Why Religion Must Be Banished....

My point is it takes the irrationality of religious fervor to think that.

I'm not the only one that understands that it doesn't matter if you call it worship, that's exactly what you're doing.


I hope you don't mind if I add to your reading list for the uninformed.

As one eventually becomes weary of having the dull, the uneducated, the ignorant, offer what they consider rebuff to intelligent and informed posts, and in the interests of better debate milieu.....I strongly suggest that no Leftists.....e.g., Democrat, Liberal, Socialist, Communist, Nazi, Progressive, or Fascist.....

....nor any combination or permutation of same, embarrass themselves by offering any post until such time that they complete a study of these three works:

1. "Slouching Towards Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism and American Decline,"
by Robert H. Bork

2. "Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Change,"
by Jonah Goldberg

3. "American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation's Character,"
by Diana West

They provide the context for the world in which we live.

And, please, Leftists..... do study the vast and scholarly documentation provided in each tome.

Without having digested the three above, and carefully decided whether they are correct or not, your posts reek of stupidity and a lack of understanding.

I mean that in only the kindest way.

I fully understand the difficulties that this course (pun intended) of action entails....

...as elucidated by the great mind herself...

"Liberals don’t read books- they don’t read anything. That’s why they’re liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges."



Having completed the above assignment, you will find that your experience.....and mine....here on the board will be greatly enhanced.

Begin immediately!!!


4. Extra Credit:

Well that's unfortunate for you... You see... Here on a public message board; no other poster is obligated to concede to your demands, or desires prior to voicing their own opinion.

My mission is education.
As you have found, everything I post is totally accurate and correct.

But....I am a conservative, not a Liberal.....so I have no desire to force you to become educated.
You are free to remain a dunce.
No. Not everything you have posted is factual. Your argument falls apart under scrutiny through your selective omission of facts. Half truths, and obfuscations serve the same purpose as outright lies.
lol shes a waste of time to try and have a reasonable discussion with man. her threads are only good for satire. if she had the first eff of a clue how to reason, and employ logic, she'd have permanent redface.

why is the "embarrassed" emoji pink here :dunno:

So she is an Asian Steve McGarrett?
I have to disagree with the op.

Regressives only want to eliminate Christianity and Judaism. They are neutral to slightly positive about Buddhism and support Islam quite actively.

Neither Buddhism nor Islam fall into the category of 'religion' in the sense of Judeo-Christian formulations.

Islam, for example, is a political movement.

Toqueville explained it thus:
Although Christianity in its many varieties was the religion of the original colonies, Christianity does not preach operational dominance over the body politic in America. Tocqueville compared this aspect to Islam: “Mohammed professed to derive from Heaven, and has inserted in the Koran, not only religious doctrines, but political maxims, civil and criminal laws, and theories of science.

The Gospel, on the contrary, speaks only of the general relations of men to God and to each other, beyond which it inculcates and imposes no point of faith. This alone, besides a thousand other reasons, would suffice to prove that the former of these religions will never long predominate in a cultivated and democratic age, while the latter is destined to retain its sway at these as at all other periods.”
Tocqueville, “Democracy in America,” vol.2, p. 23.
I hope you don't mind if I add to your reading list for the uninformed.

As one eventually becomes weary of having the dull, the uneducated, the ignorant, offer what they consider rebuff to intelligent and informed posts, and in the interests of better debate milieu.....I strongly suggest that no Leftists.....e.g., Democrat, Liberal, Socialist, Communist, Nazi, Progressive, or Fascist.....

....nor any combination or permutation of same, embarrass themselves by offering any post until such time that they complete a study of these three works:

1. "Slouching Towards Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism and American Decline,"
by Robert H. Bork

2. "Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Change,"
by Jonah Goldberg

3. "American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation's Character,"
by Diana West

They provide the context for the world in which we live.

And, please, Leftists..... do study the vast and scholarly documentation provided in each tome.

Without having digested the three above, and carefully decided whether they are correct or not, your posts reek of stupidity and a lack of understanding.

I mean that in only the kindest way.

I fully understand the difficulties that this course (pun intended) of action entails....

...as elucidated by the great mind herself...

"Liberals don’t read books- they don’t read anything. That’s why they’re liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges."



Having completed the above assignment, you will find that your experience.....and mine....here on the board will be greatly enhanced.

Begin immediately!!!


4. Extra Credit:

Well that's unfortunate for you... You see... Here on a public message board; no other poster is obligated to concede to your demands, or desires prior to voicing their own opinion.

My mission is education.
As you have found, everything I post is totally accurate and correct.

But....I am a conservative, not a Liberal.....so I have no desire to force you to become educated.
You are free to remain a dunce.
No. Not everything you have posted is factual. Your argument falls apart under scrutiny through your selective omission of facts. Half truths, and obfuscations serve the same purpose as outright lies.
lol shes a waste of time to try and have a reasonable discussion with man. her threads are only good for satire. if she had the first eff of a clue how to reason, and employ logic, she'd have permanent redface.

why is the "embarrassed" emoji pink here :dunno:

So she is an Asian Steve McGarrett?
Shes impervious like he is. Being Asian is the irrelevant part.
The scary thing is you think that there are people who actually "Worship" big government.

Nobody actually does that.

Some people think Government is better at some things than the private sector. That's all.

My point is it takes the irrationality of religious fervor to think that.

I'm not the only one that understands that it doesn't matter if you call it worship, that's exactly what you're doing.


I hope you don't mind if I add to your reading list for the uninformed.

As one eventually becomes weary of having the dull, the uneducated, the ignorant, offer what they consider rebuff to intelligent and informed posts, and in the interests of better debate milieu.....I strongly suggest that no Leftists.....e.g., Democrat, Liberal, Socialist, Communist, Nazi, Progressive, or Fascist.....

....nor any combination or permutation of same, embarrass themselves by offering any post until such time that they complete a study of these three works:

1. "Slouching Towards Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism and American Decline,"
by Robert H. Bork

2. "Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Change,"
by Jonah Goldberg

3. "American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation's Character,"
by Diana West

They provide the context for the world in which we live.

And, please, Leftists..... do study the vast and scholarly documentation provided in each tome.

Without having digested the three above, and carefully decided whether they are correct or not, your posts reek of stupidity and a lack of understanding.

I mean that in only the kindest way.

I fully understand the difficulties that this course (pun intended) of action entails....

...as elucidated by the great mind herself...

"Liberals don’t read books- they don’t read anything. That’s why they’re liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges."



Having completed the above assignment, you will find that your experience.....and mine....here on the board will be greatly enhanced.

Begin immediately!!!


4. Extra Credit:

Well that's unfortunate for you... You see... Here on a public message board; no other poster is obligated to concede to your demands, or desires prior to voicing their own opinion.

My mission is education.
As you have found, everything I post is totally accurate and correct.

But....I am a conservative, not a Liberal.....so I have no desire to force you to become educated.
You are free to remain a dunce.
No. Not everything you have posted is factual. Your argument falls apart under scrutiny through your selective omission of facts. Half truths, and obfuscations serve the same purpose as outright lies.

I've already given you permission to remain ignorant.

What more is there to say?
I have to disagree with the op.

Regressives only want to eliminate Christianity and Judaism. They are neutral to slightly positive about Buddhism and support Islam quite actively.

Neither Buddhism nor Islam fall into the category of 'religion' in the sense of Judeo-Christian formulations.

Islam, for example, is a political movement.

Toqueville explained it thus:
Although Christianity in its many varieties was the religion of the original colonies, Christianity does not preach operational dominance over the body politic in America. Tocqueville compared this aspect to Islam: “Mohammed professed to derive from Heaven, and has inserted in the Koran, not only religious doctrines, but political maxims, civil and criminal laws, and theories of science.

The Gospel, on the contrary, speaks only of the general relations of men to God and to each other, beyond which it inculcates and imposes no point of faith. This alone, besides a thousand other reasons, would suffice to prove that the former of these religions will never long predominate in a cultivated and democratic age, while the latter is destined to retain its sway at these as at all other periods.”
Tocqueville, “Democracy in America,” vol.2, p. 23.
It seems the rest of us are at a disadvantage. For only you seem to be entitled to your own facts. The rest of us are stuck here spiraling down this mortal coil of reality...
'Sin has many tools, but a lie is the handle which fits them all.' Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

Remember when the 32nd President swore to defend the Constitution?

7. FDR worked tirelessly to make certain that Communism survived the world war.

Roosevelt: "I would rather lose New Zealand, Australia or anything else than have the Russian front collapse."
Robert Dallek, "Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy, 1932-1945," p. 338.

'Russia Uber Alles'

What nation did Roosevelt represent, again?

8. And who was it that ended decades of nuclear non-proliferation, and awarded weapons of mass incineration to the world's most prolific state sponsor of terrorism?

Why....none other than Democrat/Liberal war criminal, Hussein Obama......Lucifer's acolyte.

I have to disagree with the op.

Regressives only want to eliminate Christianity and Judaism. They are neutral to slightly positive about Buddhism and support Islam quite actively.

Neither Buddhism nor Islam fall into the category of 'religion' in the sense of Judeo-Christian formulations.

Islam, for example, is a political movement.

Toqueville explained it thus:
Although Christianity in its many varieties was the religion of the original colonies, Christianity does not preach operational dominance over the body politic in America. Tocqueville compared this aspect to Islam: “Mohammed professed to derive from Heaven, and has inserted in the Koran, not only religious doctrines, but political maxims, civil and criminal laws, and theories of science.

The Gospel, on the contrary, speaks only of the general relations of men to God and to each other, beyond which it inculcates and imposes no point of faith. This alone, besides a thousand other reasons, would suffice to prove that the former of these religions will never long predominate in a cultivated and democratic age, while the latter is destined to retain its sway at these as at all other periods.”
Tocqueville, “Democracy in America,” vol.2, p. 23.
If Christianity is not a political movement then all through history we have seen the politics of the church intertwined with regimes and kingdoms to the benefit of the church establishment in govt. They made the mistake of aligning themselves with the worst of despotic leaders, which makes your statement an opinion not a fact, and also is a the reasons why revolutions punished the church because of their abuses......
I have to disagree with the op.

Regressives only want to eliminate Christianity and Judaism. They are neutral to slightly positive about Buddhism and support Islam quite actively.

Neither Buddhism nor Islam fall into the category of 'religion' in the sense of Judeo-Christian formulations.

Islam, for example, is a political movement.

Toqueville explained it thus:
Although Christianity in its many varieties was the religion of the original colonies, Christianity does not preach operational dominance over the body politic in America. Tocqueville compared this aspect to Islam: “Mohammed professed to derive from Heaven, and has inserted in the Koran, not only religious doctrines, but political maxims, civil and criminal laws, and theories of science.

The Gospel, on the contrary, speaks only of the general relations of men to God and to each other, beyond which it inculcates and imposes no point of faith. This alone, besides a thousand other reasons, would suffice to prove that the former of these religions will never long predominate in a cultivated and democratic age, while the latter is destined to retain its sway at these as at all other periods.”
Tocqueville, “Democracy in America,” vol.2, p. 23.
Toqueville is wrong. The constitution is what prevents Christianity from being the operational dominant figure in American politics. Not Christianity itself.
'Sin has many tools, but a lie is the handle which fits them all.' Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

Remember when the 32nd President swore to defend the Constitution?

7. FDR worked tirelessly to make certain that Communism survived the world war.

Roosevelt: "I would rather lose New Zealand, Australia or anything else than have the Russian front collapse."
Robert Dallek, "Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy, 1932-1945," p. 338.

'Russia Uber Alles'

What nation did Roosevelt represent, again?

8. And who was it that ended decades of nuclear non-proliferation, and awarded weapons of mass incineration to the world's most prolific state sponsor of terrorism?

Why....none other than Democrat/Liberal war criminal, Hussein Obama......Lucifer's acolyte.

Yet those so-called nuclear powers you claim exist have no nuclear weapons...
I have to disagree with the op.

Regressives only want to eliminate Christianity and Judaism. They are neutral to slightly positive about Buddhism and support Islam quite actively.

Neither Buddhism nor Islam fall into the category of 'religion' in the sense of Judeo-Christian formulations.

Islam, for example, is a political movement.

Toqueville explained it thus:
Although Christianity in its many varieties was the religion of the original colonies, Christianity does not preach operational dominance over the body politic in America. Tocqueville compared this aspect to Islam: “Mohammed professed to derive from Heaven, and has inserted in the Koran, not only religious doctrines, but political maxims, civil and criminal laws, and theories of science.

The Gospel, on the contrary, speaks only of the general relations of men to God and to each other, beyond which it inculcates and imposes no point of faith. This alone, besides a thousand other reasons, would suffice to prove that the former of these religions will never long predominate in a cultivated and democratic age, while the latter is destined to retain its sway at these as at all other periods.”
Tocqueville, “Democracy in America,” vol.2, p. 23.
Toqueville is wrong. The constitution is what prevents Christianity from being the operational dominant figure in American politics. Not Christianity itself.
True it is written into the Constitution in the 1st amendment, which means it was the top priority on their minds and agenda...No state sponsored religion or churches because of past abuses by the clergy and the church establishments..
'Sin has many tools, but a lie is the handle which fits them all.' Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

Remember when the 32nd President swore to defend the Constitution?

7. FDR worked tirelessly to make certain that Communism survived the world war.

Roosevelt: "I would rather lose New Zealand, Australia or anything else than have the Russian front collapse."
Robert Dallek, "Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy, 1932-1945," p. 338.

'Russia Uber Alles'

What nation did Roosevelt represent, again?

8. And who was it that ended decades of nuclear non-proliferation, and awarded weapons of mass incineration to the world's most prolific state sponsor of terrorism?

Why....none other than Democrat/Liberal war criminal, Hussein Obama......Lucifer's acolyte.

Why not? The USSR was taking the brunt of the Nazi aggression....The USSR and Great Britain were allied before the US was in the war....Anyone that wanted to fight Nazies was part of the coalition...Duh...
Polislick is a just another tired old propagandist for the Heritage Foundation, regressive christians with a political agenda to rewrite history and misrepresent religion in society...Nothing new...
My point is it takes the irrationality of religious fervor to think that.

I'm not the only one that understands that it doesn't matter if you call it worship, that's exactly what you're doing.


I hope you don't mind if I add to your reading list for the uninformed.

As one eventually becomes weary of having the dull, the uneducated, the ignorant, offer what they consider rebuff to intelligent and informed posts, and in the interests of better debate milieu.....I strongly suggest that no Leftists.....e.g., Democrat, Liberal, Socialist, Communist, Nazi, Progressive, or Fascist.....

....nor any combination or permutation of same, embarrass themselves by offering any post until such time that they complete a study of these three works:

1. "Slouching Towards Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism and American Decline,"
by Robert H. Bork

2. "Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Change,"
by Jonah Goldberg

3. "American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation's Character,"
by Diana West

They provide the context for the world in which we live.

And, please, Leftists..... do study the vast and scholarly documentation provided in each tome.

Without having digested the three above, and carefully decided whether they are correct or not, your posts reek of stupidity and a lack of understanding.

I mean that in only the kindest way.

I fully understand the difficulties that this course (pun intended) of action entails....

...as elucidated by the great mind herself...

"Liberals don’t read books- they don’t read anything. That’s why they’re liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges."



Having completed the above assignment, you will find that your experience.....and mine....here on the board will be greatly enhanced.

Begin immediately!!!


4. Extra Credit:

Well that's unfortunate for you... You see... Here on a public message board; no other poster is obligated to concede to your demands, or desires prior to voicing their own opinion.

My mission is education.
As you have found, everything I post is totally accurate and correct.

But....I am a conservative, not a Liberal.....so I have no desire to force you to become educated.
You are free to remain a dunce.
No. Not everything you have posted is factual. Your argument falls apart under scrutiny through your selective omission of facts. Half truths, and obfuscations serve the same purpose as outright lies.

I've already given you permission to remain ignorant.

What more is there to say?
No one has need of you to permit anything. And there's plenty more that can be said. Start with this... Which form of governance outside the "Marxist" varieties you have listed; were not guilty of the same grievances you decry the others for? Don't worry... We'll wait...
I have to disagree with the op.

Regressives only want to eliminate Christianity and Judaism. They are neutral to slightly positive about Buddhism and support Islam quite actively.

Neither Buddhism nor Islam fall into the category of 'religion' in the sense of Judeo-Christian formulations.

Islam, for example, is a political movement.

Toqueville explained it thus:
Although Christianity in its many varieties was the religion of the original colonies, Christianity does not preach operational dominance over the body politic in America. Tocqueville compared this aspect to Islam: “Mohammed professed to derive from Heaven, and has inserted in the Koran, not only religious doctrines, but political maxims, civil and criminal laws, and theories of science.

The Gospel, on the contrary, speaks only of the general relations of men to God and to each other, beyond which it inculcates and imposes no point of faith. This alone, besides a thousand other reasons, would suffice to prove that the former of these religions will never long predominate in a cultivated and democratic age, while the latter is destined to retain its sway at these as at all other periods.”
Tocqueville, “Democracy in America,” vol.2, p. 23.
Toqueville is wrong. The constitution is what prevents Christianity from being the operational dominant figure in American politics. Not Christianity itself.

Have you read "Democracy in America"?

Do you know who de Tocqueville was?

Or...are you simply one more boilerplate government school grad?
I hope you don't mind if I add to your reading list for the uninformed.

As one eventually becomes weary of having the dull, the uneducated, the ignorant, offer what they consider rebuff to intelligent and informed posts, and in the interests of better debate milieu.....I strongly suggest that no Leftists.....e.g., Democrat, Liberal, Socialist, Communist, Nazi, Progressive, or Fascist.....

....nor any combination or permutation of same, embarrass themselves by offering any post until such time that they complete a study of these three works:

1. "Slouching Towards Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism and American Decline,"
by Robert H. Bork

2. "Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Change,"
by Jonah Goldberg

3. "American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation's Character,"
by Diana West

They provide the context for the world in which we live.

And, please, Leftists..... do study the vast and scholarly documentation provided in each tome.

Without having digested the three above, and carefully decided whether they are correct or not, your posts reek of stupidity and a lack of understanding.

I mean that in only the kindest way.

I fully understand the difficulties that this course (pun intended) of action entails....

...as elucidated by the great mind herself...

"Liberals don’t read books- they don’t read anything. That’s why they’re liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges."



Having completed the above assignment, you will find that your experience.....and mine....here on the board will be greatly enhanced.

Begin immediately!!!


4. Extra Credit:

Well that's unfortunate for you... You see... Here on a public message board; no other poster is obligated to concede to your demands, or desires prior to voicing their own opinion.

My mission is education.
As you have found, everything I post is totally accurate and correct.

But....I am a conservative, not a Liberal.....so I have no desire to force you to become educated.
You are free to remain a dunce.
No. Not everything you have posted is factual. Your argument falls apart under scrutiny through your selective omission of facts. Half truths, and obfuscations serve the same purpose as outright lies.

I've already given you permission to remain ignorant.

What more is there to say?
No one has need of you to permit anything. And there's plenty more that can be said. Start with this... Which form of governance outside the "Marxist" varieties you have listed; were not guilty of the same grievances you decry the others for? Don't worry... We'll wait...
I notice you come front loaded with mantras, and memes. Though you really seem to be struggling with answering the simplest of questions... Let's try again.

Which form of governance outside the "Marxist" varieties you have listed; were not guilty of the same grievances you decry the others for? Don't worry... We'll wait...
...from the public arena and the public's consciousness: because it is the only way Leftism can survive.

1. The Founders were all deeply religious, steeped in Judeo-Christian tradition and the Bible. This was the warning:

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other" John Adams to Massachusetts Militia, 11 October 1798

2. Compare that to the worldview of the elites, and the operators of government school:

"Just because any religious idea, any idea of any god at all, any flirtation even with a god, is the most inexpressible foulness, particularly tolerantly (and often even favourably) accepted by the democratic bourgeoisie—for that very reason it is the most dangerous foulness, the most shameful “infection.” A million physical sins, dirty tricks, acts of violence and infections are much more easily discovered by the crowd, and therefore are much less dangerous, than the nubile, spiritual idea of god, dressed up in the most attractive “ideological” costumes."
Letter from Lenin to Maxim Gorky, Written on November 13 or 14, 1913

3. Those who have accepted Liberalism, postmodernism, Progressivism, mock the idea of the Judeo-Christian God, and compare same to Santa Clause and the Tooth Fairy.
And, they must.
Because if they accept the traditional view of God....then they would be forced to accept the corollary, the view that Evil, or Satan, or Lucifer, exist as well.....and the evidence would prove that Leftism is animated by that evil.

4. Compare Ronald Reagan's response to the what he named 'the evil empire' to Obama, who embraced and supported evil early on in his political career.

And, this is no surprise, as Barack Obama's mentor was Saul Alinsky, proud of his affiliation with the personification of evil:

"Alinsky dedicated his book to none other than the fallen angel Lucifer, yes that Lucifer, whom he describes as "the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment (that would be God) and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom." Webutante: The Late Saul Alinsky, Obama's Radical Community Organizer Inspirer-in-Chief

If the true animator of Leftism was revealed....the American people would never support any of its iterations:
Liberalism, Progressivism, Nazism, Communism, Socialism or Fascism.

So....their mission is to banish God and religion.

Your mission is to banish anyone who disagrees with you, and
...from the public arena and the public's consciousness: because it is the only way Leftism can survive.

1. The Founders were all deeply religious, steeped in Judeo-Christian tradition and the Bible. This was the warning:

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other" John Adams to Massachusetts Militia, 11 October 1798

2. Compare that to the worldview of the elites, and the operators of government school:

"Just because any religious idea, any idea of any god at all, any flirtation even with a god, is the most inexpressible foulness, particularly tolerantly (and often even favourably) accepted by the democratic bourgeoisie—for that very reason it is the most dangerous foulness, the most shameful “infection.” A million physical sins, dirty tricks, acts of violence and infections are much more easily discovered by the crowd, and therefore are much less dangerous, than the nubile, spiritual idea of god, dressed up in the most attractive “ideological” costumes."
Letter from Lenin to Maxim Gorky, Written on November 13 or 14, 1913

3. Those who have accepted Liberalism, postmodernism, Progressivism, mock the idea of the Judeo-Christian God, and compare same to Santa Clause and the Tooth Fairy.
And, they must.
Because if they accept the traditional view of God....then they would be forced to accept the corollary, the view that Evil, or Satan, or Lucifer, exist as well.....and the evidence would prove that Leftism is animated by that evil.

4. Compare Ronald Reagan's response to the what he named 'the evil empire' to Obama, who embraced and supported evil early on in his political career.

And, this is no surprise, as Barack Obama's mentor was Saul Alinsky, proud of his affiliation with the personification of evil:

"Alinsky dedicated his book to none other than the fallen angel Lucifer, yes that Lucifer, whom he describes as "the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment (that would be God) and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom." Webutante: The Late Saul Alinsky, Obama's Radical Community Organizer Inspirer-in-Chief

If the true animator of Leftism was revealed....the American people would never support any of its iterations:
Liberalism, Progressivism, Nazism, Communism, Socialism or Fascism.

So....their mission is to banish God and religion.

Your mission is to banish everyone who disagrees with you, or challenges your arguments from authority, an argument that is advanced because of those advancing it.

The history of human kind is consistent in one fact: the frequency of human error, thus using an authority from the distant past should never be taken as a certainty. And everything you post needs to be seen through the lens of your biases.
I have to disagree with the op.

Regressives only want to eliminate Christianity and Judaism. They are neutral to slightly positive about Buddhism and support Islam quite actively.

Neither Buddhism nor Islam fall into the category of 'religion' in the sense of Judeo-Christian formulations.

Islam, for example, is a political movement.

Toqueville explained it thus:
Although Christianity in its many varieties was the religion of the original colonies, Christianity does not preach operational dominance over the body politic in America. Tocqueville compared this aspect to Islam: “Mohammed professed to derive from Heaven, and has inserted in the Koran, not only religious doctrines, but political maxims, civil and criminal laws, and theories of science.

The Gospel, on the contrary, speaks only of the general relations of men to God and to each other, beyond which it inculcates and imposes no point of faith. This alone, besides a thousand other reasons, would suffice to prove that the former of these religions will never long predominate in a cultivated and democratic age, while the latter is destined to retain its sway at these as at all other periods.”
Tocqueville, “Democracy in America,” vol.2, p. 23.
Toqueville is wrong. The constitution is what prevents Christianity from being the operational dominant figure in American politics. Not Christianity itself.

Have you read "Democracy in America"?

Do you know who de Tocqueville was?

Or...are you simply one more boilerplate government school grad?

"No novelty in the United States struck me more vividly during my stay there than the equality of conditions"
Democracy in America,
Anchor Books edition, 1969

Would you like the first sentence from the author's to Vol. 2?

Considering the authors intro in Vol 1, in respect to the BLM protest movement, one must question the authority of Alexis in this topic sentence. .PC uses the past with the reverence of a true believer, but what was considered true in past times, is not necessarily so today.
Last edited:
...from the public arena and the public's consciousness: because it is the only way Leftism can survive.

1. The Founders were all deeply religious, steeped in Judeo-Christian tradition and the Bible. This was the warning:

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other" John Adams to Massachusetts Militia, 11 October 1798

2. Compare that to the worldview of the elites, and the operators of government school:

"Just because any religious idea, any idea of any god at all, any flirtation even with a god, is the most inexpressible foulness, particularly tolerantly (and often even favourably) accepted by the democratic bourgeoisie—for that very reason it is the most dangerous foulness, the most shameful “infection.” A million physical sins, dirty tricks, acts of violence and infections are much more easily discovered by the crowd, and therefore are much less dangerous, than the nubile, spiritual idea of god, dressed up in the most attractive “ideological” costumes."
Letter from Lenin to Maxim Gorky, Written on November 13 or 14, 1913

3. Those who have accepted Liberalism, postmodernism, Progressivism, mock the idea of the Judeo-Christian God, and compare same to Santa Clause and the Tooth Fairy.
And, they must.
Because if they accept the traditional view of God....then they would be forced to accept the corollary, the view that Evil, or Satan, or Lucifer, exist as well.....and the evidence would prove that Leftism is animated by that evil.

4. Compare Ronald Reagan's response to the what he named 'the evil empire' to Obama, who embraced and supported evil early on in his political career.

And, this is no surprise, as Barack Obama's mentor was Saul Alinsky, proud of his affiliation with the personification of evil:

"Alinsky dedicated his book to none other than the fallen angel Lucifer, yes that Lucifer, whom he describes as "the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment (that would be God) and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom." Webutante: The Late Saul Alinsky, Obama's Radical Community Organizer Inspirer-in-Chief

If the true animator of Leftism was revealed....the American people would never support any of its iterations:
Liberalism, Progressivism, Nazism, Communism, Socialism or Fascism.

So....their mission is to banish God and religion.

Your mission is to banish anyone who disagrees with you, and
...from the public arena and the public's consciousness: because it is the only way Leftism can survive.

1. The Founders were all deeply religious, steeped in Judeo-Christian tradition and the Bible. This was the warning:

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other" John Adams to Massachusetts Militia, 11 October 1798

2. Compare that to the worldview of the elites, and the operators of government school:

"Just because any religious idea, any idea of any god at all, any flirtation even with a god, is the most inexpressible foulness, particularly tolerantly (and often even favourably) accepted by the democratic bourgeoisie—for that very reason it is the most dangerous foulness, the most shameful “infection.” A million physical sins, dirty tricks, acts of violence and infections are much more easily discovered by the crowd, and therefore are much less dangerous, than the nubile, spiritual idea of god, dressed up in the most attractive “ideological” costumes."
Letter from Lenin to Maxim Gorky, Written on November 13 or 14, 1913

3. Those who have accepted Liberalism, postmodernism, Progressivism, mock the idea of the Judeo-Christian God, and compare same to Santa Clause and the Tooth Fairy.
And, they must.
Because if they accept the traditional view of God....then they would be forced to accept the corollary, the view that Evil, or Satan, or Lucifer, exist as well.....and the evidence would prove that Leftism is animated by that evil.

4. Compare Ronald Reagan's response to the what he named 'the evil empire' to Obama, who embraced and supported evil early on in his political career.

And, this is no surprise, as Barack Obama's mentor was Saul Alinsky, proud of his affiliation with the personification of evil:

"Alinsky dedicated his book to none other than the fallen angel Lucifer, yes that Lucifer, whom he describes as "the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment (that would be God) and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom." Webutante: The Late Saul Alinsky, Obama's Radical Community Organizer Inspirer-in-Chief

If the true animator of Leftism was revealed....the American people would never support any of its iterations:
Liberalism, Progressivism, Nazism, Communism, Socialism or Fascism.

So....their mission is to banish God and religion.

Your mission is to banish everyone who disagrees with you, or challenges your arguments from authority, an argument that is advanced because of those advancing it.

The history of human kind is consistent in one fact: the frequency of human error, thus using an authority from the distant past should never be taken as a certainty. And everything you post needs to be seen through the lens of your biases.

"Your mission is to banish anyone who disagrees with you,..."

Now, why would any try to disagree with me, when I am always.......always.....100% correct and accurate?

You're far to stupid to recognize that, by failing to produce any errors in my thesis....
...you've served as proof of same.

Consider yourself banished.
I have to disagree with the op.

Regressives only want to eliminate Christianity and Judaism. They are neutral to slightly positive about Buddhism and support Islam quite actively.

Neither Buddhism nor Islam fall into the category of 'religion' in the sense of Judeo-Christian formulations.

Islam, for example, is a political movement.

Toqueville explained it thus:
Although Christianity in its many varieties was the religion of the original colonies, Christianity does not preach operational dominance over the body politic in America. Tocqueville compared this aspect to Islam: “Mohammed professed to derive from Heaven, and has inserted in the Koran, not only religious doctrines, but political maxims, civil and criminal laws, and theories of science.

The Gospel, on the contrary, speaks only of the general relations of men to God and to each other, beyond which it inculcates and imposes no point of faith. This alone, besides a thousand other reasons, would suffice to prove that the former of these religions will never long predominate in a cultivated and democratic age, while the latter is destined to retain its sway at these as at all other periods.”
Tocqueville, “Democracy in America,” vol.2, p. 23.
Toqueville is wrong. The constitution is what prevents Christianity from being the operational dominant figure in American politics. Not Christianity itself.

Have you read "Democracy in America"?

Do you know who de Tocqueville was?

Or...are you simply one more boilerplate government school grad?

"No novelty in the United States struck me more vividly during my stay there than the equality of conditions"
Democracy in America,
Anchor Books edition, 1969

Would you like the first sentence from the authors to Vol. 2?

Considering the authors intro in Vol 1, in respect to the BLM protest movement, one must question the authority of Alexis in this topic sentence. .PC uses the past with the reverence of a true believer, but what was considered true in past times, is not necessarily so today.

"PC uses the past with the reverence of a true believer, but what was considered true in past times, is not necessarily so today."

And once again we have recapitulated our traditional 'Punch and Judy' play.....

And now for your next 'punch'....and lesson:

1) Conservatives believe that custom and tradition result in individuals living in peace. Law is custom and precedent. Liberals are destroyers of custom and convention. To a conservative, change should be gradual, as the new society is often inferior to the old. We build on the ideas and experience of our ancestors. The species is wiser than the individual (Burke).

2) Liberals are impulsive, and imprudent. They believe in quick changes, and risk new abuses worse than the ‘evils’ that they would sweep away, since remedies are usually not simple. Plato said that prudence is the mark of the statesman. There should be a balance between permanence and change, while liberals see ‘progress’ as some mythical direction for society.

Learning isn't your 'thing'?
Well, then.....just be satisfied that you're the Michael Jordan of Chutes and Ladders.
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I have to disagree with the op.

Regressives only want to eliminate Christianity and Judaism. They are neutral to slightly positive about Buddhism and support Islam quite actively.

Neither Buddhism nor Islam fall into the category of 'religion' in the sense of Judeo-Christian formulations.

Islam, for example, is a political movement.

Toqueville explained it thus:
Although Christianity in its many varieties was the religion of the original colonies, Christianity does not preach operational dominance over the body politic in America. Tocqueville compared this aspect to Islam: “Mohammed professed to derive from Heaven, and has inserted in the Koran, not only religious doctrines, but political maxims, civil and criminal laws, and theories of science.

The Gospel, on the contrary, speaks only of the general relations of men to God and to each other, beyond which it inculcates and imposes no point of faith. This alone, besides a thousand other reasons, would suffice to prove that the former of these religions will never long predominate in a cultivated and democratic age, while the latter is destined to retain its sway at these as at all other periods.”
Tocqueville, “Democracy in America,” vol.2, p. 23.
Tocqueville is wrong. The constitution is what prevents Christianity from being the operational dominant figure in American politics. Not Christianity itself.

Have you read "Democracy in America"?

Do you know who de Tocqueville was?

Or...are you simply one more boilerplate government school grad?
I am well aware of what the French statesman said about early America, it was a cynics digest..Considering that the US was not a democracy should lend a hand in figuring out that the aristocrat was a little short in his presumptions...

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