Why People Make Minimum Wage

Another difference now, is that one cannot just start a business and succeed. Technology is wonderful in many ways but it is killing jobs and opportunity.

We're sending jobs to other countries - the corp's get the bennies from being a US company but don't pay for them. We're not educating our own people and we're making it all but impossible for kids to afford higher education. Instead, we just hire from other countries.

The right is to blame for this.
Democrats control the schools and the government, a fact for a century.

Here is a fact. The rich have been tearing down our great society for over 100 years now. In fact last year the 100 year anniversary of when the bankers took over the Federal Reserve came and went and not a peep out of the liberal media.

You right wingers are so dumb it amazes me. You are just like the German citizen sheep of the Nazi reign. What do you think a Nazi said if you told them they were brainwashed? Same thing you say when we tell you that you are brainwashed.

But I am going to admit that it dawned on me last night watching the PBS documentary on Teddy Roosevelt that it is true, no matter if it's Democrats or Republicans, the rich and the corporations own/run/control this country. The only thing we have is the vote but even that is easily manipulated and what does it matter GOP or DEM? 2 sides of the same coin.
Sure, we are dumb, just as you say, "you are just like the German citizen sheep of the Nazi reign."
And as the Liberals like to throw around Goodwins Law, you lose. Once one starts calling others Nazi it proves they have no basis in fact for their position.

But thanks for acting like a Nazi, demonizing me because of who you think you see through your Bigoted eyes.
Nazi's had an enemy, just like you have an enemy, Nazi's hated the Jews, sealybobo hates the rich and the republicans.

very informative your post, thanks

I simply suggested there is a similarity between how easily the German people were manipulated and how easily the American people are today. Bush/Chaney took it right out of the Nazi playbook. Do the similarities offend you? Too bad. People who don't know history tend to repeat it.

By the way, they were talking about the new or next America. 20 somethings can't afford kids and so they aren't getting married and they are taking more and more birth control. Not just the slacker 20 something year olds. Way too many of them.

What am I even trying to say here? I guess that GOPanomics don't work. You will see. You can't ask some kid to rack up $100k in student loans and then pay him $30K after he graduates and expect him to buy a home and start a family and retire with any amount of $.

We have a real problem with the 20 something year olds. Way too many of them are under employed or unemployed. They are not slackers. You assholes don't realize the trickle down affect that happened to EVERYONE when you sent all the manufacturing/union jobs overseas. Instead you think it was Obama's fault. Fools.
They got room and board, which is more than you could afford on minimum wage.

don't know why you say that? $400/week=$1600/month then you get earned income tax credit and if you have spouse or roommates you've got it made, and that's working 40 hours while most nowaday work much more.

Rent = $300 a month if you are lucky. And don't piss your roommate off.
Healthcare $300 a month and don't get sick or it'll be more.
Food $400 (don't go out to eat)
Cable, gas, electric, ??
Car payments, insurance, gas
Want to go to college?

You aren't even middle class schmuck.

dear, if you need more than $3200 a month you have to get a better job or work mor hours the way most Americans do! Did some one tell you that other people owed you a living at the standard you decide? Grow up, liberal.

You guys have these right wing montras like "does someone owe me". Yes dick, someone does owe me. Corporations owe us a decent share of the profits. We work hard.

See in the past, they needed us just like we needed them. They don't think they need us anymore. They can have Mexico, China or India make it and they can sell their shit in Europe and the rest of the world. Sure we can buy their products too but gone are the days where corporations understand they need us too. The workers and the consumers.

For companies to do business in America, they have to not only serve themselves but they also have to be a benefit to our society. That means hire Americans, pay them a decent wage and pay your fucking fair share of taxes.

You sir are either a corporation or rich yourself, or you are a stupid ignorant bastard who's been brainwashed. I can't stand Americans like you. I don't even want to bother to get to know if you are greedy or dumb. I'll assume dumb. As a fucking bag of rocks.

P.S. If you believe what you said, then don't cry that Obama hasn't done enough for the economy. Corporations are doing fucking great and job creators are killing it. If you aren't happy with the economy go back to school or start a company. Isn't that the kind of advice you give out?

One quick question. If everyone in America except CEO's made $4 a day. If someone corporations could work it out so that happened, and I complained, would you say to me "Did some one tell you that other people owed you a living at the standard you decide?"

Because the answer is yes, someone did tell me that corporations by law have to pay a fair wage. Now there are two ways to go about getting a fair wage. Your government can pass laws. Unless you like it how China does it where they pay $3 a day. Do you like that? Because it seems like you would defend that. The second way is to organized and strike. Our country has a long history of unionizing. They come when needed and eventually die out but then they always seem to come back again. Just keep fucking with the American workers and soon they'll wake up and realize they're being fucked.

One good thing about globalization is it is helping workers in other nations. Wages are going up in other countries.

So while America is having the best recovery, middle class Americans don't know it because they aren't benefitting from it. Their companies are still paying them shit wages. Maybe they should unionize. Eventually they will.

Corporations don't owe you ANYTHING. NOTHING! You're only entitled to your "Fair share" if you own stock in the corporation.

Don't you get that?

Well they should. Let me give you an example of how they fuck the employees. They tell the salesperson he can have 15% of whatever sales he makes. Then the salesperson exceeds their expectations and they restructure the deal because then they say he's "making too much".

That wouldn't happen if he was in a union. But I do see it happen in every non union company I've ever worked for. Not fair. Guy lands a $10 million dollar deal and they renig on the 15%.
don't know why you say that? $400/week=$1600/month then you get earned income tax credit and if you have spouse or roommates you've got it made, and that's working 40 hours while most nowaday work much more.

Rent = $300 a month if you are lucky. And don't piss your roommate off.
Healthcare $300 a month and don't get sick or it'll be more.
Food $400 (don't go out to eat)
Cable, gas, electric, ??
Car payments, insurance, gas
Want to go to college?

You aren't even middle class schmuck.

dear, if you need more than $3200 a month you have to get a better job or work mor hours the way most Americans do! Did some one tell you that other people owed you a living at the standard you decide? Grow up, liberal.

You guys have these right wing montras like "does someone owe me". Yes dick, someone does owe me. Corporations owe us a decent share of the profits. We work hard.

See in the past, they needed us just like we needed them. They don't think they need us anymore. They can have Mexico, China or India make it and they can sell their shit in Europe and the rest of the world. Sure we can buy their products too but gone are the days where corporations understand they need us too. The workers and the consumers.

For companies to do business in America, they have to not only serve themselves but they also have to be a benefit to our society. That means hire Americans, pay them a decent wage and pay your fucking fair share of taxes.

You sir are either a corporation or rich yourself, or you are a stupid ignorant bastard who's been brainwashed. I can't stand Americans like you. I don't even want to bother to get to know if you are greedy or dumb. I'll assume dumb. As a fucking bag of rocks.

P.S. If you believe what you said, then don't cry that Obama hasn't done enough for the economy. Corporations are doing fucking great and job creators are killing it. If you aren't happy with the economy go back to school or start a company. Isn't that the kind of advice you give out?

One quick question. If everyone in America except CEO's made $4 a day. If someone corporations could work it out so that happened, and I complained, would you say to me "Did some one tell you that other people owed you a living at the standard you decide?"

Because the answer is yes, someone did tell me that corporations by law have to pay a fair wage. Now there are two ways to go about getting a fair wage. Your government can pass laws. Unless you like it how China does it where they pay $3 a day. Do you like that? Because it seems like you would defend that. The second way is to organized and strike. Our country has a long history of unionizing. They come when needed and eventually die out but then they always seem to come back again. Just keep fucking with the American workers and soon they'll wake up and realize they're being fucked.

One good thing about globalization is it is helping workers in other nations. Wages are going up in other countries.

So while America is having the best recovery, middle class Americans don't know it because they aren't benefitting from it. Their companies are still paying them shit wages. Maybe they should unionize. Eventually they will.

Corporations don't owe you ANYTHING. NOTHING! You're only entitled to your "Fair share" if you own stock in the corporation.

Don't you get that?

Well they should. Let me give you an example of how they fuck the employees. They tell the salesperson he can have 15% of whatever sales he makes. Then the salesperson exceeds their expectations and they restructure the deal because then they say he's "making too much".

That wouldn't happen if he was in a union. But I do see it happen in every non union company I've ever worked for. Not fair. Guy lands a $10 million dollar deal and they renig on the 15%.

Sounds like you're either making shit up or taking an isolated example and extrapolating it to the Known Universe assuming EVERYONE acts like that, and that's not the case.

I was fortunate enough to work for someone who took the opposite approach; that if you were good, you'd get more responsibility because he knew that the better you did the better the organization did. The organization was tiny when I worked there and then grew into an absolute behemoth. The CEO stared the company with an initial $50K investment and he is now way up in Forbes 400 and proud of all the people he made rich along with him.

"Kill the Rich" is a bizarre, failed notion that leads only to misery and poverty.
Rent = $300 a month if you are lucky. And don't piss your roommate off.
Healthcare $300 a month and don't get sick or it'll be more.
Food $400 (don't go out to eat)
Cable, gas, electric, ??
Car payments, insurance, gas
Want to go to college?

You aren't even middle class schmuck.

dear, if you need more than $3200 a month you have to get a better job or work mor hours the way most Americans do! Did some one tell you that other people owed you a living at the standard you decide? Grow up, liberal.

You guys have these right wing montras like "does someone owe me". Yes dick, someone does owe me. Corporations owe us a decent share of the profits. We work hard.

See in the past, they needed us just like we needed them. They don't think they need us anymore. They can have Mexico, China or India make it and they can sell their shit in Europe and the rest of the world. Sure we can buy their products too but gone are the days where corporations understand they need us too. The workers and the consumers.

For companies to do business in America, they have to not only serve themselves but they also have to be a benefit to our society. That means hire Americans, pay them a decent wage and pay your fucking fair share of taxes.

You sir are either a corporation or rich yourself, or you are a stupid ignorant bastard who's been brainwashed. I can't stand Americans like you. I don't even want to bother to get to know if you are greedy or dumb. I'll assume dumb. As a fucking bag of rocks.

P.S. If you believe what you said, then don't cry that Obama hasn't done enough for the economy. Corporations are doing fucking great and job creators are killing it. If you aren't happy with the economy go back to school or start a company. Isn't that the kind of advice you give out?

One quick question. If everyone in America except CEO's made $4 a day. If someone corporations could work it out so that happened, and I complained, would you say to me "Did some one tell you that other people owed you a living at the standard you decide?"

Because the answer is yes, someone did tell me that corporations by law have to pay a fair wage. Now there are two ways to go about getting a fair wage. Your government can pass laws. Unless you like it how China does it where they pay $3 a day. Do you like that? Because it seems like you would defend that. The second way is to organized and strike. Our country has a long history of unionizing. They come when needed and eventually die out but then they always seem to come back again. Just keep fucking with the American workers and soon they'll wake up and realize they're being fucked.

One good thing about globalization is it is helping workers in other nations. Wages are going up in other countries.

So while America is having the best recovery, middle class Americans don't know it because they aren't benefitting from it. Their companies are still paying them shit wages. Maybe they should unionize. Eventually they will.

Corporations don't owe you ANYTHING. NOTHING! You're only entitled to your "Fair share" if you own stock in the corporation.

Don't you get that?

Well they should. Let me give you an example of how they fuck the employees. They tell the salesperson he can have 15% of whatever sales he makes. Then the salesperson exceeds their expectations and they restructure the deal because then they say he's "making too much".

That wouldn't happen if he was in a union. But I do see it happen in every non union company I've ever worked for. Not fair. Guy lands a $10 million dollar deal and they renig on the 15%.

Sounds like you're either making shit up or taking an isolated example and extrapolating it to the Known Universe assuming EVERYONE acts like that, and that's not the case.

I was fortunate enough to work for someone who took the opposite approach; that if you were good, you'd get more responsibility because he knew that the better you did the better the organization did. The organization was tiny when I worked there and then grew into an absolute behemoth. The CEO stared the company with an initial $50K investment and he is now way up in Forbes 400 and proud of all the people he made rich along with him.

"Kill the Rich" is a bizarre, failed notion that leads only to misery and poverty.

No one wants to kill the rich.

Ok tough guy, what is this company that got him on Forbes? I want to look into that company and how they pay their employees. Since it's a big company you won't be giving away who you are. I worked for Thomson Reuters. They slowly but surely tweeked their pay structure and staff so that instead of 40 guys making $100K they hired 80 guys and paid them $50K.

Makes sense if you are an employer but not an employee.
. They slowly but surely tweeked their pay structure and staff so that instead of 40 guys making $100K they hired 80 guys and paid them $50K.

Makes sense if you are an employer but not an employee.

dear, as a liberal you lack the IQ to understand. They saved money that someone spent thus creating more jobs not less.

Can you imagine a world in which corporations tried to increase their expenses? Obviously they'd get killed in competition against more efficient competitors for wasting resources. See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance!

Econ 101 is miles over your liberal head whcih is exactly what we expect.
dear, if you need more than $3200 a month you have to get a better job or work mor hours the way most Americans do! Did some one tell you that other people owed you a living at the standard you decide? Grow up, liberal.

You guys have these right wing montras like "does someone owe me". Yes dick, someone does owe me. Corporations owe us a decent share of the profits. We work hard.

See in the past, they needed us just like we needed them. They don't think they need us anymore. They can have Mexico, China or India make it and they can sell their shit in Europe and the rest of the world. Sure we can buy their products too but gone are the days where corporations understand they need us too. The workers and the consumers.

For companies to do business in America, they have to not only serve themselves but they also have to be a benefit to our society. That means hire Americans, pay them a decent wage and pay your fucking fair share of taxes.

You sir are either a corporation or rich yourself, or you are a stupid ignorant bastard who's been brainwashed. I can't stand Americans like you. I don't even want to bother to get to know if you are greedy or dumb. I'll assume dumb. As a fucking bag of rocks.

P.S. If you believe what you said, then don't cry that Obama hasn't done enough for the economy. Corporations are doing fucking great and job creators are killing it. If you aren't happy with the economy go back to school or start a company. Isn't that the kind of advice you give out?

One quick question. If everyone in America except CEO's made $4 a day. If someone corporations could work it out so that happened, and I complained, would you say to me "Did some one tell you that other people owed you a living at the standard you decide?"

Because the answer is yes, someone did tell me that corporations by law have to pay a fair wage. Now there are two ways to go about getting a fair wage. Your government can pass laws. Unless you like it how China does it where they pay $3 a day. Do you like that? Because it seems like you would defend that. The second way is to organized and strike. Our country has a long history of unionizing. They come when needed and eventually die out but then they always seem to come back again. Just keep fucking with the American workers and soon they'll wake up and realize they're being fucked.

One good thing about globalization is it is helping workers in other nations. Wages are going up in other countries.

So while America is having the best recovery, middle class Americans don't know it because they aren't benefitting from it. Their companies are still paying them shit wages. Maybe they should unionize. Eventually they will.

Corporations don't owe you ANYTHING. NOTHING! You're only entitled to your "Fair share" if you own stock in the corporation.

Don't you get that?

Well they should. Let me give you an example of how they fuck the employees. They tell the salesperson he can have 15% of whatever sales he makes. Then the salesperson exceeds their expectations and they restructure the deal because then they say he's "making too much".

That wouldn't happen if he was in a union. But I do see it happen in every non union company I've ever worked for. Not fair. Guy lands a $10 million dollar deal and they renig on the 15%.

Sounds like you're either making shit up or taking an isolated example and extrapolating it to the Known Universe assuming EVERYONE acts like that, and that's not the case.

I was fortunate enough to work for someone who took the opposite approach; that if you were good, you'd get more responsibility because he knew that the better you did the better the organization did. The organization was tiny when I worked there and then grew into an absolute behemoth. The CEO stared the company with an initial $50K investment and he is now way up in Forbes 400 and proud of all the people he made rich along with him.

"Kill the Rich" is a bizarre, failed notion that leads only to misery and poverty.

No one wants to kill the rich.

Ok tough guy, what is this company that got him on Forbes? I want to look into that company and how they pay their employees. Since it's a big company you won't be giving away who you are. I worked for Thomson Reuters. They slowly but surely tweeked their pay structure and staff so that instead of 40 guys making $100K they hired 80 guys and paid them $50K.

Makes sense if you are an employer but not an employee.

Stephen M Ross.

Look him up
dear, if you need more than $3200 a month you have to get a better job or work mor hours the way most Americans do! Did some one tell you that other people owed you a living at the standard you decide? Grow up, liberal.

You guys have these right wing montras like "does someone owe me". Yes dick, someone does owe me. Corporations owe us a decent share of the profits. We work hard.

See in the past, they needed us just like we needed them. They don't think they need us anymore. They can have Mexico, China or India make it and they can sell their shit in Europe and the rest of the world. Sure we can buy their products too but gone are the days where corporations understand they need us too. The workers and the consumers.

For companies to do business in America, they have to not only serve themselves but they also have to be a benefit to our society. That means hire Americans, pay them a decent wage and pay your fucking fair share of taxes.

You sir are either a corporation or rich yourself, or you are a stupid ignorant bastard who's been brainwashed. I can't stand Americans like you. I don't even want to bother to get to know if you are greedy or dumb. I'll assume dumb. As a fucking bag of rocks.

P.S. If you believe what you said, then don't cry that Obama hasn't done enough for the economy. Corporations are doing fucking great and job creators are killing it. If you aren't happy with the economy go back to school or start a company. Isn't that the kind of advice you give out?

One quick question. If everyone in America except CEO's made $4 a day. If someone corporations could work it out so that happened, and I complained, would you say to me "Did some one tell you that other people owed you a living at the standard you decide?"

Because the answer is yes, someone did tell me that corporations by law have to pay a fair wage. Now there are two ways to go about getting a fair wage. Your government can pass laws. Unless you like it how China does it where they pay $3 a day. Do you like that? Because it seems like you would defend that. The second way is to organized and strike. Our country has a long history of unionizing. They come when needed and eventually die out but then they always seem to come back again. Just keep fucking with the American workers and soon they'll wake up and realize they're being fucked.

One good thing about globalization is it is helping workers in other nations. Wages are going up in other countries.

So while America is having the best recovery, middle class Americans don't know it because they aren't benefitting from it. Their companies are still paying them shit wages. Maybe they should unionize. Eventually they will.

Corporations don't owe you ANYTHING. NOTHING! You're only entitled to your "Fair share" if you own stock in the corporation.

Don't you get that?

Well they should. Let me give you an example of how they fuck the employees. They tell the salesperson he can have 15% of whatever sales he makes. Then the salesperson exceeds their expectations and they restructure the deal because then they say he's "making too much".

That wouldn't happen if he was in a union. But I do see it happen in every non union company I've ever worked for. Not fair. Guy lands a $10 million dollar deal and they renig on the 15%.

Sounds like you're either making shit up or taking an isolated example and extrapolating it to the Known Universe assuming EVERYONE acts like that, and that's not the case.

I was fortunate enough to work for someone who took the opposite approach; that if you were good, you'd get more responsibility because he knew that the better you did the better the organization did. The organization was tiny when I worked there and then grew into an absolute behemoth. The CEO stared the company with an initial $50K investment and he is now way up in Forbes 400 and proud of all the people he made rich along with him.

"Kill the Rich" is a bizarre, failed notion that leads only to misery and poverty.

No one wants to kill the rich.

Ok tough guy, what is this company that got him on Forbes? I want to look into that company and how they pay their employees. Since it's a big company you won't be giving away who you are. I worked for Thomson Reuters. They slowly but surely tweeked their pay structure and staff so that instead of 40 guys making $100K they hired 80 guys and paid them $50K.

Makes sense if you are an employer but not an employee.
Its hilarious to see people defending companies that wouldnt show up at their funeral. its all part of the settle for less than you are worth ideology. I'm telling you that working to make someone else wealthy is a losing proposition. Open a business. I dont care what it is and figure it out from there until you can wean yourself off the 9-5 gig.
Guy lands a $10 million dollar deal and they renig on the 15%.

1) renig??? if it was not a leagally binding deal they didn't renig

2) if they do renige on verbal employment contracts why would anyone work for them? They would get the dregs and go bankrupt. Still over the liberal brain?
. They slowly but surely tweeked their pay structure and staff so that instead of 40 guys making $100K they hired 80 guys and paid them $50K.

Makes sense if you are an employer but not an employee.

dear, as a liberal you lack the IQ to understand. They saved money that someone spent thus creating more jobs not less.

Can you imagine a world in which corporations tried to increase their expenses? Obviously they'd get killed in competition against more efficient competitors for wasting resources. See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance!

Econ 101 is miles over your liberal head whcih is exactly what we expect.

It's Econ 202 you don't get.
. They slowly but surely tweeked their pay structure and staff so that instead of 40 guys making $100K they hired 80 guys and paid them $50K.

Makes sense if you are an employer but not an employee.

dear, as a liberal you lack the IQ to understand. They saved money that someone spent thus creating more jobs not less.

Can you imagine a world in which corporations tried to increase their expenses? Obviously they'd get killed in competition against more efficient competitors for wasting resources. See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance!

Econ 101 is miles over your liberal head whcih is exactly what we expect.

It's Econ 202 you don't get.

so explain or admit to being little more than a liar, liberal!
Guy lands a $10 million dollar deal and they renig on the 15%.

1) renig??? if it was not a leagally binding deal they didn't renig

2) if they do renige on verbal employment contracts why would anyone work for them? They would get the dregs and go bankrupt. Still over the liberal brain?

Where you gonna go in this economy? The company I'm talking about has pulled so much shit over the years I wouldn't know where to begin. The employees should organize. Fuck him and his son.

The owner goes crazy if anyone changes the channel from Fox to anything else. You should see the employees who kiss his ass agreeing with him on Obamacare and who to vote for in the next election.

Then they use them up and spit them out too. If they are smart they see the writing on the wall and they find a job before they get fired. No one lasts longer than 5 or 10 years. Good luck finding another job if you are in your 50's.

Anyways, I know what you think is fair. Luckily most middle class and poor people disagree with you. The problem is not enough of them vote and the ones that do, half of them vote for the wrong party.
. The employees should organize. Fuck him and his son.


dear, you've learned 100 times that millions did organized and all it did was ship the jobs
and our manufacturing base off shore! As a liberal do you need to learn the basics 200 times?.
. They slowly but surely tweeked their pay structure and staff so that instead of 40 guys making $100K they hired 80 guys and paid them $50K.

Makes sense if you are an employer but not an employee.

dear, as a liberal you lack the IQ to understand. They saved money that someone spent thus creating more jobs not less.

Can you imagine a world in which corporations tried to increase their expenses? Obviously they'd get killed in competition against more efficient competitors for wasting resources. See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance!

Econ 101 is miles over your liberal head whcih is exactly what we expect.

It's Econ 202 you don't get.

so explain or admit to being little more than a liar, liberal!

You may understand Supply and Demand, which is Econ 101, but you do not understand such things like supply manipulation, monopolies, unfair tax breaks, flooding the market to lower wages, sending jobs overseas to break unions. All this is Econ 202 and you clearly didn't take this class.
Another difference now, is that one cannot just start a business and succeed. Technology is wonderful in many ways but it is killing jobs and opportunity.

We're sending jobs to other countries - the corp's get the bennies from being a US company but don't pay for them. We're not educating our own people and we're making it all but impossible for kids to afford higher education. Instead, we just hire from other countries.

The right is to blame for this.
Democrats control the schools and the government, a fact for a century.

Here is a fact. The rich have been tearing down our great society for over 100 years now. In fact last year the 100 year anniversary of when the bankers took over the Federal Reserve came and went and not a peep out of the liberal media.

You right wingers are so dumb it amazes me. You are just like the German citizen sheep of the Nazi reign. What do you think a Nazi said if you told them they were brainwashed? Same thing you say when we tell you that you are brainwashed.

But I am going to admit that it dawned on me last night watching the PBS documentary on Teddy Roosevelt that it is true, no matter if it's Democrats or Republicans, the rich and the corporations own/run/control this country. The only thing we have is the vote but even that is easily manipulated and what does it matter GOP or DEM? 2 sides of the same coin.
Sure, we are dumb, just as you say, "you are just like the German citizen sheep of the Nazi reign."
And as the Liberals like to throw around Goodwins Law, you lose. Once one starts calling others Nazi it proves they have no basis in fact for their position.

But thanks for acting like a Nazi, demonizing me because of who you think you see through your Bigoted eyes.
Nazi's had an enemy, just like you have an enemy, Nazi's hated the Jews, sealybobo hates the rich and the republicans.

very informative your post, thanks

I simply suggested there is a similarity between how easily the German people were manipulated and how easily the American people are today. Bush/Chaney took it right out of the Nazi playbook. Do the similarities offend you? Too bad. People who don't know history tend to repeat it.

By the way, they were talking about the new or next America. 20 somethings can't afford kids and so they aren't getting married and they are taking more and more birth control. Not just the slacker 20 something year olds. Way too many of them.

What am I even trying to say here? I guess that GOPanomics don't work. You will see. You can't ask some kid to rack up $100k in student loans and then pay him $30K after he graduates and expect him to buy a home and start a family and retire with any amount of $.

We have a real problem with the 20 something year olds. Way too many of them are under employed or unemployed. They are not slackers. You assholes don't realize the trickle down affect that happened to EVERYONE when you sent all the manufacturing/union jobs overseas. Instead you think it was Obama's fault. Fools.
Goodwins law, you lose, nothing you say is valid, you start throwing around the word "nazi", than you lose. Democrat playbook rules, not mine.
. The employees should organize. Fuck him and his son.


dear, you've learned 100 times that millions did organized and all it did was ship the jobs
and our manufacturing base off shore! As a liberal do you need to learn the basics 200 times?.

What you don't realize is that as Unions are disappearing here in America, the companies that shipped jobs overseas are now dealing with unions in those countries.

My brother is a HR VP heading Europe right now. He admitted to me that without unions the workers of the world would be fucked. And meanwhile their wages are going up fast. What's happening here in America? Our wages are going down or stagnating. Why? Our unions are being attacked.

First they'll attack and kill American unions and then the rest of the worlds unions are next. And if the labor in your country costs too much, we'll move to Mexico. If they get too uppity they'll move to Africa, or India, or China. They'll bounce around pitting one countries labor force against the next.

There is so much you don't know I laugh when you guys think I'm stupid. I really laugh.
Another difference now, is that one cannot just start a business and succeed. Technology is wonderful in many ways but it is killing jobs and opportunity.

We're sending jobs to other countries - the corp's get the bennies from being a US company but don't pay for them. We're not educating our own people and we're making it all but impossible for kids to afford higher education. Instead, we just hire from other countries.

The right is to blame for this.
Democrats control the schools and the government, a fact for a century.

Here is a fact. The rich have been tearing down our great society for over 100 years now. In fact last year the 100 year anniversary of when the bankers took over the Federal Reserve came and went and not a peep out of the liberal media.

You right wingers are so dumb it amazes me. You are just like the German citizen sheep of the Nazi reign. What do you think a Nazi said if you told them they were brainwashed? Same thing you say when we tell you that you are brainwashed.

But I am going to admit that it dawned on me last night watching the PBS documentary on Teddy Roosevelt that it is true, no matter if it's Democrats or Republicans, the rich and the corporations own/run/control this country. The only thing we have is the vote but even that is easily manipulated and what does it matter GOP or DEM? 2 sides of the same coin.
Sure, we are dumb, just as you say, "you are just like the German citizen sheep of the Nazi reign."
And as the Liberals like to throw around Goodwins Law, you lose. Once one starts calling others Nazi it proves they have no basis in fact for their position.

But thanks for acting like a Nazi, demonizing me because of who you think you see through your Bigoted eyes.
Nazi's had an enemy, just like you have an enemy, Nazi's hated the Jews, sealybobo hates the rich and the republicans.

very informative your post, thanks

I simply suggested there is a similarity between how easily the German people were manipulated and how easily the American people are today. Bush/Chaney took it right out of the Nazi playbook. Do the similarities offend you? Too bad. People who don't know history tend to repeat it.

By the way, they were talking about the new or next America. 20 somethings can't afford kids and so they aren't getting married and they are taking more and more birth control. Not just the slacker 20 something year olds. Way too many of them.

What am I even trying to say here? I guess that GOPanomics don't work. You will see. You can't ask some kid to rack up $100k in student loans and then pay him $30K after he graduates and expect him to buy a home and start a family and retire with any amount of $.

We have a real problem with the 20 something year olds. Way too many of them are under employed or unemployed. They are not slackers. You assholes don't realize the trickle down affect that happened to EVERYONE when you sent all the manufacturing/union jobs overseas. Instead you think it was Obama's fault. Fools.
Goodwins law, you lose, nothing you say is valid, you start throwing around the word "nazi", than you lose. Democrat playbook rules, not mine.

I have to take being called a socialist and commy all day and you can't take being compared to a Nazi?

I didn't say you were a Nazi. I'm saying the GOP played you right out of the Nazi playbook. Big difference.
What's wrong with this picture?
I have identified an equation which exposes the real agenda of raising the minimum wage:

Higher Minimum Wage + My-Ra = Another funding source to expand federal debt and spending

Who can open a myRA? The accounts are targeted at the millions of low- and middle-income Americans who don't have access to employer-sponsored retirement plans. That includes roughly half of all workers and 75% of part-time workers.

The White House says it will "aggressively" encourage employers to offer the program, noting that they won't have to administer or contribute to the accounts. myRAs will initially be offered through a pilot program to workers whose employers sign on by the end of the year.

Once the program reaches full implementation, anyone who has direct deposit for their paycheck will be eligible to sign up, Treasury said.

All workers may invest in the accounts, including those who would like to supplement an existing 401(k) plan, as long as their household income falls below $191,000 a year.

How will the account work? The account will function as a Roth IRA, which allows savers to invest after-tax dollars and withdraw the money in retirement tax-free.

But unlike traditional Roth IRAs, the accounts will solely invest in government savings bonds. They will also be backed by the U.S. government, meaning that savers can never lose their principal investment....

How Obama s myRA retirement accounts will work - Jan. 29 2014

Think about it. If the current minimum wage is $9, and the feds increase it to the oft cited $15 "liveable wage", by requiring mandatory My-RA contribution, these low wage serfs will be forced to buy government bonds at low interest rates. The pols and the banksters make big money while the serfs fake additional income just loses value due to inflation.


How Obama s myRA retirement accounts will work - Jan. 29 2014
Higher wages means more union dollars much of which ends up in the hands of Democrats.

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