Why Professors are Predominantly ‘leftist.’

Maybe those types aren't motivated by their politics first and foremost.

Maybe they want to move on, live their lives and be left alone by the ivory tower technocratic know-it-alls of academe.
Then they can stop bitching about 'the ivory tower technocratic know-it-alls of academe', since they have no desire to do anything to change it.
The way to change it is make academe subject to market forces...Which it currently isn't.

Now, get back to class, you little putz.
:lol: What an egotistical twit you are...looking down your nose at everyone and whining that others are looking down their nose at you.
Maybe those types aren't motivated by their politics first and foremost.

Maybe they want to move on, live their lives and be left alone by the ivory tower technocratic know-it-alls of academe.

Maybe they couldn't "get any' from underclassmen/wimmin?
Maybe those types aren't motivated by their politics first and foremost.

Maybe they want to move on, live their lives and be left alone by the ivory tower technocratic know-it-alls of academe.
Then they can stop bitching about 'the ivory tower technocratic know-it-alls of academe', since they have no desire to do anything to change it.
The way to change it is make academe subject to market forces...Which it currently isn't.

Now, get back to class, you little putz.

Higher Education is pretty close to Free Market all told. Students can go anywhere they wish, study what they want, as long as they can pay for it. If a school charges insane tuition, its because they know people will pay it. If people stop paying, the tuition will have to go down. If a school offers "Women's Studies" classes it is because they know people will take it. If people don't take it, the classes don't make and the professor is let go. (Termination of a degree program can null even Tenure).

It certainly could get closer to Free Market, and there's pushes in many many states to do that. The only thing that is really "Non-Free Market" about Higher education right now is the scholarship and GI money flowing into the system. And even that has a reason to be there and often will follow a student if they change schools (with in reason).
Wrong again, dingbat.

People in general like intellectuals and smart people...It's academic snobs that they loathe and mistrust.

There's a HUGE difference.

The right spews hate on teacher and professors all day long.

They deny science whenever they dont like the results the science finds.

They rail against universities and their studies.

They rewrite History to suit their political aims all the time.
I don't hate the skunk merely because I do not like its smell.

Get a grip, dingbat.

You've tasted them too, huh.

Yep, nothing like skunk.:eusa_drool:
Higher Education is pretty close to Free Market all told. Students can go anywhere they wish, study what they want, as long as they can pay for it. If a school charges insane tuition, its because they know people will pay it. If people stop paying, the tuition will have to go down. If a school offers "Women's Studies" classes it is because they know people will take it. If people don't take it, the classes don't make and the professor is let go. (Termination of a degree program can null even Tenure).

It certainly could get closer to Free Market, and there's pushes in many many states to do that. The only thing that is really "Non-Free Market" about Higher education right now is the scholarship and GI money flowing into the system. And even that has a reason to be there and often will follow a student if they change schools (with in reason).
Like hell it is.

If grocery stores had things like state funding, Pell Grants and various and sundry other freebies to fund them, hamburger would likely run about $20.00 lb.

Funny, though, how nobody seems to whine-n-cry about academic "price gouging".
So, basically, Dude is complaining because only the rich should be able to go to university?
Higher Education is pretty close to Free Market all told. Students can go anywhere they wish, study what they want, as long as they can pay for it. If a school charges insane tuition, its because they know people will pay it. If people stop paying, the tuition will have to go down. If a school offers "Women's Studies" classes it is because they know people will take it. If people don't take it, the classes don't make and the professor is let go. (Termination of a degree program can null even Tenure).

It certainly could get closer to Free Market, and there's pushes in many many states to do that. The only thing that is really "Non-Free Market" about Higher education right now is the scholarship and GI money flowing into the system. And even that has a reason to be there and often will follow a student if they change schools (with in reason).
Like hell it is.

If grocery stores had things like state funding, Pell Grants and various and sundry other freebies to fund them, hamburger would likely run about $20.00 lb.

Funny, though, how nobody seems to whine-n-cry about academic "price gouging".

The products in the Grocery store DO have a lot of funding behind them, and items in the grocery store often have tax breaks associated to them (in most states there is no sales taxes on "essentials"). Many states have "Tax Holidays" that benefit grocery stores by encouraging consumers to purchase items and stock up.

There essentially is no completely "Free Market" industry in the United States (though Hollywood may come the closest), but the freedom a student has to choose where they go for a post HS degree puts a lot of free market forces into play in Higher Education.
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Here we are again with the right SPEWING HATE on any education and the people who seek education.

The facts have a liberal bias.

That is why educated people lean left.

When a group of people tell you education is bad for you and EXAULT the people with the most money as the best people in a society and that everyone who doesnt agree with the wealthy is just envious and has nothing good to say then you can surely bet those people are the Kingmakers lackeys.

The right wants you to HATE and devalue education, science, news reporters, people who are anti war and anyone or anything that would demminish the power of the WEALTHIEST members of our society.

They want you uneducated, uninformed, believing any myth they say and ready to die for it.

Just how stupid can people be?
I don't know... How stupid CAN people be? Or is this rhetorical?

But thank you for being illustrative on that point. People will have to work to be dumber than this post.
Higher Education is pretty close to Free Market all told. Students can go anywhere they wish, study what they want, as long as they can pay for it. If a school charges insane tuition, its because they know people will pay it. If people stop paying, the tuition will have to go down. If a school offers "Women's Studies" classes it is because they know people will take it. If people don't take it, the classes don't make and the professor is let go. (Termination of a degree program can null even Tenure).

It certainly could get closer to Free Market, and there's pushes in many many states to do that. The only thing that is really "Non-Free Market" about Higher education right now is the scholarship and GI money flowing into the system. And even that has a reason to be there and often will follow a student if they change schools (with in reason).
Like hell it is.

If grocery stores had things like state funding, Pell Grants and various and sundry other freebies to fund them, hamburger would likely run about $20.00 lb.

Funny, though, how nobody seems to whine-n-cry about academic "price gouging".

The products in the Grocery store DO have a lot of funding behind them, and items in the grocery store often have tax breaks associated to them (in most states there is no sales taxes on "essentials"). Many states have "Tax Holidays" that benefit grocery stores by encouraging consumers to purchase items and stock up.

There essentially is no completely "Free Market" in the United States (though Hollywood may come the closest), but the freedom a student has to choose where they go for a post HS degree puts a lot of free market forces into play in Higher Education.

Granted that although there are numerous subsidies etcetera that end up going to Big Food, they pale in comparison to the state funded moochery that goes on in higher education.

Another aspect of why academe is predominantly leftist are teacher's unions, which foster the collectivist mindset ethos within the ranks...Inject contracted fee-for-service "free agent" teachers into the equation (which the unions wouldn't dare stand for) and the whole situation would reorder itself.
more likely because reality has a liberal bias, they teach facts, not talking points and ideology.
There essentially is not completely "Free Market" in the United States

The US has a mixed economy

There are people who don't know this?

There are a lot of people that don't. No industry in the US is completely Free Market. I doubt there's an industry anywhere in the world that is, as Free Markets tend towards Monopolies, and monopolies are frequently more than willing to use political, economic, and military power to reduce competition. Without a referee, anything even remotely similar to a Free Market will deteriorate, with a referee, it isn't Free Market. Such is life.
Why Professors are Predominantly ‘leftist’ ?

Because they have brains.

And they are honest, more often than not its the conservatives, especially on this forum, that twist the truth and lie and spout talking points over reality
Why are professors progressive?
For the same reason Journalists are primarily a bit left of center, both professors and journalists have IQ's generally 120 and above.
There essentially is not completely "Free Market" in the United States

The US has a mixed economy

There are people who don't know this?

There are a lot of people that don't. No industry in the US is completely Free Market. I doubt there's an industry anywhere in the world that is, as Free Markets tend towards Monopolies, and monopolies are frequently more than willing to use political, economic, and military power to reduce competition. Without a referee, anything even remotely similar to a Free Market will deteriorate, with a referee, it isn't Free Market. Such is life.
Wow....Speaking of leftist talking points that won't die.

Monopolies depend upon outside aggression (most often from politicians and bureaucrats) in an otherwise free market.
Granted that although there are numerous subsidies etcetera that end up going to Big Food, they pale in comparison to the state funded moochery that goes on in higher education.

Another aspect of why academe is predominantly leftist are teacher's unions, which foster the collectivist mindset ethos within the ranks...Inject contracted fee-for-service "free agent" teachers into the equation (which the unions wouldn't dare stand for) and the whole situation would reorder itself.

They exsist in Higher Education (though they don't in Public K-12). Adjuncts, Teaching Assistants, and Lecturers are contracted, non-tenured, fee for service free agents. On top of that you have the non-Tenure track Visiting Professors who are typically on a year to year contract basis. This may differ State to State, but they aren't union (I've had most of those jobs and was never in a union). In fact, where I'm at there is no "Teacher's Union" at the higher education level.

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