Why People Make Minimum Wage

They no longer need or care about America.

as always 100% idiotic and liberal. liberals force them off shore with unions taxes deficits and failed schools. It turns out just as well for everyone though since we all get lower prices and therefore a higher standard of living.

That is the GOP narrative/lie.

I guess you're right!! unions taxs deficits and failed schools beg them to stay, not leave!! See why we say pure ignorance?? Is any other conclusion possible?
I don't mind if BMW wants to move to S. Carolina.

dear, you said every country protects it vital industries. I told you Germany believes in free trade too and so opened its biggest plant in the USA. Rather than face your pure liberal ignorance you changed the subject and pretended you wern't exposed as a typical liberal fool once again.

How are you going to learn if you are a coward? Do you want to be a liberal all your life?
We buy his iphone. Without us his name is Steve Jobless.

More like Steve Wormfood.

How wonderful to see brainwashed marxist libcommies attacking the most productive members of our society! You've got a point though! Without millions of children with polio Dr Salk would be Dr Salkless!! Now we can understand how Hitler and Stalin killed 150 million with their liberal perversons of common sense.

Hey idiot....He's dead.
Sure if you allow a company to ship jobs to China to lower their labor costs and then allow them to ship that shit back to the USA without taxing or tariffing them.

Give it up with Eddy, he's a confirmed koch brothers ass-licker.
Its also called my right. I can be as complacent as I wish to be. I'm the owner.

Congrats, you achieved mediocrity!

Thanks. Good thing is I can be mediocre for as long as I want and still make more than minimum wage. When I want to become a billionaire I can step it up a notch or two unlike the minimum wage earner.
They no longer need or care about America.

as always 100% idiotic and liberal. liberals force them off shore with unions taxes deficits and failed schools. It turns out just as well for everyone though since we all get lower prices and therefore a higher standard of living.

That is the GOP narrative/lie.

I guess you're right!! unions taxs deficits and failed schools beg them to stay, not leave!! See why we say pure ignorance?? Is any other conclusion possible?

You and I both know Republicans hate public schools. Public anything.
You and I both know Republicans hate public schools. Public anything.

yes, because publilc or soviet stuff works more and more inefficiently until 10's of million of human beings are slowly dying of starvation.

A child would know this just not a liberal.
Says the hypocrite that enjoyed years of public education.

dear, ghetto mothers above all support vouchers to end the liberal union tyranny that has made our public soviet school kids about the dumbest kids in the civilized world!.

So you enjoyed years of public education 'that has made our public soviet school kids about the dumbest kids in the civilized world?' Interesting!
Says the hypocrite that enjoyed years of public education.

dear, ghetto mothers above all support vouchers to end the liberal union tyranny that has made our public soviet school kids about the dumbest kids in the civilized world!.

So you enjoyed years of public education 'that has made our public soviet school kids about the dumbest kids in the civilized world?' Interesting!
1) I didn't say I enjoyed it???
2) international tests speak for themselves about the qualilty of our soviet public union system
Anyone over 20 applying for a minimum wage job has low self-esteem
Says the hypocrite that enjoyed years of public education.

dear, ghetto mothers above all support vouchers to end the liberal union tyranny that has made our public soviet school kids about the dumbest kids in the civilized world!.

The ghetto mothers in Detroit who can afford it are sending their kids to Charter Schools. That's not fixing the situation with the majority of kids in the Detroit Public School system. They need more money stupid.

Ok, now as for us non ghetto citizens who went to public schools. I went to a great public school. Coming from a Detroit school to the suburbs in 1978 I saw the difference between an inner city school and a good school. I won't brag about me. I'll brag about my bro because he did a lot better than me. He went to that good public school, then to a community college, then MSU and now he's the VP for a company that is, lets just say it's on the New York Stock Exchange.

So what was wrong with his public schooling? You right wingers hate what made America great.

You no longer want to educate every child? You are sick!

I'm finally ready to answer the question. The reason people make minimum wage is because jobs are scarce. If jobs were plentiful, people would be able to find a job that pays better than minimum wage.

But because jobs are not plentiful, employers can keep wages low. I remember in the 90's a taco bell near my home was paying $10 hr. Sign said HELP WANTED $10 HR!!!! Thanks Bill.

Maybe with Hillary in charge she'll be able to negotiate with the GOP in Congress better than Obama.
Anyone over 20 applying for a minimum wage job has low self-esteem

You assume they live in your area where higher paying jobs are even available. Go to the hood and see what they are paying in the hood. Plus, they aint hiring.

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