Why People Make Minimum Wage

too stupid as usual if not a out right lie!!!! Medicaid is also there for someone who drops out of HS and does not want to work but instead chooses to life a lazy life in poverty. It is a way to cripple people, destroy generations of families, and create a dependent voting constituency. This is Obama's liberal soviet legacy!!

What a disgustingly ignorant and vicious thing to say. You need to get yourself better informed and you need to learn to conduct yourself in a more moral manner. This is simply not acceptable for a grown man to behave this way.

translation: as a typical liberal I lack the IQ to respond substantively so I"ll try to change the subject with a personal attack and hope it fools everybody.
MP: As the table above of Profit Margins by Industry shows (click to enlarge, data here for the most recent quarter), the industry "Health Care Plans" ranks #86 by profit margin (profits/revenue) at 3.3%. Measured by profit margin, there are 85 industries more profitable than Health Care Plans (includes Cigna, Aetna,WellPoint, HealthSpring, etc.).

So you're measuring it as a percentage of revenues lol? You understand that pretty much all medical costs pass through their hands, right? That's like claiming that it isn't very profitable to be a hedge fund manager that makes $30 million a year because that is only 2% of the money his clients invest lol.

No, you look at profitability as a percentage of investments or hours worked or similar if you want a meaningful figure.

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?

LOL a teabagger calling a normal person ignorant...
No, you look at profitability as a percentage of investments or hours worked or similar if you want a meaningful figure.

dear, health insurance is 86th ranked industry in terms of profits. If you say its not 86th then tell us what it is or admit to being little more than a liberal liar.
100 million is about right! The liberal objective is to create a permanent crippled and dependent class that will have to vote liberal soviet every time! Obama just demonstrated by putting 12 million on Medicaid!

You don't even seem to understand what Medicaid is. The way you are behaving is really bizarre. You need to calm yourself down and think before you post.
too stupid as usual if not a out right lie!!!! Medicaid is also there for someone who drops out of HS and does not want to work but instead chooses to life a lazy life in poverty. It is a way to cripple people, destroy generations of families, and create a dependent voting constituency. This is Obama's liberal soviet legacy!!

What a disgustingly ignorant and vicious thing to say. .

Please say exactly what part is ignorant or admit you lack the IQ to support what you say?
dear, health insurance is 86th ranked industry in terms of profits. If you say its not 86th then tell us what it is or admit to being little more than a liberal liar.

Concentrate. Again: So you're measuring it as a percentage of revenues lol? You understand that pretty much all medical costs pass through their hands, right? That's like claiming that it isn't very profitable to be a hedge fund manager that makes $30 million a year because that is only 2% of the money his clients invest lol.

No, you look at profitability as a percentage of investments or hours worked or similar if you want a meaningful figure.
No, you look at profitability as a percentage of investments or hours worked or similar if you want a meaningful figure.

dear, Health insurance is 86th in profitability. Tell what you think real rank is or admit you lack iq to defend what you say as a typical liberal.
please tell us why you say that or admit, as a typical liberal, you lack the IQ to defend what you say!!

You seem to think Medicaid is some kind of program that anybody can just opt in to that will then cover all their expenses. It is actually a program that covers the cost of certain medical expenses for people with a disability who are in poverty, generally because of their disability.
please tell us why you say that or admit, as a typical liberal, you lack the IQ to defend what you say!!

You seem to think Medicaid is some kind of program that anybody can just opt in to that will then cover all their expenses. It is actually a program that covers the cost of certain medical expenses for people with a disability who are in poverty, generally because of their disability.

as I said drop out of HS and i most states you're on!!That's all set to change in 2014, when Medicaid becomes one of the health overhaul's main vehicles for insurance coverage expansion. Individuals making up to 133% of the poverty level, or about $14,494 per year, or a family of three that earns some $24,645 a year, can qualify.

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
as I said drop out of HS and i most states you're on!!That's all set to change in 2014, when Medicaid becomes one of the health overhaul's main vehicles for insurance coverage expansion. Individuals making up to 133% of the poverty level, or about $14,494 per year, or a family of three that earns some $24,645 a year, can qualify.

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?

Did you understand what I explained to you or not? Again: Medicaid is a program that covers the cost of certain medical expenses for people with a disability who are in poverty, generally because of their disability.

Do you follow?
Did you understand what I explained to you or not? Again: Medicaid is a program that covers the cost of certain medical expenses for people with a disability who are in poverty, generally because of their disability.

Do you follow?

dear, you are not smart enough to be here. Only 43.5% of medicaid payments go to folks with disabilities. It is mostly a program for poor people some of whom have disabilities. Drop out of HS, don't work and in many states you are on as long as you meet income requirements.
dear, you are not smart enough to be here. Only 43.5% of medicaid payments go to folks with disabilities. It is mostly a program for poor people some of whom have disabilities. Drop out of HS, don't work and in many states you are on as long as you meet income requirements.

No. To get Medicaid, you need to be disabled, a child, elderly or pregnant AND have a very low income.

And regardless, the idea that you would like loaf around living off your medical coverage makes no sense. Your hate seems to be exceeding your ability to put together a coherent position.
And regardless, the idea that you would like loaf around living off your medical coverage makes no sense.

Dear, Medicaid is but one of many liberal welfare programs that work together to make the workforce participation rate lower and lower in America. Fewer and fewer contribute in liberal America thanks to liberalism. Now you can understand why America is in decline!

Thomas Jefferson:
I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.

Thomas Jefferson:
the natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to grain ground; that the greater the government the stronger the exploiter and the weaker the producer; that , therefore, the hope of liberty depends upon local self-governance and the vigilance of the producer class."

Welcome to your first lesson in American History. I know as liberal you can't understand Jefferson but why not try to ask specific questions or ask your mother to help you understand?
Dear, Medicaid is but one of many liberal welfare programs that work together to make the workforce participation rate lower and lower in America. Fewer and fewer contribute in liberal America thanks to liberalism. Now you can understand why America is in decline!

No, that's just something Republicans say. It isn't real. It is based on the modest reductions in the labor participation rate over the past 15-20 years. But, you're missing a lot of things:

First, the participation rate is still quite high by historical norms. It was down around 50% up until the late 1960s for example.

Second, the drop is largely the result of two factors- people staying in school longer and baby boomers retiring. Anybody 16 or over that is in school is "not participating" and anybody who retires before they hit 65 is as well.

Third, the total hours worked per American is higher than any other country in the world by a wide margin. The idea that Americans need to work even more is kind of ridiculous. Lots of Americans work 50, 60, 70 and even 80 hour weeks, sometimes for 50 years of their lives. If anything, the typical American probably needs to be reducing the amount they work to strike a healthier work/life balance. Work is important, but so is raising kids properly, maintaining a marriage, taking time to enjoy life and contributing in other ways like writing a short story, volunteering to read to elderly people or practicing with a neighborhood band. Life is largely about work, but it shouldn't be ONLY about work. If, at the end of your life, you look back and all you can say for yourself is that you slaved away for some corporation doing some menial task for as long as humanly possible, then you were a failure.

Fourth, the idea that people aren't working enough because the safety net is too cushy is flat out ridiculous. Only 0.5% of the population is on actual welfare (TANF) and it pays a couple hundred dollars a month. Can you imagine how horrific it is to try to live on that? And do you know who gets welfare? The biggest category is children. Second biggest category is people with physical or mental disabilities. Third is single parents with a child under 5 years old who can't afford childcare. You can't qualify for welfare if you aren't in one of those categories, and even if you do qualify, you can't stay on it for more than a maximum of 5 years of your life. The whole Republican "welfare nation" rant is just made up nonsense. Ranting against welfare polls well in their districts, so that is what they do. It is nothing more than that.

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