Why Recognize the Castro Regime NOW?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
It has been U.S. policy for decades to not legitimize the Castro regime by giving Cuba diplomatic recognition (until the Castros were dead). Now, within a few years of that eventuality, Obama has unilaterally decided to reverse course and give credibility and stature to those despots. Why now?
It has been U.S. policy for decades to not legitimize the Castro regime by giving Cuba diplomatic recognition (until the Castros were dead). Now, within a few years of that eventuality, Obama has unilaterally decided to reverse course and give credibility and stature to those despots. Why now?

Because now we have a supreme ruler of the universe who can decree it, we didn't have that before.

Remember when Democrats called W, "King George?" That was for a fraction of what The Messiah is doing. LOL, what liars they are.
It has been U.S. policy for decades to not legitimize the Castro regime by giving Cuba diplomatic recognition (until the Castros were dead). Now, within a few years of that eventuality, Obama has unilaterally decided to reverse course and give credibility and stature to those despots. Why now?

Because it's time to play like adults and stop acting like children.
It has been U.S. policy for decades to not legitimize the Castro regime by giving Cuba diplomatic recognition (until the Castros were dead). Now, within a few years of that eventuality, Obama has unilaterally decided to reverse course and give credibility and stature to those despots. Why now?

Because it's time to play like adults and stop acting like children.

Maybe it's time to think like adults and stop posting like children.
It has been U.S. policy for decades to not legitimize the Castro regime by giving Cuba diplomatic recognition (until the Castros were dead). Now, within a few years of that eventuality, Obama has unilaterally decided to reverse course and give credibility and stature to those despots. Why now?

Because it's time to play like adults and stop acting like children.

Maybe it's time to think like adults and stop posting like children.

You're right let's leave Cuba, 100 miles away from the U.S., to Iran and Russia. Because they're mean and I don't want to play with them anymore! :crybaby:
It has been U.S. policy for decades to not legitimize the Castro regime by giving Cuba diplomatic recognition (until the Castros were dead). Now, within a few years of that eventuality, Obama has unilaterally decided to reverse course and give credibility and stature to those despots. Why now?

The far left desires to embrace one radical at a time until they are considered 'normal.' Once people get used to having dictators, they can pave the way for the transformation of America. You know that socialism, which leads to communism, must be introduced bit by bit. People reject it and the far left would never get away with declaring America a communist country. Introducing policies (pretending they are for the greater good) and "normalizing" relationships with radical leaders slowly gets people used to showing respect for dictators.

Of course, nothing will change with Cuba. We are the only ones doing the changing. With leaders like Obama, we are merely telling the evil regimes across the globe that we will accept them the way they are.

The worst violators of human right's get apologies while Americans are bashed on a daily basis.
It has been U.S. policy for decades to not legitimize the Castro regime by giving Cuba diplomatic recognition (until the Castros were dead). Now, within a few years of that eventuality, Obama has unilaterally decided to reverse course and give credibility and stature to those despots. Why now?

The far left desires to embrace one radical at a time until they are considered 'normal.' Once people get used to having dictators, they can pave the way for the transformation of America. You know that socialism, which leads to communism, must be introduced bit by bit. People reject it and the far left would never get away with declaring America a communist country. Introducing policies (pretending they are for the greater good) and "normalizing" relationships with radical leaders slowly gets people used to showing respect for dictators.

Of course, nothing will change with Cuba. We are the only ones doing the changing. With leaders like Obama, we are merely telling the evil regimes across the globe that we will accept them the way they are.

You know what helps the Cuban government? The embargo and no relations to the U.S. Need proof? You have 50 years of proof.

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results"
It has been U.S. policy for decades to not legitimize the Castro regime by giving Cuba diplomatic recognition (until the Castros were dead). Now, within a few years of that eventuality, Obama has unilaterally decided to reverse course and give credibility and stature to those despots. Why now?

Because our policy hasn't worked for 50 years, and changing it now will benefit both Americans and Cubans.

The current policy helps no one- the new policy will benefit both Cubans and Americans.

You are for the current policy and against the new policy- I am for helping both Cubans and Americans.

We learned how normalizing relations with Communist countries works when Nixon did so with China. We have normal relations with Vietnam- a country we were at war with. The same thing will happen with Cuba.
Because the cold war is over. It's been over so long that anyone under forty does not even have first-hand memories of it. Think about that for a moment and then try to justify still holding on this last remnant of it for old-times-sake.
It has been U.S. policy for decades to not legitimize the Castro regime by giving Cuba diplomatic recognition (until the Castros were dead). Now, within a few years of that eventuality, Obama has unilaterally decided to reverse course and give credibility and stature to those despots. Why now?

Now, because it's been a stupid policy for decades.
The OP asks why now ? Obama has had years to make this change. Why did he wait for this moment ?
The answer is obvious, there is no longer any electoral damage to be done by it. This world will be much better off when the last 20th century nostalgist is finally dead of old age. The twentieth century was a fucking slaughterhouse for a lot of people and there is little worth saving to burden future generations with.
Seems to me that we should be having diplomatic relations with Cuba, but not Britain. After all, Britain invaded our country and burned down most of Washington DC, including the White House.
It has been U.S. policy for decades to not legitimize the Castro regime by giving Cuba diplomatic recognition (until the Castros were dead). Now, within a few years of that eventuality, Obama has unilaterally decided to reverse course and give credibility and stature to those despots. Why now?

Now, because it's been a stupid policy for decades.
So he had no problem with stupid for 6 years ?
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It has been U.S. policy for decades to not legitimize the Castro regime by giving Cuba diplomatic recognition (until the Castros were dead). Now, within a few years of that eventuality, Obama has unilaterally decided to reverse course and give credibility and stature to those despots. Why now?
Obama needs someplace to build his presidential library I guess.
Because Castro once said that he would not die until he saw relations the United States normalized, :)
The OP asks why now ? Obama has had years to make this change. Why did he wait for this moment ?
He will never be held accountable nor pay a price for his foolishness.

There is some part of me though that will enjoy seeing obama's ass handed to him by a couple of octaginarians. Too bad the Cubans will pay for it.

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