Why Poor States Are Red and Rich States Are Blue ?

Same reason why most of western Europe has higher per capita incomes in general!!! States that are well regulated, have good infrastructure, promote education and a good business climate draws high quality people.

The south is a shit hole because government is always evil and they have low standards.

Oregon is a progressive shit hole

^^^ Truth!!
Why Poor States Are Red and Rich States Are Blue ?
Hey genius, Of the 8.7 million people living in New Jersey, the STATE claims 2.5 million live in poverty...
Of the 8 million people living in the 5 Boroughs of New York City, nearly 25% are living in poverty.
In every Blue state with large urban centers, despite those confiscatory taxes you libs adore, there is rampant poverty..
So before you ask what amount to be "let's blast your theory out of the water" questions, do some thinking on your own.
If you dare.
I live in Mass . If we were our own country our students would rank 8th in the world .

The U.S. as a whole ranks far lower cause the dumb red states drag us down .
You should have let me know Timmy. I would not have called you an asshole. I would have understood why you are and kept it to myself.
Why Poor States Are Red and Rich States Are Blue ?

People educated in red states learned proper grammar?


Not especially. We tend to focus more on what someone says or does, not how they say it.

My grammar is terrible, but I can design a complete industrial complex from the roof to the concrete...and tell you how to do the foundation prep. I can even drive the heavy equipment if I need to.
Same reason why most of western Europe has higher per capita incomes in general!!! States that are well regulated, have good infrastructure, promote education and a good business climate draws high quality people.

The south is a shit hole because government is always evil and they have low standards.

I guess we will forget the former communist block thing...
Because most of the southern states were blue up until the reformation. Then the south grew out of it racism and tried to better itself by breaking the yoke of the democrats. But it is a very long process the south just hasn't had time to fix the mess that the democrats put them in.
Same reason why most of western Europe has higher per capita incomes in general!!! States that are well regulated, have good infrastructure, promote education and a good business climate draws high quality people.

The south is a shit hole because government is always evil and they have low standards.
They have too many minorities with IQs that are way below average.
Same reason why most of western Europe has higher per capita incomes in general!!! States that are well regulated, have good infrastructure, promote education and a good business climate draws high quality people.

The south is a shit hole because government is always evil and they have low standards.
Lemme tell ya something about the south, you arrogant liberal elitist prick. Our public services are BETTER than those high tax states and especially those states where public workers have civil service protections and collective bargaining rights....Where I live, public employees are well aware that they are in service to the public. Not the other way around.
And our communities do not have a need for public employees to fill payrolls. Most services are contracted out to private companies via competitive budding.
Services such as trash collection. Road and street maintenance, Parks and recreational maintenance. etc. are handled by companies in the private sector. Our politicians are not in elected office for a career. In fact they are paid only when the state legislature is in session. The governor is the only elected official that receives a full time salary.
Government of this type is far less labor intensive and thus taxes are much lower..
"because government is always evil"..HA HA....Yer a funny dude...You go off at every opportunity to tout government control of the economy. Your insistence that government doesn't spend enough money. You also insist it government and only government can fix things and make things work...Government is evil?
Oh? Then why is New Jersey for example, losing its most high paying jobs and billions of dollars in wealth to other more tax and business friendly RED states?
Do you ever proofread before you post?
Why Poor States Are Red and Rich States Are Blue ?

Are they poor? Or is it simply much less expensive to live there.

If you make 100k a year in New York, you're poor.

If you make 100k a year in Alabama, you have a nice house, cars, probably a boat to go fishing on the weekends. And you call us dumb...that's funny.
But who makes more than 20 grand a year in any of the red states? And why do they require so much money from the blue states to keep making the welfare payments?

What a dumb ass....
Same reason why most of western Europe has higher per capita incomes in general!!! States that are well regulated, have good infrastructure, promote education and a good business climate draws high quality people.

The south is a shit hole because government is always evil and they have low standards.
They have too many minorities with IQs that are way below average.

To be fair we have a lot of dumb white people too. Hey ya'll, watch this....hold my beer willya. I've seen a few of them do some monumentally stupid stuff, sadly most survived it to breed.
Why Poor States Are Red and Rich States Are Blue ?
B/c that claim isn't actually true, it's a leftist lie that they never bother to check

RANKED: The economies of all 50 US states and DC from worst to best

this kind of thread runs many times a year and every year I post a link that proves the claim is wrong, but I can claim that people that should now know better, still follow the lie they tell themselves.
Don't look now, but I think you just won this thread.

I don't know the reason but I can't figure out how those people let 5 inches of snow put a halt to things. When a snowstorm comes people run around like the end of the world is coming. Cars in the ditch everywhere. Its comical.
Easy. In places where winter precip is a rarity, there is no need for large expenses on snow removal equipment and supplies.
The fact is if the temperature and atmospheric conditions were "normal" all the time, it would never snow or sleet.
There is no reason to have millions of dollars worth of snow removal equipment and supplies for a snowfall that mifght happen once every three years.
Of course the high tax blue states would make sure there was plenty of money extracted from the residents and plenty of workers getting full time pay for winter weather that may not occur but once in a few years. After all, in blue states, government HAS to be expensive.
Not in red states.
Same reason why most of western Europe has higher per capita incomes in general!!! States that are well regulated, have good infrastructure, promote education and a good business climate draws high quality people.

The south is a shit hole because government is always evil and they have low standards.
They have too many minorities with IQs that are way below average.

To be fair we have a lot of dumb white people too. Hey ya'll, watch this....hold my beer willya. I've seen a few of them do some monumentally stupid stuff, sadly most survived it to breed.
Yes...Jeff Foxworthy has made millions off stories and one liners told about those people.
BTW, contrary to popular belief, there are rednecks in almost every state. Even in places like New York. Go upstate.
Same reason why most of western Europe has higher per capita incomes in general!!! States that are well regulated, have good infrastructure, promote education and a good business climate draws high quality people.

The south is a shit hole because government is always evil and they have low standards.

good business climate draws high quality people. The south is a shit hole because government is always evil and they have low standards.

Seriously Mathew why do you have a need to lie so much?

I know you have a mental liberal disorder, but to outright deny facts and post opinions out of your ass is borderline physco.
Same reason why most of western Europe has higher per capita incomes in general!!! States that are well regulated, have good infrastructure, promote education and a good business climate draws high quality people.

The south is a shit hole because government is always evil and they have low standards.
Too funny. He uses a NASA icon and says the south is filled with idiots and no quality people.
Probably doesn't have the IQ to figure out Texas, Alabama and Florida are considered southern States.

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