Why People Make Minimum Wage


I'm finally ready to answer the question. The reason people make minimum wage is because jobs are scarce. If jobs were plentiful, people would be able to find a job that pays better than minimum wage.

But because jobs are not plentiful, employers can keep wages low. I remember in the 90's a taco bell near my home was paying $10 hr. Sign said HELP WANTED $10 HR!!!! Thanks Bill.

Maybe with Hillary in charge she'll be able to negotiate with the GOP in Congress better than Obama.

We tried Democrat Soviet style central planning where Obama was going to direct the auto companies, banks and insurance companies and that's why we have 50,000,000 on food stamps and 90,000,000 out of the labor force

I'm finally ready to answer the question. The reason people make minimum wage is because jobs are scarce. If jobs were plentiful, people would be able to find a job that pays better than minimum wage.

But because jobs are not plentiful, employers can keep wages low. I remember in the 90's a taco bell near my home was paying $10 hr. Sign said HELP WANTED $10 HR!!!! Thanks Bill.

Maybe with Hillary in charge she'll be able to negotiate with the GOP in Congress better than Obama.

We tried Democrat Soviet style central planning where Obama was going to direct the auto companies, banks and insurance companies and that's why we have 50,000,000 on food stamps and 90,000,000 out of the labor force

Either you are a liar or a brainwashed right winger. We were doing just fine, until NAFTA. For years you right wingers could only say, "Clinton signed it". Well we all know Bush and the GOP came up with it. IT is why we are in the mess we are in.

And it wasn't so bad when Clinton signed it. It was what Bush and the GOP from 2000-2006 did that really bankrupted the USA and some (ME) believe they did it on purpose.

Why? Look at how rich they got! Look how they got to break unions and renig on pensions! And ship jobs over to China to pay $3 a day. Fuck you guys. We all know who bankrupted the global economy. Just remember bitch TARP started when Bush was sinking with the ship.

If we try to regulate industry you call it soviet style. Can't take you seriously.
The ghetto mothers in Detroit who can afford it are sending their kids to Charter Schools. That's not fixing the situation with the majority of kids in the Detroit Public School system. They need more money stupid.
the total illiterate strikes again. Charter schools are public schools!!! All ghetto kids could go to charter schools but the liberal union and paid for liberal politicians are opposed. You lack the IQ to be here and apparently to even read. I suggest you read posts but not write anything.
So what was wrong with his public schooling?

too stupid by 100% we are not talking about his public schooling, but everybody's. Get the difference? American liberal union soviet public schooling makes our kids about the dumbest kids in the civilized world.
Conservative Republican vouchers would change all that tomorrow!!
I'm finally ready to answer the question. The reason people make minimum wage is because jobs are scarce.

dear, jobs are scarce because:

1) liberal unions drove 30 million off shore
2) liberal taxes drove 20 million of shore
3) liberal deficits drove 10 million off shore
4) liberals invited 12 million illegals in to take what jobs remained.

liberalism is deadly and criminal and should be illegal as the Constitution intended.
Anyone over 20 applying for a minimum wage job has low self-esteem

You assume they live in your area where higher paying jobs are even available. Go to the hood and see what they are paying in the hood. Plus, they aint hiring.

As long as it's more than minimum wage that should always be the goal unless you are in highschool or a ex con
People make minimum wage because in a market with as little competition as many of the markets in the US at present have, employers will pay as little as they are allowed to pay and they have such unequal bargaining power that workers will accept it.

Everybody knows that. What many people miss is that the same dynamic is drastically lowering your wages too. Look at how the value you create at work- after expenses- is split up:


Think about what that means for an employer that has say 1,000 employees. On average, that employer is raking in $29,150 per hour.

The same thing is true all the way up and down the scale. If you are paid $100k/year, on average, your employer is taking somewhere around $138k/year off your efforts. If your salary is $200k/year, on average, the employer is pocketing around $276k off your work. Etc.

In economic theory, in a capitalist system, competition is supposed to force employers to take a narrower and narrower slice for themselves as they compete to get the best workers. Workers should be getting, after taxes, more like $40/hour average and employers more like $10/hour per employee if things were working properly.
In economic theory, in a capitalist system, competition is supposed to force employers to take a narrower and narrower slice for themselves as they compete to get the best workers.

Perhaps I can help being that I went to college? Did you ever consider it?
You are 100% correct about how capitalism is supposed to work, but, we don't have capitalism. We have liberal interference with and distortion of capitalism:

1) liberal budget deficits in effect shipped 10 million jobs off shore
2) highest liberal tax rates in world shipped 20 million jobs off shore
3) liberal unions shipped 30 million jobs off shore
4) liberal illegals took 20 million jobs driving wages for what jobs remained still lower.

Do you understand?
Perhaps I can help being that I went to college? Did you ever consider it?
You are 100% correct about how capitalism is supposed to work, but, we don't have capitalism. We have liberal interference with and distortion of capitalism:

1) liberal budget deficits in effect shipped 10 million jobs off shore
2) highest liberal tax rates in world shipped 20 million jobs off shore
3) liberal unions shipped 30 million jobs off shore
4) liberal illegals took 20 million jobs driving wages for what jobs remained still lower.

Do you understand?
No offense, but the idea that liberals are the cause of wealth concentration is obviously stupid. You shouldn't be making such condescending posts if you really are that ignorant.

I'm finally ready to answer the question. The reason people make minimum wage is because jobs are scarce. If jobs were plentiful, people would be able to find a job that pays better than minimum wage.

But because jobs are not plentiful, employers can keep wages low. I remember in the 90's a taco bell near my home was paying $10 hr. Sign said HELP WANTED $10 HR!!!! Thanks Bill.

Maybe with Hillary in charge she'll be able to negotiate with the GOP in Congress better than Obama.

We tried Democrat Soviet style central planning where Obama was going to direct the auto companies, banks and insurance companies and that's why we have 50,000,000 on food stamps and 90,000,000 out of the labor force

Either you are a liar or a brainwashed right winger. We were doing just fine, until NAFTA. For years you right wingers could only say, "Clinton signed it". Well we all know Bush and the GOP came up with it. IT is why we are in the mess we are in.

And it wasn't so bad when Clinton signed it. It was what Bush and the GOP from 2000-2006 did that really bankrupted the USA and some (ME) believe they did it on purpose.

Why? Look at how rich they got! Look how they got to break unions and renig on pensions! And ship jobs over to China to pay $3 a day. Fuck you guys. We all know who bankrupted the global economy. Just remember bitch TARP started when Bush was sinking with the ship.

If we try to regulate industry you call it soviet style. Can't take you seriously.

Yes, Soviet Style regulation. Banks have more regulations than nuclear reactors
I'm brutally aware of the components of the BULL SHIT unemployment rate that goes down when people leave the workplace to become permanent welfare recipients.
Ah, the labor participation rate thing. That is somewhere between a hoax and an exaggeration. Overall, around 1% of the population is "discouraged workers." People who want a job, but aren't looking. That is slightly up from the pre-recession norm, but not enough to dramatically impact the unemployment rate. Are 0.5% is normal and we're at around 1% now.

Do not make the mistake of assuming that everybody who is not participating is "on welfare" or just laying around having given up. The vast majority of people who are not participating fall in three camps- students, retirees under 65 and people who don't work and don't want to who are supported by their spouse. The main reasons the participation rate has been falling since the 1990s is that steadily more baby boomers have reached retirement age and that people are staying in school longer. Interestingly, over the past 15 years or so, we've also seen more people taking time off work to raise kids while their spouse works. The whole "put the kids in daycare from the time they're 3 months old" thing has kind of lost favor since the 1980s among people who can afford not to do it.

As a side note, only 0.5% of the population is on actual welfare (TANF). Far more are on food stamps, but most food stamp recipients work, but just make too little to feed their kids on their wages. When you hear crazy stats from ultra partisan sources about how 30% of the population is "on welfare" or whatever, they are always pulling some trick like counting social security or the EITC tax credit as "welfare."
Ah, the labor participation rate thing. That is somewhere between a hoax and an exaggeration. ."

under Barry's soviet style economy U6 is about 12% or 50% higher than before the recession and income for those who work is down about 6%. In short, Barry's recovery is the worst since Great liberal Depression.
As a side note, only 0.5% of the population is on actual welfare (TANF).

The Census Bureau has not yet reported how many were on welfare in 2013 or the first two quarters of 2014.

But the 109,631,000 living in households taking federal welfare benefits as of the end of 2012, according to the Census Bureau, equaled 35.4 percent of all 309,467,000 people living in the United States at that time.

The 35.4 Percent 109 631 000 on Welfare CNS News
The Census Bureau has not yet reported how many were on welfare in 2013 or the first two quarters of 2014.

But the 109,631,000 living in households taking federal welfare benefits as of the end of 2012, according to the Census Bureau, equaled 35.4 percent of all 309,467,000 people living in the United States at that time.

The 35.4 Percent 109 631 000 on Welfare CNS News

Again, as I already explained, that is not people getting actual welfare, that is almost entirely things that no rational person would call welfare like pensions, Medicaid, tax credits, etc. Read my posts more carefully before you hit reply to them.

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