Why People Make Minimum Wage

In monetary terms, the cost of what I pay them and still make my required profit.. If you mean as a human they are priceless.

So again; How much are the people that make you all of your 'required profit' 'worth?'


What the hell is 'required profit'?

Required profit is enough to justify a person's time, effort, and most importantly, RISK.

Who decides what that "required profit" is?

As a business owner you can cut costs as much as you want. One thing you can not do is pay your employees less than minimum wage.

Its whats required for you to keep the buisiness open.
Required profit is enough to justify a person's time, effort, and most importantly, RISK.

Time and effort are from your employees. Risk is minimal or non-existent if you've created the correct platform.

Perfect example of how I know you don't know economics from your asshole.

While you play by the Econ 101 book the Corporations are using Econ 505 and you are basically at retard level dummy.
In monetary terms, the cost of what I pay them and still make my required profit.. If you mean as a human they are priceless.

So again; How much are the people that make you all of your 'required profit' 'worth?'


What the hell is 'required profit'?

Required profit is enough to justify a person's time, effort, and most importantly, RISK.

Who decides what that "required profit" is?

As a business owner you can cut costs as much as you want. One thing you can not do is pay your employees less than minimum wage.

Its whats required for you to keep the buisiness open.

Now you know that's not what's at stake here. Us workers are cutting into their profits. A lot of times their RECORD profits. What you are arguing for is we don't deserve any of the profits because we didn't take the risk. If the company takes off and profits double, too bad for us. We should just be happy we have jobs. All those profits go to the shareholders, right?

That's why the smartest guys I ever knew worked on the Union factory floor. They were at least smart enough to get a share of the profits, raises, pensions, bonus', sick days, vacation days, great healthcare benefits.
In monetary terms, the cost of what I pay them and still make my required profit.. If you mean as a human they are priceless.

So again; How much are the people that make you all of your 'required profit' 'worth?'


What the hell is 'required profit'?

I just answered that. I will break it down further for you. This is a very simple example. If I make a widget and it costs me $10 to make a widget in an hour I need to sale the widget at $20 to make a profit that would entice me to stay in business assuming I sell a widget every hour. If I pay an employee an additional $10 an hour to assist with making that widget then I am breaking even and paying that employee $10 an hour for the privilege. So in this example lets say my employee would be worth maybe $3 and hour to me.

Move to china and hire away bitch.
Then you wouldnt have a job.

Sure I would. You go to china and your competition moves in and replaces you. I'm sure if you can't make it in America after paying a fair wage someone smarter than you will figure it out.

Great example. In Switzerland they pay a much higher wage because it costs more to live there than it does Greece. So in your eyes, the job is only worth $3 an hour because that's what you pay in Mexico. Why is a person in Switzerland doing the same job worth $15 hr? Because it isn't apples to apples.

In America, like Switzerland, you gotta pay more. And Switzerland doesn't let illegals in so the corporations can hire them to flood the market with workers. In fact they have very low unemployment. In America the rich purposely fucked up the job market to flood the market with workers.

I know I lost you at Great.

You forgot that the very same people you are stating would figure it out are the ones that currently are paying you too little. My competition is going to raise the price. The people that supply the raw materials are going to raise their prices. Soon you will have to demand another minimum wage increase. You cant get wealthy by demand. Wouldnt it be easier to get a better job or start your own business?
I just answered that. I will break it down further for you. This is a very simple example. If I make a widget and it costs me $10 to make a widget in an hour I need to sale the widget at $20 to make a profit that would entice me to stay in business assuming I sell a widget every hour. If I pay an employee an additional $10 an hour to assist with making that widget then I am breaking even and paying that employee $10 an hour for the privilege. So in this example lets say my employee would be worth maybe $3 and hour to me.

You haven't answered anything. As a business owner you receive profit from your business, a paycheck from the business, and kick-backs from your suppliers.

Your employee make the widgets you sell, so without the employee you make nothing. If you have sales issues, you create a larger sales platform, but as a real entrepreneur you've already done this. As an exceptional entrepreneur you've purchased the company that supplies the materials to make the widgets and make monies from both ends. Let me illustrate the last. My company uses equipment to assemble and maintain radio towers. Guess who owns the leasing company? I'll give you a hint.....it's me. Why pay others when you can pay yourself?

Now, how much is that employee worth to you that makes you all of your money?
I just answered that. I will break it down further for you. This is a very simple example. If I make a widget and it costs me $10 to make a widget in an hour I need to sale the widget at $20 to make a profit that would entice me to stay in business assuming I sell a widget every hour. If I pay an employee an additional $10 an hour to assist with making that widget then I am breaking even and paying that employee $10 an hour for the privilege. So in this example lets say my employee would be worth maybe $3 and hour to me.

You haven't answered anything. As a business owner you receive profit from your business, a paycheck from the business, and kick-backs from your suppliers.

Your employee make the widgets you sell, so without the employee you make nothing. If you have sales issues, you create a larger sales platform, but as a real entrepreneur you've already done this. As an exceptional entrepreneur you've purchased the company that supplies the materials to make the widgets and make monies from both ends. Let me illustrate the last. My company uses equipment to assemble and maintain radio towers. Guess who owns the leasing company? I'll give you a hint.....it's me. Why pay others when you can pay yourself?

Now, how much is that employee worth to you that makes you all of your money?
I only make a profit if I sale enough. My paycheck doesnt appear out of midair. My business has to make money. I dont get a kick back from my suppliers unless I can order enough from them on a consistent basis to make it worth their while to give me a kickback. I'm not going to open a business to make other people money. I'm doing it so I can make a profit. My employees are hired to assist in that. If I cant make money/profit how do I pay them? Better yet why would I do something as dumb as just breaking even?

You cant just purchase the entire supply chain unless you make money. You cant make money if you are just breaking even. Where does this money come from to purchase the supply chain? I thought it came from reinvested profits that I wont have because I am paying my employees too much to make a profit.
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Show me a business where they were forced to overpay their employees by the amounts progs are proposing.

Actually we will be able to see live examples in the SEATAC area, when those ridiculous minimums come into play.

Can't answer my question so you bloviate. I see.

So in SeaTac more people will have more money to spend. How can that be bad?

Learn economics 101, then ask the question again.

I swear I am surprised you idiots are even able to type.

Answer the question: So in SeaTac more people will have more money to spend. How can that be bad?
I only make a profit if I sale enough. My paycheck doesnt appear out of midair. My business has to make money. I dont get a kick back from my suppliers unless I can order enough from them on a consistent basis to make it worth their while to give me a kickback.

Expand your sales platform.

If you don't receive a kick-back from your suppliers, change suppliers. This 'order enough' and 'worth their while' that suppliers parrot is total BS. Kick-back monies are factored in each sale.
So again; How much are the people that make you all of your 'required profit' 'worth?'


What the hell is 'required profit'?

I just answered that. I will break it down further for you. This is a very simple example. If I make a widget and it costs me $10 to make a widget in an hour I need to sale the widget at $20 to make a profit that would entice me to stay in business assuming I sell a widget every hour. If I pay an employee an additional $10 an hour to assist with making that widget then I am breaking even and paying that employee $10 an hour for the privilege. So in this example lets say my employee would be worth maybe $3 and hour to me.

Move to china and hire away bitch.
Then you wouldnt have a job.

Sure I would. You go to china and your competition moves in and replaces you. I'm sure if you can't make it in America after paying a fair wage someone smarter than you will figure it out.

Great example. In Switzerland they pay a much higher wage because it costs more to live there than it does Greece. So in your eyes, the job is only worth $3 an hour because that's what you pay in Mexico. Why is a person in Switzerland doing the same job worth $15 hr? Because it isn't apples to apples.

In America, like Switzerland, you gotta pay more. And Switzerland doesn't let illegals in so the corporations can hire them to flood the market with workers. In fact they have very low unemployment. In America the rich purposely fucked up the job market to flood the market with workers.

I know I lost you at Great.

You forgot that the very same people you are stating would figure it out are the ones that currently are paying you too little. My competition is going to raise the price. The people that supply the raw materials are going to raise their prices. Soon you will have to demand another minimum wage increase. You cant get wealthy by demand. Wouldnt it be easier to get a better job or start your own business?

In my America, anyone can get rich and worker bees do just fine too. In fact my dad worked for Ford for only 19 years and he has hundreds of thousands of dollars saved and 2 homes. That's what being in a union does. And everyone else who wasn't in a union those years made good money too because their company worried they'd lose their good employees to union companies or their employees would unionize.

in your world, anyone COULD get rich if they work hard and get lucky, but it's a lot harder and it sucks to be a worker bee. I also believe your way doesn't work because you need the masses to have $ in their pockets and your way they don't. Who else is going to buy your products? Plus now you have to compete with chinese imports and banks that won't loan you any money? Plus if your company never pays you a good wage, how are you going to save to go out on your own?

There is so many problems with your way I'm sorry you are wrong.

I know I'm all over the place but that's because you are wrong on so many levels.

Middle Class first is what works. Remember what the middle class did when Bush gave us each $300? We went and spent it. Now what happened when he gave the rich tax breaks? They sent it to the Caymen Islands or are sitting on it. Don't be dumb.
I only make a profit if I sale enough. My paycheck doesnt appear out of midair. My business has to make money. I dont get a kick back from my suppliers unless I can order enough from them on a consistent basis to make it worth their while to give me a kickback.

Expand your sales platform.

If you don't receive a kick-back from your suppliers, change suppliers. This 'order enough' and 'worth their while' that suppliers parrot is total BS. Kick-back monies are factored in each sale.
Now you are trying to tell me what I should do with my business just to pay other people more money. Do you see the futility inherent in that? What if I dont choose to grow my business beyond a certain point?
Remember what the middle class did when Bush gave us each $300? We went and spent it. Now what happened when he gave the rich tax breaks? They sent it to the Caymen Islands or are sitting on it. Don't be dumb.

The middle class spent the $300 instead of making it work for them and you are calling me dumb? I honestly don't know what to say to that.

You are making the repubs look smart.
So in the span of just 14 minutes you state "We are the greatest country in the world" and counter that with "we aren't the greatest anymore PERIOD."
Frankly, BooHoo, you are one of the dimmest posters I have ever encountered. Ever.
You know absolutely squat and seem determined to make everyone aware of it.

I knew you would think so. It's why I don't talk politics with right wing idiots or greedy fools anymore.

Given your proven lack of intelligence you couldn't carry your end of a political or economic conversation with a 9 year old and you conveniently failed to address your contradictory statements, posted just minutes apart:
"We are the greatest country in the world"
"we aren't the greatest anymore PERIOD."
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Now you are trying to tell me what I should do with my business just to pay other people more money. Do you see the futility inherent in that? What if I don't choose to grow my business beyond a certain point?

You are sounding increasingly like a conservative - at least when it comes to YOUR money and YOUR business but trying to explain to these lefties your right to make those decisions without consulting them is an exercise in futility. I assure you they fully believe our Constitution guarantees them the right to make your decisions.
Required profit is enough to justify a person's time, effort, and most importantly, RISK.

Time and effort are from your employees. Risk is minimal or non-existent if you've created the correct platform.

Perfect example of how I know you don't know economics from your asshole.

While you play by the Econ 101 book the Corporations are using Econ 505 and you are basically at retard level dummy.

The irony of you referring to anyone as a "retard level dummy" most assuredly will escape one such as you.
Now what happened when he gave the rich tax breaks? They sent it to the Caymen Islands or are sitting on it. Don't be dumb.

Dear, the rich are smart. They don't sit on money, they invest it to earn interest and to stimulate the economy! How did you think a Cayman or US bank earned interest?

see why we are positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance.
Now what happened when he gave the rich tax breaks? They sent it to the Caymen Islands or are sitting on it. Don't be dumb.

Dear, the rich are smart. They don't sit on money, they invest it to earn interest and to stimulate the economy! How did you think a Cayman or US bank earned interest?

see why we are positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance.

Thats not liberalism. Thats someone who is confused.
Now what happened when he gave the rich tax breaks? They sent it to the Caymen Islands or are sitting on it. Don't be dumb.

Dear, the rich are smart. They don't sit on money, they invest it to earn interest and to stimulate the economy! How did you think a Cayman or US bank earned interest?

see why we are positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance.

Thats not liberalism. Thats someone who is confused.

so then why be so afraid to provide your most substantive example of where liberalism is not totally confused? What does your fear tell us?
Now what happened when he gave the rich tax breaks? They sent it to the Caymen Islands or are sitting on it. Don't be dumb.

Dear, the rich are smart. They don't sit on money, they invest it to earn interest and to stimulate the economy! How did you think a Cayman or US bank earned interest?

see why we are positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance.

Thats not liberalism. Thats someone who is confused.

so then why be so afraid to provide your most substantive example of where liberalism is not totally confused? What does your fear tell us?

Your post is an excellent example. You actually think you can bait me with a ad hominem question that starts with the word "so". So why do you think anyone is dumb enough to attempt to convince someone that is obviously not intelligent enough to fool a 4 year old?
Now what happened when he gave the rich tax breaks? They sent it to the Caymen Islands or are sitting on it. Don't be dumb.

Dear, the rich are smart. They don't sit on money, they invest it to earn interest and to stimulate the economy! How did you think a Cayman or US bank earned interest?

see why we are positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance.

Thats not liberalism. Thats someone who is confused.

so then why be so afraid to provide your most substantive example of where liberalism is not totally confused? What does your fear tell us?

Your post is an excellent example. You actually think you can bait me with a a question that starts with the word "so". So why do you think anyone is dumb enough to attempt to convince someone that is obviously not intelligent enough to fool a 4 year old?

dear, democracy is debate not baiting so cut the BS and tell us why you are a liberal or admit you lack the IQ to defend your position!

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