level in life. They tend to blame people in poverty for the reason there are not enough jobs with high enough pay to make everyone wealthy.

And don't say make everyone wealthy because that's never gonna happen. We just liked the 90's. Remember the 90's? Back then the rich got richer, the middle class was comfortable and secure and the poor weren't that poor. That was the perfect America.

The GOP didn't like it that we were making so much money so NAFTA, break unions, hire illegal workers to do "jobs Americans won't do", try to let Mexican truckers into America to break the trucking industry,

Basically flood the market with workers and send all the good paying jobs overseas and then claim it is Nancy Pelosi and Obama's fault? Don't forget the classic "Clinton signed Nafta" when deflecting the fact that their policies fucked up the global economy and the rich are LOVING IT! But they won't admit that to Fox viewers.

Obama Outperforms Reagan On Jobs Growth And Investing - Forbes

Economically Could Obama Be America s Best President - Forbes

How come ABC, CBS & NBC don't report on this daily?

Ha ha. I was broke as hell in the early 90's. What I did though was go back to school and get my degree in engineering while working a full time job. It wasnt easy. I went without sleep on somedays, and I didnt get to watch much TV but I changed my family tree by doing it. Of course I had some guidance that played a huge role in making me change my mindset from one of being comfortable and just getting by to one of expectation for bigger things.

You were broke but the opportunities were out there. I'm not saying there are no opportunities, just that there are a whole lot less opportunities.

I too paid for my own college. Only cost $5K a year back then. Another advantage you and I had that the generation today does not.

You also have to realize that not everyone has your dream. My dad was an immigrant who was a cook. He got lucky and got into Ford and 30 years later he has 2 homes, $600K and good healthcare benefits. I want these kinds of opportunities so that more Americans can experience the American dream. The GOP way the CEO lives he dream and the workers work till they are 70 years old IF THEY ARE LUCKY ENOUGH TO BE ABLE TO FIND OR KEEP A JOB THAT LONG OF COURSE, and then die broke because healthcare eats up their savings with co pays and deductibles and shitty Medicare.

There are lots of opportunities. You just have to change your mindset so you can see them. The biggest issues I see with people is they get pigeonholed in to thinking things should be "this way" and that they get comfortable and do not plan the next step in case things do change. Its called adapting. You have to do it or you die.

So every worker in America should go home tonight and start planning their business venture? How many of them do you think will fail?

I imagine the GOP dream every home is also a business. One home on the block sells food. One sells haircuts. One sells cars. Actually, you need to 2 of everything because competition is important. Anyways, this isn't reality. We have the masses who need work or need to be employed. Not everyone is going to own a business and the world needs ditch diggers. Ever hear that saying?
Many will fail. The typical business owner fails I believe 7 times before making it work. Failure is part of life. We are taught to work for scraps because we are taught that failure is a bad thing. So we settle for what the employer tells us our worth is. The thing I teach my kids is that I dont mind if they fail at something. I will be disappointed if they quit or do not give it their best effort.

I agree the world needs ditch diggers but why not make it your business or even one of your businesses instead of working for someone? If the ditch diggers contracted themselves out they would control their destiny. The tax benefits alone are worth it.
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Bullshit! Every Republican thinks they were born in the home they built with their own hands.

You have absolutely no idea what "every Republican" thinks or believes and are, as always, spewing from the wrong orifice ... namely your arse.

Sorry pal, but I have to lump you all together. You may not be the kind of republican who wants to privatize everything and even sell our National Parks to private owners, but that is what your party wants.

You may not deny global warming or want to ban abortion, but your party does. So I don't need to know what each and every one of you believes. I know what "YOU ALL" believe. Who gives a fuck about little old you ...

Clearly you don't "give a fuck" about anyone but yourself and only seem happy when whining.
Just an aside: I'm not your pal and your incessant complaining would drive anyone batshit crazy. You're like fingernails on a chalkboard.

Clearly I give a fuck about every citizen in our entire country and you only care about yourself.
Typical conservative. No other explanation.

Typical whiny, sniveling, at-the-trough lefties. No other explanation.
In the USA - poverty is a choice.

Did you ever grow up in the hood with one crack head baby mamma raising you? Then shut up.

Even if you were and you made it out you are the exception not the norm.

Your childhood and the neighborhood you live in dictates what choices you have. Also you need to catch a break somewhere along the way. Most white people don't realize they got their first job because someone they knew recommended them or they got into college because they went to a good school not an inner city ghetto school.

People like Zander dont get this stuff. You are wasting your time. Its unfair but you simply have to be better than those that have a headstart and benefit from privilege. Its evident to people that grow up under challenging circumstances but most people dont seem to be able to get it.

No, i get it. It's people like you who don't get it.

I started with nothing. No special preferences or handouts. No grants or food stamps. No help from the government. Just hard work and a good attitude. I've been financially independent since my 30's. It wasn't easy, but it is simple.

In the USA anyone can become financially independent. But it is a lot easier to bitch about "race" and "privilege" than it is to take action.

No. Its pretty evident you dont get it. You started with white skin in a society where all the jobs and resources are owned by white people. If nothing else you at least had that. All you have to do is clean up a little and you fit right in. People of color have institutional racism working against them from the time they hit the school systems. By the time they reach graduation they have effectively been sent the message that they are an afterthought in society. Must make for great morale right? If all you had to do was just go out and make it happen then there would be more success stories. People of color have to fight off the effects of racism, develop the mindset that nothing is going to be able to hold them back, then go out and do it. They have an extra step or two before they can start from the spot a typical white person has from birth.

You sound like a professional victim. Enjoy your self imposed limitations! :thup:
In the USA - poverty is a choice.

Did you ever grow up in the hood with one crack head baby mamma raising you? Then shut up.

Even if you were and you made it out you are the exception not the norm.

Your childhood and the neighborhood you live in dictates what choices you have. Also you need to catch a break somewhere along the way. Most white people don't realize they got their first job because someone they knew recommended them or they got into college because they went to a good school not an inner city ghetto school.

People like Zander dont get this stuff. You are wasting your time. Its unfair but you simply have to be better than those that have a headstart and benefit from privilege. Its evident to people that grow up under challenging circumstances but most people dont seem to be able to get it.

No, i get it. It's people like you who don't get it.

I started with nothing. No special preferences or handouts. No grants or food stamps. No help from the government. Just hard work and a good attitude. I've been financially independent since my 30's. It wasn't easy, but it is simple.

In the USA anyone can become financially independent. But it is a lot easier to bitch about "race" and "privilege" than it is to take action.

No. Its pretty evident you dont get it. You started with white skin in a society where all the jobs and resources are owned by white people. If nothing else you at least had that. All you have to do is clean up a little and you fit right in. People of color have institutional racism working against them from the time they hit the school systems. By the time they reach graduation they have effectively been sent the message that they are an afterthought in society. Must make for great morale right? If all you had to do was just go out and make it happen then there would be more success stories. People of color have to fight off the effects of racism, develop the mindset that nothing is going to be able to hold them back, then go out and do it. They have an extra step or two before they can start from the spot a typical white person has from birth.

You sound like a professional victim. Enjoy your self imposed limitations! :thup:
You sound like a professional denier. Enjoy the blinders the GOP gave you to wear.
In the USA - poverty is a choice.

Did you ever grow up in the hood with one crack head baby mamma raising you? Then shut up.

Even if you were and you made it out you are the exception not the norm.

Your childhood and the neighborhood you live in dictates what choices you have. Also you need to catch a break somewhere along the way. Most white people don't realize they got their first job because someone they knew recommended them or they got into college because they went to a good school not an inner city ghetto school.

People like Zander dont get this stuff. You are wasting your time. Its unfair but you simply have to be better than those that have a headstart and benefit from privilege. Its evident to people that grow up under challenging circumstances but most people dont seem to be able to get it.

No, i get it. It's people like you who don't get it.

I started with nothing. No special preferences or handouts. No grants or food stamps. No help from the government. Just hard work and a good attitude. I've been financially independent since my 30's. It wasn't easy, but it is simple.

In the USA anyone can become financially independent. But it is a lot easier to bitch about "race" and "privilege" than it is to take action.

No. Its pretty evident you dont get it. You started with white skin in a society where all the jobs and resources are owned by white people. If nothing else you at least had that. All you have to do is clean up a little and you fit right in. People of color have institutional racism working against them from the time they hit the school systems. By the time they reach graduation they have effectively been sent the message that they are an afterthought in society. Must make for great morale right? If all you had to do was just go out and make it happen then there would be more success stories. People of color have to fight off the effects of racism, develop the mindset that nothing is going to be able to hold them back, then go out and do it. They have an extra step or two before they can start from the spot a typical white person has from birth.

Today I was driving down the road and saw 3 blacks walking down the street. I thought, "oh shit there goes the neighborhood".
And don't say make everyone wealthy because that's never gonna happen. We just liked the 90's. Remember the 90's? Back then the rich got richer, the middle class was comfortable and secure and the poor weren't that poor. That was the perfect America.

The GOP didn't like it that we were making so much money so NAFTA, break unions, hire illegal workers to do "jobs Americans won't do", try to let Mexican truckers into America to break the trucking industry,

Basically flood the market with workers and send all the good paying jobs overseas and then claim it is Nancy Pelosi and Obama's fault? Don't forget the classic "Clinton signed Nafta" when deflecting the fact that their policies fucked up the global economy and the rich are LOVING IT! But they won't admit that to Fox viewers.

Obama Outperforms Reagan On Jobs Growth And Investing - Forbes

Economically Could Obama Be America s Best President - Forbes

How come ABC, CBS & NBC don't report on this daily?

Ha ha. I was broke as hell in the early 90's. What I did though was go back to school and get my degree in engineering while working a full time job. It wasnt easy. I went without sleep on somedays, and I didnt get to watch much TV but I changed my family tree by doing it. Of course I had some guidance that played a huge role in making me change my mindset from one of being comfortable and just getting by to one of expectation for bigger things.

You were broke but the opportunities were out there. I'm not saying there are no opportunities, just that there are a whole lot less opportunities.

I too paid for my own college. Only cost $5K a year back then. Another advantage you and I had that the generation today does not.

You also have to realize that not everyone has your dream. My dad was an immigrant who was a cook. He got lucky and got into Ford and 30 years later he has 2 homes, $600K and good healthcare benefits. I want these kinds of opportunities so that more Americans can experience the American dream. The GOP way the CEO lives he dream and the workers work till they are 70 years old IF THEY ARE LUCKY ENOUGH TO BE ABLE TO FIND OR KEEP A JOB THAT LONG OF COURSE, and then die broke because healthcare eats up their savings with co pays and deductibles and shitty Medicare.

There are lots of opportunities. You just have to change your mindset so you can see them. The biggest issues I see with people is they get pigeonholed in to thinking things should be "this way" and that they get comfortable and do not plan the next step in case things do change. Its called adapting. You have to do it or you die.

So every worker in America should go home tonight and start planning their business venture? How many of them do you think will fail?

I imagine the GOP dream every home is also a business. One home on the block sells food. One sells haircuts. One sells cars. Actually, you need to 2 of everything because competition is important. Anyways, this isn't reality. We have the masses who need work or need to be employed. Not everyone is going to own a business and the world needs ditch diggers. Ever hear that saying?
Many will fail. The typical business owner fails I believe 7 times before making it work. Failure is part of life. We are taught to work for scraps because we are taught that failure is a bad thing. So we settle for what the employer tells us our worth is. The thing I teach my kids is that I dont mind if they fail at something. I will be disappointed if they quit or do not give it their best effort.

I agree the world needs ditch diggers but why not make it your business or even one of your businesses instead of working for someone? If the ditch diggers contracted themselves out they would control their destiny. The tax benefits alone are worth it.

Ultimately, there can only be so many ditch digging companies or business owners. And those business owners are probably going to need employees no? Are you talking about a corporation or a mom and pop? Is it asking too much that corporations pay a fair wage? Apparently it is and that is why we have such a long history of unionizing. And for the small business owner who's employees can't unionize, our government sets a minimum wage. Of course the business owners are never going to like it when we raise minimum wage.

Also, we need citizens who can buy your products. If the worker bees can't buy your stuff, who you selling it to?
In the USA - poverty is a choice.

Did you ever grow up in the hood with one crack head baby mamma raising you? Then shut up.

Even if you were and you made it out you are the exception not the norm.

Your childhood and the neighborhood you live in dictates what choices you have. Also you need to catch a break somewhere along the way. Most white people don't realize they got their first job because someone they knew recommended them or they got into college because they went to a good school not an inner city ghetto school.

People like Zander dont get this stuff. You are wasting your time. Its unfair but you simply have to be better than those that have a headstart and benefit from privilege. Its evident to people that grow up under challenging circumstances but most people dont seem to be able to get it.

No, i get it. It's people like you who don't get it.

I started with nothing. No special preferences or handouts. No grants or food stamps. No help from the government. Just hard work and a good attitude. I've been financially independent since my 30's. It wasn't easy, but it is simple.

In the USA anyone can become financially independent. But it is a lot easier to bitch about "race" and "privilege" than it is to take action.

No. Its pretty evident you dont get it. You started with white skin in a society where all the jobs and resources are owned by white people. If nothing else you at least had that. All you have to do is clean up a little and you fit right in. People of color have institutional racism working against them from the time they hit the school systems. By the time they reach graduation they have effectively been sent the message that they are an afterthought in society. Must make for great morale right? If all you had to do was just go out and make it happen then there would be more success stories. People of color have to fight off the effects of racism, develop the mindset that nothing is going to be able to hold them back, then go out and do it. They have an extra step or two before they can start from the spot a typical white person has from birth.

You sound like a professional victim. Enjoy your self imposed limitations! :thup:

What would you say about a Democratic politician who believes as we do? For example, and FDR. He wasn't a victim. He was a progressive wise decent rich person who looked out for the citizens.

You are just like Romney. Calling us, the masses victims just because we don't want to turn into India or Mexico like the rich would love.

Turns out Australia and Canada are now better places to live. Sad truth. Do you call Aussies Commies or socialists? Stupid Republicans. The rich are taking over our fucking country while you defend them. Similar to how the Germans got suckered into the Nazi shit. Gullible, brainwashed, stupid, lazy, ignorant and greedy citizens.
You have absolutely no idea what "every Republican" thinks or believes and are, as always, spewing from the wrong orifice ... namely your arse.

Sorry pal, but I have to lump you all together. You may not be the kind of republican who wants to privatize everything and even sell our National Parks to private owners, but that is what your party wants.

You may not deny global warming or want to ban abortion, but your party does. So I don't need to know what each and every one of you believes. I know what "YOU ALL" believe. Who gives a fuck about little old you ...

Clearly you don't "give a fuck" about anyone but yourself and only seem happy when whining.
Just an aside: I'm not your pal and your incessant complaining would drive anyone batshit crazy. You're like fingernails on a chalkboard.

Clearly I give a fuck about every citizen in our entire country and you only care about yourself.
Typical conservative. No other explanation.

Typical whiny, sniveling, at-the-trough lefties. No other explanation.

We don't expect you to get it.
In the USA - poverty is a choice.

Did you ever grow up in the hood with one crack head baby mamma raising you? Then shut up.

Even if you were and you made it out you are the exception not the norm.

Your childhood and the neighborhood you live in dictates what choices you have. Also you need to catch a break somewhere along the way. Most white people don't realize they got their first job because someone they knew recommended them or they got into college because they went to a good school not an inner city ghetto school.

People like Zander dont get this stuff. You are wasting your time. Its unfair but you simply have to be better than those that have a headstart and benefit from privilege. Its evident to people that grow up under challenging circumstances but most people dont seem to be able to get it.

No, i get it. It's people like you who don't get it.

I started with nothing. No special preferences or handouts. No grants or food stamps. No help from the government. Just hard work and a good attitude. I've been financially independent since my 30's. It wasn't easy, but it is simple.

In the USA anyone can become financially independent. But it is a lot easier to bitch about "race" and "privilege" than it is to take action.

No. Its pretty evident you dont get it. You started with white skin in a society where all the jobs and resources are owned by white people. If nothing else you at least had that. All you have to do is clean up a little and you fit right in. People of color have institutional racism working against them from the time they hit the school systems. By the time they reach graduation they have effectively been sent the message that they are an afterthought in society. Must make for great morale right? If all you had to do was just go out and make it happen then there would be more success stories. People of color have to fight off the effects of racism, develop the mindset that nothing is going to be able to hold them back, then go out and do it. They have an extra step or two before they can start from the spot a typical white person has from birth.

Today I was driving down the road and saw 3 blacks walking down the street. I thought, "oh shit there goes the neighborhood".
Ha ha. I was broke as hell in the early 90's. What I did though was go back to school and get my degree in engineering while working a full time job. It wasnt easy. I went without sleep on somedays, and I didnt get to watch much TV but I changed my family tree by doing it. Of course I had some guidance that played a huge role in making me change my mindset from one of being comfortable and just getting by to one of expectation for bigger things.

You were broke but the opportunities were out there. I'm not saying there are no opportunities, just that there are a whole lot less opportunities.

I too paid for my own college. Only cost $5K a year back then. Another advantage you and I had that the generation today does not.

You also have to realize that not everyone has your dream. My dad was an immigrant who was a cook. He got lucky and got into Ford and 30 years later he has 2 homes, $600K and good healthcare benefits. I want these kinds of opportunities so that more Americans can experience the American dream. The GOP way the CEO lives he dream and the workers work till they are 70 years old IF THEY ARE LUCKY ENOUGH TO BE ABLE TO FIND OR KEEP A JOB THAT LONG OF COURSE, and then die broke because healthcare eats up their savings with co pays and deductibles and shitty Medicare.

There are lots of opportunities. You just have to change your mindset so you can see them. The biggest issues I see with people is they get pigeonholed in to thinking things should be "this way" and that they get comfortable and do not plan the next step in case things do change. Its called adapting. You have to do it or you die.

So every worker in America should go home tonight and start planning their business venture? How many of them do you think will fail?

I imagine the GOP dream every home is also a business. One home on the block sells food. One sells haircuts. One sells cars. Actually, you need to 2 of everything because competition is important. Anyways, this isn't reality. We have the masses who need work or need to be employed. Not everyone is going to own a business and the world needs ditch diggers. Ever hear that saying?
Many will fail. The typical business owner fails I believe 7 times before making it work. Failure is part of life. We are taught to work for scraps because we are taught that failure is a bad thing. So we settle for what the employer tells us our worth is. The thing I teach my kids is that I dont mind if they fail at something. I will be disappointed if they quit or do not give it their best effort.

I agree the world needs ditch diggers but why not make it your business or even one of your businesses instead of working for someone? If the ditch diggers contracted themselves out they would control their destiny. The tax benefits alone are worth it.

Ultimately, there can only be so many ditch digging companies or business owners. And those business owners are probably going to need employees no? Are you talking about a corporation or a mom and pop? Is it asking too much that corporations pay a fair wage? Apparently it is and that is why we have such a long history of unionizing. And for the small business owner who's employees can't unionize, our government sets a minimum wage. Of course the business owners are never going to like it when we raise minimum wage.

Also, we need citizens who can buy your products. If the worker bees can't buy your stuff, who you selling it to?

There are no limits on how many ditch digging companies or business owners there can be. That was something someone told you. The products and services you can sell are endless. You just have to find your niche and or create a need. What to you is a fair wage? Jobs are not made so you can have a fair wage. They are made so that the person who provides those jobs can get wealthy. Business owners are interested in the bottom line. If you choose to remain an employee you will be forever at the mercy of an employer. As long as you can accept that then more power to you but that is the reality. Raising minimum wage is only going to result in less jobs and more work for those that are employed. I would rather pay for people to have welfare to cover the need for more income than raise minimum wage. At least they would know that they need to improve themselves to get that "fair wage" paying job.

I made minimum wage for a total of 6 months. $4.25 an hour.
After 6 months, he bumped me up to $4.75 an hour, and eventually $6.00 an hour. All of this before I turned 19 years old.

He realized I was a good worker, and bumped me up to make sure I didn't leave for something else.

I've worked in factories where after 6 months you got a dime raise so in a year you'd be making an extra $8 every 40 hours. The owner told me and my brother we should quit school and just come work for him. My brother is now the VP of a company and I don't do so bad myself.

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