Why People Make Minimum Wage

In the USA - poverty is a choice.

Did you ever grow up in the hood with one crack head baby mamma raising you? Then shut up.

Even if you were and you made it out you are the exception not the norm.

Your childhood and the neighborhood you live in dictates what choices you have. Also you need to catch a break somewhere along the way. Most white people don't realize they got their first job because someone they knew recommended them or they got into college because they went to a good school not an inner city ghetto school.

Obviously, you've chosen poverty. Good luck with that.

I'll admit I don't have it as good as my dad did. When he was a cook at Ford he paid $5 when we went to the emergency room. He was earning a pension. He got profit sharing. He had job security and a union to protect him from the company that didn't like paying him so much.

I'm a bit jealous of him. And I'm not choosing poverty. I just don't know if I'll have it as good as my parents had it. I'm sure most Americans won't. So get ready for a new normal and it's not good.

Also, you right wing aholes. Your way is going to produce less marriage and more babies out of wedlock and more abortions. Also less people are going to have kids or they're going to wait later in life. This has all kinds of ramifications that will hurt our future.

But IMO I would love it if we stopped having so many children. We are overpopulated as is.

Boo hoo.....Time to man up son. There ain't no pot-a-gold waiting for you and the government cheese is hard and tasteless. You should try taking personal responsibility for your life instead of blaming outside forces. It's very liberating. What skills do you possess? Besides whining like a bitch?
In the USA - poverty is a choice.

Did you ever grow up in the hood with one crack head baby mamma raising you? Then shut up.

Even if you were and you made it out you are the exception not the norm.

Your childhood and the neighborhood you live in dictates what choices you have. Also you need to catch a break somewhere along the way. Most white people don't realize they got their first job because someone they knew recommended them or they got into college because they went to a good school not an inner city ghetto school.

People like Zander dont get this stuff. You are wasting your time. Its unfair but you simply have to be better than those that have a headstart and benefit from privilege. Its evident to people that grow up under challenging circumstances but most people dont seem to be able to get it.

No, i get it. It's people like you who don't get it.

I started with nothing. No special preferences or handouts. No grants or food stamps. No help from the government. Just hard work and a good attitude. I've been financially independent since my 30's. It wasn't easy, but it is simple.

In the USA anyone can become financially independent. But it is a lot easier to bitch about "race" and "privilege" than it is to take action.

What did you do before your 30's? I was financially independent when I was in my 20's. What took you so long?

And by the way, I agree with you on some level. I see so many poor people smoking or who own pets. If they have that extra disposable income they could be saving enough to retire with enough money but most poor Americans don't live for tomorrow they live for today.

I was busy in my 20's - trying (and failing!) at all sorts of things. I've had dozens of failures. It only took one success to make it.

I do agree with you though- Most people are undisciplined when it comes to finances. They pay everyone else first- except themselves. I've always taken 10% off the top of every check I earned and invested it.

In the USA - poverty is a choice.

Did you ever grow up in the hood with one crack head baby mamma raising you? Then shut up.

Even if you were and you made it out you are the exception not the norm.

Your childhood and the neighborhood you live in dictates what choices you have. Also you need to catch a break somewhere along the way. Most white people don't realize they got their first job because someone they knew recommended them or they got into college because they went to a good school not an inner city ghetto school.

People like Zander dont get this stuff. You are wasting your time. Its unfair but you simply have to be better than those that have a headstart and benefit from privilege. Its evident to people that grow up under challenging circumstances but most people dont seem to be able to get it.

I have a friend who is such a republican and he wants to remove all social safety nets. Come to find out when his dad died and he was a boy, the government paid for him up until he was 18. What an asshole huh? Now that he is old and doesn't need it, he wants to eliminate it.

dear, Republicans love the idea of a safety net that catches when you fall, just not a safety house that catches you and cripples you for life. Please post on fridge for daily review!
In the USA - poverty is a choice.

Did you ever grow up in the hood with one crack head baby mamma raising you? Then shut up.

Even if you were and you made it out you are the exception not the norm.

Your childhood and the neighborhood you live in dictates what choices you have. Also you need to catch a break somewhere along the way. Most white people don't realize they got their first job because someone they knew recommended them or they got into college because they went to a good school not an inner city ghetto school.

Obviously, you've chosen poverty. Good luck with that.

I'll admit I don't have it as good as my dad did. When he was a cook at Ford he paid $5 when we went to the emergency room. He was earning a pension. He got profit sharing. He had job security and a union to protect him from the company that didn't like paying him so much.

I'm a bit jealous of him. And I'm not choosing poverty. I just don't know if I'll have it as good as my parents had it. I'm sure most Americans won't. So get ready for a new normal and it's not good.

Also, you right wing aholes. Your way is going to produce less marriage and more babies out of wedlock and more abortions. Also less people are going to have kids or they're going to wait later in life. This has all kinds of ramifications that will hurt our future.

But IMO I would love it if we stopped having so many children. We are overpopulated as is.

Boo hoo.....Time to man up son. There ain't no pot-a-gold waiting for you and the government cheese is hard and tasteless. You should try taking personal responsibility for your life instead of blaming outside forces. It's very liberating. What skills do you possess? Besides whining like a bitch?

Hey everyone! Just so you all know, this is exactly what the GOP were saying to us in 2007 when Bush's economy was taking a shit!!!

And I'm sorry but I watched my grandmother benefit from ss and medicare. She was able to retire and live in dignity the rest of her life. Those days are gone.

She also made 10% on her savings. What are banks paying today? I'm not talking about on the stock fucking market. I'm talking about cd's and stuff like that. Do they even pay 1%? How's gramma gonna get by like this in the future?

The government cheese seemed alright to me.
In the USA - poverty is a choice.

Did you ever grow up in the hood with one crack head baby mamma raising you? Then shut up.

Even if you were and you made it out you are the exception not the norm.

Your childhood and the neighborhood you live in dictates what choices you have. Also you need to catch a break somewhere along the way. Most white people don't realize they got their first job because someone they knew recommended them or they got into college because they went to a good school not an inner city ghetto school.

People like Zander dont get this stuff. You are wasting your time. Its unfair but you simply have to be better than those that have a headstart and benefit from privilege. Its evident to people that grow up under challenging circumstances but most people dont seem to be able to get it.

I have a friend who is such a republican and he wants to remove all social safety nets. Come to find out when his dad died and he was a boy, the government paid for him up until he was 18. What an asshole huh? Now that he is old and doesn't need it, he wants to eliminate it.

dear, Republicans love the idea of a safety net that catches when you fall, just not a safety house that catches you and cripples you for life. Please post on fridge for daily review!

Yea, they love it, LIAR.

Just like Governor Snyder cut unemployment down from 6 months to 5 months when Michigan was going through the biggest economic recession since the Great Depression.

And at the same time gave his rich buddies tax breaks and his aides big raises.
And he taxed pensions and raised property taxes. Republicans don't even want to bail out states when a natural disaster hits.
No, i get it. It's people like you who don't get it.

I started with nothing. No special preferences or handouts. No grants or food stamps. No help from the government. Just hard work and a good attitude. I've been financially independent since my 30's. It wasn't easy, but it is simple.

In the USA anyone can become financially independent. But it is a lot easier to bitch about "race" and "privilege" than it is to take action.

So you've had investments income that paid more than your living expenses since your early 30's?
In the USA - poverty is a choice.

Did you ever grow up in the hood with one crack head baby mamma raising you? Then shut up.

Even if you were and you made it out you are the exception not the norm.

Your childhood and the neighborhood you live in dictates what choices you have. Also you need to catch a break somewhere along the way. Most white people don't realize they got their first job because someone they knew recommended them or they got into college because they went to a good school not an inner city ghetto school.

A true (and tragic) enough assessment but my parents did not make your mom a crack head nor did I and I, like most Americans, we are not responsible for fixin' what YOUR Mama busted ... namely YOU. Life can be tough ... quit WHINING!
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In the USA - poverty is a choice.

Did you ever grow up in the hood with one crack head baby mamma raising you? Then shut up.

Even if you were and you made it out you are the exception not the norm.

Your childhood and the neighborhood you live in dictates what choices you have. Also you need to catch a break somewhere along the way. Most white people don't realize they got their first job because someone they knew recommended them or they got into college because they went to a good school not an inner city ghetto school.

Obviously, you've chosen poverty. Good luck with that.

I'll admit I don't have it as good as my dad did. When he was a cook at Ford he paid $5 when we went to the emergency room. He was earning a pension. He got profit sharing. He had job security and a union to protect him from the company that didn't like paying him so much.

I'm a bit jealous of him. And I'm not choosing poverty. I just don't know if I'll have it as good as my parents had it. I'm sure most Americans won't. So get ready for a new normal and it's not good.

Also, you right wing aholes. Your way is going to produce less marriage and more babies out of wedlock and more abortions. Also less people are going to have kids or they're going to wait later in life. This has all kinds of ramifications that will hurt our future.

But IMO I would love it if we stopped having so many children. We are overpopulated as is.

Boo hoo.....Time to man up son. There ain't no pot-a-gold waiting for you and the government cheese is hard and tasteless. You should try taking personal responsibility for your life instead of blaming outside forces. It's very liberating. What skills do you possess? Besides whining like a bitch?

Hey everyone! Just so you all know, this is exactly what the GOP were saying to us in 2007 when Bush's economy was taking a shit!!!

And I'm sorry but I watched my grandmother benefit from ss and medicare. She was able to retire and live in dignity the rest of her life. Those days are gone.

She also made 10% on her savings. What are banks paying today? I'm not talking about on the stock fucking market. I'm talking about cd's and stuff like that. Do they even pay 1%? How's gramma gonna get by like this in the future?

The government cheese seemed alright to me.

Yeah, it would never occurr to you that somebody else was paying for it. The whiny me-me-me attitude drips from your every post. Grow a pair, Princess.
dear, Republicans love the idea of a safety net that catches when you fall, just not a safety house that catches you and cripples you for life. Please post on fridge for daily review!

Then why do Republicans keep fighting it?

Republicans love the idea of a safety net - Google Search

Republicans love the idea of a safety net that catches when you fall, just not a safety house that catches you and cripples you for life
they got into college because they went to a good school not an inner city ghetto school.

nobody wants vouchers to get their kids out of ghetto schools more than ghetto mothers and nobody is more opposed to the idea than scummy liberals.
How does capitalism force corporations to provide "the best" jobs or go bankrupt?

if you don't have the best jobs your employees go to whoever has the best jobs.

Isn't learning the basics the most fun ever?

See again you would be right if you were in Econ 101.

In Econ 202 you learn there aren't enough jobs and when the market is flooded with worker/labor wages go down.

In Econ 303 we learn how the GOP purposely flooded the market with illegal workers while simultaniously shipping millions of good paying jobs overseas. See, you can learn all the rules of capitalism my friend but what you don't understand is the rich don't always play by the rules.

That's why we need government to protect us from them. You idiots act like you don't know class warfare exists. Maybe you learn that in Econ 404. I don't remember where I learned all this stuff but it is clear you are clueless.

Obviously you have never passed an ECON course in your life. Typical whiny, sniveling lib.

The rich love fools like you. While you think they are playing by the rules you learned in your Econ class, while you sit here and quote what you learned in Econ, they're fucking you and me both you fucking idiots.

Ya know, the more of your whiny, sniveling crap I read the angrier I get. My longtime g-friend raised 2 kids by working 2 jobs and getting precious little sleep. In between she found time for me and today both of her college educated kids are well on their way to happy, productive lives. You, on the other hand, are too busy whining about your plight as the child of a "crack head" mama to make something of yourself or help pull the train that feeds people who really are in need. You make me sick.
Why do people make minimum wage? Greedy employers.

Whiny, sniveling libs. Need some cheese with that whine?
Unions are very important to the Democratic party and the Democratic party is very important to unions.

Who lobbies for workers besides unions?

This is why the GOP wants to destroy unions. They will take down the Democrats if there are no more unions.

Unions DO NOT LOBBY FOR WORKERS. They lobby for the Unions.

There is a difference.

Thats not true. Some unions are crappy POS. Others do work for their members. I worked at a place that was union and there was a running joke that the fastest way to get into management was to be the union rep. My wifes nurse union gets them anything they want.

And people that aren't in unions are so jealous.

More of your ridiculous, unfounded claims. It seems you have the liberal disease ... you are able to hear only the little voices in your own head.

Those little voices in my head tell me you are full of shit and wrong. I like those voices.

By the way, this is why I stopped talking politics. I realized you can't talk any sense into anyone who believes an invisible man cares about them and sends your enemies to hell. Do you believe in god? Then that explains a lot. That's why you think I have evil voices in my head. Do you have angels talking to you? Fucking creeps. LOL

Those little voices are telling you what you want to hear which is why you like them. Instead of succumbing to their self-serving message try growing a pair, standing up and helping to pull this train. Real peeps with real needs are depending on us, Princess.
It's not Conservative and Capitalistic to force people to save their money in Government bonds, bub.


That's true but maybe its better to force people to save their own money so they won't steal yours at retirement.

Is someone stealing your money?

Yup. Our gov't constantly has its hands in my pocket to pay for "cheese" for those who won't stand up and support themselves. People like SealyBooHoo.

I made minimum wage for a total of 6 months. $4.25 an hour.
After 6 months, he bumped me up to $4.75 an hour, and eventually $6.00 an hour. All of this before I turned 19 years old.

He realized I was a good worker, and bumped me up to make sure I didn't leave for something else.

but the minimum wage is not a living wage. We should have passed a law 200 years ago to the effect that the minimum wage has to always be a living wage and further that the evil corporations must hire enough people to eliminate unemployment! The free market does not work as far as brain dead liberals know!!

There is NO FREE MARKET. Quit telling lies.

Ya know, for the past 40+ years I have had the OPPORTUNITY to compete with others in the market. I won some and lost some but despite the tax drain necessary to fund free cheese for those who couldn't (or wouldn't) care for themselves I'd say it was a relatively free market.
Why do people make minimum wage? Greedy employers.

And I'll be honest. I don't mind if a mom and pop shop pays minimum wage if that's all they can afford. It's Walmart or McD who makes profits and won't pay a fair wage.

By the way, I remember in the 90's the job market was so good that a Taco Bell had a sign said Hiring $10 hr.

What we need to do is insist manufacturing comes home. We are the only country that didn't protect our vital industry. Every other country regulated which industries were too important to their economies to leave for China or Mexico or India. Only the USA didn't do that. Why? Because the American workers made too much of course. They want to break the unions, got to renig on pensions when they "went bankrupt". The entire Great Recession was planned. Just when I didn't think Bush was going to be able to fuck us any more than he already had, then came TARP or what I like to call the greatest bank robbery in world history.

PS. Notice how much the so called "liberal" media bashed Bush for TARP? And what did the CONS say? It was Carter, Clinton, Obama, Pelosi, Reed, Fanny, Freddy ANYBODY other than Bush or the GOP that ran the government from 2000-2006. Everyone forgets those days why? Because the media isn't fucking liberal.

Ya know why those jobs left? We have about the highest corp tax burden of any industrial country. Ya know why? To pay for slags like you who think "free cheese" is actually free.

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