Why Republicans want Obama to release the evidence Russia hacked.



They know if they released the information, it would allow Russia to understand how they were discovered. In other words, it would help the Russians in the future figure out how to hack without getting caught.

Republicans know this.

Trump knows this.

They hate this country that much and love Mother Russia even more.

Looks like the Russians may have been grooming Trump since the 70's to become the Manchurian Candidate.


Vladimir Putin Has a Plan for Destroying the West—and It Looks a Lot Like Donald Trump
One of the important facts about Trump is his lack of creditworthiness. After his 2004 bankruptcy and his long streak of lawsuits, the big banks decided he wasn’t worth the effort. They’d rather not touch the self-proclaimed “king of debt.” This sent him chasing less conventional sources of cash. BuzzFeed has shown, for instance, his efforts to woo Muammar Qaddafi as an investor. Libyan money never did materialize. It was Russian capital that fueled many of his signature projects—that helped him preserve his image as a great builder as he recovered from bankruptcy.

. If Putin wanted to concoct the ideal candidate to serve his purposes, his laboratory creation would look like Donald Trump. The Republican nominee wants to shatter our military alliances in Europe; he cheers the destruction of the European Union; he favors ratcheting down tensions with Russia over Ukraine and Syria, both as a matter of foreign policy and in service of his own pecuniary interests. A Trump presidency would weaken Putin’s greatest geo-strategic competitor. By stoking racial hatred, Trump will shred the fabric of American society. He advertises his willingness to dismantle constitutional limits on executive power. In his desire to renegotiate debt payments, he would ruin the full faith and credit of the United States. One pro-Kremlin blogger summed up his government’s interest in this election with clarifying bluntness: “Trump will smash America as we know it, we’ve got nothing to lose.”


In 2000, it was "The SC handed the presidency to Bush".
In 2016, it'll be "Russia handed the presidency to Trump".
It'll NEVER be "The Republican candidate WON the election". Libs spend their lives in denial.
In 2000, it was "The SC handed the presidency to Bush".
In 2016, it'll be "Russia handed the presidency to Trump".
It'll NEVER be "The Republican candidate WON the election". Libs spend their lives in denial.
You just spelled it out. Bush was handed the presidency and Trump got elected with Russia's help. That's the truth.
We don't know Trump will make it four years. He's awfully dirty. His traitorous connections with Russia are bad enough. But many of his business connections are unconstitutional.
Just awesome.

Trump is going to get a phone call, and the voice on the other end is going to say, "The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep." and Trump will launch the nukes. :alcoholic:
Trump's Chumps don't care how Trump won. They don't care if Trump is Putins' Puppet. They don't care if America and the west are sold out to the Ruskies. They only care about beating the Dems, because the Dems are the big threat and they wish that Putin could become our leader.

Well if Putin plays his cards and Trump right they may get their wish.
In 2000, it was "The SC handed the presidency to Bush".
In 2016, it'll be "Russia handed the presidency to Trump".
It'll NEVER be "The Republican candidate WON the election". Libs spend their lives in denial.
You just spelled it out. Bush was handed the presidency and Trump got elected with Russia's help. That's the truth.
We don't know Trump will make it four years. He's awfully dirty. His traitorous connections with Russia are bad enough. But many of his business connections are unconstitutional.
Yeah, I spelled it out. You spend your lives in denial.
They know if they released the information, it would allow Russia to understand how they were discovered. In other words, it would help the Russians in the future figure out how to hack without getting caught.

Republicans know this.

Trump knows this.

They hate this country that much and love Mother Russia even more.

Looks like the Russians may have been grooming Trump since the 70's to become the Manchurian Candidate.


Vladimir Putin Has a Plan for Destroying the West—and It Looks a Lot Like Donald Trump
One of the important facts about Trump is his lack of creditworthiness. After his 2004 bankruptcy and his long streak of lawsuits, the big banks decided he wasn’t worth the effort. They’d rather not touch the self-proclaimed “king of debt.” This sent him chasing less conventional sources of cash. BuzzFeed has shown, for instance, his efforts to woo Muammar Qaddafi as an investor. Libyan money never did materialize. It was Russian capital that fueled many of his signature projects—that helped him preserve his image as a great builder as he recovered from bankruptcy.

. If Putin wanted to concoct the ideal candidate to serve his purposes, his laboratory creation would look like Donald Trump. The Republican nominee wants to shatter our military alliances in Europe; he cheers the destruction of the European Union; he favors ratcheting down tensions with Russia over Ukraine and Syria, both as a matter of foreign policy and in service of his own pecuniary interests. A Trump presidency would weaken Putin’s greatest geo-strategic competitor. By stoking racial hatred, Trump will shred the fabric of American society. He advertises his willingness to dismantle constitutional limits on executive power. In his desire to renegotiate debt payments, he would ruin the full faith and credit of the United States. One pro-Kremlin blogger summed up his government’s interest in this election with clarifying bluntness: “Trump will smash America as we know it, we’ve got nothing to lose.”



Man, you are so ignorant.

Those hackers aren't the Russians, it is the Obama administration and our own DHS.

Stooge. Pay attention

A subtle takedown of Donald Trump by Homeland Security’s Jeh Johnson
A subtle takedown of Donald Trump by Homeland Security's Jeh Johnson

This is just one state. There are reports coming in from many many states now. . .

Georgia Secretary of State Seeks Trump’s Help in Alleged DHS Hack
After an attack in November, the Secretary of State's office was able to trace the breach to the Department of Homeland Security, which has denied it tried to break through the state’s computer firewall.
Georgia Secretary of State Seeks Trump’s Help in Alleged DHS Hack
They know if they released the information, it would allow Russia to understand how they were discovered. In other words, it would help the Russians in the future figure out how to hack without getting caught.....

We have secret evidence that shows the Russians hacked the selections... we would love to show you that evidence.... but if we do that the Russians would know how we got our secret evidence and it wouldn't be a secret anymore.... so just believe us.... have we ever lied to you before?.... well, we did but this time we're telling the truth.... really....


The real reason Conservatives want Barry to prove what he claims?

'I will have the smoothest transition ever.'

'I will have the most transparent administration ever.'

'This $500 million (that ended up in the U.N.'s hands) is for 'Zika' here at home.'

'The ACA won't cost a dime.'

'The ACA will pay for itself.'

'If you like your plan you can keep your plan.'

'The attack in Benghazi was a protest over a video that turned violent.'

The Ft. Hood incident was a 'case of work-place violence, NOT terrorism.'
The stench emanating from the left wing rags these days is eerily reminiscent of the stench that emanated from the right wing rags during the Obama administration. The rubes gobble this crap up like it was candy, irrespective of political orientation. It just feeels right, isn't that right rdean ?
They know if they released the information, it would allow Russia to understand how they were discovered. In other words, it would help the Russians in the future figure out how to hack without getting caught.

Republicans know this.

Trump knows this.

They hate this country that much and love Mother Russia even more.

Looks like the Russians may have been grooming Trump since the 70's to become the Manchurian Candidate.

What was it like for you around 10pm election night?....that's a serious question...I am seriously trying to understand it...when you first realized there would be no coronation what was your stomach like? did you cry? was it too much to handle? did you take sick time? lots of folks on the left really did [some still do] need to be hugged and coddled and told everything will be ok...Do you know Hillary cried had a hissy fit and blamed Bill, and her campaign, and advisers, and misogyny, and Comey, Putin, FOX, racists, hunters, white men, white misogynist women, the south, Russia, the midwest, the rust belt, Christianity, flag wavers, third party voters, Bernie Sanders, Wiki-pedia, the CIA, the FBI, NRA, xenophobia, etc.etc. and she seems fine with it all now...try that and see how it works.

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