Why People Make Minimum Wage

In the short term they will, however when businesses can't afford the higher wages, they will raise prices, which will lower the buying power of the new wages, lay people off, which will only benefit those who keep their job, or close up, removing money from the area.

Your understanding of economics in infantile at best.

Middle class spending creates jobs.
Now you are trying to tell me what I should do with my business just to pay other people more money. Do you see the futility inherent in that? What if I dont choose to grow my business beyond a certain point?

If you don't choose to grow your business beyond a certain point, then why did you go in business?
Because I wanted to? Because I am comfortable where I am at? Time is not right for expansion?

Was thinking, "Well they probably have one for hamburger buns thus the 'Hot Dog' ...oh those are buns." :)
We buy his iphone. Without us his name is Steve Jobless.

More like Steve Wormfood.

How wonderful to see brainwashed marxist libcommies attacking the most productive members of our society! You've got a point though! Without millions of children with polio Dr Salk would be Dr Salkless!! Now we can understand how Hitler and Stalin killed 150 million with their liberal perversons of common sense.
We buy his iphone. Without us his name is Steve Jobless.

More like Steve Wormfood.

How wonderful to see brainwashed marxist libcommies attacking the most productive members of our society! You've got a point though! Without millions of children with polio Dr Salk would be Dr Salkless!! Now we can understand how Hitler and Stalin killed 150 million with their liberal perversons of common sense.

Listen schmuck. The GOP's way changed America so that instead of us having 25% of the $ and them 75% of the money to today where they have 90% and us 10%.

And don't bother because I've already got your kind to defend the 90/10 split. So I know your side is ok with 90/10.

I also know you would defend 95/5%. So fuck you. You're either really really rich or really really stupid.
The GOP's way changed America so that instead of us having 25% of the $ and them 75% of the money to today where they have 90% and us 10%.

Dear, it was liberal unions and liberal taxes that drove our middle class to them. How is it possible that you don't know that? Do you really think the highest taxes and wages in world is a good way to keep jobs and companies here??

See why we have to be 100% positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
The GOP's way changed America so that instead of us having 25% of the $ and them 75% of the money to today where they have 90% and us 10%.

Dear, it was liberal unions and liberal taxes that drove our middle class to them. How is it possible that you don't know that? Do you really think the highest taxes and wages in world is a good way to keep jobs and companies here??

See why we have to be 100% positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance?

Sure if you allow a company to ship jobs to China to lower their labor costs and then allow them to ship that shit back to the USA without taxing or tariffing them.
The GOP's way changed America so that instead of us having 25% of the $ and them 75% of the money to today where they have 90% and us 10%.

Dear, it was liberal unions and liberal taxes that drove our middle class to them. How is it possible that you don't know that? Do you really think the highest taxes and wages in world is a good way to keep jobs and companies here??

See why we have to be 100% positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance?

Sure if you allow a company to ship jobs to China to lower their labor costs and then allow them to ship that shit back to the USA without taxing or tariffing them.
Sure if you allow a company to ship jobs to China to lower their labor costs and then allow them to ship that shit back to the USA without taxing or tariffing them.

so you'd appoint nazi liberals who'd prevented them from moving to where costs are lower so that our stuff would become the most expensive in the world and nobody in the world would buy it?

Dear, economists on both sides agree that we must have free trade to survive! Thats why the whole world has switched to free trade. You don't belong here because you lack the IQ to understand the concept. Why not read a book on free trade. It would be like teaching a monkey calculus but perhaps you'd learn that as a liberal you lack the IQ for even basic economics. Sorry.
The GOP's way changed America so that instead of us having 25% of the $ and them 75% of the money to today where they have 90% and us 10%.

Dear, it was liberal unions and liberal taxes that drove our middle class to them. How is it possible that you don't know that? Do you really think the highest taxes and wages in world is a good way to keep jobs and companies here??

See why we have to be 100% positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance?

Only in Conservatopia could being fortunate to live in the country with the highest paid workforce in the world be considered a bad thing.

See why we say that conservatives are nothing more than greedy, self-centered, petty pricks?
Sure if you allow a company to ship jobs to China to lower their labor costs and then allow them to ship that shit back to the USA without taxing or tariffing them.

so you'd appoint nazi liberals who'd prevented them from moving to where costs are lower so that our stuff would become the most expensive in the world and nobody in the world would buy it?

Dear, economists on both sides agree that we must have free trade to survive! Thats why the whole world has switched to free trade. You don't belong here because you lack the IQ to understand the concept. Why not read a book on free trade. It would be like teaching a monkey calculus but perhaps you'd learn that as a liberal you lack the IQ for even basic economics. Sorry.

Every other country in the world protected their vital industries. We didn't protect manufacturing. Why? Because American workers make too much. And you wonder why we went from the largest creditor nation in the world to the largest debtor.

The rich Americans have gone global. They no longer need or care about American anymore. America isn't the greatest country in the world anymore? So what? All their money is in the Caymens or Switzerland with Mitt Romney's

The only saving grace is that while our wages are going down, wages in other countries are going up. Hopefully they catch up to us soon because right now America is not necessarily the greatest country in the world. Not if you are middle class or poor. Today Canada has better upward mobility than the USA.

But no matter what, basically what you are condoning is that companies can pit country vs country vs country. As soon as Mexican labor gets too expensive, they'll just pick up and move to India. If Indian workers organize, they'll just pick up and move to China, then Africa.

Oh I get it alright. I just don't like it.
The GOP's way changed America so that instead of us having 25% of the $ and them 75% of the money to today where they have 90% and us 10%.

Dear, it was liberal unions and liberal taxes that drove our middle class to them. How is it possible that you don't know that? Do you really think the highest taxes and wages in world is a good way to keep jobs and companies here??

See why we have to be 100% positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance?

Only in Conservatopia could being fortunate to live in the country with the highest paid workforce in the world be considered a bad thing.

See why we say that conservatives are nothing more than greedy, self-centered, petty pricks?

Thank you. He says we don't get it. We get it alright. We don't mean shit to them anymore.
They no longer need or care about America.

as always 100% idiotic and liberal. liberals force them off shore with unions taxes deficits and failed schools. It turns out just as well for everyone though since we all get lower prices and therefore a higher standard of living.
Every other country in the world protected their vital industries..

Dear, BMW's biggest factory is in South Carolina!! You are not smart enough to be here so why do you stay unless you like to always look stupid?

Fuck you Edward. And by the way, I don't mind if BMW wants to move to S. Carolina. Just don't move to Mexico or China and expect to ship your shit back to the USA. And people in S. Carolina can buy BMW's IF they can afford them. Can factory workers at BMW afford to buy BMW's? Because people who work at Ford & GM can afford to buy Ford and GM cars.
I love it that the rich and their apologists want to say the rich couldn't get rich during the 90's because the union workers made too much. Google Ford Record Profit Sharing 1999 you stupid *****.

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