Why People Make Minimum Wage

Thats not true. Some unions are crappy POS. Others do work for their members. I worked at a place that was union and there was a running joke that the fastest way to get into management was to be the union rep. My wifes nurse union gets them anything they want.

And people that aren't in unions are so jealous.

Remember the corporate media was going after the auto workers "cadillac" insurance plans? Americans are so dumb. Rather than say, "hey, I want insurance that good", Americans were jealous and convinced that those auto workers had it too good. So instead of our insurance being as good as the auto workers, instead their insurance is now as bad as ours is.

But tell an anti union person about out of control CEO pay and they'll defend that CEO's outrageous pay every day of the week.

I agree people are dumb actually getting upset about good benefits for workers. If you choose to remain a employee at least get the best deal and unions can provide that if they are good ones. On the flip side a CEO is normally going to be worth whatever he makes to the company. Some things I learned early was that your value depends on your worth to the company. By worth I mean how much money you bring in. The other thing is if you have uncommon skills you will get uncommon pay.

Salespeople use to be valued because we brought in all the money. But then companies are always looking to cut costs so each year they raise quotas and lower the commissions. I'm speaking in general of course. Across the board this is happening all over America. Might not be happening to you, but it's happening to enough Americans that I see a pattern.

I also noticed a couple years ago the CEO's that made the most $ also laid off the most employees. That's why those employees, ALL employees should be unionized.

I'm thinking about starting a generic union. Only cost you $10 a year to be a member. If your company fucks with you, we boycott/picket them for you. Anonymously too. And if they fire you we picket them and boycott buying their products until they start acting right.

The Hobby Lobby employees would be perfect to join my union after the company fucked with their health benefits.

Is anyone picketing HobbyLobby now? I didn't think so. I would.

if you are in sales you actually have a leg up on other people that are employees. You already possess the main skill necessary to strike out on your own. The CEO's are making a ton of money because by firing the workers and using a skeleton crew they are saving the company tons of money and keeping the stock holders happy. The dirty secret that no one ever mentions is that the stockholders are what runs things. The company is out to please their shareholders not the workers.

1. So you think us salespeople can stop selling and go start our own companies? We signed non competes.

2. Banks won't give us loans like they use to. Too risky.

3. No safety nets like there use to be. Back in the day people could try to start a business, fail, and not find themselves out on the streets. How much do you have to start a business? $100K? Know how my grandparents started their business? They got a loan from the cigarette man, the milk man, etc and those people supplied your business and eventually you paid them off. Sad truth is most people who start a business have the money to lose. I know not always but a lot of the times. And most of these people would say they made it on their own with no help from anyone. Do you know how much you make if you own 1 Subway franchise? Only $30K a year. So rich people buy 5 of them, or 1 guy buys 1 and he basically bought himself a job. If he's smart he works there and makes minimum wage plus the $30K.

4. Not a lot of mom and pop shops around anymore.

5. Stockholders are all ceo's of other companies. You wash my back, I'll wash yours.

6. Stockholders have to deal with the union when employees are organized. Maybe they need to organize.

I see why companies don't like collective bargaining. I see how the owner of my company pays everyone whatever he can get away with paying them. Basically he has everyone underpaid. And then when I hit his goal he raised the goal? So my pay doesn't grow as I grow the business? What a fucking dick! I was like NO FUCKING WAY and he immediately stopped doing that to me. I found out he was doing it to my counterpart for 2 years. Every month that guy hit his numbers, every month the owner raised the quota and bonus levels. FUCK YOU BITCH. I'm my own union. Luckily he can't afford to lose me. But the other two companies did that to everyone and there is no where else to go. Back before GOPanomics kicked in, 40 salespeople made great money. The corporations ran 35 guys out, gave all the good accounts to 5 top dogs, and then hired and fired hundreds of people to come in and try to make it. None of them ever did for very long. Maybe 5 of them made good money but "it wasn't like the old days", and then eventually even they moved on. Then I went back in 2000 and those 5 top dogs, the company started fucking with all of them and they moved on too. Only 2 remain. I would guestimate from the time I worked there in the 90's to today, thousands of people have been used up and spit out. The owner makes his money and everyone else is making the same or less than we did in the 90's. This is the new America.

Why not? That's what the people that opened the businesses did? It doesnt have to be in the same field. Those non competes are simply illegal in some states and they have a time limit in others.

Everyone faces that same challenge starting off.

I heard a great line the other day from my mentor. There is no additional money to make in your current safety zone. You have to take chances if you want to make money and not be afraid to fail.

The majority of businesses are small business owners.

This may be true but it has nothing to do with you starting a business and fulfilling a need.
I have stocks in my portfolio. What makes you think I didnt? The secret is that workers are told the company will take care of them if they work hard and remain loyal. Like most buffoons that are still mired in the industrial age you actually think thats true. Well it is the information age and has been for a while now. People need to adapt to a new way of thinking.

:bsflag: No company promises to "take care" of its employees and statements like that make me doubt not only your claim to owning stocks but to ever having held a job. Companies are not mommies, much as you seem to need them to be. At some point we are all required to grow up and grow a pair and any shareholder who doesn't understand and appreciate the fact that mgmt.'s job is to maximize the company's value and profitability on behalf of all shareholders is a fool or a liar.

All companies do it. You must have never held a job in your life if you dont remember the company promises. Then they downsize and tell you that you now have to take a pay cut and your terminated co-workers responsibilities. The next step is you get to train some guys in the Philippines on what you do. After that they fire you and wish you good luck. However, at least they were loyal to you right?

Thats why I invest in companies that value their employees. The end game is they will be the ones still standing when the general population wakes up.

Or how about you start right out of college and you do a great job for the company so every year you get a great review and a raise. 10 years go by and now they realize they can hire someone right out of college for less. In the GOP world no one has a right to their job. Your job is AT WILL and they can let you go for almost any reason.

I have seen other employees and also myself been run out of companies. See, in Michigan even if they are AT WILL, if we sue them we are in a pro union town so companies are careful and they create a paper trail of write ups before they let you go. We all see them picking on these employees and none of us say a fucking word because we don't want to be next. It happened to me before. I actually threatened to sue if they didn't give me a severance and they said no, but after me, everyone got a fucking severance when they were let go. MOTHER FUCKER! I'm proud of that but pissed I didn't get one. FUCK! I was never going to actually sue. LOL.

If we were in a union, that shit wouldn't happen. The union would step in and protect that worker from these unfair practices.

One last thing. I will never sign a write up again in my life. I know that is just so the company can cover their ass when letting me go. Now I just tell them I'm not signing anything and if it's not working out they can let me go. See I was smart and saved the money I made in the 90's and paid off my home and car so fuck them. I'll find a job and in the meantime they can pay me unemployment benefits.

Unfortunately one of the few things the GOP gets right is you do not have a right to your job. If you think about it in the light of reality thats true. If the business owner calls it a day and closes the business or sales it then you wont have a job nor a leg to stand on.

Never sign a write up without getting advise from an attorney. Its like telling a cop they have permission to search your vehicle without a warrant. You are just asking to be taken advantage of. The good thing is you are ready in the event they find a way to get rid of you.
And people that aren't in unions are so jealous.

Remember the corporate media was going after the auto workers "cadillac" insurance plans? Americans are so dumb. Rather than say, "hey, I want insurance that good", Americans were jealous and convinced that those auto workers had it too good. So instead of our insurance being as good as the auto workers, instead their insurance is now as bad as ours is.

But tell an anti union person about out of control CEO pay and they'll defend that CEO's outrageous pay every day of the week.

I agree people are dumb actually getting upset about good benefits for workers. If you choose to remain a employee at least get the best deal and unions can provide that if they are good ones. On the flip side a CEO is normally going to be worth whatever he makes to the company. Some things I learned early was that your value depends on your worth to the company. By worth I mean how much money you bring in. The other thing is if you have uncommon skills you will get uncommon pay.

Salespeople use to be valued because we brought in all the money. But then companies are always looking to cut costs so each year they raise quotas and lower the commissions. I'm speaking in general of course. Across the board this is happening all over America. Might not be happening to you, but it's happening to enough Americans that I see a pattern.

I also noticed a couple years ago the CEO's that made the most $ also laid off the most employees. That's why those employees, ALL employees should be unionized.

I'm thinking about starting a generic union. Only cost you $10 a year to be a member. If your company fucks with you, we boycott/picket them for you. Anonymously too. And if they fire you we picket them and boycott buying their products until they start acting right.

The Hobby Lobby employees would be perfect to join my union after the company fucked with their health benefits.

Is anyone picketing HobbyLobby now? I didn't think so. I would.

if you are in sales you actually have a leg up on other people that are employees. You already possess the main skill necessary to strike out on your own. The CEO's are making a ton of money because by firing the workers and using a skeleton crew they are saving the company tons of money and keeping the stock holders happy. The dirty secret that no one ever mentions is that the stockholders are what runs things. The company is out to please their shareholders not the workers.

1. So you think us salespeople can stop selling and go start our own companies? We signed non competes.

2. Banks won't give us loans like they use to. Too risky.

3. No safety nets like there use to be. Back in the day people could try to start a business, fail, and not find themselves out on the streets. How much do you have to start a business? $100K? Know how my grandparents started their business? They got a loan from the cigarette man, the milk man, etc and those people supplied your business and eventually you paid them off. Sad truth is most people who start a business have the money to lose. I know not always but a lot of the times. And most of these people would say they made it on their own with no help from anyone. Do you know how much you make if you own 1 Subway franchise? Only $30K a year. So rich people buy 5 of them, or 1 guy buys 1 and he basically bought himself a job. If he's smart he works there and makes minimum wage plus the $30K.

4. Not a lot of mom and pop shops around anymore.

5. Stockholders are all ceo's of other companies. You wash my back, I'll wash yours.

6. Stockholders have to deal with the union when employees are organized. Maybe they need to organize.

I see why companies don't like collective bargaining. I see how the owner of my company pays everyone whatever he can get away with paying them. Basically he has everyone underpaid. And then when I hit his goal he raised the goal? So my pay doesn't grow as I grow the business? What a fucking dick! I was like NO FUCKING WAY and he immediately stopped doing that to me. I found out he was doing it to my counterpart for 2 years. Every month that guy hit his numbers, every month the owner raised the quota and bonus levels. FUCK YOU BITCH. I'm my own union. Luckily he can't afford to lose me. But the other two companies did that to everyone and there is no where else to go. Back before GOPanomics kicked in, 40 salespeople made great money. The corporations ran 35 guys out, gave all the good accounts to 5 top dogs, and then hired and fired hundreds of people to come in and try to make it. None of them ever did for very long. Maybe 5 of them made good money but "it wasn't like the old days", and then eventually even they moved on. Then I went back in 2000 and those 5 top dogs, the company started fucking with all of them and they moved on too. Only 2 remain. I would guestimate from the time I worked there in the 90's to today, thousands of people have been used up and spit out. The owner makes his money and everyone else is making the same or less than we did in the 90's. This is the new America.

Why not? That's what the people that opened the businesses did? It doesnt have to be in the same field. Those non competes are simply illegal in some states and they have a time limit in others.

Everyone faces that same challenge starting off.

I heard a great line the other day from my mentor. There is no additional money to make in your current safety zone. You have to take chances if you want to make money and not be afraid to fail.

The majority of businesses are small business owners.

This may be true but it has nothing to do with you starting a business and fulfilling a need.

I thought about what I said when I was picking up my lunch. I know to people on the right all I'm doing is making excuses. I know they can point to many people who even today have made it from nothing. But that doesn't change the fact it's a lot harder for this generation to make it and why? Because the last generation climbed the ladder but then pulled it up once they made it to where they made it. So the next generation isn't going to have affordable healthcare. Healthcare is going to eat up our disposable income. TV isn't free anymore and neither is water. The costs are going up and the next generation doesn't have pensions or free healthcare like the last generation had. Banks don't loan like they use to. And many 20 somethings are graduating with $100K loans and lucky to find $30K jobs.

I'm not worrying about the rare inventor or entrepreneur in America. I'm worried about the masses. The 99%ers. The kids who went to college and did what they were told and now they're living in pre New Deal America. Good luck.

Eventually they'll have had enough and they'll either revolt or organize.

Also, the next generation isn't going to be willed anything. I'm lucky enough that my parents will leave me a small fortune. Certainly enough so that I'll be able to retire at 62. But will I leave my nephews anything? Probably not. Healthcare will gobble up everything I saved.

Anyways, not everyone is going to start a business. We have to look out for the workers cause clearly the business owners don't value their employees otherwise they wouldn't be complaining about us all the time or calling us slackers who want what isn't ours. Never realizing we made you that $ by producing your invention. Without us there's no you. We also buy your shit. You need us.

This is why government is the referee in the game of business. If the minimum wage is too low raise it. That simple. Of course the "job creators" are going to cry no matter how long we put it off. It could be $3 hr and the year 2050 and they'd say they can't afford to pay $4. They are greedy liars who think we are lazy bums.
I have stocks in my portfolio. What makes you think I didnt? The secret is that workers are told the company will take care of them if they work hard and remain loyal. Like most buffoons that are still mired in the industrial age you actually think thats true. Well it is the information age and has been for a while now. People need to adapt to a new way of thinking.

:bsflag: No company promises to "take care" of its employees and statements like that make me doubt not only your claim to owning stocks but to ever having held a job. Companies are not mommies, much as you seem to need them to be. At some point we are all required to grow up and grow a pair and any shareholder who doesn't understand and appreciate the fact that mgmt.'s job is to maximize the company's value and profitability on behalf of all shareholders is a fool or a liar.

All companies do it. You must have never held a job in your life if you dont remember the company promises. Then they downsize and tell you that you now have to take a pay cut and your terminated co-workers responsibilities. The next step is you get to train some guys in the Philippines on what you do. After that they fire you and wish you good luck. However, at least they were loyal to you right?

Thats why I invest in companies that value their employees. The end game is they will be the ones still standing when the general population wakes up.

Or how about you start right out of college and you do a great job for the company so every year you get a great review and a raise. 10 years go by and now they realize they can hire someone right out of college for less. In the GOP world no one has a right to their job. Your job is AT WILL and they can let you go for almost any reason.

I have seen other employees and also myself been run out of companies. See, in Michigan even if they are AT WILL, if we sue them we are in a pro union town so companies are careful and they create a paper trail of write ups before they let you go. We all see them picking on these employees and none of us say a fucking word because we don't want to be next. It happened to me before. I actually threatened to sue if they didn't give me a severance and they said no, but after me, everyone got a fucking severance when they were let go. MOTHER FUCKER! I'm proud of that but pissed I didn't get one. FUCK! I was never going to actually sue. LOL.

If we were in a union, that shit wouldn't happen. The union would step in and protect that worker from these unfair practices.

One last thing. I will never sign a write up again in my life. I know that is just so the company can cover their ass when letting me go. Now I just tell them I'm not signing anything and if it's not working out they can let me go. See I was smart and saved the money I made in the 90's and paid off my home and car so fuck them. I'll find a job and in the meantime they can pay me unemployment benefits.

Unfortunately one of the few things the GOP gets right is you do not have a right to your job. If you think about it in the light of reality thats true. If the business owner calls it a day and closes the business or sales it then you wont have a job nor a leg to stand on.

Never sign a write up without getting advise from an attorney. Its like telling a cop they have permission to search your vehicle without a warrant. You are just asking to be taken advantage of. The good thing is you are ready in the event they find a way to get rid of you.

I will admit, I think an owner should be able to get rid of anyone he wants but not if the employee is a good employee and the owner pulls some shady shit like getting rid of them to replace them with a cheaper or younger employee or if they want to renig on all future commissions.

I don't have all the answers. That's why I think every employee should be represented by a union. The corporation and my union can figure out if I was wrongfully terminated or not.
In the USA - poverty is a choice.

Did you ever grow up in the hood with one crack head baby mamma raising you? Then shut up.

Even if you were and you made it out you are the exception not the norm.

Your childhood and the neighborhood you live in dictates what choices you have. Also you need to catch a break somewhere along the way. Most white people don't realize they got their first job because someone they knew recommended them or they got into college because they went to a good school not an inner city ghetto school.
I agree people are dumb actually getting upset about good benefits for workers. If you choose to remain a employee at least get the best deal and unions can provide that if they are good ones. On the flip side a CEO is normally going to be worth whatever he makes to the company. Some things I learned early was that your value depends on your worth to the company. By worth I mean how much money you bring in. The other thing is if you have uncommon skills you will get uncommon pay.

Salespeople use to be valued because we brought in all the money. But then companies are always looking to cut costs so each year they raise quotas and lower the commissions. I'm speaking in general of course. Across the board this is happening all over America. Might not be happening to you, but it's happening to enough Americans that I see a pattern.

I also noticed a couple years ago the CEO's that made the most $ also laid off the most employees. That's why those employees, ALL employees should be unionized.

I'm thinking about starting a generic union. Only cost you $10 a year to be a member. If your company fucks with you, we boycott/picket them for you. Anonymously too. And if they fire you we picket them and boycott buying their products until they start acting right.

The Hobby Lobby employees would be perfect to join my union after the company fucked with their health benefits.

Is anyone picketing HobbyLobby now? I didn't think so. I would.

if you are in sales you actually have a leg up on other people that are employees. You already possess the main skill necessary to strike out on your own. The CEO's are making a ton of money because by firing the workers and using a skeleton crew they are saving the company tons of money and keeping the stock holders happy. The dirty secret that no one ever mentions is that the stockholders are what runs things. The company is out to please their shareholders not the workers.

1. So you think us salespeople can stop selling and go start our own companies? We signed non competes.

2. Banks won't give us loans like they use to. Too risky.

3. No safety nets like there use to be. Back in the day people could try to start a business, fail, and not find themselves out on the streets. How much do you have to start a business? $100K? Know how my grandparents started their business? They got a loan from the cigarette man, the milk man, etc and those people supplied your business and eventually you paid them off. Sad truth is most people who start a business have the money to lose. I know not always but a lot of the times. And most of these people would say they made it on their own with no help from anyone. Do you know how much you make if you own 1 Subway franchise? Only $30K a year. So rich people buy 5 of them, or 1 guy buys 1 and he basically bought himself a job. If he's smart he works there and makes minimum wage plus the $30K.

4. Not a lot of mom and pop shops around anymore.

5. Stockholders are all ceo's of other companies. You wash my back, I'll wash yours.

6. Stockholders have to deal with the union when employees are organized. Maybe they need to organize.

I see why companies don't like collective bargaining. I see how the owner of my company pays everyone whatever he can get away with paying them. Basically he has everyone underpaid. And then when I hit his goal he raised the goal? So my pay doesn't grow as I grow the business? What a fucking dick! I was like NO FUCKING WAY and he immediately stopped doing that to me. I found out he was doing it to my counterpart for 2 years. Every month that guy hit his numbers, every month the owner raised the quota and bonus levels. FUCK YOU BITCH. I'm my own union. Luckily he can't afford to lose me. But the other two companies did that to everyone and there is no where else to go. Back before GOPanomics kicked in, 40 salespeople made great money. The corporations ran 35 guys out, gave all the good accounts to 5 top dogs, and then hired and fired hundreds of people to come in and try to make it. None of them ever did for very long. Maybe 5 of them made good money but "it wasn't like the old days", and then eventually even they moved on. Then I went back in 2000 and those 5 top dogs, the company started fucking with all of them and they moved on too. Only 2 remain. I would guestimate from the time I worked there in the 90's to today, thousands of people have been used up and spit out. The owner makes his money and everyone else is making the same or less than we did in the 90's. This is the new America.

Why not? That's what the people that opened the businesses did? It doesnt have to be in the same field. Those non competes are simply illegal in some states and they have a time limit in others.

Everyone faces that same challenge starting off.

I heard a great line the other day from my mentor. There is no additional money to make in your current safety zone. You have to take chances if you want to make money and not be afraid to fail.

The majority of businesses are small business owners.

This may be true but it has nothing to do with you starting a business and fulfilling a need.

I thought about what I said when I was picking up my lunch. I know to people on the right all I'm doing is making excuses. I know they can point to many people who even today have made it from nothing. But that doesn't change the fact it's a lot harder for this generation to make it and why? Because the last generation climbed the ladder but then pulled it up once they made it to where they made it. So the next generation isn't going to have affordable healthcare. Healthcare is going to eat up our disposable income. TV isn't free anymore and neither is water. The costs are going up and the next generation doesn't have pensions or free healthcare like the last generation had. Banks don't loan like they use to. And many 20 somethings are graduating with $100K loans and lucky to find $30K jobs.

I'm not worrying about the rare inventor or entrepreneur in America. I'm worried about the masses. The 99%ers. The kids who went to college and did what they were told and now they're living in pre New Deal America. Good luck.

Eventually they'll have had enough and they'll either revolt or organize.

Also, the next generation isn't going to be willed anything. I'm lucky enough that my parents will leave me a small fortune. Certainly enough so that I'll be able to retire at 62. But will I leave my nephews anything? Probably not. Healthcare will gobble up everything I saved.

Anyways, not everyone is going to start a business. We have to look out for the workers cause clearly the business owners don't value their employees otherwise they wouldn't be complaining about us all the time or calling us slackers who want what isn't ours. Never realizing we made you that $ by producing your invention. Without us there's no you. We also buy your shit. You need us.

This is why government is the referee in the game of business. If the minimum wage is too low raise it. That simple. Of course the "job creators" are going to cry no matter how long we put it off. It could be $3 hr and the year 2050 and they'd say they can't afford to pay $4. They are greedy liars who think we are lazy bums.

People on the extreme right do tend to be callous to the human condition. Its the rare ones that are smart enough to get it. On the flip side the people on the extreme left are fighting a losing battle. No one is going to care as much about you as you will. You have to find a way to make it and let nothing stop you. You can point out the problems as long as you keep working towards a solution. For me self determination is that solution. For those that wish to work for someone else I have no problem with my tax dollars helping them get back on their feet whenever an employer lets them down.
In the USA - poverty is a choice.

Did you ever grow up in the hood with one crack head baby mamma raising you? Then shut up.

Even if you were and you made it out you are the exception not the norm.

Your childhood and the neighborhood you live in dictates what choices you have. Also you need to catch a break somewhere along the way. Most white people don't realize they got their first job because someone they knew recommended them or they got into college because they went to a good school not an inner city ghetto school.

People like Zander dont get this stuff. You are wasting your time. Its unfair but you simply have to be better than those that have a headstart and benefit from privilege. Its evident to people that grow up under challenging circumstances but most people dont seem to be able to get it.
Salespeople use to be valued because we brought in all the money. But then companies are always looking to cut costs so each year they raise quotas and lower the commissions. I'm speaking in general of course. Across the board this is happening all over America. Might not be happening to you, but it's happening to enough Americans that I see a pattern.

I also noticed a couple years ago the CEO's that made the most $ also laid off the most employees. That's why those employees, ALL employees should be unionized.

I'm thinking about starting a generic union. Only cost you $10 a year to be a member. If your company fucks with you, we boycott/picket them for you. Anonymously too. And if they fire you we picket them and boycott buying their products until they start acting right.

The Hobby Lobby employees would be perfect to join my union after the company fucked with their health benefits.

Is anyone picketing HobbyLobby now? I didn't think so. I would.

if you are in sales you actually have a leg up on other people that are employees. You already possess the main skill necessary to strike out on your own. The CEO's are making a ton of money because by firing the workers and using a skeleton crew they are saving the company tons of money and keeping the stock holders happy. The dirty secret that no one ever mentions is that the stockholders are what runs things. The company is out to please their shareholders not the workers.

1. So you think us salespeople can stop selling and go start our own companies? We signed non competes.

2. Banks won't give us loans like they use to. Too risky.

3. No safety nets like there use to be. Back in the day people could try to start a business, fail, and not find themselves out on the streets. How much do you have to start a business? $100K? Know how my grandparents started their business? They got a loan from the cigarette man, the milk man, etc and those people supplied your business and eventually you paid them off. Sad truth is most people who start a business have the money to lose. I know not always but a lot of the times. And most of these people would say they made it on their own with no help from anyone. Do you know how much you make if you own 1 Subway franchise? Only $30K a year. So rich people buy 5 of them, or 1 guy buys 1 and he basically bought himself a job. If he's smart he works there and makes minimum wage plus the $30K.

4. Not a lot of mom and pop shops around anymore.

5. Stockholders are all ceo's of other companies. You wash my back, I'll wash yours.

6. Stockholders have to deal with the union when employees are organized. Maybe they need to organize.

I see why companies don't like collective bargaining. I see how the owner of my company pays everyone whatever he can get away with paying them. Basically he has everyone underpaid. And then when I hit his goal he raised the goal? So my pay doesn't grow as I grow the business? What a fucking dick! I was like NO FUCKING WAY and he immediately stopped doing that to me. I found out he was doing it to my counterpart for 2 years. Every month that guy hit his numbers, every month the owner raised the quota and bonus levels. FUCK YOU BITCH. I'm my own union. Luckily he can't afford to lose me. But the other two companies did that to everyone and there is no where else to go. Back before GOPanomics kicked in, 40 salespeople made great money. The corporations ran 35 guys out, gave all the good accounts to 5 top dogs, and then hired and fired hundreds of people to come in and try to make it. None of them ever did for very long. Maybe 5 of them made good money but "it wasn't like the old days", and then eventually even they moved on. Then I went back in 2000 and those 5 top dogs, the company started fucking with all of them and they moved on too. Only 2 remain. I would guestimate from the time I worked there in the 90's to today, thousands of people have been used up and spit out. The owner makes his money and everyone else is making the same or less than we did in the 90's. This is the new America.

Why not? That's what the people that opened the businesses did? It doesnt have to be in the same field. Those non competes are simply illegal in some states and they have a time limit in others.

Everyone faces that same challenge starting off.

I heard a great line the other day from my mentor. There is no additional money to make in your current safety zone. You have to take chances if you want to make money and not be afraid to fail.

The majority of businesses are small business owners.

This may be true but it has nothing to do with you starting a business and fulfilling a need.

I thought about what I said when I was picking up my lunch. I know to people on the right all I'm doing is making excuses. I know they can point to many people who even today have made it from nothing. But that doesn't change the fact it's a lot harder for this generation to make it and why? Because the last generation climbed the ladder but then pulled it up once they made it to where they made it. So the next generation isn't going to have affordable healthcare. Healthcare is going to eat up our disposable income. TV isn't free anymore and neither is water. The costs are going up and the next generation doesn't have pensions or free healthcare like the last generation had. Banks don't loan like they use to. And many 20 somethings are graduating with $100K loans and lucky to find $30K jobs.

I'm not worrying about the rare inventor or entrepreneur in America. I'm worried about the masses. The 99%ers. The kids who went to college and did what they were told and now they're living in pre New Deal America. Good luck.

Eventually they'll have had enough and they'll either revolt or organize.

Also, the next generation isn't going to be willed anything. I'm lucky enough that my parents will leave me a small fortune. Certainly enough so that I'll be able to retire at 62. But will I leave my nephews anything? Probably not. Healthcare will gobble up everything I saved.

Anyways, not everyone is going to start a business. We have to look out for the workers cause clearly the business owners don't value their employees otherwise they wouldn't be complaining about us all the time or calling us slackers who want what isn't ours. Never realizing we made you that $ by producing your invention. Without us there's no you. We also buy your shit. You need us.

This is why government is the referee in the game of business. If the minimum wage is too low raise it. That simple. Of course the "job creators" are going to cry no matter how long we put it off. It could be $3 hr and the year 2050 and they'd say they can't afford to pay $4. They are greedy liars who think we are lazy bums.

People on the extreme right do tend to be callous to the human condition. Its the rare ones that are smart enough to get it. On the flip side the people on the extreme left are fighting a losing battle. No one is going to care as much about you as you will. You have to find a way to make it and let nothing stop you. You can point out the problems as long as you keep working towards a solution. For me self determination is that solution. For those that wish to work for someone else I have no problem with my tax dollars helping them get back on their feet whenever an employer lets them down.

I agree. It was Big 3 Union workers who voted for Rick Snyder, who then turned around and started attacking unions. They didn't think he'd do it. So, now it's up for them to fight back. But they won't. Not this generation. People are just happy to be working and for any amount.

And it's the Taco Bell, McD and Walmart workers who have to organize. I can't do it for them.

The fast food strikes A stunning success for organized labor.
In the USA - poverty is a choice.

Did you ever grow up in the hood with one crack head baby mamma raising you? Then shut up.

Even if you were and you made it out you are the exception not the norm.

Your childhood and the neighborhood you live in dictates what choices you have. Also you need to catch a break somewhere along the way. Most white people don't realize they got their first job because someone they knew recommended them or they got into college because they went to a good school not an inner city ghetto school.

People like Zander dont get this stuff. You are wasting your time. Its unfair but you simply have to be better than those that have a headstart and benefit from privilege. Its evident to people that grow up under challenging circumstances but most people dont seem to be able to get it.

I have a friend who is such a republican and he wants to remove all social safety nets. Come to find out when his dad died and he was a boy, the government paid for him up until he was 18. What an asshole huh? Now that he is old and doesn't need it, he wants to eliminate it.
In the USA - poverty is a choice.

Did you ever grow up in the hood with one crack head baby mamma raising you? Then shut up.

Even if you were and you made it out you are the exception not the norm.

Your childhood and the neighborhood you live in dictates what choices you have. Also you need to catch a break somewhere along the way. Most white people don't realize they got their first job because someone they knew recommended them or they got into college because they went to a good school not an inner city ghetto school.

People like Zander dont get this stuff. You are wasting your time. Its unfair but you simply have to be better than those that have a headstart and benefit from privilege. Its evident to people that grow up under challenging circumstances but most people dont seem to be able to get it.

I have a friend who is such a republican and he wants to remove all social safety nets. Come to find out when his dad died and he was a boy, the government paid for him up until he was 18. What an asshole huh? Now that he is old and doesn't need it, he wants to eliminate it.
Typical hypocritical nonsense from some on the right. I cant wrap my mind around the level of retardedness required to prompt someone to suggest something like that.
In the USA - poverty is a choice.

Did you ever grow up in the hood with one crack head baby mamma raising you? Then shut up.

Even if you were and you made it out you are the exception not the norm.

Your childhood and the neighborhood you live in dictates what choices you have. Also you need to catch a break somewhere along the way. Most white people don't realize they got their first job because someone they knew recommended them or they got into college because they went to a good school not an inner city ghetto school.

People like Zander dont get this stuff. You are wasting your time. Its unfair but you simply have to be better than those that have a headstart and benefit from privilege. Its evident to people that grow up under challenging circumstances but most people dont seem to be able to get it.

I have a friend who is such a republican and he wants to remove all social safety nets. Come to find out when his dad died and he was a boy, the government paid for him up until he was 18. What an asshole huh? Now that he is old and doesn't need it, he wants to eliminate it.
Typical hypocritical nonsense from some on the right. I cant wrap my mind around the level of retardedness required to prompt someone to suggest something like that.

And he gets mad if I talk about his mother. But how do I explain to him that he himself benefited from government programs if I don't get personal?
In the USA - poverty is a choice.

Did you ever grow up in the hood with one crack head baby mamma raising you? Then shut up.

Even if you were and you made it out you are the exception not the norm.

Your childhood and the neighborhood you live in dictates what choices you have. Also you need to catch a break somewhere along the way. Most white people don't realize they got their first job because someone they knew recommended them or they got into college because they went to a good school not an inner city ghetto school.

People like Zander dont get this stuff. You are wasting your time. Its unfair but you simply have to be better than those that have a headstart and benefit from privilege. Its evident to people that grow up under challenging circumstances but most people dont seem to be able to get it.

I have a friend who is such a republican and he wants to remove all social safety nets. Come to find out when his dad died and he was a boy, the government paid for him up until he was 18. What an asshole huh? Now that he is old and doesn't need it, he wants to eliminate it.
Typical hypocritical nonsense from some on the right. I cant wrap my mind around the level of retardedness required to prompt someone to suggest something like that.

And he gets mad if I talk about his mother. But how do I explain to him that he himself benefited from government programs if I don't get personal?
Some people dont want to be educated. i wouldnt waste my breath.
Did you ever grow up in the hood with one crack head baby mamma raising you? Then shut up.

Even if you were and you made it out you are the exception not the norm.

Your childhood and the neighborhood you live in dictates what choices you have. Also you need to catch a break somewhere along the way. Most white people don't realize they got their first job because someone they knew recommended them or they got into college because they went to a good school not an inner city ghetto school.

People like Zander dont get this stuff. You are wasting your time. Its unfair but you simply have to be better than those that have a headstart and benefit from privilege. Its evident to people that grow up under challenging circumstances but most people dont seem to be able to get it.

I have a friend who is such a republican and he wants to remove all social safety nets. Come to find out when his dad died and he was a boy, the government paid for him up until he was 18. What an asshole huh? Now that he is old and doesn't need it, he wants to eliminate it.
Typical hypocritical nonsense from some on the right. I cant wrap my mind around the level of retardedness required to prompt someone to suggest something like that.

And he gets mad if I talk about his mother. But how do I explain to him that he himself benefited from government programs if I don't get personal?
Some people dont want to be educated. i wouldnt waste my breath.

I tend to stay away from the politics until it is an election year. But even now we're less than 2 months from election day and I'm not going to waste my breath. I know what's probably going to happen and what's probably going to happen in 2016 so the GOP can enjoy the next 2 years with Obama babysitting them with his veto pen.

And who knows maybe this will be a good combination. The GOP are going to try to impress us in the next two years so they keep power and win the White House. If they tea bag us the next 2 years then they're out. Time for another Newt style Contract With America.
In the USA - poverty is a choice.

Did you ever grow up in the hood with one crack head baby mamma raising you? Then shut up.

Even if you were and you made it out you are the exception not the norm.

Your childhood and the neighborhood you live in dictates what choices you have. Also you need to catch a break somewhere along the way. Most white people don't realize they got their first job because someone they knew recommended them or they got into college because they went to a good school not an inner city ghetto school.

Obviously, you've chosen poverty. Good luck with that.
In the USA - poverty is a choice.

Did you ever grow up in the hood with one crack head baby mamma raising you? Then shut up.

Even if you were and you made it out you are the exception not the norm.

Your childhood and the neighborhood you live in dictates what choices you have. Also you need to catch a break somewhere along the way. Most white people don't realize they got their first job because someone they knew recommended them or they got into college because they went to a good school not an inner city ghetto school.

Obviously, you've chosen poverty. Good luck with that.

Ha ha. I grew up in an all black neighborhood. Only 3 of us whites in the whole school by the time I left. I was lucky. My dad was white and he knew someone who got him into Ford.

Today those jobs don't exist. So, just like the blacks back when I was growing up didn't have the same opportunities that my dad did, NO ONE has today. So now 20 something year old whites are in the same boat as the blacks in the hood. No opportunities. Or NOT ENOUGH for everyone.

In the 90's you may have been right but today not so much.

I know its not as bad as I make it out to be but it's also not as good as you make it out to be.
In the USA - poverty is a choice.

Did you ever grow up in the hood with one crack head baby mamma raising you? Then shut up.

Even if you were and you made it out you are the exception not the norm.

Your childhood and the neighborhood you live in dictates what choices you have. Also you need to catch a break somewhere along the way. Most white people don't realize they got their first job because someone they knew recommended them or they got into college because they went to a good school not an inner city ghetto school.

People like Zander dont get this stuff. You are wasting your time. Its unfair but you simply have to be better than those that have a headstart and benefit from privilege. Its evident to people that grow up under challenging circumstances but most people dont seem to be able to get it.

No, i get it. It's people like you who don't get it.

I started with nothing. No special preferences or handouts. No grants or food stamps. No help from the government. Just hard work and a good attitude. I've been financially independent since my 30's. It wasn't easy, but it is simple.

In the USA anyone can become financially independent. But it is a lot easier to bitch about "race" and "privilege" than it is to take action.
In the USA - poverty is a choice.

Did you ever grow up in the hood with one crack head baby mamma raising you? Then shut up.

Even if you were and you made it out you are the exception not the norm.

Your childhood and the neighborhood you live in dictates what choices you have. Also you need to catch a break somewhere along the way. Most white people don't realize they got their first job because someone they knew recommended them or they got into college because they went to a good school not an inner city ghetto school.

Obviously, you've chosen poverty. Good luck with that.

I'll admit I don't have it as good as my dad did. When he was a cook at Ford he paid $5 when we went to the emergency room. He was earning a pension. He got profit sharing. He had job security and a union to protect him from the company that didn't like paying him so much.

I'm a bit jealous of him. And I'm not choosing poverty. I just don't know if I'll have it as good as my parents had it. I'm sure most Americans won't. So get ready for a new normal and it's not good.

Also, you right wing aholes. Your way is going to produce less marriage and more babies out of wedlock and more abortions. Also less people are going to have kids or they're going to wait later in life. This has all kinds of ramifications that will hurt our future.

But IMO I would love it if we stopped having so many children. We are overpopulated as is.
In the USA - poverty is a choice.

Did you ever grow up in the hood with one crack head baby mamma raising you? Then shut up.

Even if you were and you made it out you are the exception not the norm.

Your childhood and the neighborhood you live in dictates what choices you have. Also you need to catch a break somewhere along the way. Most white people don't realize they got their first job because someone they knew recommended them or they got into college because they went to a good school not an inner city ghetto school.

People like Zander dont get this stuff. You are wasting your time. Its unfair but you simply have to be better than those that have a headstart and benefit from privilege. Its evident to people that grow up under challenging circumstances but most people dont seem to be able to get it.

No, i get it. It's people like you who don't get it.

I started with nothing. No special preferences or handouts. No grants or food stamps. No help from the government. Just hard work and a good attitude. I've been financially independent since my 30's. It wasn't easy, but it is simple.

In the USA anyone can become financially independent. But it is a lot easier to bitch about "race" and "privilege" than it is to take action.

What did you do before your 30's? I was financially independent when I was in my 20's. What took you so long?

And by the way, I agree with you on some level. I see so many poor people smoking or who own pets. If they have that extra disposable income they could be saving enough to retire with enough money but most poor Americans don't live for tomorrow they live for today.

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