Why police departments are being unfunded.

No society has ever existed without cops
You're too social. Legitimate law enforcement officers and agents on official payroll do not need to clear the table and pick up pennies for tips, or live in mansions like princes and governors.
But if libs treat cops the way you want to America will be the first
Gun-banning socialists have always been slaves to cops. They tax us to the hilt and hire cops, cops, and more cops to oppress us even further after they have gone to court to revoke our gun rights.
Why is the law for the common defense not being faithfully executed in our free States?

We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.

Don't grab guns, grab gun lovers and Regulate them Well!

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
Don't grab guns, grab gun lovers and Regulate them Well!
You WILL get shot and killed when you grab gun lovers. Which is why we need our guns now, more than ever.
Gun lovers might be hunters, or recreational or competitive target shooters, or carry pistols for self-defense.
But gun lovers are not haters, and we are not on a vendetta to kill without cause.
It's not so much incompetence as they have become a threat to society

No, law abiding society is just fine with police. In fact we embrace them. It's leftist criminal societies that believe law and order is a threat.

Gimme a break. The Soviet Union was all about law and order. Anyone who endorses tank parades, and armed military roaming the streets has no essential difference from a Tankie
We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.
The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state.
That's a right as well as a duty and and obligation.
The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
The Armed Forces of the United States are neither regulated by the separate state legislatures nor commanded by state governors and city mayors.
Small town law needs to forced to step away from the guns, and the cops and doctors need to be ceased and desisted from their hideous practices and atrocious service of process to revoke gun rights of targeted individuals on specious, unfounded, and slanderous life-ruining claims of mental illness.
In other words, the Mental Health industry needs to be exterminated from off the face of the earth, with all psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, counselors, social workers, pharmacists, and drug manufacturers, and all mental hospitals, psychiatric wards, insane asylums and all similar places of drugging, torture, mockery and ridicule burned to the ground or bombed and reduced to rubble.
Gimme a break. The Soviet Union was all about law and order. Anyone who endorses tank parades, and armed military roaming the streets has no essential difference from a Tankie

A military parade to celebrate our military strength to defend our freedom is the last thing from a threat. Police are not armed military roaming our streets, they are the front line to law and order.
Gimme a break. The Soviet Union was all about law and order. Anyone who endorses tank parades, and armed military roaming the streets has no essential difference from a Tankie

A military parade to celebrate our military strength to defend our freedom is the last thing from a threat. Police are not armed military roaming our streets, they are the front line to law and order.

Okay, Tankie
Don't grab guns, grab gun lovers and Regulate them Well!
You WILL get shot and killed when you grab gun lovers. Which is why we need our guns now, more than ever.
Gun lovers might be hunters, or recreational or competitive target shooters, or carry pistols for self-defense.
But gun lovers are not haters, and we are not on a vendetta to kill without cause.
The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
The term militia refers to the whole people

Yeah....no. You have millions of interactions with cops every single year.....some go bad, most don't. They want to defund the police because they want to replace cops with politically controllable goon squads. Thugs who are loyal to leftists, not the rule of law. If you want to see real atrocities, allow the democrats to replace the police with the people they want....then the real tragedies will happen.

What a load of horse shit. You've never been around police I'd bet.

You have no idea the training they have to do, and keep doing to even be in a police department.

They have SOP's they have to follow even if they are in the wrong.

What an idiot you are. Try having NO police and see how long your stupid ass lasts.

Their goal is actually to REPLACE the police......with their own special troops.

The whole "defund" bowel movement is the first step

Yep..........special police loyal to the party.....not to enforcing the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.

Yeah....no. You have millions of interactions with cops every single year.....some go bad, most don't. They want to defund the police because they want to replace cops with politically controllable goon squads. Thugs who are loyal to leftists, not the rule of law. If you want to see real atrocities, allow the democrats to replace the police with the people they want....then the real tragedies will happen.

You have millions of interactions with cops every single year..
I don't want millions of interactions with cops when I have done nothing to justify the continual harassment, beatings, and intimidation they inflict and impose on me, and nothing to merit the vicious lies and slander and the defamation of my character they publish on the permanent record against my name without a court process of any kind, let alone any actual due process of law with respect to my right to keep and bear arms.
I don't want millions of interactions with cops when I have done nothing to justify the continual harassment, beatings, and intimidation they inflict and impose on me, and nothing to merit the vicious lies and slander and the defamation of my character they publish on the permanent record against my name without a court process of any kind, let alone any actual due process of law with respect to my right to keep and bear arms.

So when was the last time a police officer beat, harassed or intimidated you? I'm 60 years old and never had that problem once, and I used to deal with state troopers all the time when I was driving a tractor-trailer. Not only have I never experienced it, but hundreds of millions of other Americans never did either.
So when was the last time a police officer beat, harassed or intimidated you? I'm 60 years old and never had that problem once, and I used to deal with state troopers all the time when I was driving a tractor-trailer. Not only have I never experienced it, but hundreds of millions of other Americans never did either.
Stop flaunting your Democrat union card. I'm not a member of your damned Democrat labor union, and I was blackballed and shitlisted from here to kingdom come straight out of the gate by your blue-collar white-collar Democrat occupational aptitude laborers union.
Unbelievable, the article in the OP's link (from CBS) actually says:

If you believe police have wrongly entered your home, tell us about it here.

WTF? Is CBS now an ambulance-chasing law firm? What a bunch of stinking bullshit. BTW, remember, Chicago is run by Democrats and that idiot "I'm special" Mayor Lightfoot.
If you believe police have wrongly entered your home, tell us about it here.
Do you have to be the owner with the mortgage paid off and excellent credit? Do they come with baseball bats and smash all your windows when you enter in your info there?
What a load of horse shit
I hate those damned cops and I hate their damned bosses who procured those damned bodycams for them.
then when actual police misconduct crying wolf just doesnt excite people any more
That more than enough bodycam porn, and I want revenge. Damned cops are drunken with the blood of saints and martyrs, and their behavior has been that of war criminals raping, pillaging and plundering, all 100% legal on camera.
I want revenge too. I want the 18 year old who carjacked me hacked to death. Or, any 18 year old Latino will do.

Actually the criminal is probably nearly 30 by now.

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