Why People Make Minimum Wage

I worked for a family where the owner and his son had to make their $700K a month EACH. If sales slipped and it was going to go down to $600K a month they let a bunch of people go and as soon as sales went back up they just hired new employees.

I don't say there should be anything illegal about that. But now what about the asshole companies all across America who aren't hiring people who are out of work?
"Sales slipping" can be roughly translated to "expenses increasing" like raising minimum wage would be labeled..

Well sorry the American worker isn't as cheap as the India, Chinese, African or Mexican workers. Just the way it is. We are the greatest country in the world because we pay a decent minimum wage.

A country isn't judged by how things are for it's richest citizens. It's how are the masses doing? Wake up.

I dont think you are getting this. We arent the greatest country in the world if we pay people more that what they are worth without calling it welfare. We are only paying them to remain worker bees and unemployed worker bees in some cases. The government can do other things to ensure a great standard of living.

Great question. See, corporations a long time ago said we weren't worth shit. Then we unionized and got our fair share. That raised everyones wages union or not. Today, now that unions are all but dead, our wages either went down or haven't gone up while the corporate profits are through the roof. No coincidence. What we are worth? That depends on who you ask.

It is Americans like you who make me sick. Assuming you are a worker bee and not a rich corporate business owner or ceo. If you were you wouldn't be here.

I used to be a worker bee until I woke up. I wouldn't call myself rich. I would call it comfortable. Rich is a term people use to impress others. Wealth is measured in time. How long can you can you maintain your current lifestyle if you were unable to work ever again? Thats how rich you are or are not.

You're like my cousins tow truck husband who's a Republican because he's a "business owner".

But at least I see why you argue the way you do. Like my brother is rich so I don't blame him for voting GOP. I hate the worker bees who argue against themselves.

But even with you, chances are you aren't big enough that the GOP help you at all. And you probably won't admit all the tax breaks Obama gave you. I know many business owners who hate Obama even though he made them MILLIONS with that No Worker Left Behind program. The company I worked for got government $ to retrain displaced workers after the crash. Even though Obama got him all that $$$ he hated Obama. Brainwashed.

And all his business was Big 3 related. So when the GOP killed the automotive industry and all those tier 1-4 suppliers disappeared, they lost all that business. Just ignorant.
Well sorry the American worker isn't as cheap as the India, Chinese, African or Mexican workers. Just the way it is. We are the greatest country in the world because we pay a decent minimum wage...

I dont think you are getting this. We arent the greatest country in the world if we pay people more that what they are worth without calling it welfare...

You don't get it. In many many many ways, we aren't the greatest anymore PERIOD...

So in the span of just 14 minutes you state "We are the greatest country in the world" and counter that with "we aren't the greatest anymore PERIOD."
Frankly, BooHoo, you are one of the dimmest posters I have ever encountered. Ever.
You know absolutely squat and seem determined to make everyone aware of it.
"Sales slipping" can be roughly translated to "expenses increasing" like raising minimum wage would be labeled..

Well sorry the American worker isn't as cheap as the India, Chinese, African or Mexican workers. Just the way it is. We are the greatest country in the world because we pay a decent minimum wage.

A country isn't judged by how things are for it's richest citizens. It's how are the masses doing? Wake up.

I dont think you are getting this. We arent the greatest country in the world if we pay people more that what they are worth without calling it welfare. We are only paying them to remain worker bees and unemployed worker bees in some cases. The government can do other things to ensure a great standard of living.

Great question. See, corporations a long time ago said we weren't worth shit. Then we unionized and got our fair share. That raised everyones wages union or not. Today, now that unions are all but dead, our wages either went down or haven't gone up while the corporate profits are through the roof. No coincidence. What we are worth? That depends on who you ask.

It is Americans like you who make me sick. Assuming you are a worker bee and not a rich corporate business owner or ceo. If you were you wouldn't be here.

I used to be a worker bee until I woke up. I wouldn't call myself rich. I would call it comfortable. Rich is a term people use to impress others. Wealth is measured in time. How long can you can you maintain your current lifestyle if you were unable to work ever again? Thats how rich you are or are not.

You're like my cousins tow truck husband who's a Republican because he's a "business owner".

But at least I see why you argue the way you do. Like my brother is rich so I don't blame him for voting GOP. I hate the worker bees who argue against themselves.

But even with you, chances are you aren't big enough that the GOP help you at all. And you probably won't admit all the tax breaks Obama gave you. I know many business owners who hate Obama even though he made them MILLIONS with that No Worker Left Behind program. The company I worked for got government $ to retrain displaced workers after the crash. Even though Obama got him all that $$$ he hated Obama. Brainwashed.

And all his business was Big 3 related. So when the GOP killed the automotive industry and all those tier 1-4 suppliers disappeared, they lost all that business. Just ignorant.

I would never be a republican. If forced to pick a side I would be a democrat. That doesnt stop me from correctly analyzing the issue. You cant win paying people more than what they are worth and not calling it what it is. You kill their drive. Life is a ladder. You were not meant to stay on the bottom rung. Thats exactly what minimum wage increases encourage people to do.
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Show me a business where they were forced to overpay their employees by the amounts progs are proposing.

Actually we will be able to see live examples in the SEATAC area, when those ridiculous minimums come into play.

Can't answer my question so you bloviate. I see.

So in SeaTac more people will have more money to spend. How can that be bad?
I would never be a republican. If forced to pick a side I would be a democrat. That doesnt stop me from correctly analyzing the issue. You cant win paying people more than what they are worth and not calling it what it is. You kill their drive. Life is a ladder. You were not meant to stay on the bottom rung. Thats exactly what minimum wage increases encourage people to do.

You say you'd never be a Republican, but you parrot their stupidity word-for-word.

Let me ask:

How much are the people that make you all of your money 'worth?'

'You kill their drive.' Thank you Ms Helmsley!
I would never be a republican. If forced to pick a side I would be a democrat. That doesnt stop me from correctly analyzing the issue. You cant win paying people more than what they are worth and not calling it what it is. You kill their drive. Life is a ladder. You were not meant to stay on the bottom rung. Thats exactly what minimum wage increases encourage people to do.

You say you'd never be a Republican, but you parrot their stupidity word-for-word.

Let me ask:

How much are the people that make you all of your money 'worth?'

'You kill their drive.' Thank you Ms Helmsley!
In monetary terms, the cost of what I pay them and still make my required profit.. If you mean as a human they are priceless.

Yes you kill their drive. They get comfortable until the cost of living goes up again. If the only solution is to increase the minimum wage again they stay where they are.
In monetary terms, the cost of what I pay them and still make my required profit.. If you mean as a human they are priceless.

So again; How much are the people that make you all of your 'required profit' 'worth?'


What the hell is 'required profit'?
In monetary terms, the cost of what I pay them and still make my required profit.. If you mean as a human they are priceless.

So again; How much are the people that make you all of your 'required profit' 'worth?'


What the hell is 'required profit'?

Required profit is enough to justify a person's time, effort, and most importantly, RISK.
In monetary terms, the cost of what I pay them and still make my required profit.. If you mean as a human they are priceless.

So again; How much are the people that make you all of your 'required profit' 'worth?'


What the hell is 'required profit'?

I just answered that. I will break it down further for you. This is a very simple example. If I make a widget and it costs me $10 to make a widget in an hour I need to sale the widget at $20 to make a profit that would entice me to stay in business assuming I sell a widget every hour. If I pay an employee an additional $10 an hour to assist with making that widget then I am breaking even and paying that employee $10 an hour for the privilege. So in this example lets say my employee would be worth maybe $3 and hour to me.
Well sorry the American worker isn't as cheap as the India, Chinese, African or Mexican workers. Just the way it is. We are the greatest country in the world because we pay a decent minimum wage...

I dont think you are getting this. We arent the greatest country in the world if we pay people more that what they are worth without calling it welfare...

You don't get it. In many many many ways, we aren't the greatest anymore PERIOD...

So in the span of just 14 minutes you state "We are the greatest country in the world" and counter that with "we aren't the greatest anymore PERIOD."
Frankly, BooHoo, you are one of the dimmest posters I have ever encountered. Ever.
You know absolutely squat and seem determined to make everyone aware of it.

I knew you would think so. It's why I don't talk politics with right wing idiots or greedy fools anymore.
In monetary terms, the cost of what I pay them and still make my required profit.. If you mean as a human they are priceless.

So again; How much are the people that make you all of your 'required profit' 'worth?'


What the hell is 'required profit'?

I just answered that. I will break it down further for you. This is a very simple example. If I make a widget and it costs me $10 to make a widget in an hour I need to sale the widget at $20 to make a profit that would entice me to stay in business assuming I sell a widget every hour. If I pay an employee an additional $10 an hour to assist with making that widget then I am breaking even and paying that employee $10 an hour for the privilege. So in this example lets say my employee would be worth maybe $3 and hour to me.

Move to china and hire away bitch.
Show me a business where they were forced to overpay their employees by the amounts progs are proposing.

Actually we will be able to see live examples in the SEATAC area, when those ridiculous minimums come into play.

Can't answer my question so you bloviate. I see.

So in SeaTac more people will have more money to spend. How can that be bad?

Learn economics 101, then ask the question again.

I swear I am surprised you idiots are even able to type.
And don't ship your shit home cause we'll tariff you $7 a fucking widget. Sell your shit to the chinese who only make $3 an hour. What's wrong they can't afford to buy your widgets? Exactly.
In monetary terms, the cost of what I pay them and still make my required profit.. If you mean as a human they are priceless.

So again; How much are the people that make you all of your 'required profit' 'worth?'


What the hell is 'required profit'?

Clearly the people we are arguing with think the employees are worth less than what the minimum wage is now. We know that because they complained the last time we raised minimum wage. And one guy admitted he wants to pay $3 hr because that's what the worker is worth to him.
In monetary terms, the cost of what I pay them and still make my required profit.. If you mean as a human they are priceless.

So again; How much are the people that make you all of your 'required profit' 'worth?'


What the hell is 'required profit'?

Just remember that as our wages have stagnated or gone down the last 30 years, the CEO makes 600 x's what he use to.

So in their world the shareholders and ceo's and upper management get all the profits and the workers get the scraps because they took no risk.

And they wonder why we unionize every 100 years or so.
In monetary terms, the cost of what I pay them and still make my required profit.. If you mean as a human they are priceless.

So again; How much are the people that make you all of your 'required profit' 'worth?'


What the hell is 'required profit'?

I just answered that. I will break it down further for you. This is a very simple example. If I make a widget and it costs me $10 to make a widget in an hour I need to sale the widget at $20 to make a profit that would entice me to stay in business assuming I sell a widget every hour. If I pay an employee an additional $10 an hour to assist with making that widget then I am breaking even and paying that employee $10 an hour for the privilege. So in this example lets say my employee would be worth maybe $3 and hour to me.

Move to china and hire away bitch.
Then you wouldnt have a job.
In monetary terms, the cost of what I pay them and still make my required profit.. If you mean as a human they are priceless.

So again; How much are the people that make you all of your 'required profit' 'worth?'


What the hell is 'required profit'?

Required profit is enough to justify a person's time, effort, and most importantly, RISK.

Who decides what that "required profit" is?

As a business owner you can cut costs as much as you want. One thing you can not do is pay your employees less than minimum wage.
In monetary terms, the cost of what I pay them and still make my required profit.. If you mean as a human they are priceless.

So again; How much are the people that make you all of your 'required profit' 'worth?'


What the hell is 'required profit'?

I just answered that. I will break it down further for you. This is a very simple example. If I make a widget and it costs me $10 to make a widget in an hour I need to sale the widget at $20 to make a profit that would entice me to stay in business assuming I sell a widget every hour. If I pay an employee an additional $10 an hour to assist with making that widget then I am breaking even and paying that employee $10 an hour for the privilege. So in this example lets say my employee would be worth maybe $3 and hour to me.

Move to china and hire away bitch.
Then you wouldnt have a job.

Sure I would. You go to china and your competition moves in and replaces you. I'm sure if you can't make it in America after paying a fair wage someone smarter than you will figure it out.

Great example. In Switzerland they pay a much higher wage because it costs more to live there than it does Greece. So in your eyes, the job is only worth $3 an hour because that's what you pay in Mexico. Why is a person in Switzerland doing the same job worth $15 hr? Because it isn't apples to apples.

In America, like Switzerland, you gotta pay more. And Switzerland doesn't let illegals in so the corporations can hire them to flood the market with workers. In fact they have very low unemployment. In America the rich purposely fucked up the job market to flood the market with workers.

I know I lost you at Great.

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