Why People Make Minimum Wage

Thats BS. I have been described as liberal and I think the free market works fine. .

dear, liberals supported Obamacare which is not capitlaist. As a liberal you don't have the IQ to know that. Sad for our country.
Only a clown thinks a pure anything is a desirable system. You need a hodge podge of elements from different and sometime contradicting systems and a willingness to work through things.

too stupid, you said you like the free market, and now you are saying you like several things. Why not think before you post?

You must be hard of reading. Why don't you learn how to read so you can post better? Free market doesn't have to be across the board. Essential services that everyone should have in an advanced society should be provided by the government if everyone cant afford it.
. Essential services that everyone should have in an advanced society should be provided by the government if everyone cant afford it.

so now you're a nazi liberal who wants some overlord in Washington to decide what is essential and how much of what is essential is essential?

see why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance? Is any other conclusion possible?

I made minimum wage for a total of 6 months. $4.25 an hour.
After 6 months, he bumped me up to $4.75 an hour, and eventually $6.00 an hour. All of this before I turned 19 years old.

He realized I was a good worker, and bumped me up to make sure I didn't leave for something else.

It must feel good, knowing you worked for slave wages.

I made minimum wage for a total of 6 months. $4.25 an hour.
After 6 months, he bumped me up to $4.75 an hour, and eventually $6.00 an hour. All of this before I turned 19 years old.

He realized I was a good worker, and bumped me up to make sure I didn't leave for something else.

It must feel good, knowing you worked for slave wages.

dear, slaves got no wages and were not free to quit! Slow?

I made minimum wage for a total of 6 months. $4.25 an hour.
After 6 months, he bumped me up to $4.75 an hour, and eventually $6.00 an hour. All of this before I turned 19 years old.

He realized I was a good worker, and bumped me up to make sure I didn't leave for something else.

So you had other options? That's the problem with our economy today. Where else you gonna go?

See, back in the 90's, the company I worked for paid $30K plus commission. The economy was booming so if a good person said they were going to leave, the company bumped them up to $40K plus. Today if you tell that company you're going to leave they'll tell you not to let the door hit you on the way out.

Because there are 20 people lined up more hungry than you ready to take that job. Sure it'd be better to keep you and not have to train someone new who might not work out as good as you but that's not the new way of doing things. They can find 100 people who can do your job and better than you.

The question you should ask yourself is, "why did those low skilled workers in the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's & 90's make well above minimum wage and get full benefits, profit sharing, vacation time, sick time, etc. WHy? Because they were union workers.

And a lot of companies like yours gave you a raise because they didn't want you to either unionize or didn't want you to leave and go work for a union company. Very simply unions brought up everyone's wages. Now that unions are all but gone there is not reason to pay you any more than minimum wage.

What is it that you did for this guy for minimum wage? My bet is any monkey could do that job.

I made minimum wage for a total of 6 months. $4.25 an hour.
After 6 months, he bumped me up to $4.75 an hour, and eventually $6.00 an hour. All of this before I turned 19 years old.

He realized I was a good worker, and bumped me up to make sure I didn't leave for something else.

It must feel good, knowing you worked for slave wages.

dear, slaves got no wages and were not free to quit! Slow?

They got room and board, which is more than you could afford on minimum wage.

I made minimum wage for a total of 6 months. $4.25 an hour.
After 6 months, he bumped me up to $4.75 an hour, and eventually $6.00 an hour. All of this before I turned 19 years old.

He realized I was a good worker, and bumped me up to make sure I didn't leave for something else.

It must feel good, knowing you worked for slave wages.

dear, slaves got no wages and were not free to quit! Slow?

They got room and board, which is more than you could afford on minimum wage.

don't know why you say that? $400/week=$1600/month then you get earned income tax credit and if you have spouse or roommates you've got it made, and that's working 40 hours while most nowaday work much more.

I made minimum wage for a total of 6 months. $4.25 an hour.
After 6 months, he bumped me up to $4.75 an hour, and eventually $6.00 an hour. All of this before I turned 19 years old.

He realized I was a good worker, and bumped me up to make sure I didn't leave for something else.

So you had other options? That's the problem with our economy today. Where else you gonna go?

See, back in the 90's, the company I worked for paid $30K plus commission. The economy was booming so if a good person said they were going to leave, the company bumped them up to $40K plus. Today if you tell that company you're going to leave they'll tell you not to let the door hit you on the way out.

Because there are 20 people lined up more hungry than you ready to take that job. Sure it'd be better to keep you and not have to train someone new who might not work out as good as you but that's not the new way of doing things. They can find 100 people who can do your job and better than you.

The question you should ask yourself is, "why did those low skilled workers in the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's & 90's make well above minimum wage and get full benefits, profit sharing, vacation time, sick time, etc. WHy? Because they were union workers.

And a lot of companies like yours gave you a raise because they didn't want you to either unionize or didn't want you to leave and go work for a union company. Very simply unions brought up everyone's wages. Now that unions are all but gone there is not reason to pay you any more than minimum wage.

What is it that you did for this guy for minimum wage? My bet is any monkey could do that job.

You are doing what you need to stay ahead if there are 100 people who can do better, the job you are doing. It is up to you to be the very best at what you do, or suffer the loss. Work for it.

Union workers is the incorrect answer.

I made minimum wage for a total of 6 months. $4.25 an hour.
After 6 months, he bumped me up to $4.75 an hour, and eventually $6.00 an hour. All of this before I turned 19 years old.

He realized I was a good worker, and bumped me up to make sure I didn't leave for something else.

It must feel good, knowing you worked for slave wages.

dear, slaves got no wages and were not free to quit! Slow?

They got room and board, which is more than you could afford on minimum wage.

don't know why you say that? $400/week=$1600/month then you get earned income tax credit and if you have spouse or roommates you've got it made, and that's working 40 hours while most nowaday work much more.

You take all $400 home? Liar.

Also, I have seen many a right wing tool talk out of both sides of their mouths on this issue. One day the right wingers on Fox were saying that minimum wage is plenty of money, just like you are trying to suggest, and then the next week they were crying how "$100K just isn't that much money anymore".

Most people I know work 9 hours a day x 5 days a week but the corporation only pays them for 8 hours a day, so 40 hours a week. If you work more than 40 hours a week I feel sorry for you. Americans only work 40 hours and we enjoy the rest of our leisure time. I know you right wingers want to change that and make us work 50-80 hours a week but fuck that.

I made minimum wage for a total of 6 months. $4.25 an hour.
After 6 months, he bumped me up to $4.75 an hour, and eventually $6.00 an hour. All of this before I turned 19 years old.

He realized I was a good worker, and bumped me up to make sure I didn't leave for something else.

So you had other options? That's the problem with our economy today. Where else you gonna go?

See, back in the 90's, the company I worked for paid $30K plus commission. The economy was booming so if a good person said they were going to leave, the company bumped them up to $40K plus. Today if you tell that company you're going to leave they'll tell you not to let the door hit you on the way out.

Because there are 20 people lined up more hungry than you ready to take that job. Sure it'd be better to keep you and not have to train someone new who might not work out as good as you but that's not the new way of doing things. They can find 100 people who can do your job and better than you.

The question you should ask yourself is, "why did those low skilled workers in the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's & 90's make well above minimum wage and get full benefits, profit sharing, vacation time, sick time, etc. WHy? Because they were union workers.

And a lot of companies like yours gave you a raise because they didn't want you to either unionize or didn't want you to leave and go work for a union company. Very simply unions brought up everyone's wages. Now that unions are all but gone there is not reason to pay you any more than minimum wage.

What is it that you did for this guy for minimum wage? My bet is any monkey could do that job.

You are doing what you need to stay ahead if there are 100 people who can do better, the job you are doing. It is up to you to be the very best at what you do, or suffer the loss. Work for it.

Union workers is the incorrect answer.

I disagree but humor me, what is the answer? I bet you don't have one.

I made minimum wage for a total of 6 months. $4.25 an hour.
After 6 months, he bumped me up to $4.75 an hour, and eventually $6.00 an hour. All of this before I turned 19 years old.

He realized I was a good worker, and bumped me up to make sure I didn't leave for something else.

It must feel good, knowing you worked for slave wages.

dear, slaves got no wages and were not free to quit! Slow?

They got room and board, which is more than you could afford on minimum wage.

don't know why you say that? $400/week=$1600/month then you get earned income tax credit and if you have spouse or roommates you've got it made, and that's working 40 hours while most nowaday work much more.

Rent = $300 a month if you are lucky. And don't piss your roommate off.
Healthcare $300 a month and don't get sick or it'll be more.
Food $400 (don't go out to eat)
Cable, gas, electric, ??
Car payments, insurance, gas
Want to go to college?

You aren't even middle class schmuck.
I have identified an equation which exposes the real agenda of raising the minimum wage:

Higher Minimum Wage + My-Ra = Another funding source to expand federal debt and spending

Who can open a myRA? The accounts are targeted at the millions of low- and middle-income Americans who don't have access to employer-sponsored retirement plans. That includes roughly half of all workers and 75% of part-time workers.

The White House says it will "aggressively" encourage employers to offer the program, noting that they won't have to administer or contribute to the accounts. myRAs will initially be offered through a pilot program to workers whose employers sign on by the end of the year.

Once the program reaches full implementation, anyone who has direct deposit for their paycheck will be eligible to sign up, Treasury said.

All workers may invest in the accounts, including those who would like to supplement an existing 401(k) plan, as long as their household income falls below $191,000 a year.

How will the account work? The account will function as a Roth IRA, which allows savers to invest after-tax dollars and withdraw the money in retirement tax-free.

But unlike traditional Roth IRAs, the accounts will solely invest in government savings bonds. They will also be backed by the U.S. government, meaning that savers can never lose their principal investment....

How Obama s myRA retirement accounts will work - Jan. 29 2014

Think about it. If the current minimum wage is $9, and the feds increase it to the oft cited $15 "liveable wage", by requiring mandatory My-RA contribution, these low wage serfs will be forced to buy government bonds at low interest rates. The pols and the banksters make big money while the serfs fake additional income just loses value due to inflation.


How Obama s myRA retirement accounts will work - Jan. 29 2014

All my minimum wage friends are dying to invest in MyRA's!! With all of their disposable income.....:cuckoo:
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I made minimum wage for a total of 6 months. $4.25 an hour.
After 6 months, he bumped me up to $4.75 an hour, and eventually $6.00 an hour. All of this before I turned 19 years old.

He realized I was a good worker, and bumped me up to make sure I didn't leave for something else.

It must feel good, knowing you worked for slave wages.

dear, slaves got no wages and were not free to quit! Slow?

They got room and board, which is more than you could afford on minimum wage.

don't know why you say that? $400/week=$1600/month then you get earned income tax credit and if you have spouse or roommates you've got it made, and that's working 40 hours while most nowaday work much more.

Rent = $300 a month if you are lucky. And don't piss your roommate off.
Healthcare $300 a month and don't get sick or it'll be more.
Food $400 (don't go out to eat)
Cable, gas, electric, ??
Car payments, insurance, gas
Want to go to college?

You aren't even middle class schmuck.

dear, if you need more than $3200 a month you have to get a better job or work mor hours the way most Americans do! Did some one tell you that other people owed you a living at the standard you decide? Grow up, liberal.

I made minimum wage for a total of 6 months. $4.25 an hour.
After 6 months, he bumped me up to $4.75 an hour, and eventually $6.00 an hour. All of this before I turned 19 years old.

He realized I was a good worker, and bumped me up to make sure I didn't leave for something else.
When we're good, we get noticed....:thup:
I have identified an equation which exposes the real agenda of raising the minimum wage:

Higher Minimum Wage + My-Ra = Another funding source to expand federal debt and spending

Who can open a myRA? The accounts are targeted at the millions of low- and middle-income Americans who don't have access to employer-sponsored retirement plans. That includes roughly half of all workers and 75% of part-time workers.

The White House says it will "aggressively" encourage employers to offer the program, noting that they won't have to administer or contribute to the accounts. myRAs will initially be offered through a pilot program to workers whose employers sign on by the end of the year.

Once the program reaches full implementation, anyone who has direct deposit for their paycheck will be eligible to sign up, Treasury said.

All workers may invest in the accounts, including those who would like to supplement an existing 401(k) plan, as long as their household income falls below $191,000 a year.

How will the account work? The account will function as a Roth IRA, which allows savers to invest after-tax dollars and withdraw the money in retirement tax-free.

But unlike traditional Roth IRAs, the accounts will solely invest in government savings bonds. They will also be backed by the U.S. government, meaning that savers can never lose their principal investment....

How Obama s myRA retirement accounts will work - Jan. 29 2014

Think about it. If the current minimum wage is $9, and the feds increase it to the oft cited $15 "liveable wage", by requiring mandatory My-RA contribution, these low wage serfs will be forced to buy government bonds at low interest rates. The pols and the banksters make big money while the serfs fake additional income just loses value due to inflation.


How Obama s myRA retirement accounts will work - Jan. 29 2014

All my minimum wage friends are dying to invest in MyRA's!! With all of their disposable income.....:cuckoo:

That's why it will end up being compulsory. Between My-Ra and SS, those low wage earners will be paying a large chunk of their earnings to the Feds.

I made minimum wage for a total of 6 months. $4.25 an hour.
After 6 months, he bumped me up to $4.75 an hour, and eventually $6.00 an hour. All of this before I turned 19 years old.

He realized I was a good worker, and bumped me up to make sure I didn't leave for something else.
When we're good, we get noticed....:thup:

yes a good worker is worth much more than a poor worker!

I made minimum wage for a total of 6 months. $4.25 an hour.
After 6 months, he bumped me up to $4.75 an hour, and eventually $6.00 an hour. All of this before I turned 19 years old.

He realized I was a good worker, and bumped me up to make sure I didn't leave for something else.

It must feel good, knowing you worked for slave wages.

Why so short sighted?

My first job was a paper route at age 12. I made about $40.00 a month. I had to ride my bike to the station (after school) and pick up the papers, stuff the ad inserts, and then deliver them to customers homes. It took about 1 1/2 hour each day and 2-3 hours on Sunday (much heavier papers!) I also had to "collect" for the bills each week (that was a real education!!) and then pay my bill for the papers. It was a great education in business.

I've been financially independent since my 30's......
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It must feel good, knowing you worked for slave wages.

dear, slaves got no wages and were not free to quit! Slow?

They got room and board, which is more than you could afford on minimum wage.

don't know why you say that? $400/week=$1600/month then you get earned income tax credit and if you have spouse or roommates you've got it made, and that's working 40 hours while most nowaday work much more.

Rent = $300 a month if you are lucky. And don't piss your roommate off.
Healthcare $300 a month and don't get sick or it'll be more.
Food $400 (don't go out to eat)
Cable, gas, electric, ??
Car payments, insurance, gas
Want to go to college?

You aren't even middle class schmuck.

dear, if you need more than $3200 a month you have to get a better job or work mor hours the way most Americans do! Did some one tell you that other people owed you a living at the standard you decide? Grow up, liberal.

You guys have these right wing montras like "does someone owe me". Yes dick, someone does owe me. Corporations owe us a decent share of the profits. We work hard.

See in the past, they needed us just like we needed them. They don't think they need us anymore. They can have Mexico, China or India make it and they can sell their shit in Europe and the rest of the world. Sure we can buy their products too but gone are the days where corporations understand they need us too. The workers and the consumers.

For companies to do business in America, they have to not only serve themselves but they also have to be a benefit to our society. That means hire Americans, pay them a decent wage and pay your fucking fair share of taxes.

You sir are either a corporation or rich yourself, or you are a stupid ignorant bastard who's been brainwashed. I can't stand Americans like you. I don't even want to bother to get to know if you are greedy or dumb. I'll assume dumb. As a fucking bag of rocks.

P.S. If you believe what you said, then don't cry that Obama hasn't done enough for the economy. Corporations are doing fucking great and job creators are killing it. If you aren't happy with the economy go back to school or start a company. Isn't that the kind of advice you give out?

One quick question. If everyone in America except CEO's made $4 a day. If someone corporations could work it out so that happened, and I complained, would you say to me "Did some one tell you that other people owed you a living at the standard you decide?"

Because the answer is yes, someone did tell me that corporations by law have to pay a fair wage. Now there are two ways to go about getting a fair wage. Your government can pass laws. Unless you like it how China does it where they pay $3 a day. Do you like that? Because it seems like you would defend that. The second way is to organized and strike. Our country has a long history of unionizing. They come when needed and eventually die out but then they always seem to come back again. Just keep fucking with the American workers and soon they'll wake up and realize they're being fucked.

One good thing about globalization is it is helping workers in other nations. Wages are going up in other countries.

So while America is having the best recovery, middle class Americans don't know it because they aren't benefitting from it. Their companies are still paying them shit wages. Maybe they should unionize. Eventually they will.

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