Why People Make Minimum Wage

I thought about what I said when I was picking up my lunch. I know to people on the right all I'm doing is making excuses. I know they can point to many people who even today have made it from nothing. But that doesn't change the fact it's a lot harder for this generation to make it and why? Because the last generation climbed the ladder but then pulled it up once they made it to where they made it...

Same old whiny, sniveling excuse making. If it was easy to make it, everyone would. It's a battle and we all have 2 choices. You clearly have chosen to enjoy the whine and gov't cheese.
In the USA - poverty is a choice.

Did you ever grow up in the hood with one crack head baby mamma raising you? Then shut up.

Even if you were and you made it out you are the exception not the norm.

Your childhood and the neighborhood you live in dictates what choices you have. Also you need to catch a break somewhere along the way. Most white people don't realize they got their first job because someone they knew recommended them or they got into college because they went to a good school not an inner city ghetto school.

Obviously, you've chosen poverty. Good luck with that.

I'll admit I don't have it as good as my dad did. When he was a cook at Ford he paid $5 when we went to the emergency room. He was earning a pension. He got profit sharing. He had job security and a union to protect him from the company that didn't like paying him so much.

I'm a bit jealous of him. And I'm not choosing poverty. I just don't know if I'll have it as good as my parents had it. I'm sure most Americans won't. So get ready for a new normal and it's not good.

Also, you right wing aholes. Your way is going to produce less marriage and more babies out of wedlock and more abortions. Also less people are going to have kids or they're going to wait later in life. This has all kinds of ramifications that will hurt our future.

But IMO I would love it if we stopped having so many children. We are overpopulated as is.

That is what passes today for "thoughtful" leftist pap. No wonder things seem so bleak to SealyBooHoo.
And by the way, I agree with you on some level. I see so many poor people smoking or who own pets. If they have that extra disposable income they could be saving enough to retire with enough money but most poor Americans don't live for tomorrow they live for today.

So you are capable of rational thought. Why all the loony leftist posts?
Why am I (or you) responsible to pay for the poor or selfish choices of others?
I know to people on the right all I'm doing is making excuses.
Noting all you are doing is making excuses doesn't take being on the left or right, it just takes observation. You are setting yourself up for failure by putting so much effort into rationalizing that the deck is stacked against you and things aren't fair, far more young men and women and successful and leading fruitful lives than you realize.
TV isn't free anymore and neither is water.
Seriously? Nobody is billing me for the channels I get with my digital antenna, what definition of free are you using?

I have one too! Now you should thank your government for legislating/regulating the "free market" and forcing the major broadcasters to offer free tv so we aren't being forced into paying for cable or whatever.

The corporations didn't like that one bit. Nothing is free they said! But what they and many right wingers don't understand is those are the public airwaves. Everyone should have a RIGHT to them. We just lease the air time to the corporations like ABC, NBC & CBS. Oh I could go off on how they have changed these rules over the years so that now, for example, news shows are dictated to by the CEO of the company what they can and can not report. They use to be separate divisions so the part of the company that cares about advertising doesn't bother the reporters. Changes this means our the media isn't "liberal" anymore, it's corporate. For example, it never told us Bush lies us into Iraq or that his policies drove the economy into the ditch. It stayed "neutral" on deciding that in fear of being called "liberal". It's all an illusion anyways. They're liberal on social issues but corporate on $. That's because the rich now own and operate them.

Also, if BP was guilty in the Gulf oil spill, do you think the news is going to report on it much? I say much because they might report on it one night, but not really focus on how us liberals were right and the GOP lied and defended guilty corporations. They won't report on it if BP is a major advertiser.

Anyways, I love my free tv. But don't you hate it when the wind blows it cuts out a lot? What's up with that?
People on the extreme right do tend to be callous to the human condition...

Camel crap. Conservatives tend to ask: who is responsible for this and who is going to make it right?
Llama droppings. All extreme conservatives do is whine and cry about those less fortunate or starting from a lower level in life. They tend to blame people in poverty for the reason there are not enough jobs with high enough pay to make everyone wealthy.
And by the way, I agree with you on some level. I see so many poor people smoking or who own pets. If they have that extra disposable income they could be saving enough to retire with enough money but most poor Americans don't live for tomorrow they live for today.

So you are capable of rational thought. Why all the loony leftist posts?
Why am I (or you) responsible to pay for the poor or selfish choices of others?

Because our country went from having the largest middle class the world had ever seen, where even our poor weren't that poor, to what we see today.

Corporations would pay us $4 an hour if they could. Why you ask? Because I realize the importance of a government that represents We the People not the corporations. Since Reagan they've been brainwashing us to think our government is the problem. Meanwhile they are taking over our government. So we have both a powerless government because they want it to stop regulating the "free" market and they've also taken it over and changed all the laws so that it benefits them, not all of us. It's not commy or socialism if you want a society that works for everyone. That doesn't mean the poor make as much as the rich. That's just what they tell you.

And because Class Warfare exists, and their winning. But you don't cry when they secretly lobby to change the laws you defend them. But when we try to fight back then you call it class warfare. You say they earned that money. No they didn't. They lobbied, deregulated and benefitted from their bad ideas. TARP ring a bell? How much did they compensate you from the bank collapse? How about the Bank of America, Wallstreet, BP, etc? Do you righties even know what has happened? Doesn't seem like it. Seems like you have forgotten everything that happened from 2000-2008 and you completely turn a blind eye to the GOP's bad actors behaviors.

You are brainwashed and focused on Nancy Pelosi and Obama while the GOP are fucking you good.

Answer your question?

There is no free market. The government is the ref. If the rich/bush/gop fucked things up, it is up to WE THE PEOPLE's government to fix it. Before they had 75% of the $, now they have 90% of it. It is up to our government, however they accomplish it, to get things back to right. Stop crying about what's fair. What works? The rich will still be rich so stop crying for them. We want to make it a better society so you can get rich and the poor can become the middle class. Your way doesn't work.

And if I land a big deal for my company and they say they'll pay 15% and try to change the rules after I land the deal, I should be able to sue then and not worry about losing my job. And if Mr. Owner does want to fire me, he should be able to. But I should be able to sue them for wrongful discharge and get 3 years compensation minimum. AND assuming that big deal was going to last for 3 years commission plus my salary. The government/law/a jury are the referees in the game of business. Right to work means no right to your job. Unfair.
People on the extreme right do tend to be callous to the human condition...

Camel crap. Conservatives tend to ask: who is responsible for this and who is going to make it right?
Llama droppings. All extreme conservatives do is whine and cry about those less fortunate or starting from a lower level in life. They tend to blame people in poverty for the reason there are not enough jobs with high enough pay to make everyone wealthy.

And don't say make everyone wealthy because that's never gonna happen. We just liked the 90's. Remember the 90's? Back then the rich got richer, the middle class was comfortable and secure and the poor weren't that poor. That was the perfect America.

The GOP didn't like it that we were making so much money so NAFTA, break unions, hire illegal workers to do "jobs Americans won't do", try to let Mexican truckers into America to break the trucking industry,

Basically flood the market with workers and send all the good paying jobs overseas and then claim it is Nancy Pelosi and Obama's fault? Don't forget the classic "Clinton signed Nafta" when deflecting the fact that their policies fucked up the global economy and the rich are LOVING IT! But they won't admit that to Fox viewers.

Obama Outperforms Reagan On Jobs Growth And Investing - Forbes

Economically Could Obama Be America s Best President - Forbes

How come ABC, CBS & NBC don't report on this daily?
Every good country/government practices social engineering. If something isn't working they fix it. Switzerland just narrowly shot down a minimum wage I forget how much it was but maybe it was $25 hr. That's what governments do. If we have a problem that can't be solved on its own they step in. Now we know why rich conservatives want them to stay out so they can pay $4 a day and "let the market decide" but unfortunately the doesn't work for the rest of us.

Unfortunately our government has been taken over by the rich. The only thing we have is the vote. Even if we protest it does no good. Not with the corporate media against us. If they don't report it then it didn't really happen in the American people's eyes. For example, they reported on Monica Lewinsky every fucking day but very little on how Bush lied us into Iraq.
In the USA - poverty is a choice.

Did you ever grow up in the hood with one crack head baby mamma raising you? Then shut up.

Even if you were and you made it out you are the exception not the norm.

Your childhood and the neighborhood you live in dictates what choices you have. Also you need to catch a break somewhere along the way. Most white people don't realize they got their first job because someone they knew recommended them or they got into college because they went to a good school not an inner city ghetto school.

People like Zander dont get this stuff. You are wasting your time. Its unfair but you simply have to be better than those that have a headstart and benefit from privilege. Its evident to people that grow up under challenging circumstances but most people dont seem to be able to get it.

No, i get it. It's people like you who don't get it.

I started with nothing. No special preferences or handouts. No grants or food stamps. No help from the government. Just hard work and a good attitude. I've been financially independent since my 30's. It wasn't easy, but it is simple.

In the USA anyone can become financially independent. But it is a lot easier to bitch about "race" and "privilege" than it is to take action.

Bullshit! Every Republican thinks they were born in the home they built with their own hands.
In the USA - poverty is a choice.

Did you ever grow up in the hood with one crack head baby mamma raising you? Then shut up.

Even if you were and you made it out you are the exception not the norm.

Your childhood and the neighborhood you live in dictates what choices you have. Also you need to catch a break somewhere along the way. Most white people don't realize they got their first job because someone they knew recommended them or they got into college because they went to a good school not an inner city ghetto school.

People like Zander dont get this stuff. You are wasting your time. Its unfair but you simply have to be better than those that have a headstart and benefit from privilege. Its evident to people that grow up under challenging circumstances but most people dont seem to be able to get it.

No, i get it. It's people like you who don't get it.

I started with nothing. No special preferences or handouts. No grants or food stamps. No help from the government. Just hard work and a good attitude. I've been financially independent since my 30's. It wasn't easy, but it is simple.

In the USA anyone can become financially independent. But it is a lot easier to bitch about "race" and "privilege" than it is to take action.

What did you do before your 30's? I was financially independent when I was in my 20's. What took you so long?

And by the way, I agree with you on some level. I see so many poor people smoking or who own pets. If they have that extra disposable income they could be saving enough to retire with enough money but most poor Americans don't live for tomorrow they live for today.

I was busy in my 20's - trying (and failing!) at all sorts of things. I've had dozens of failures. It only took one success to make it.

I do agree with you though- Most people are undisciplined when it comes to finances. They pay everyone else first- except themselves. I've always taken 10% off the top of every check I earned and invested it.


Each time you failed, how did you pay your rent, car payment, healthcare bills, food, other bills immediately after the failure was realized?

In each situation, what did you do the next day after you failed? Did you immediately have another job? Not everyone is that good/lucky. In a good economy there would be plenty of jobs and no one who's looking would be out of work for more than a couple months. Another problem is corporations aren't hiring the unemployed.

Anyways, I don't want to get off topic. When you failed, did you have a nest egg to fall back on? Not everyone has one of those either.

I'm not saying its impossible. I'm just saying under GOPanomics, it is harder to climb the ladder of success. Under Democrats it seems like an economy that works for everyone. Trickle down doesn't work, middle first does. Our way the rich have 75% of the $ and things work. GOP way they have 90% of the $ and our economy sucks, unless your rich. Stop with the "what's fair" because what's fair is what works.

Sad that as we stopped manufacturing we went from the largest creditor to the largest debtor nation. This has hurt everyone including entrepreneurs. In the 90's if you started a business Big 3 Union auto workers had $ to buy your stuff. So did tier 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 suppliers, restaurants, boats, cars, toys, spend, spend, spend. If you have a big fat middle class they do trickle that money down. Give the $ to the rich they send it offshore to save on taxes. Mother fuckers.
TV isn't free anymore and neither is water.
Seriously? Nobody is billing me for the channels I get with my digital antenna, what definition of free are you using?

I have one too! Now you should thank your government for legislating/regulating the "free market" and forcing the major broadcasters to offer free tv so we aren't being forced into paying for cable or whatever.

The corporations didn't like that one bit. Nothing is free they said! But what they and many right wingers don't understand is those are the public airwaves. Everyone should have a RIGHT to them. We just lease the air time to the corporations like ABC, NBC & CBS. Oh I could go off on how they have changed these rules over the years so that now, for example, news shows are dictated to by the CEO of the company what they can and can not report...

Dayam! You must enjoy your own smell 'cause your head is fully inserted in your own arse.
There are an almost INFINITE number of sources for news and any media CEO worth his bonus is concerned with attracting the most VIEWERS. Pretending, as you do here, that you have everybody and everything figured out is still just pretending.
Here's a piece of the puzzle you seem to be missing:
Here's another piece:
The world does not nor is it required to revolve around YOU.
Get your head out of your arse.
People on the extreme right do tend to be callous to the human condition...

Camel crap. Conservatives tend to ask: who is responsible for this and who is going to make it right?
Llama droppings. All extreme conservatives do is whine and cry about those less fortunate or starting from a lower level in life. They tend to blame people in poverty for the reason there are not enough jobs with high enough pay to make everyone wealthy.

And don't say make everyone wealthy because that's never gonna happen. We just liked the 90's. Remember the 90's? Back then the rich got richer, the middle class was comfortable and secure and the poor weren't that poor. That was the perfect America.

The GOP didn't like it that we were making so much money so NAFTA, break unions, hire illegal workers to do "jobs Americans won't do", try to let Mexican truckers into America to break the trucking industry,

Basically flood the market with workers and send all the good paying jobs overseas and then claim it is Nancy Pelosi and Obama's fault? Don't forget the classic "Clinton signed Nafta" when deflecting the fact that their policies fucked up the global economy and the rich are LOVING IT! But they won't admit that to Fox viewers.

Obama Outperforms Reagan On Jobs Growth And Investing - Forbes

Economically Could Obama Be America s Best President - Forbes

How come ABC, CBS & NBC don't report on this daily?

Ha ha. I was broke as hell in the early 90's. What I did though was go back to school and get my degree in engineering while working a full time job. It wasnt easy. I went without sleep on somedays, and I didnt get to watch much TV but I changed my family tree by doing it. Of course I had some guidance that played a huge role in making me change my mindset from one of being comfortable and just getting by to one of expectation for bigger things. Someone recommended me this book called the Jewish Phenomenon. You should read it.
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In the USA - poverty is a choice.

Did you ever grow up in the hood with one crack head baby mamma raising you? Then shut up.

Even if you were and you made it out you are the exception not the norm.

Your childhood and the neighborhood you live in dictates what choices you have. Also you need to catch a break somewhere along the way. Most white people don't realize they got their first job because someone they knew recommended them or they got into college because they went to a good school not an inner city ghetto school.

People like Zander dont get this stuff. You are wasting your time. Its unfair but you simply have to be better than those that have a headstart and benefit from privilege. Its evident to people that grow up under challenging circumstances but most people dont seem to be able to get it.

No, i get it. It's people like you who don't get it.

I started with nothing. No special preferences or handouts. No grants or food stamps. No help from the government. Just hard work and a good attitude. I've been financially independent since my 30's. It wasn't easy, but it is simple.

In the USA anyone can become financially independent. But it is a lot easier to bitch about "race" and "privilege" than it is to take action.

Bullshit! Every Republican thinks they were born in the home they built with their own hands.

You have absolutely no idea what "every Republican" thinks or believes and are, as always, spewing from the wrong orifice ... namely your arse.
Why do people make minimum wage? Greedy employers.

And I'll be honest. I don't mind if a mom and pop shop pays minimum wage if that's all they can afford. It's Walmart or McD who makes profits and won't pay a fair wage.

By the way, I remember in the 90's the job market was so good that a Taco Bell had a sign said Hiring $10 hr.

What we need to do is insist manufacturing comes home. We are the only country that didn't protect our vital industry. Every other country regulated which industries were too important to their economies to leave for China or Mexico or India. Only the USA didn't do that. Why? Because the American workers made too much of course. They want to break the unions, got to renig on pensions when they "went bankrupt". The entire Great Recession was planned. Just when I didn't think Bush was going to be able to fuck us any more than he already had, then came TARP or what I like to call the greatest bank robbery in world history.

PS. Notice how much the so called "liberal" media bashed Bush for TARP? And what did the CONS say? It was Carter, Clinton, Obama, Pelosi, Reed, Fanny, Freddy ANYBODY other than Bush or the GOP that ran the government from 2000-2006. Everyone forgets those days why? Because the media isn't fucking liberal.

Ya know why those jobs left? We have about the highest corp tax burden of any industrial country. Ya know why? To pay for slags like you who think "free cheese" is actually free.

Nope. It was labor, unions, pensions.

And so fucking what? Pay your fucking taxes you greedy corporate bitches! If you go overseas we will tariff you even more if you try to ship your goods back. And another competitor will take your fucking place. One that won't mind paying their fucking taxes. Simple.

You just busted yourself and proved me right. I agree, we have the highest taxes on corporations. Cost of doing business with number fucking one. Deal with it. Anyways, I'll even admit that we have the highest paid workers in the world. So then you admit that too is another reason why they left. Because they could hire foreign workers for less.

And the only reason some of them are coming home is because of the high cost of shipping their shit back. Only problem is now they are only paying $10 hr, not what they were paying when they left.

We know you guys hate American workers because we ask for too much.
People on the extreme right do tend to be callous to the human condition...

Camel crap. Conservatives tend to ask: who is responsible for this and who is going to make it right?
Llama droppings. All extreme conservatives do is whine and cry about those less fortunate or starting from a lower level in life. They tend to blame people in poverty for the reason there are not enough jobs with high enough pay to make everyone wealthy.

And don't say make everyone wealthy because that's never gonna happen. We just liked the 90's. Remember the 90's? Back then the rich got richer, the middle class was comfortable and secure and the poor weren't that poor. That was the perfect America.

The GOP didn't like it that we were making so much money so NAFTA, break unions, hire illegal workers to do "jobs Americans won't do", try to let Mexican truckers into America to break the trucking industry,

Basically flood the market with workers and send all the good paying jobs overseas and then claim it is Nancy Pelosi and Obama's fault? Don't forget the classic "Clinton signed Nafta" when deflecting the fact that their policies fucked up the global economy and the rich are LOVING IT! But they won't admit that to Fox viewers.

Obama Outperforms Reagan On Jobs Growth And Investing - Forbes

Economically Could Obama Be America s Best President - Forbes

How come ABC, CBS & NBC don't report on this daily?

Ha ha. I was broke as hell in the early 90's. What I did though was go back to school and get my degree in engineering while working a full time job. It wasnt easy. I went without sleep on somedays, and I didnt get to watch much TV but I changed my family tree by doing it. Of course I had some guidance that played a huge role in making me change my mindset from one of being comfortable and just getting by to one of expectation for bigger things.

You were broke but the opportunities were out there. I'm not saying there are no opportunities, just that there are a whole lot less opportunities.

I too paid for my own college. Only cost $5K a year back then. Another advantage you and I had that the generation today does not.

You also have to realize that not everyone has your dream. My dad was an immigrant who was a cook. He got lucky and got into Ford and 30 years later he has 2 homes, $600K and good healthcare benefits. I want these kinds of opportunities so that more Americans can experience the American dream. The GOP way the CEO lives he dream and the workers work till they are 70 years old IF THEY ARE LUCKY ENOUGH TO BE ABLE TO FIND OR KEEP A JOB THAT LONG OF COURSE, and then die broke because healthcare eats up their savings with co pays and deductibles and shitty Medicare.
People on the extreme right do tend to be callous to the human condition...

Camel crap. Conservatives tend to ask: who is responsible for this and who is going to make it right?
Llama droppings. All extreme conservatives do is whine and cry about those less fortunate or starting from a lower level in life. They tend to blame people in poverty for the reason there are not enough jobs with high enough pay to make everyone wealthy.

And don't say make everyone wealthy because that's never gonna happen. We just liked the 90's. Remember the 90's? Back then the rich got richer, the middle class was comfortable and secure and the poor weren't that poor. That was the perfect America.

The GOP didn't like it that we were making so much money so NAFTA, break unions, hire illegal workers to do "jobs Americans won't do", try to let Mexican truckers into America to break the trucking industry,

Basically flood the market with workers and send all the good paying jobs overseas and then claim it is Nancy Pelosi and Obama's fault? Don't forget the classic "Clinton signed Nafta" when deflecting the fact that their policies fucked up the global economy and the rich are LOVING IT! But they won't admit that to Fox viewers.

Obama Outperforms Reagan On Jobs Growth And Investing - Forbes

Economically Could Obama Be America s Best President - Forbes

How come ABC, CBS & NBC don't report on this daily?

Ha ha. I was broke as hell in the early 90's. What I did though was go back to school and get my degree in engineering while working a full time job. It wasnt easy. I went without sleep on somedays, and I didnt get to watch much TV but I changed my family tree by doing it. Of course I had some guidance that played a huge role in making me change my mindset from one of being comfortable and just getting by to one of expectation for bigger things.

You were broke but the opportunities were out there. I'm not saying there are no opportunities, just that there are a whole lot less opportunities.

I too paid for my own college. Only cost $5K a year back then. Another advantage you and I had that the generation today does not.

You also have to realize that not everyone has your dream. My dad was an immigrant who was a cook. He got lucky and got into Ford and 30 years later he has 2 homes, $600K and good healthcare benefits. I want these kinds of opportunities so that more Americans can experience the American dream. The GOP way the CEO lives he dream and the workers work till they are 70 years old IF THEY ARE LUCKY ENOUGH TO BE ABLE TO FIND OR KEEP A JOB THAT LONG OF COURSE, and then die broke because healthcare eats up their savings with co pays and deductibles and shitty Medicare.

There are lots of opportunities. You just have to change your mindset so you can see them. The biggest issues I see with people is they get pigeonholed in to thinking things should be "this way" and that they get comfortable and do not plan the next step in case things do change. Its called adapting. You have to do it or you die.

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